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Notes and Queries, Number 60, December 21, 1850
"We unhesitatingly characterize this journal as the most remarkable production of its kind which has ever been given to the world. Pepys paints the Court, the Monarchs, and the times, in more vivid colours than any one else. His 'Diary' makes us comprehend the great historical events of the age, and the people who bore a part in them, and gives us more clear glimpses into the true English life of the times than all the other memorials of them that have come down to our own."—Edinburgh Review.
"The best book of its kind in the English language. 'Pepys' Diary' is the ablest picture of the age in which the writer lived, and a work of standard importance in English literature."—Athenæum.
Also now ready, in 2 vols. 8vo., uniform with "The Curiosities of Literature." 28s. bound.
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The appearance of this New Edition at the present moment will doubtless be considered remarkably opportune, for the subjects of which the work treats not only attract, but absorb the mind of the nation.
"By far the most important work upon the important age of Charles I. that modern times have produced."—Quarterly Review.
Henry Colburn, Publisher, 13. Great Marlborough Street.
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CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW-YEAR GIFTS. A Series of Sixteen Interesting Designs, illustrating TEARS, by Miss Jessie Macleod, with Descriptive Poems.
There is a fountain in the human heartWhence every feeling of our nature flows;Ofttimes the waters fall as years depart,Yet leave the source where once their brightness rose;Thus all our joys and sorrows, hopes and fears,O'erflow the swelling breast, and find relief in tears.Elegantly bound, price 1l. 11s. 6d. The Borders embellished with gold, and extra bound in morocco, 2l. 2s.
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TO FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS.—Four Pounds are offered for a copy of an old German book, printed at Tübingen by Erhardo Cellio in 1602, containing an account of the Travels in England of Lord Frederick, Duke of Württemburg and Teck, Count of Mümpelgart, &c. The original title is not known. Address to J.O.H., care of Mr. J. Russell Smith, 4. Old Compton Street, Soho Square, London.
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* * * The present Edition contains Two new and very accurate Views of Ryde from the Sea, a new View of Osborne, and every possible Information up to September, 1850.
PUGIN'S GLOSSARY OF ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT AND COSTUME;Setting forth the Origin, History, and Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, and Symbolical Colours peculiar to Christian Design of the Middle Ages. Eighty Plates, splendidly printed in gold and colours, royal 4to. half morocco extra, 7l. 7s.
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SHAKSPEARE LIBRARY,Consisting of Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories used by Shakspeare as the Foundation of his Dramas, by PAYNE COLLIER. 2 vols. 8vo. (published at 1l. 1s.) cloth, 10s. 6d.
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A Memorial for the Reformation in England, by R.P. (Parsons), of which I have a well transcribed copy, is another. It was published by Gee.