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The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth
Banishing Oil
Use this to drive away negative thoughts, feelings and influences. If you feel that the influences are coming from outside, you can put a few drops of this over each window and doorway to your home. Otherwise wear it personally or use it Magically on a candle.
4 drops frankincense oil
2 drops bergamot oil
2 drops clary sage oil
2 drops lavender oil
Wealth Oil
This oil will not simply bring you money – Magically speaking, that is very dangerous. It will, however, increase your opportunities to earn money.
3 drops basil oil
2 drops ginger oil
1 drop vanilla essence or extract (not flavouring)
Sleep Oil
This oil will aid restful sleep and, with the addition of 2 drops of clary sage, enhance dreams.
6 drops lavender oil
3 drops frankincense oil
1 drop valerian oil
Study Oil
Anoint yourself with this before and during periods of study, also before exams or other tests of memory. This blend can also be used in a burner whilst working or studying.
4 drops rosemary oil
4 drops basil oil
2 drops grapefruit oil
1 drop cajuput oil (optional)

General Healing
This is an all-purpose blend which can be incorporated into 2 tbsp of any base and applied direct to the skin.
6 drops lavender oil
2 drops frankincense oil
2 drops myrrh oil
2 drops jasmine oil
Muscular Aches and Pains
Where there is muscular pain it is best to massage the oil gently into the skin. Unless you are qualified, it is a good idea to avoid attempting any deep massage involving the muscles themselves.
4 drops lavender oil
2 drops rosemary oil
2 drops marjoram oil
2 drops cypress oil
2 drops black pepper oil
Pain in the Joints
As with the preceding blend, the lotion or cream should be gently massaged into the skin, but no manipulation of the underlying tissues should be attempted. If possible, the affected area should be covered (not bound), for about half an hour after treatment.
4 drops lavender oil
3 drops camomile oil
2 drops black pepper oil
2 drops juniper oil
Digestive Complaints
Whilst you may think it unlikely that anything you put on your skin will help your digestion, you could well be surprised. Try:
4 drops lavender oil
3 drops peppermint oil
2 drops fennel oil
2 drops rosemary oil
Colds and ’Flu
If you’re suffering from either of these, you really should be in bed, but I know that that’s not always possible, so the following might help you get through the day. Place a few drops on a tissue and inhale at regular intervals.
4 drops lavender oil
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops eucalyptus oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops cypress oil
1 drop ginger oil
For children under the age of three I recommend simply putting the lavender, eucalyptus and jasmine oils on a tissue and placing this near them but out of their reach.
Emotional Balancing
Use this in a burner, on a tissue or to anoint yourself whenever you have emotional swings or thoughts and feelings seem to be getting out of hand.
4 drops geranium oil
4 drops lavender oil
2 drops grapefruit oil
1 drop bergamot oil
1 drop fennel oil
Exhaustion and Overwork
If you are exhausted, the first step to healing is to get enough rest, and for this the above Sleep Oil is excellent. However, if you have been through a prolonged period of overwork you may also like to use this uplifting blend to carry you through after resting.
3 drops basil oil
2 drops lavender oil
2 drops clary sage oil
2 drops lemongrass oil
Use this when your confidence needs a boost or when you need to impress someone, perhaps at an interview. Do not use too much of this oil, however – the idea is for it to work on the subconscious level, not for people to be able to detect the scent.
3 drops bergamot oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops ylang ylang oil
2 drops neroli oil

Sadness and Regret
Sometimes we all look back and wish we had done things differently. Whilst this oil helps to alleviate these feelings, in the Craft we believe that true healing will not come until you have also done what you can to put things right again.
2 drops bergamot oil
2 drops rose oil
2 drops benzoin oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops hyssop oil
A Gathering of Friends
Use this to promote feelings of warmth, friendship and relaxation whenever friends gather. Anoint yourself, and anyone else who feels they would like to share in it, or use it in an oil burner.
2 drops frankincense oil
2 drops jasmine oil
2 drops clary sage oil
1 drop cardamom oil

