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One Tough Texan
“How’d you know he’d be there?” he asked, redirecting his thoughts to something he could fix.
“I’d tracked him to the area based on a meeting he’d set up to talk to someone about a new transportation route and so I used an informant to plant a tip. I knew that if he could get me on Perez’s radar that I’d have a good chance of becoming his target. My informant had already told me that Perez had a buyer for a sixteen-year-old blonde, so he set me up.”
She’d fit the clean-cut American teenager to a T. Even now with her blue-striped pajama pants and white tank, she looked years younger. Her hair was drying and the rubber band looked barely able to contain her waves.
“And then you came along and...” She didn’t say that he’d ruined it but he could tell based on her expression that’s exactly what she was thinking.
“If I interrupted your plan to be kidnapped by one of the most dangerous men in the country, then I’m glad I came along when I did,” Joshua said. He pointed to her right side below her armpit where blood flowered. “How bad is that?”
She glanced down and panic flitted across her face as she hopped up. “Oh.”
“Don’t move. You’ll only make it worse.” He glanced around the small room looking for some kind of emergency kit. “You have first aid supplies?”
“Not much. I meant to pick some up.”
“Hold on.” He ran out to the Jeep and retrieved his, shivering in the cold. The temperature must’ve dropped fifteen degrees in the last hour alone. On the ranch, he never knew when he’d need first aid so he’d gotten in the habit of keeping supplies on hand wherever he went.
The thunder had eased and the rain was coming down in a steady beat. He planned to head out at first light as soon as he knew she’d be okay.
Joshua returned to the room a few minutes later and found Alice as he’d left her. Head against the headboard with her eyes shut. Since her hand was closed around her Glock, he didn’t want to startle her.
He moved closer so that he could disarm her if need be. He didn’t take her skills lightly. She was good with a weapon but he was better. Couple that with the fact that exhaustion was slowing her reaction time and he had the edge he needed.
Her eyes snapped open the second the bed dipped under his weight.
“It’s me,” he said, his hand covering hers on the weapon as she brought it up. Physical contact sent a different kind of heat through him. A sexual attraction wasn’t appropriate or wanted, especially under the circumstances.
She apologized and then shook her head.
“How long has it been since you’ve had a good night’s sleep?” he asked. There were other more pressing questions he needed to ask, but he reminded himself not to get too personal with someone he would never see again after tonight. Because he had every intention of helping her and then getting back to the ranch to deal with his own problems.
“A while, I guess.”
“What else do you know about Perez?” he asked to distract her as he lifted her shirt enough to see where the blood came from. He was worried about Alice. He peeled back the bloody bandage to reveal a two-inch gash three inches below her armpit.
“Most of these criminal rings take girls from places where huge crowds are gathered, like the Super Bowl. Not Perez. He searches for just the right one, looks for a certain kind and mostly prefers all-American types. He seems to have a particular affinity for blondes although Isabel—” she flashed her eyes at him as he cleaned the blood off the cut and then she continued “—that’s her name, is a brunette. I can see why he’d take her, though, because she’s a beautiful girl.”
There was probably no way he could convince Alice to follow him to the ranch until he could dig deeper into the situation and things settled down. Her eyes were pure blue steel and determination and she’d left behind a job she loved to track down this girl. This was the closest she’d been to getting answers and he highly doubted he could convince her to slow down.
“Innocent girls and blondes fetch a higher price. His target age range is twelve to sixteen years old.” She winced.
He apologized as he finished cleaning her wound, warning her that the next part might hurt more. “I’d be happy to take you to the ER.”
Her head was already shaking before he could finish his sentence.
“Those are practically babies,” Joshua ground out, thinking about what she said about the girls. Anger bit through his normally easygoing nature.
She nodded. “He likes to target places where there won’t be a lot of extra security or cameras. Remote spots in small towns like this.”
Joshua blotted her wound with fresh antibiotic ointment on a clean piece of gauze.
“Then, he sells them to various jerks or uses them to farm babies for high-profit adoptions,” she said.
Didn’t this conversation just spike Joshua’s blood pressure in two seconds flat? No matter how many years he spent on the job he’d never get used to people who hurt children. He shook his head as he placed a new bandage over her cut.
“I learned that several of his girls have been used for the sole purpose of being impregnated and then held captive through multiple pregnancies,” she continued.
