Полная версия
Velvet Bond
Yet Stephen had said circumstances had kept them from marrying. And hadn’t Lord Warwicke come to court to claim the child? Wasn’t that the act of a truly honorable man?
Far from discouraging her, Stephen’s remarks made her even more determined to know Raynor better. She had thought, simply by looking at him, that he was not a man to live by the rules of others. His long hair, his arrogant walk, the cool indifference in his eyes, set Lord Warwicke apart on first sight.
She smiled at her brother with not-inconsiderable charm. “I want you to invite him here to sup.”
Stephen stared at her. “I have already done so. But had I known then what I do now, I would not have. As I said, you must set your sights elsewhere, Elizabeth. Mayhap I will send a note and cancel.”
Sapphire eyes widened in horror. “You will not! When is he to come?”
Looking as if the reply were being forced from him, Stephen said, “On the morrow.”
“On the morrow!” Elizabeth rose in flurry of velvet skirts. “How could you give me so little time to prepare?”
His expression relaxed in relief. “I will simply go to him and explain that he can’t...”
She appeared not to hear him. “You must excuse me while I go speak with Olwyn. We will need every moment to prepare a proper meal. We will need fresh pastries and bread. And I shall certainly call in the butcher to kill a pig in the morning. We cannot feed Lord Warwicke salted pork.”
She passed through the doorway with a gentle sway of her slender hips, leaving Stephen staring after her. He knew he should be concerned for his sister, but the only sympathy he felt within him was directed toward Raynor Warwicke. Stephen would himself be here to see to Elizabeth’s well-being.
Raynor had no one to protect him from Elizabeth.
Besides Raynor had said he was returning to Warwicke on the day after the morrow. How much trouble could Elizabeth get herself into in one day?
* * *
The next afternoon found Elizabeth and Olwyn standing in Elizabeth’s bedchamber, looking at the array of gowns they had laid out on the high, wide bed.
“I think the red,” Olwyn said at last, tucking a stray lock of streaky blonde hair into her kerchief. Her gray eyes studied the scarlet cotehardie, with its embroidery of gold.
“Aye.” Elizabeth nodded. “It is my favorite, but I just wondered if the blue...or the saffron...” She turned to run her gaze over the nearest of the three trunks that stood open, their colorful contents spilling over the sides. “I did wear the other red yesterday.”
Tilting her head to one side, Olwyn frowned. “Nay, the red will do very nicely. Men never remember what you wore the previous day. Only that you looked well.”
Elizabeth grinned. Red was her favorite color. “Then that’s that. And I think I'll wear the new gold underdress.”
Olwyn eyed her mistress with surprise, then uncertainty. “But, Elizabeth, I thought you were going to have me loosen it. You told me yourself that it was too tight for common decency.” The slender blond woman went to the chest beneath the unshuttered window and took out a tunic of fine black samite. “I had thought you might want this one.”
Elizabeth blushed, but tried to hide it as she picked up and began to fold the blue cotehardie. “I have rethought the matter. 'Tis not so very tight.”
She would not have Olwyn know why she had changed her mind about the gown. The older woman seemed to think she must still look after Elizabeth as closely as when she had first come to them. But she was no longer thirteen, and would not be treated as such. Elizabeth hoped that if she made an attempt to be even slightly alluring, Lord Warwicke might find it harder to ignore her this night.
For the most part, her beauty meant little to her. It was not something she had earned or achieved by her own hand. It was something God had seen fit to gift her with, and until yesterday she accepted it as such.
But for this once she found herself thinking of her attributes in a different way. She would make Lord Warwicke take notice of her. He was a man, after all, and if all Stephen had said was true, Raynor was not completely immune to the fairer sex. Why couldn’t he at least pause long enough to notice that Elizabeth was a woman? She didn’t think that was so very much to ask.
When Olwyn continued to watch her with speculation, Elizabeth could not control the further rush of color in her creamy cheeks.
“What are you about, Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth gave up trying to dissemble. Olwyn knew her better than anyone, and there was no use trying to hide anything from her.
