Полная версия
Reunited In The Rockies
“Kayla, I put you in the Hayden Room,” Carly called after them from the parlor below. “Not only does it have a great view, it’s the farthest away from our room down here, so you shouldn’t hear the baby.”
“I’m sure it’ll be perfect. Although, I guess I should get used to hearing a baby’s cry.” She’d be alone, after all. A truth she sometimes found rather terrifying.
“Ah, don’t rush it.” The blonde looked lovingly at her child, then back to Kayla. “Enjoy the uninterrupted sleep while you can.”
Entering the room at the end of the hall, Lily set the suitcase on the plush gray carpet. “What do you think?”
Kayla moved behind her. “This is gorgeous.” From the magnificent view through antique glass to the four-poster queen bed with luxurious bedding...
“Check out the claw-foot tub in the bathroom.” Lily nodded in the general direction.
Dropping her hanging clothes and overnight case onto the antique settee, Kayla hurried into the adjoining bathroom with its black-and-white mosaic floor, white beadboard wainscoting and, yes, a claw-foot tub.
“Lily, I may never want to leave this place.”
Her friend appeared in the doorway. “Are you referring to your room or Ouray?”
“My room. Though Ouray is pretty inviting, too.”
“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Turning, a grinning Lily moved back into the bedroom.
As if Kayla wouldn’t follow. “Why?”
Lily crossed to the clothes Kayla had left on the settee and picked them up. “Because I have a proposition for you.” She opened the door of the small closet and hung them on the rod.
“What kind of proposition?” Kayla eased onto the side of the bed, her fingers digging into the softness.
“Are you familiar with the old Congress Hotel?”
“White wooden structure on the other side of town?”
“That’s the one.”
“I think I went inside it once. As I recall, it had some pretty cool features.”
“Yes, it does.” Lily met her gaze. “Which is only part of the reason I bought it.”
Kayla’s eyes went wide. “You bought it? What kind of shape is it in? I mean, it wasn’t that great seven years ago.”
“And it’s been closed up for at least the last five, so I’m sure it’s even worse than you remember.”
“Yet you bought it?”
“Kayla, I have fallen in love with Ouray. It’s my home. And that hotel is a part of this town’s history. A history that needs to be preserved for future generations. I want to restore it to its former glory.”
“You’re going to restore it?” While Kayla had no doubt that Lily could afford such a venture, she couldn’t quite picture her wealthy friend wielding a hammer, let alone refinishing floors.
“Not me personally. I’m going to hire someone to do the work.”
“Okay, so what does that have to do with me? You want me to help you find a general contractor?”
“Sort of.” Looking rather sheepish, Lily sat down next to her. “I’d like you to be that contractor.”
“Lily, a restoration like that could take months. Maybe years.”
“I’m aware of that. And I know the baby is coming and everything, but you know historical renovations better than anyone. I mean, you’ve been doing them for years.”
“Lily, I’ve never been a general contractor before.”
“You didn’t have the title, but you certainly had all the duties. That’s why you always talked about starting your own business.” Lily lifted a shoulder. “Even contemplated doing it somewhere other than Denver.”
Lily was the only person in this world Kayla would have shared that with.
“This could give you that fresh start you’ve been looking for. An opportunity to view life from a different angle. I mean, just look at how Ouray has changed my life.”
It all sounded wonderful. Too good to be true. But after seeing Jude...
Kayla eyed her friend. “You’ve put a lot of thought into this, haven’t you?”
The corners of Lily’s mouth lifted. “Been running this conversation through my head for weeks.”
“Seriously? You have a wedding to plan and you’re dwelling on a conversation with me?”
“I wouldn’t call it dwelling. More like carefully calculating so I’m sure to play up all the right points.”
Where would she be if God hadn’t brought this woman into her life? She nudged Lily with her elbow. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Sweetie, you’re the sister I never had.”
“If that’s the case, then you’re the annoying sister.”
“A distinction I will wear proudly.” Lily paused, her expression turning serious. “So, what do you say?”
“Let me see the place first. After I put my feet up for a few and grab a snack.”
