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Adopted Son
If she was really honest with herself, she’d go so far as to admit that she imagined the look in Jeremiah’s eyes when he saw her in it. But being honest with herself made her appear needy and pathetic and…
She had to get Jeremiah out of her head. How did she do that? He was a man and she was a woman, so the logical process would be to have an open and adult conversation. Simple. She chewed on the inside of her lip. Then why did the thought make her feel as if she were being prepped for painful surgery—open heart surgery?
A tap at her door interrupted her agonizing thoughts. “Come in.”
Nina, her secretary, walked in with a notepad in her hand. “You have a partners meeting at two and Mr. Coffey wants to speak to you beforehand.” Nina, a single mother of two, was all business and Grace liked that about her. They had a good working relationship.
Grace leaned back in her chair. “Did he mention what about?”
“No. But it’s either about the day care center you’re opening on the first floor or he wants your support on something.”
Byron Coffey was her father’s age and had joined the firm soon after Steven Whitten had started it. He was the senior partner and he and Grace got along well on the surface for the sake of office morale. Byron’s wife had died years ago and Byron had asked Grace out more than once. She always found a polite way to refuse. In no way was she attracted to Byron, but to maintain a positive atmosphere in the firm she couldn’t tell him that.
Byron had attempted to pressure her on more than one occasion to further his own causes. She always got the impression that he thought of her as a glorified figurehead without any brains. That did not endear him to her. And he was vehemently against the day care for the firm’s employees, as was her father. Grace saw it as cost-effective. Too many times cases had to be postponed or rearranged because a lawyer, clerk, aide or secretary couldn’t find a sitter at the last minute. This way the babies would be nearby and parents wouldn’t have to worry.
Her father had said it wasn’t the firm’s responsibility to provide day care. Grace saw it differently and stuck to her decision. The first time she’d ever gone against her father.
Nina looked at her pad. “There’s a Lisa and Keith Templeton to see you. They said it was important. Would you rather they made an appointment and come back later or…”
“I’ll see them,” she said. “Give me five minutes.”
“You got it.”
Lisa and Keith—she hadn’t seen them in years. Grace reached for her purse and quickly checked her makeup. She and Lisa had been sorority sisters and college roommates. Lisa and Keith had fallen in love in college and were inseparable. After they’d gotten their degrees, both in finance, they’d settled down to raise a family.
Grace had had lunch with Lisa about two years ago and the family part hadn’t happened yet. After a miscarriage, Lisa had been unable to get pregnant again. Grace knew they were still trying.
The door opened and Lisa rushed in, a petite blonde with a sparkly personality. Keith, also blond, followed more slowly. Grace hurried around her desk and they embraced.
Lisa stepped back, perusing Grace’s outfit. “Anne Klein, right?”
Grace glanced down at her herringbone suit. “Yes.” If she and Lisa had anything in common, it was fashion. In college, they’d spent many afternoons shopping together.
“Ellen Tracy,” Grace responded, eyeing Lisa’s ecru linen dress, pearls and heels.
Lisa held out her foot. “And Manolo Blahnik. I bought them in New York. Aren’t they to die for?”
“Absolutely.” Grace had a pair just like them in her closet, but she wouldn’t spoil Lisa’s pleasure.
Keith cleared his throat and Lisa glanced at him. “Oh, Grace, we need your help.”
Grace couldn’t imagine what this was about, but from the expressions on their faces she knew it was serious. They took seats and she waited.
Lisa crossed her legs. “You know we’ve been trying for so long to have a baby. We’ve tried in vitro, everything, and we’ve finally accepted that we’re not going to have a child of our own.” A look of sadness crossed her face.
“I’m sorry,” Grace said, feeling her stomach tighten at Lisa’s pain. “I know how much you wanted a baby.”
“It’s all I ever think about.” Lisa smoothed her skirt over her knees.