She put the blue gown back on the bed and turned to smooth back the heavy amber velvet bed hangings with a sigh. “I do not know. I can’t explain what has come over me. I just saw this man for the first time yesterday, and I can’t stop thinking about him. And the worst part of it is that he barely seemed to notice me.” She dismissed that one moment of awareness, for it could have been nothing so much as wishful thinking on her part.
“Ah, Beth...” Olwyn put her hands to her slender hips as she sank down on the edge of the one chair in the room. “I should have known it would be this way. All these years the men have been after you like hounds after a bitch, and you don’t even look at them. And now one comes along who ignores you, and you lose your foolish head.”
The sound of booted feet on the stairs saved Elizabeth from making a reply. The footsteps came across the solar and halted outside her bedchamber. There was a scratching at the door. “Beth.”
“Come,” Elizabeth called out, recognizing her brother’s voice.
Stephen entered, and she looked at him with curiosity, as he was dressed for traveling, in a dark woolen cloak that was held together at the shoulder by a heavy silver brooch that bore the Clayburn emblem of a griffin rampant. “You are going somewhere?” she asked.
He seemed less than eager to speak. “Yes,” came the reply.
“You must needs hurry, as Warwicke will be here within hours.”
“Well, you see, that is going to be a problem.” Stephen looked at the floor. Then he raised his eyes and shrugged. “I am away to deliver a message for the king.”
Elizabeth knew a growing unease. “How long will you be gone?”
“Several hours.”
Disappointment flooded her. “Several hours. Stephen, how could you? You know how I have been planning this. Everything is in readiness.”
“It cannot be helped. We will simply ask Lord Warwicke to come at some other time.”
He hesitated and Elizabeth frowned. “When, brother mine?”
“I know not. Raynor must return to his estates on the morrow.” He wouldn’t look at Elizabeth. Obviously he had hoped to avoid having to tell her they were leaving so soon.
She placed her hands on her hips, glaring her anger. “Do you mean that this is it? I shall not see him again?”
Stephen smiled encouragingly. “Mayhap he will come to London again in the future.”
“You know he will not.” She couldn’t seem to breathe past the unexplainable ache in her chest. It was as if something dear to her had died aborning. “All these years you have not seen him because Warwicke only chose to come to court when he was summoned. What chance is there that he will return before another ten years has come and gone? I shall be an old woman.”
He eyed her sternly. “Now, Beth, don’t carry on so. I told you that Warwicke is not for you. I but live up to my responsibilities in protecting you. Besides, I have no choice in whether I stay or go. The king does require me to see to my duty.”
She subsided then. What Stephen said was true. He must needs fulfill his duty to the crown. But she had wanted so badly to see Warwicke again. Not that she was under any illusions about what would happen between them. Elizabeth had hoped for no more than to make him take note of her as a desirable woman, nothing else. Stephen really had no need to warn her away again.
It seemed particularly unfair that Raynor could not come simply because Stephen would be late.
Then an idea came to her. She looked at her brother with an expression of cool reason. “Why can Warwicke not come here anyway? He has been invited. It would be rude to ask him to stay away now.”
But Stephen began to shake his head before she had even finished. “Nay, Beth, ’twould not serve. The man cannot come here and spend the evening with you unchaperoned.”
She faced him squarely. “It would not be the whole evening. I could simply entertain Lord Warwicke until your return. By your own mouth, he is friend to you. Can you not trust me to spend a few short hours in his presence?”
He scowled, his dark brows meeting over his straight nose. “'Tis not so simple, madame, as well you know. I am not blind. You have an interest in him that goes beyond any I've seen you show before. You as much as admitted it last eve.”
“But, Stephen—” She stamped her foot. “I am not a child to be ordered about. I am a woman full grown, with my own funds to support me. I have no need to be commanded by you.”
He stopped her with a raised hand. “What you say is true.” He looked into her eyes, and when he spoke again, his tone was reasoning. “But, Beth, I am your brother. In all conscience, I must not allow you to do anything that would be of harm to you. Please, I say again, the answer can only be nay. It is for your own good. You cannot be alone with him.” He paused for a long moment, obviously torn. She knew it was very difficult for her brother to deny her anything. Finally he shrugged. “There is one way, and one way only.”
“Yes?” she answered eagerly.