“You do look a little tired.” Bottom lip pooched out, Lily reached for her hand. “And here I am, pushing you to do all sorts of stuff. I’m sorry.”
Kayla set her free hand atop Lily’s. “You’re just excited, that’s all.”
“Still, that doesn’t give me the right to be rude.” Her friend stood. “You take all the time you need. Though I should tell you that Carly just made an apple crisp that is to die for.”
“Ah, that’s what I smelled downstairs. Made my stomach growl.”
“That happens when you’re eating for two.” Lily moved toward the door. “I’ll see you in a bit.” She reached for the knob and started to pull it closed.
“Lily?” Kayla rested her back against the plethora of pillows and stretched her legs out on the bed.
She grabbed a throw pillow, hugging it against her chest. “Don’t expect me to give you an answer right away. I’ll have to think on this one awhile.”
Lily grinned. “I know you will. And I’ll be praying that God will lead us both to the right decision.”
Chapter Two
Jude eased his truck into the parking spot next to Lily’s SUV, still trying to get Kayla out of his mind. Between last night’s conversation with his father and seeing her today, he was wound up tighter than a two-dollar watch.
God, I sure wish I knew what You’re trying to teach me. Because whatever it was, he’d just as soon learn it and move on.
This might be a good night to lock himself in his shop and sort through his thoughts while he turned some spindles. That always seemed to relax him.
Killing the engine, he stared at the old Congress Hotel. The three-story wooden structure that had once been labeled “the finest on the Western Slope” seemed to be disintegrating before his eyes. The white paint was either peeling or completely gone, the open veranda on the second floor that extended over the sidewalk sagged and much of the trim appeared damaged by the elements and countless years of neglect. He hated to see it. Though its restoration would be a major undertaking for anyone.
Noting that one of the two doors on the front of the building stood open, he climbed out, eager to learn what Lily was up to.
Still wearing his uniform—a black tactical shirt and gray cargo pants—he continued across the sidewalk and up the concrete steps until he stood on the vintage wooden floors that graced the hotel’s lobby. With its tin ceiling and antique furnishings, it felt as though he’d stepped into another place in time.
The sun had already dipped behind Twin Peaks along the town’s western edge, and the remaining daylight struggled to make its way through the hazy stained-glass-rimmed windows along the front.
“Lily?” He glanced up the staircase to his left before continuing past the ornately carved registration desk. Hearing sounds coming from the dining room, he moved in that direction.
“Lil—” The sight of Kayla standing on a ladder stopped him in his tracks and sent his mind racing back to their first meeting. They’d both been hired by a local contractor to help with the restoration of one of the largest Victorian homes in town. She’d been standing on a ladder that day, too. And he’d been smitten the first moment he saw her.
Hauling his traitorous mind back to the present, he cleared his throat. “Do you think it’s wise for you to be up there in your condition?”
She shot him an annoyed look before returning her focus to the peeling wallpaper. “Trust me, I was doing this long before I was in this condition.”
“True, but your center of equilibrium is different now. What if you were to fall? What would your husband say?”
Using what looked like a pocketknife, she carefully pried another sliver of paper away from the plaster. “I doubt he’d care.”
Confused, he took a step closer and set a hand on the ladder, just in case. “Why do you say that?”
She closed the knife, tucked it into the pocket of her jeans and stepped down. “Because he’s dead.”
He stood there, blinking, feeling as though someone had just hit him with a left hook. Her husband was dead? He glanced at her swollen belly. Leaving Kayla to raise their child alone. “I—I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She collapsed the ladder and leaned it against the wall. “My baby and I are doing just fine.”
“Sorry, I took so long.” Lily breezed into the room then, stirring up the stale air. “Jude, I’m glad you’re here.” She looked from him to her friend. “Kayla, this is Noah’s brother Jude. He specializes in historic millwork reproduction.”
He waited to see what Kayla would do. Would she tell Lily that they already knew each other? That they’d fallen in love? Or at least he had. Something that, apparently, hadn’t been reciprocated.
Kayla’s gaze drifted to his. “Historic millwork?” He thought he saw a hint of a smile. “So, you’re not just a police officer.” Why did that seem to please her? And why did her reaction bolster him?