Joshua knew all about those sickening operations. He’d get more information out of Alice if she believed he was a civilian. He pretended to be hearing this for the first time even though he didn’t feel right deceiving her. “Do I want to know what Perez does once he...uses the girls?”
“Dumps the bodies once he’s made enough from the babies and the girls start to become liabilities,” she said with an involuntary shudder. “And that’s just one of the things they could be doing with her. Perez has been known to sell them to a high bidder, which is why he likes a specific look. He knows the market and what his customers like. He gets a sense for their taste and then snatches a few girls to give a ‘client’ options.”
Joshua had learned even more about illegal adoption rings when his oldest brother Dallas got involved with a woman whose baby was almost abducted before Halloween. Thankfully, Kate and baby Jackson were doing fine and Joshua figured a wedding announcement would be coming soon since Dallas and Kate had fallen in love during the process.
“I can’t imagine the kind of monster it would take to do something like this to children,” Joshua said, and then apologized as soon as he realized that Isabel was most likely in the hands of someone like that. By now, she could be pregnant, abused or dead. And that explained the worry lines etched in Alice’s forehead. Being on the job, she would know firsthand what a deviant like Perez would do. And Joshua hated seeing her go through something like this when she should be home with Isabel, doing normal stuff girls do this time of year like holiday shopping.
“No need to be sorry,” she said. “Believe me, it won’t help Isabel.”
“How do you know she didn’t run away? Maybe she needed a change of scenery and she’s somewhere safe in another city,” he offered.
“We’re close and I stay in touch with her foster parents and caseworker. She’s a good girl and she loves my twins.”
Joshua hadn’t thought about the fact that Alice could be married with kids. She’d mentioned her boys earlier but he thought that was part of the lie she was making up about a relationship with Perez. He glanced at her ring finger and stifled the relief that came when he didn’t see a band. But then she wouldn’t wear one while on a case like this. “You’re married?”
“No,” she said.
He didn’t want to admit the relief he felt with her answer. “You have twins?”
“Yeah. Why? You got something against twins?” Her eyebrow spiked.
“Nope. Not me.” Joshua couldn’t help but laugh given that he was a twin. His brother was the oldest by two minutes.
“It’s not funny. I love them with all my heart but those two can be holy terrors.”
“I’m sure they are.” He smiled wryly thinking of all the misadventures he and Ryder had had. He was pretty certain his mother would’ve used that same term to describe the two of them.
“You have kids?” she asked.
“Then you have no idea what twins are like,” she said so matter-of-factly that he laughed again. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s nothing.” He wondered if his mother would have had the same exacerbation in her voice when describing him and his brother. The fact that she’d had six boys, the last of which were twins, made him certain she would.
* * *
THE COWBOY PUSHED off the bed. He’d done a nice job of dressing her wound.
“Mind if I grab a shower?” he asked.
“Not at all. I’ll clean off the other bed for you,” she said but he waved her off.
“I can manage. I’d rather you get some sleep.” His jacket was already draped over the back of the second dining chair. He tugged his T-shirt up and over his head and then fanned it out to dry on the dresser.
Alice shouldn’t let herself notice the ripples of muscles cascading down his back. He obviously spent some serious time at the gym. Then again, he’d mentioned something about a ranch. Working outside would give a man a body like his.
Tiredness pervaded every one of Alice’s bones. There was no amount of caffeine that could keep her eyes open for much longer but she was so used to fighting sleep that she tossed and turned instead of giving in.
The fact that the cowboy was in the next room cleaning up shouldn’t edge into her thoughts. Or that his body looked made of steel. It had to be the fact that she was overwrought with hormones combined with severe lack of sleep that had her thinking about the water rolling down the ripples in his chest that gave way to a solid six-pack stomach. She’d felt just how strong and masculine he was when her body had been pressed against his at the gas station. A place deep inside stirred, a need she’d felt too many times recently. She wished he could wrap those steel arms around her and make her feel safe.
How tired was she that her mind could wander to such a place given the circumstances? She forced her thoughts to the case and a sense of despair washed over her. It had been weeks since she’d seen her boys and that was probably the reason tears threatened so heavily this time. Or maybe it was the fact that the last lead to find Isabel had disappeared in front of her eyes. Perez wouldn’t be looking for Alice, but if he ever saw her again her cover would be immediately blown. He’d been her last hope to find Isabel. She fingered the pendant on the necklace around her neck, half a heart. The other half belonged to Isabel. When put together they read Best Friends. Isabel had scrimped and saved to purchase the necklaces over the summer. Tears threatened as Alice thought about the gift she’d been planning to give Isabel.