Keith reached for his wife’s hand. “It’s okay, honey. Tell Grace why we’re here.”
“Oh.” Lisa’s blue eyes brightened immediately. “We’re going to adopt. We have been approved at several adoption agencies, but the waiting lists are so long.”
“It’ll be worth it, though,” Grace reminded her.
“Yes, but my mother knows a lady who works for CPS and there’s a little boy that might be up for adoption. He’s fourteen months old. We want to be the first ones to apply for this baby and we need your help.”
“Of course. We have a very good family law department and I’ll make sure that…”
“No, no.” Lisa shook her head. “We want you to handle it. You’re the best, Grace. I know you are. You’ll fight for us.”
“Lisa, I appreciate your confidence in my abilities, but our family lawyers are very competent.”
“Grace, please,” Keith spoke up. “We’d feel more comfortable with you.”
She looked into their concerned, hopeful eyes. Could she do what they wanted? It had been a while since she’d been in the courtroom. Adrenaline began to pump through her veins and excitement filled her. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe this was what she needed to force her out of her recent malaise. They were her friends and they needed her help.
“Okay. I’ll set things in motion.” She reached for pen and paper. “Let me get some details.”
THE NEXT MORNING Tuck got a call from Gladys Upchurch. He mentored her grandson, Micah, after his father had killed his mother. The father was in prison and Gladys had full custody of Micah, who was now twelve and going through a rough period. Micah didn’t want to go to school because the kids picked on him, calling him names.
Tuck drove to the Upchurch house and took Micah to school. It gave them a chance to talk. That’s what the boy needed—to talk to someone. They made plans to go to a University of Texas baseball game and Micah brightened up. Micah was a good kid; he just needed a guiding hand and to know that someone cared and would always be there for him.
After Micah went inside, Tuck thought it was time to have a talk with the principal to let him know about the problem. The principal said he’d do what he could, but it was hard to control some of the kids. Tuck knew that and had to accept the explanation—for now.
When he reached his office, Opal called. Wilma Harper had passed away. She and her daughter would have one funeral and be buried next to each other. So much heartache and sadness. Tuck hoped they’d found everlasting peace.
That left Brady.
Tuck spent every spare moment he had at the hospital. Brady’s wounds were healing and he wasn’t quite so aggressive, but they had a long way to go. He didn’t speak, only made grunting sounds. Wilma had said he was saying words, but the staff hadn’t seen any signs of that. Neither had Tuck. CPS wanted a complete evaluation of Brady so he was staying in the hospital a while longer.
Brady preferred being alone, playing alone. If anyone got too close, he became aggressive, biting and hitting. He could walk and he enjoyed the playroom, where he could play with the toys at his leisure. Tuck often sat and watched him. Occasionally he’d roll a ball to him and Brady would roll it back. Slowly Tuck was gaining his trust.
Beau called and said he’d filed the papers. Now they waited for a hearing date. Opal told him that they had another applicant file for custody. She didn’t offer a name and he didn’t press her. He would have to take his chances in court.
Beau called at the end of the week and wanted to meet. Tuck didn’t understand why they couldn’t talk on the phone, but he agreed to meet him at a local restaurant. Sliding into the booth, he noticed Beau’s worried expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“I wanted to tell you in person. A couple has filed a petition for temporary custody pending adoption of Brady.”
A waitress arrived and they ordered coffee.
“Opal mentioned that, but she didn’t give a name.”
“Lisa and Keith Templeton,” Beau said.
The waitress brought coffee. “Thank you,” Tuck said to the waitress as she left.
“With a couple in the picture, it makes our case that much harder to win. They both have spotless backgrounds, good jobs and are respected members of the community. They don’t have other children and the woman plans to quit her job to stay at home with Brady.”
Tuck’s stomach clenched. “It sounds too good to be true.”
Beau took a sip of his coffee. “Mmm. The Templeton’s want Brady badly and they’ve hired a very good attorney to make that happen.”