“We will ask Raynor to come at a later time. That way there can be no hint of impropriety. I'll write a note to explain the matter to him.”
Elizabeth rushed to her chest and removed a piece of parchment and a quill, which she handed to her brother. Quickly Stephen scratched out his message. “You will send this around to him at Windsor, please.” He held the missive toward his sister.
Elizabeth took the parchment between two fingers. She gave Stephen a sweet smile. “Thank you, brother.”
“I will see you ere long.” Stephen told her, with obvious relief at having the matter settled to both their benefits. “And now, I must be off. I go with two of the king’s own guard, and they wait for me in the lane outside.”
He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek, then turned and dashed from the house.
When he had gone, Elizabeth stood there, the note to Raynor Warwicke in her hand. This was not what she had hoped for. If Warwicke was leaving in the morning, he would as like not stay for long now. Elizabeth sighed, her gaze lingering on the sheet of parchment. As she looked at it, she began to experience thoughts of mutiny. Why should she do as Stephen told her? He was only her brother, not her master.
What harm would it do for Warwicke to spend an hour or two in her sole company?
He was a knight and a nobleman. Surely there could be no harm in serving him a meal and speaking with him. She looked toward her companion, who had said nothing during her conversation with her brother. Olwyn was watching her with a frown, as if she knew what Elizabeth was thinking and liked it not.
Elizabeth tilted her chin. “You will be close by.”
“Nay,” she answered. “As your brother said, it will not serve.” Olwyn held out her hand. “I shall have that sent around to Lord Warwicke for you.”
Putting the missive behind her back, Elizabeth smiled. “I think not,” she said.
They argued for some time. But in the end, the message did not go out, though Olwyn never stopped frowning and muttering dire utterances about the consequences of behaving foolishly.
Chapter Three
Raynor rode his charger through the narrow tracks that passed for streets just as the sun was beginning to set. Its early-spring light gilded the castle walls above and behind him, as if to give testament to King Edward’s belief that Windsor was somehow special. Having been born there, the king had a deep fondness for his home, and believed that King Arthur of old had once housed his knights of the Round Table on this very site. Looking back over his shoulder, Raynor studied the castle with appraising eyes. Four massive stone towers ran the length of the immense wall at equal intervals where it rested on the hill behind him. Nothing was visible of the magnificent round tower, begun by Henry II and finished by Edward, save the king’s flag, which fluttered golden in the gentle breeze.
Edward’s Windsor was awe-inspiring.
Raynor would certainly give him that. But it seemed as if a great deal had been spent on the castle to beautify it, as well as add to its strength. To Raynor’s way of thinking, England had already been drained dry by the war in France. There had been no money for the luxuries apparent in the spacious and well-appointed rooms of the round tower.
At least with King John now ransomed, Edward would have a source of income besides the backs of his own subjects. Knowing his opinion of the sovereign was not held by most of his fellow noblemen didn’t change Raynor’s thinking. Necessities came before comforts. It was one of the things Raynor had learned watching his father squander everything he had for his mother’s whims.
Lips tight, Raynor gripped the reins more securely in his hands and turned his thoughts to the present. Thinking of his father always brought on feelings of resentment and anger. But those emotions were also mixed with love and pity. If only Robert Warwicke had not been so weak. He shook his head to clear it. It would be best to center his mind on the coming meal with Stephen Clayburn and his sister.
Raynor didn’t know why he had accepted the invitation to sup. Mayhap because seeing Stephen again had reminded him of what he was like at fourteen. Then it had seemed as if he had any number of bright possibilities before him. On being fostered to the earl of Norwich, he had suddenly discovered that there were men who lived by the rules set out in tales of chivalry. Raynor had believed that he, too, might become one of those men. He might someday meet some fair maiden who would return his love with all faith and honor. But his father’s death had called him home to his mother and her daily attempts to control his every thought or action. He was determined to never put himself in the position of having to battle a woman for autonomy again.
As he rode into the heart of the village, Raynor slowed his mount with a pull on the reins. He studied his route, carefully following the directions Stephen had laid out for him.