Alice had planned to tell Isabel about her plans to file for adoption. She wanted to be more than a big sister to Isabel. She wanted to be family.
A dark sadness blanketed her like a thick fog rolling in. The clock was ticking, time was running out and Alice didn’t know how much longer she could abandon her boys to chase down clues. Christmas was in three weeks and they deserved to have their mother home with them, too.
Alice hadn’t been completely honest with the cowboy earlier. She’d kept to herself the fact that she’d been forced to step down from the case because she’d gotten too close to an existing investigation with the FBI. Tears spilled and a sob released as she thought about her options.
Alice hated her weakness, but she could no longer hold back the onslaught of emotions bearing down on her, suffocating her.
Chapter Four
Joshua hoped he’d get back to the motel before Alice woke. He’d slipped out to pick up breakfast supplies. Outside the local coffee shop, Dark Roast, he called his twin brother. Ryder picked up on the second ring.
“What’s going on at the ranch today?” Joshua asked.
“Where are you?” Even though the sun wasn’t up Ryder sounded wide awake, typical hours for a rancher. Joshua had always been more of a night owl. In fact, he’d done little more than doze off for a few minutes here and there in the past few hours. His seniority at the Denver PD had given him the right to choose his shift. Unlike his peers who worked the day shift, he’d picked evenings. Even though he’d been home for weeks, his internal clock hadn’t made the adjustment.
“I’m in town at the coffee shop.” It wasn’t a lie.
“Don’t tell me you have a hot date this early?” Ryder joked.
“Nothing like that. Just needed to make a run into town.”
“How’d it go last night with the Nelson widow?” Ryder asked. He must’ve picked up on Joshua’s tone and figured she was to blame.
“As well as can be expected when she opened the front door in a silk bathrobe.” Joshua hadn’t been thrilled.
Ryder laughed and that didn’t help Joshua’s mood.
“How’d you manage to get out of that one without hurting her feelings?” His brother must’ve known the widow would pull something. She always did.
“I pretended not to notice.”
Ryder roared with laughter. “And she let you get away with that?”
“No, she let her robe fall open at one point,” Joshua said, still not enthused. “I almost told her to go put on a turtleneck.”
“That would have sent her into the other room crying,” Ryder said defensively. “She’s a little out there, lonely, but she’s harmless.”
“I didn’t actually say that even though someone should. If you wanted diplomatic you should’ve sent Tyler.” Joshua didn’t hide his irritation. Their older brother was known for his ability to navigate sticky situations, evaluate all sides and come up with a solution everyone could live with. No doubt he would’ve handled the Nelson widow with ease.
“You don’t have to bite my head off, man. I’m just here to shovel cow patties in the barn,” Ryder shot back. “Besides, you’re the one who drew the short straw at the family meeting last week.”
That didn’t cover the half of it. Joshua didn’t mean to be terse with his brother. The two had always been close. Keeping his secret about applying to the FBI was eating at his conscience, especially as he moved through the rounds. Then there was the woman sleeping in the motel room twenty minutes away. “I haven’t had my morning coffee yet. I don’t mean to be a jerk.”
“You’re fine. Besides, the Nelson widow can have that effect on people,” he teased, lightening the mood. “What’s she donating this year?”
“A bronze statue called Horse and Rider. It’s actually nice,” Joshua said, thinking that an expensive piece of art like that needed to be out of the back of his Jeep before someone figured it was there and helped themselves to it.
“Sounds heavy,” Ryder joked. “And classy.”
“Should help with our fund-raising goal this year at the silent auction.” He had no idea what that ultimate number was but he was sure a few of his brothers did, and rightfully so. They seemed like naturals when it came to stepping in for their parents.
“We ever going to talk about what’s really been bugging you, because I know it’s not the Nelson widow?” Leave it to Ryder to come right out with something on his mind. Then again, his twin would be the first to pick up on his underlying mood.
“It’s just not the same without them at the ranch,” Joshua said quietly, referring to their parents and that was 100 percent the truth. It was hard to think about being home without them there. And yet, that wasn’t what was really bothering him. He hoped his brother would buy the excuse or give him a pass without digging further.
“I miss them, too.” Ryder’s tone said he was giving Joshua a pass. This conversation wasn’t finished but would be saved for a later time.