“No, he is not,” Lily responded before he had a chance. “I’ve seen his work, and he’s quite talented. He can replicate almost anything, and you would never know it wasn’t an original.” Turning, she sent him a grin. “Which is why I asked you to meet me here.”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.”
“I want to restore this building. The hotel, restaurant, perhaps—” she strode to the center of the room “—and I can just envision this dining room being used for wedding receptions and parties...”
His suspicions had been right. Scanning the decrepit dining room with its water-stained wallpaper and warped wooden floorboards, he could see Lily’s vision, but—
“You’re looking at a lot of work, Lily, and that’s going to translate to money.” He crossed to stand beside her. “This room alone looks as though it has a fair amount of water damage. I don’t know where the water came from, but if it was overhead, then the damage is likely worse on the two upper floors.”
She eyed him matter-of-factly. “I’ve already seen it. And yes, it is. But if someone doesn’t come in here and do something soon, things will continue to deteriorate, and it’ll cost even more.” She sent him a pleading look. “Jude, Ouray has blessed me in so many ways. If I can help save a part of its history, then I don’t care what it costs.”
He smiled down at the likable woman who had more money than he could ever fathom. “Even if you weren’t marrying my brother, there’s no way I could say no to that. Just tell me what you want me to do.”
“There’s lot of damaged millwork throughout the building. I’d like you to replicate it and oversee the installation.”
“Sure, I can do that. Who’s your contractor?”
“I’m not certain yet.” Lily strolled toward Kayla. “However, my sweet friend here has worked as a house flipper for a number of years.”
“I work for a house flipper.” Kayla was quick to correct.
“He purchases the homes, but you’re the one who oversees all of his projects. And you do a fair amount of the work yourself.” Taking Kayla by the arm, Lily again faced Jude. “Since her specialty is historic homes, I’m hoping she’ll agree to act as general contractor for me.”
Whoa, what? Kayla as general contractor? That meant they’d be working together again. And while he trusted Lily’s judgment...
He scraped his boot across the worn floorboards. Man, why had he been so quick to say yes?
His only hope now was that Kayla would say no. Because from the sound of things, she already had a job. Sure, she and Lily were friends, but why would she give up that job and move to Ouray for one project? Especially when she was pregnant.
His gaze drifted across the room to the dark-haired beauty. Then again, she was used to a more itinerant lifestyle. Perhaps, now that her husband was gone, she’d decided she’d been in one place for too long.
Pink tinged Kayla’s cheeks. “Lily, I told you I’d think about it.”
“I know you did. So let’s go have a look at the rest of the place.” Lily motioned for them to follow her as she started back into the lobby. “Perhaps that will help convince you.”
Or scare her away.
They were almost to the stairway when Lily’s phone rang. She looked at the screen. “Sorry, guys, I need to take this.” Aiming for the front door, she added, “I shouldn’t be long.”
A silent moment passed before Kayla turned to him. “I’m relieved to hear you’re still doing your woodworking.” She lifted a shoulder. “After seeing you at the park, I was afraid you’d given it up in favor of police work.”
“No way. That was just to tide me over until I could make a living with the woodworking. Now I’m planning on giving up the day job so I can devote all my time to millwork.” Why had he told her all that? Even if he wasn’t faced with the possibility of breaking his father’s heart, it was none of her business.
“Wow, that’s great.” She smiled. “I’ve often thought about starting my own flipping business. Only historic homes, though.” She absently smoothed a hand over her belly. “Of course, now I have to look at the bigger picture and think about how my decisions will affect others.”
He inched closer. “Speaking of decisions, you’re not really considering taking Lily up on her offer, are you?”
Her brow lifted. “Why shouldn’t I? There’s nothing tying me to Denver.”
He searched her dark eyes. So much for settling down. Evidently, the wanderer in her still couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck in one place for too long.
Good thing he hadn’t asked her to stay all those years ago. No matter how badly he’d wanted to.
“Or are you afraid the job might be too much for a woman in my condition?” Her words flew all over him.