The town was much like the village at home in Warwicke, only larger. Narrow daub-and-wattle houses sat at odd angles on irregular-size lots. On these bits of property, tenants kept their animals, which were mostly chickens, pigs and sheep. But there was an occasional cow, expensive to keep but producing a great deal of valuable manure. Plump children played in the doorways, barely glancing up at the passing knight. Living in Windsor, they saw many finer-dressed folk than Raynor, in his serviceable brown tunic, russet cotehardie and dark hose.
Urging his charger around the last turn through the maze of hard-packed dirt tracks, Raynor looked up to see a two-story whitewashed house that stood out among the others because of its size and the cleanliness of its yard. There were no animals roaming about, and no pile of manure graced the small strip of grass in front of the low, narrow door that stood open to admit the last of the sunlight.
Now that he was here, he knew a moment’s hesitation. Mayhap it was a mistake to come. He didn’t know Stephen anymore. He raked the heavy hair back from his forehead as he told himself that neither did Stephen know him. He had treated Raynor with warmth yesterday because he remembered the boy. It wasn’t likely that he would be so forthcoming, did he know the man.
And if that wasn’t enough, there was one other reason he should turn and go back to the castle. Stephen’s sister, Elizabeth. Though Raynor had barely allowed himself to even think of her, he did recall that one moment when he had looked at her with startling clarity.
Elizabeth Clayburn was most certainly the kind of woman he had learned to avoid—young, beautiful, and sure of her female power.
As he approached the structure, his gaze ran over the whitewashed walls as if, did he but look hard enough, he would be able to see inside. In that house, Elizabeth would be in her own element, where she was most comfortable and self-assured. Not that Raynor felt she was any real threat to him. He just preferred to avoid such as her. He knew her kind, wanting everything from a man, his life, his fortune, his heart, but unwilling to give anything of themselves in return.
Most assuredly it would have been wiser to decline this invitation. And he was still free to turn around and go. What matter if he offended folk he was not likely to see again?
But the moment to depart was taken from him. As Raynor came to a halt before the house, an older man in worn but clean and neatly patched clothing scuttled out to meet him. He looked up at the knight with a polite nod of his gray head. “Good day, my lord.”
Raynor nodded in return. “I am seeking Stephen Clayburn.”
“Aye, you have come to the right house. I can take your horse out back to the shed, my lord.”
Dismounting and handing him the reins, Raynor said, “My thanks,” and moved to enter the dwelling. Passing through the door, he had to stoop, but he stood to his full height once inside.
The living chamber was wide and long, with a fireplace in the center along the north wall. A trestle table was set up at one end, ready to receive the meal, but there was no one about. The rushes underfoot gave off the sweet scent of herbs as he took a few hesitant steps inside, wondering if he should call out.
Just then two women entered from the back of the chamber, one bearing a jug, the other a tray with cheese and meat. The older woman with the tray, obviously a servant, judging by her coarse clothing, moved to place her burden upon the trestle table.
The younger of the two women came forward, shifting the heavy jug she carried. “My lord Warwicke,” she said, greeting him with deference. Her dress was of better quality than the other’s, and he wondered who she could be. Her blue eyes smiled in her pretty face as she looked up at him. “I am Lady Elizabeth’s companion, Olwyn. You are expected above. Will you please come with me.”
She turned, and Raynor moved to follow her up a narrow set of stairs.
He took note of the golden hair that fell from her kerchief, and her trim waist and hips. Now here was the type of woman Raynor might be inclined to dally with. She would provide a release for his body and expect no commitment in return. Not that Raynor would force her. In his twenty-seven years, he’d had no need of that.
But the moment he stepped through the door of the solar, all thoughts of the blond woman fled his mind.
Elizabeth Clayburn came forward to great him, her cherry lips turned upward in a smile of welcome. “Lord Warwicke.” When she spoke his name, a chill of awareness ran down his spine. Her eyes were the color of deepest sapphire and fringed with thick black lashes. But the way she looked at him was what gave him pause. The expression in her gaze was one of happiness and barely repressed excitement, and from the way she focused her whole attention upon him, Raynor could only feel that he was the cause of her pleasure. Unaccountably he felt himself basking in the glow, like a lynx soaking up the sun. Not once in the conscious years of his memory could he recall anyone looking at him with such uncomplicated approval. He marveled as the color in her cheeks went from palest cream to dusky rose. She looked down, and the sheer golden veil she wore over her tumbled mass of black curls fluttered forward to hide the delicate flush.