“How’s everything going this morning?” Joshua asked, ready to change the subject.
“Fine. Dallas and Tyler are out checking fences. Austin and Tyler are in the office today. Austin said something about being up to his neck in financials and Tyler is negotiating next year’s supplier contracts. Are you coming in today? Uncle Ezra called last night and requested a family meeting,” Ryder said.
“What’s that about?” Joshua asked, distracted. He didn’t feel good about leaving Alice alone. He checked his watch, 5:40. It’d been less than twelve hours since their first encounter with The Ghost. Perez could be anywhere. Based on his reputation he was most likely searching for Joshua, not Alice. Joshua still didn’t like it. He scanned the parking lot aware that he had to watch his back a little more carefully until this whole situation blew over.
“I’m guessing he’s fighting with Aunt Bea again and wants us on his side,” Ryder said.
“Maybe he has another ‘opportunity’ for the family to invest in,” Joshua quipped.
“Yea, like his others have been so successful.” Ryder laughed.
Joshua tucked his free hand inside the front pocket of his jeans, staving off the morning chill. “What time’s the meeting?”
“Said he’ll come around suppertime. Think you can make it or do you need me to cover and then fill you in later?” Ryder asked.
“I’ll do my best to be there. Can I text you later when I know for sure?” Joshua had missed three of the last four family meetings and he was starting to feel guilty. No matter what else he decided he would always need to be involved in the family business on some level. As for his life, he needed to set his priorities and work from there.
“Of course. I better get back to it. These cows don’t clean up after themselves,” Ryder said.
Joshua resisted making a snappy comeback as he ended the call. His next was to his friend, Sheriff Tommy Johnson.
“We got trouble in town,” Joshua said after exchanging greetings.
“What happened?” Tommy asked, sounding half asleep.
“Did I wake you?” His friend was normally up and running by now.
“Not really. I’ve been working a case and didn’t get much sleep last night. What’s going on?” Tommy didn’t say it but Joshua knew that his friend was staying up late working on his parents’ case. He’d been poring over the guest list at the art auction the night before their deaths.
“Marco Perez was sighted last night at the gas station off Highway 287 near Harlan and he may be coming to Bluff next,” Joshua said.
“What makes you think he’ll come here?” Tommy asked.
“Okay, back up and tell me everything.” Tommy sounded wide awake now as ruffling noises came through the line.
Joshua relayed the details from last night up to the point of Alice taking him to her motel room. Even though it felt like he was betraying her, Tommy needed to know about any threats to the area. Joshua couldn’t have innocent people being caught in the crossfire if Perez was on a hunting mission—the prey he was after might be Joshua. “Can you check out Alice Green? She’s tracking these guys and she’s a cop out of Tucson.”
“Green. Got it,” Tommy said. “I’ll run her through the system.”
“Would you mind keeping this quiet instead? Do you know anyone out west you could contact and ask unofficially?” Joshua didn’t want to alert her boss to her whereabouts.
“I can’t think of anyone offhand but I’ll ask my deputies and see what we can come up with,” Tommy replied after a thoughtful few seconds of silence.
“I’ll owe you one.” Joshua figured that line pretty much covered his morning, and his life ever since he’d clocked out the last time with Denver PD and returned to the ranch. He loved the land, there was no question about that, but living the life of a rancher was for his father, his brothers, not him. So, his twin had been doing nothing but covering for him. And Joshua couldn’t keep up the charade much longer.
* * *
A SUDDEN NOISE woke Alice with a start. Heart thumping, she shot up and fumbled around for her Glock. The room was cast in darkness. Her heart raced at the sound of the door closing and the snick of the lock.
“It’s just me,” the familiar voice, the cowboy, said as a reading light clicked on. “And I brought coffee.”
Alice sank onto the bed, trying to shake the feeling of heavy limbs that came with suddenly waking in the middle of a deep sleep. “Coffee sounds like heaven right now.”
“How do you take yours?” he asked.
“Black works for me.”
He handed over a cup and the warmth was amazing against her cold fingers.
“Okay if I turn on another light?” he asked.
“Sure.” She took a sip, enjoying the dark roast taste and the burn in her throat.
“Mind if I join you?” He motioned toward the foot of the bed.
“Not at all.” It was nice to have company for a change. She’d basically spent the past three weeks alone aside from being kidnapped, stabbed and burned. In all fairness, the burn was an accident. She missed her boys, home, her job. