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Justice is Coming
“Good grief,” she mumbled. “What’s wrong with us?”
Oh, she knew what.
So did he.
“My advice?” He took some tissues from the glove compartment and pressed them against his chin. “Pretend it’s not there.” Since she didn’t question what it was, he figured they were on the same page.
Talk about lousy timing.
And bad judgment.
Of course, that idiot part of him behind his jeans’ zipper was a bad-judgment magnet. He had a way of hooking up with women who could give him the most amount of trouble in the least amount of time.
The most fun, too.
Still, this went beyond his fondness for bad girls whose middles names were Trouble. Because this bad girl had been sent to kill him.
“Any chance your father’s behind this?” Declan came right out and asked. He expected her to have a quick denial and figured she wouldn’t admit that Zander Gray would try to kill his own daughter.
“There’s no way he would put me at risk like this.” She paused. “But he hates you. A lot. And he blames you for his arrest.”
“He should blame himself. He’s the one who tried to murder a witness.”
“He said he was innocent and I believe him.”
Not exactly a surprise. “Well, I’m just as adamant that he’s as guilty as sin.” Declan took the final turn toward town. “Would he include you in any plan to get revenge against me?”
He looked for any signs that she’d been lying, that she’d been in on this plan from the beginning—all to help her father get back at him.
“No.” There was just a slight hesitation before she repeated it.
Maybe she wasn’t as certain as she wanted to seem. Declan sure wasn’t, and her father gave them a starting point. But before trying to track down the man who’d been a fugitive for months, he needed to deal with the note.
Well, maybe.
It was possible that Kirby would be too weak to talk. Still, he could at least have Eden checked out to make sure she was okay. He didn’t see any cuts or bruises, but she’d hit the ground pretty hard when he had dragged her off the porch and away from those bullets.
He pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and looked around to make sure they hadn’t been followed. Something he’d done on the entire drive. The missing gunman probably wouldn’t choose Main Street for an attack, but Declan didn’t want to take any chances.
“This way.” He led Eden through a side door for one of the clinics located in the hospital. It was an entrance he and his brothers had been using a lot lately so they wouldn’t have to go through the newly installed metal detectors and disarm. With Kirby’s frequent stays in the hospital, it saved all of them some time.
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