Maybe he had stepped in it with that comment. Yet while his mother had raised him and his brothers to be gentlemen, she’d also been an example of just how capable women could be. Something Kayla knew good and well, having spent a fair amount of time with the woman.
Standing toe-to-toe with her, he said, “I think you know me better than that.” For a second he thought he saw her wince.
Then she perched her hands on the backs of her hips and glared up at him. “Do I?”
“You would if you’d stuck around.” Realizing what he’d said, he jammed a hand through his hair and turned away. He must be more stressed than he thought. He was talking like a crazy man.
Thankfully, Lily whisked past him. “We’re running out of daylight, so we need to hurry if we’re going to manage even a cursory look.”
As he followed the two women up the broad staircase, he couldn’t help wondering what he’d gotten himself into.
* * *
Kayla stared out the window of Lily’s SUV, eyeing the lights of Main Street on the way back to Granger House Inn. You would if you’d stuck around.
Again, Jude’s words played through her head, confusing her and messing with her already tired mind. Had he wanted her to stay all those years ago?
Her eyes briefly fell closed. Foolish. She’d given him every opportunity in the world to ask her to stay and he hadn’t. Despite all of her comments about loving Ouray and how it felt like a good place to call home, he’d let her drive away with her parents without so much as a wish that she would stay.
None of that mattered now anyway. He was the one who’d deemed their relationship over. She’d moved on with her life. Gotten married. She had a baby on the way, and Lily had offered her an incredible opportunity.
What was her problem then? Why was she finding it so difficult to say yes? Like she’d told Jude, there was nothing tying her to Denver. The house she’d shared with Shane had sold months ago, what little stuff she had was in storage and since she’d been living at Lily’s there was no lease to worry about. All she had was her job. One she was already considering leaving to start her own company. Throw in the fact that Ouray was the one place she’d always dreamed of settling down...
Except you’d dreamed of settling down with Jude.
She blew out a breath, fogging up the window. That was seven years ago. She’d been twenty-one and still traveling from place to place with her parents in an RV. Of course she’d wanted to settle down. She’d spent her entire life roaming. She’d wanted a place to call home. To make friendships that lasted more than six months and have the opportunity to fall in love and start a family.
Things she’d ultimately achieved in Denver. Aside from her friendship with Lily, though, her life wasn’t the fairy tale she’d envisioned. Instead, she’d found herself perpetually walking on eggshells, always hoping and praying Shane would come home sober. When he did, he could be the most charming person in the world. But if he didn’t...
Now she had a baby to think about. What if she made the wrong decision and messed up her child’s life the way she had hers?
“You’re awful quiet over there.” Lily glanced at her across the center console.
Darkness had fallen over Ouray, so Kayla couldn’t say she was taking in the view. “Just thinking.”
“In that case, I have something else for you to ponder.”
“As if I need more.” Twisting, she feigned annoyance.
“Sorry.” Lily stared straight ahead, her brow puckering. “That was my Realtor who called earlier.” Making a right turn, she glanced Kayla’s way. “We received a full-price offer on the house today.”
She straightened. “Full-price? That’s excellent.”
“It is.” Lily let go a sigh. “However, it also means that you’re going to have to find another place to live.”
“Lily, you were doing me a favor, remember?” And while Kayla had been looking, she had yet to find anything that felt like home. “We knew this was inevitable.”
“I know, but...” Her friend hesitated. “I’m not trying to pressure you or anything, but I should let you know that I’ve already spoken with Andrew and Carly and if you do decide to stay in Ouray, you can live in Livie’s House, the little folk Victorian next door to Granger House Inn. It belonged to Andrew and Jude’s grandmother, but now it’s used as an extension of the bed-and-breakfast. You’d have the whole house to yourself.”
She remembered that house. She and Jude used to stop by to play cards with his grandmother, a sweet lady who made some of the best chocolate chip cookies Kayla had ever tasted.
“I will take that into consideration.” Again, she stared outside. God, You’re trying to tell me something, aren’t You?
She was still wrestling with herself when they eased to a stop in front of Granger House Inn.
“Lily, there’s something I need to share with you.”
Unfastening her seat belt, her friend looked concerned. “What is it, sweetie?”