“Who is it?” Tuck asked.
“Have you talked to Eli or Caroline lately?”
“No. I’ve been spending all my free time at the hospital and with the boys I mentor. Why? Do they know this attorney?”
Beau shifted nervously. “Yes. The Templeton’s attorney is Grace Whitten.”
Grace’s door flew open and Nina rushed in. “What? Did you see another spider?”
Grace sighed heavily. “No.” A grown woman and she was still frightened of spiders. But that was so far at the back of her mind that it didn’t even register. She held up the document in her hand. “When did this arrive?”
“Uh…about an hour ago when you were in a meeting with Mr. Coffey.” Nina frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“No.” Grace sank into her chair. “Thank you. I’m sorry I yelled.”
“Sure.” Nina hesitated for a moment then walked out.
Grace stared down at the document. Everything was wrong. Jeremiah Tucker had filed for temporary custody pending adoption of a minor child, Brady Harper. How could this be?
She grabbed the phone and called Caroline. She answered immediately.
“Caroline, did you know that Jeremiah filed for custody of a little boy named Brady Harper?”
“Well, hello, Grace.”
“I’m sorry. I’m a bit stressed at the moment.”
“You’re always stressed,” her sister replied rather bluntly. “But you should see Jesse. He’d destress you quickly. He’s chewing on the phone cord and he’s absolutely the cutest baby in the whole world. Oh, now he’s looking at me with those big blue eyes, just like Eli’s.”
“Caroline, please. I need to talk about this.”
“Okay. Okay. Give me a minute to put Jesse in his Pack ’n Play.”
Grace drummed her fingers on her spotless silver-and-glass desk. The phone was to her right with a pad and pen beside it, Jeremiah’s petition lay in front of her and to her left sat a crystal Whitten paperweight her father had given her when she’d graduated at the top of her class. Suddenly it all seemed so sterile, so unemotional. Was that how people saw her?
“Now, what’s bothering you?” Caroline’s voice brought her back to her present situation.
“Did you know about Jeremiah adopting this child?”
“Yes. Eli told me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wasn’t aware you were interested in Tuck’s life.”
Grace took a breath. “Caroline, this is important.”
“Yes. I can hear, but I don’t know what you’re so upset about. Everyone who knows Tuck is aware of his plans. He’s a member of Big Brothers and he’s always been involved with helping kids. That’s Tuck. He’s very dedicated to the plight of abandoned and neglected children. It’s important to him.”
“I know, but why this little boy?”
“Tuck was one of the officers who found him in a trailer living like an animal. His mother and father are both dead and no one in the family wants him. Tuck has formed a connection to the boy, probably because of the circumstances of his own birth.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. “Do you think he’ll make a good father?”
“Of course, but I’m not sure how he plans to work things out. He has a full-time job and according to Eli this little boy is going to need a lot of attention. But Tuck is very organized and, as I said, dedicated. He’ll make it work.” Caroline paused. “Why are you asking all these questions?”
“Remember Lisa Gates from college?”
“Yes. You and she were good friends. I remember a lot of shopping marathons. She married Keith something.”
“Templeton. They have been trying to have a child for a long time and it hasn’t happened so they’ve decided to adopt. But it takes a long time.”
“Where’s this going?” Caroline asked.
“I’ve agreed to represent them in gaining custody of a little boy.”
“The little boy is Brady Harper.”
“I just found out. I wasn’t even aware that Jeremiah knew this boy.” She had a strong urge to ask her older sister what to do, as she had so many times in her life. But she’d outgrown that. She’d handle this in her own way.
“Grace…” Jesse’s wailing drowned out Caroline’s words. “I’ve got to go. I think Jesse is running a little fever with the teething. Come here, sweetie.” A louder wail ensued.
“Take care of Jesse.”
“I’ll call you later.”
Grace sat for a moment, wondering what she was going to do. Lisa and Keith were her friends, but Jeremiah was part of her family. For years she’d waited for him to see her as someone other than Caroline’s sister. If she stayed with this case, any hopes of that happening would be over.
Loud noises erupted from Nina’s office. The door suddenly opened and Jeremiah stood there, an agitated Nina behind him.
“It’s okay,” she said to Nina, and stood on legs that felt like wet noodles.
Nina backed out, closing the door.
Jeremiah removed his hat, showing off his neat and trim brown hair. He was angry; that was evident in his taut body and his dark eyes, which burned like chunks of coal. He stood a few feet from the door, not making a move toward her.
“Why are you doing it?” he asked. His words were clipped and short.
She didn’t have to ask what he was talking about because she knew. It took a moment to find her voice. “I wasn’t aware you’d filed for custody of Brady Harper.” One finger touched the papers on her desk. “I just found out.”
His eyes narrowed. “Would it have made a difference?” Before she could answer, he went on. “No. It wouldn’t have. Ever since we’ve met you’ve had this need to stick it to me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“When Eli and Caroline got married, you had to be in control of everything.”
“I wanted their day to be perfect.”
“I was best man and I wanted it to be a day they would remember as fun and filled with laughter. But everything had to be synchronized and go according to plan. You never listened to any of my ideas. Everything had to be done your way. You couldn’t even let your guard down long enough to enjoy the dance. You were afraid I’d step on your five-hundred-dollar shoes. My God, who pays five hundred dollars for a pair of shoes?”
Each word cut into her like a sharp blow. “Jeremiah…”
“That’s another thing.” He pointed a finger at her. “You continue to call me Jeremiah. No one calls me that. It’s like a slap in my face every time you do. Evidently you get some perverse pleasure out of it.”
She was stunned. She never knew he resented her use of his given name. For a moment she was absolutely speechless.
“After Ma and Pa adopted me, I was given the Tucker name. They were so happy to have a child that they called me Little Tucker. When I started to grow, Pa said, ‘Boy, we can’t call you little anymore. We’re going to call you Tuck. That suits you.’ I felt like a king had given me a crown. I had no name, but this incredible man had given me this special gift and it meant the world to me. It still does. When you don’t use it, I feel you’re condescending to me.”
Her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I like the name Jeremiah.”
“See.” He shook his head. “It’s all about you. You don’t even care what I like.”
“I…ah…” She had no words to defend herself. In his eyes she was a self-centered bitch and seeing his view of her she couldn’t deny it. Many of her hang-ups became crystal clear at that moment. She had to be smart, in control, organized and an overachiever because if she wasn’t, the real Grace would emerge.
The real Grace? She wondered who the real Grace was.
“Brady has been through hell and he needs someone to love and care for him. I don’t know anything about the Templetons and…”
“They’re very nice people.” She wanted him to know that.
“So Beau tells me. They sound picture-perfect.” His eyes caught hers. “But there’s always something wrong with picture-perfect.”
“Are you saying…”
“A judge will decide,” he told her. “He will do what’s best for Brady and I will abide by that.”
She hated that he made her feel so guilty, so weak, and her fighting spirit surfaced. “You think you’re what’s best for Brady?”
His eyes darkened even more if that were possible. “Are you questioning my abilities as a father?”
“I’m questioning your abilities as a single father. Brady needs security and someone who is there for him twenty-four hours a day. Lisa and Keith can provide that. Can you?”
He watched her for a moment and she resisted the urge to fidget. “So you’re going to make a case of a married couple verses a single man?”
“I’m sorry, but yes.”
“You know, I kind of thought you might recuse yourself to preserve family harmony. Guess I was wrong, huh?” He placed his hat on his head. “I would prefer it if you and I had no contact. If you’re at Eli and Caroline’s, I won’t go over and I’d appreciate the same courtesy. But knowing you, Grace, I’m sure you’ll do whatever you please.” He turned and walked out.
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