The Magical Application of Oils
Whilst essential oils all have their own healing properties, these can be Magically enhanced by invoking the Goddess and the God and the elements as well as focusing on your intent (see Chapter 1, ‘Witchcraft, and Empowering your Herbal Work’). However, when using them in a Magical context, such as anointing yourself or an object, there are also ways in which you can again increase their effectiveness.
Anointing the Self
There are certain parts of the body which are more receptive to anointing oils than others – it is not simply a question of dabbing on the oil as you would a perfume. These places include the temples, third eye (the point between your eyes just over the brow bone) and the chakra points, depending on your intent. For general purposes you can use the wrists, but not the sides of the neck or behind the ears. Anointing can take place on its own or as a Rite in itself. As with everything in the Craft, the important thing is to be clear about your intent and to focus properly.
A Self-Blessing
The Rite of Self-Blessing is probably the best way to apply any oil for Magical purposes. First ensure that you have a few undisturbed minutes and your prepared oil is to hand. Now centre yourself, put aside any intrusive thoughts from your daily life and think about what you intend to achieve. Close your eyes and visualize the Goddess or the God (whichever you feel is most appropriate for your working) with you. Now say the following:

‘Bless me, Mother [or “Father” in the case of the God], for I am your child.
Blessed be my feet that shall walk in your path.(Anoint each foot with a single drop of oil.)
Blessed be my knees that shall kneel at the Sacred Altar.(Anoint each knee with a single drop of oil.)
Blessed be my womb (“loins” for a man) which bringest forth the life of man.(Anoint your belly just above the pubic bone.)
Blessed be my breast, formed in strength and beauty.(Anoint your breasts.)
Blessed be my lips that shall utter thy names.(Anoint yourself with a single drop just above your top lip.)
Blessed be my nose that shall breathe the Sacred essence.(Anoint the bridge of your nose.)
Blessed be my eyes that shall see thy way.(Anoint each closed eyelid, keeping the oil well away from your eyes.)
Bless me, Mother, for I am thy child.’(Anoint your third eye.)
Now remain where you are for a few minutes and visualize the Goddess or God holding you in their arms in a loving blessing.
When you are ready, put your oil safely away and go about your intent.
Note that the oil you anoint yourself with should be more like a barely perceptible smear, not a rivulet. More oil is not more effective, but it will increase the chances of you getting some into your eyes or mouth, which could be quite uncomfortable.
A less formal way of performing this, should you be in non-sympathetic company, is to visualize yourself going through this Rite but simply anoint your third eye.

Using a Lotion or Cream on Another Person
If your subject is sympathetic to the Craft or to alternate forms of healing, then you will be able to work quite openly with them. In this case gentle massage is probably the best way to deliver your blend. If they have a specific part of the body which is causing trouble, such as an ankle or wrist, then you can work directly on that part. If however, their malaise is more general, perhaps a cold or stress, then you can massage the shoulders, hands or feet, or whatever they and you feel comfortable with.
Whilst gently massaging the lotion into the skin, take care not to interact with the underlying tissues unless you are a qualified masseuse. Visualize the ingredients in the oil working their way into the person’s body and the aromas seeping into their spirit. Visualize these driving out all negative influences and leaving a warm golden healing light.
When you have finished, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly, not only to remove the oils but also to wash away any negativity that you may have accumulated in the course of the healing.
Anointing a Candle or Other Object
Many people like to burn a candle to focus their Magical intent and to ‘send the Magic on its way’. You can use a candle you have made for the purpose or buy one of the colour which you feel is most appropriate (see Chapter 5, ‘Candles and Incenses’).
To anoint a candle, hold it horizontally in front of you. With your forefinger place one or two drops of oil in the centre and, using both hands, spread the oil from the centre to the ends whilst visualizing your goals. When you are certain the candle is covered, but not dripping, with oil, place it in a holder and light it. Spend a moment or two visualizing the power of the Magic taking hold and moving out to its destination.
Ideally the candle should be allowed to burn all the way down, but as you must never leave a burning candle unattended, it is permissible to extinguish it and relight it at a later point. However, this should only be done for the same intent and should take place within three days (at most) of the starting of the Magic.
Other objects can be anointed, for example a talisman, in which case a small drop of oil should be placed on each side or face of the object whilst visualizing your goal. The talisman should then either be put straight into use or wrapped carefully and put away until it can be given to the recipient.