“You know how I told you about me and my parents spending time in Ouray?”
“How could I forget? Your glowing accounts were what made me decide to come here.”
“Well...” Kayla picked at her barely there fingernails. “What I failed to tell you is that, during those six months, I fell in love. With Jude Stephens.”
Lily’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding me.”
She’d never seen her friend’s eyes so big. “I wish I were.”
The lights of the dashboard glowed as Lily turned in her leather seat. “That is crazy. I mean, what is the likelihood that... Wait, do you still love him?”
“Lily, I was married to another man.”
“Okay.” Lily brushed a stray hair away from her face. “Maybe love wasn’t the right word. But do you still have feelings for him?”
Kayla had feelings all right. A jumbled concoction of them, most of which were probably brought on by the child growing inside of her. She shrugged. “He was my first love, so, yeah, it was kind of exciting to see him again.”
“He’s not married, you know.” Lily grinned with what Kayla was sure was matchmaking glee. “How do you think he felt about seeing you?”
“That’s easy. Stunned.”
“Of course he was. I mean, we tried to stay in touch, but you know how that goes.” Especially when one person says they’re done and the other loses her phone, along with every contact she had stored in it. “He had no idea I was your matron of honor.” She shook her head. “And that’s my fault for not saying something to you as soon as you told me you were marrying Noah.”
“Wait, have you met Noah?”
“No, he was on the rodeo circuit when I lived here. And Andrew was living in Denver. The middle brother—”
“Yeah, he wasn’t around either. But I spent a lot of time at their ranch, so I got to know Daniel and their mom and dad. I loved Mona.”
Lily’s countenance fell. “I hate to tell you this, Kayla, but she passed away a few years ago.”
Tears pricked the backs of Kayla’s eyes. Tilting her head upward, she tried to blink them away. Mona was the one person she was really looking forward to seeing again. Because if anyone could make sense of Kayla’s crazy life, it was Jude’s mother. “How?”
The same stupid disease that had taken her father. She pressed her back against the seat. “That stinks.”
“Yes, it does. Noah’s told me a lot about her. I wish I’d had the opportunity to meet her.”
Kayla rolled her head to stare at her friend. “She would have loved you, Lily.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. Mona loved everyone.”
Lily wrinkled her nose. “I suppose I should warn you that Clint has a girlfriend. Hillary Ward-Thompson. She’s very sweet.”
“How do the guys feel about that?” If there was one thing she knew for certain, it was that the Stephens’ boys were crazy about their mother.
“They’re okay with it. Probably because she and Clint were old friends and it’s been a very slow growing relationship. Noah says she’s good at keeping his father in line.”
They both chuckled.
“I seem to recall Clint being a bit of handful,” added Kayla.
Sobering, Lily said, “I know you have a lot of other things to consider, but is Jude part of the reason you’re having a hard time making a decision?”
“Honestly, I’m too tired to think. Plus, it’s only been, what, three, four hours since you sprang this on me? I thought we’d be talking about wedding stuff, not renovations.”
“Don’t worry, there will be plenty of wedding stuff.”
“I hope so, because I’m looking forward to all those girlie things. For now, though—” Kayla unhooked her seat belt “—I think I just need some dinner and a good night’s rest.” One that was, hopefully, not interrupted by a dangerously handsome police officer and images of what might have been.
Chapter Three
Jude breathed in the calming aroma of sawdust while the hum of his lathe provided the white noise that usually relaxed him. Tonight, though, he was neither calm nor relaxed.
He removed the freshly turned spindle from the machine, ran a hand over the smooth wood grain before setting it aside, then put another block of wood in its place. He needed to escape reality for a while and take some time to collect his thoughts. He hadn’t felt this torn, this discombobulated since...since the day his mother died.
He wished she was here now to listen and help him sort through the chaos banging around inside of him.
He had already made his decision to resign from the police department when his father approached him about taking over the cattle business. The man was nothing if not proud. Proud of his family and the business he’d worked hard to build. How could Jude tell him he wasn’t interested? Dad wasn’t getting any younger, after all. It was only natural he’d want to step aside, assured that his legacy would live on.