“Lady Elizabeth.” He swallowed, managing to sound almost normal, though he did not know how. Fighting off an urge to wipe his sweaty palm against his tunic like some unschooled lad, Raynor briefly clasped her slender hand in his. Her fingers were smooth and cool, but she drew them back quickly to press her hand against her bosom.
She seemed to have some difficulty communicating herself, for she started, stopped, and began again. “My lord...I... You are most welcome.”
“My thanks,” he replied. He didn’t know what had come over him. Raynor was well accustomed to women, had believed himself long over the nervousness that now assailed him. He could only tell himself that it was slightly unnerving to be greeted with such enthusiasm. Elizabeth Clayburn could not know what she was about. Though he hoped that she did not meet her other male visitors with such warmth. Not all men had learned self-discipline, as Raynor had. They might take her obvious pleasure in a way it was not meant.
For, judging by the innocence in her eyes, it was clear she had no idea of her effect on him.
Unaccountably he felt a moment’s worry for her. But he quickly told himself not to be ridiculous. Stephen was her brother, and thus her rightful protector, not Raynor.
As Elizabeth turned to tell her woman to place the pitcher upon the table, he allowed his eyes to study her as he had not the day before. She wore a cotehardie of scarlet that was slashed wide at the sides to show off a gold velvet tunic that caressed the sweetly swelling curves of her breasts and hips. He felt a tightening in his loins and envied the fragile fabric its contact with her flesh.
Whatever had he been thinking yesterday, when he met this woman, not to notice how truly lovely she was? He knew he had been nervous about his coming audience with the king, but could any man worthy of the title have seen Elizabeth Clayburn and failed to take note of her uncommon beauty?
Thank God Stephen would be present this eve. The last thing Raynor needed was to be alone with this siren. Elizabeth was enough woman to give rise to the name.
Raking a hand through his hair, he forced his gaze away. Not in years had Raynor reacted to any woman this way. Gladly would he see the end of this visit.
He looked about the solar, saw the table, with its two chairs, set up as if for a meal. He took note of the warmth of the fire and the pillows that were piled on the carpet before it. He admired the rich tapestry that hung upon the outside wall, with its rich colors and fine detail. There were two doors besides the one through which he had entered. They must lead to sleeping chambers.
It was an appealing scene. But something appeared to be missing. Frowning, Raynor rubbed the side of his head as he glanced about, his gaze going back to the two chairs at either side of the table. Two chairs.
He cleared his throat as he turned to Elizabeth. The servant named Olwyn paused in the act of leaving and faced him. “Lady Elizabeth?” he asked.
She didn’t look at him as she moved forward to pour a cup of wine. And if he wasn’t seeing things, her hands were shaking. “Yes, my lord Warwicke?” she said.
Raynor frowned, surprised that she seemed as unsettled as he.
He reached out to take the cup from her, willing her to look at him. But she didn’t. “Where is Stephen?” he asked bluntly.
She did glance up at him then, but only for a moment. With a bright smile, she waved a hand airily. “Oh, my brother. He was called away most unexpectedly, but he shall be returning ere long.”
Raynor knew a prickling of unease. Stephen had told him that he and Elizabeth lived alone here, with only Elizabeth’s companion and their servants. It seemed unlikely that Clayburn would want Raynor to be alone here with his beautiful sister. “He knows I am come in his absence?”
“Of a surety.” Finally she looked at him, those bottomless sapphire eyes ingenuously wide. “Stephen felt so badly about having to go. You see—” she spread her hands “—he has his duty to the king. But he had no wish to appear rude, and thus asked me to attend you until his arrival. He felt it would be wrong to call off the meal, when he will not be so very long.” She gave a nervous laugh as she moved to stand before the fire, her slender body bathed in its warm light. “Stephen mentioned that you were returning to Warwicke on the morrow and said he would not miss this chance to see you before you go. My brother is ever like this. His friends have always been of great importance to him. Is that not so, Olwyn?” Elizabeth looked to her companion.