Using an Oil Burner
Here you will be releasing the fragrance and energy of the oils into the atmosphere via the warmed water in the burner, so it is important that your burner will hold enough water to make this effective. There are many expensive and decorative burners which barely hold a tablespoonful of water. You would be far better off with a cheap one with a large ‘well’.
Alternatively, you can make your own from two clean empty tin cans. Both cans should have the lids removed so as to minimize the sharp edges left at the top, the lower can needs to have a number of holes punched into the side (a skewer will usually do this) and the upper can or ‘well’ needs to sit comfortably on top. Place water in the well and your nightlite in the lower can, put it on a heatproof surface and you have a home-made oil burner.
Once you have your burner, light the candle and allow the water to start warming before adding your oil. As you add the oil, visualize the vapours reaching out and pervading everything until they reach your Magical goal. Visualize that goal being achieved, then sit back and enjoy the scent you have created.
Again, the candle should not be allowed to burn unattended; indeed, it is a good idea not only to put it out but also to make sure that the surface under your burner is not hot before you leave it.
If you also burn perfume oils, it is worth having two oil burners, with one reserved for Magical purposes. Essential oils are highly volatile and most are easily removed from the well, whereas perfume oils are not and often leave a sticky residue which may contaminate future workings.

Candles and Incenses
‘Earth and Water, Air and Fire…’

Not everything made in the Witches’ kitchen is necessarily food or drink. Some Witches also make their own candles and incenses. These are superior to most shop-bought ones, not only because they can be tailor-made for the occasion or purpose, but also because they are made with focus and intent, hence the Magic starts even before they are actually used. Candles and incense are integral parts of Magical work. Candles are lit to create the Sacred Space and are burned to set Magic in motion. Incense also creates the ritual mood, as well as mentally preparing you for the work you intend to do.
Making your own candles is great fun, but does need a certain amount of preparation. You really do need to have separate pans to heat your wax in, otherwise you risk leaving a taint on your cooking utensils, but you can always buy second-hand ones. You will also need to get hold of the raw ingredients – wax, stearin, wax colour, wicks and mould seal – as well as the moulds in which they set. In addition you will need, at least until you are very skilled, a huge amount of old newspaper with which to cover everything in case of spillage.
Probably the easiest way to start your candle-making is to buy a kit. These are sold in art and craft shops and in the toy section of many stores. They have the advantage of supplying all the ingredients you need together with some easy-to-follow instructions. If your kit suggests you need a wax thermometer, you can ignore this advice, so long as you are prepared to watch your wax like a hawk all the time it is being heated! Even with a thermometer, you cannot afford to leave molten or heating wax unattended. Once you have a kit and have started making candles with the ingredients supplied, then you can buy additional ingredients as and when you need them and also move on to buying specialist moulds, or even making your own.
Basic Candle-Making
The basic ingredients are wax, stearin, wick, wax colour, moulds and mould seal:

To these raw ingredients you can add colour, scent and anything you want to include in the candle. Colour is sold as dye discs, or you can use wax crayons. Whilst a huge range of colours are available you can pretty much make any colour you like using red, yellow and blue, varying shades by adding more or less colour. However, black is a useful addition to this, as it is not really possible to blend black without using a huge amount of colouring agent. To perfume your candle you can use perfume oil or essential oil if you are intending a Magical purpose. Other additions can include a pinch of herbs (not too much or you risk having a bonfire when you light the candle), a gemstone or even an attractive pebble. Do not add quantities of anything that will burn when the flame reaches it. There has been a series of candles on the market with plastic flowers buried in the wax – I shudder to think what happens if they catch light!
When making candles, clear a work surface close to your cooker, as you do not want to be walking around with a lot of molten wax. Also, make sure that no small children or animals are present. Whilst the wax should not be allowed to reach a temperature where it will seriously burn, wax spills do hurt and you do not want to take any chances.
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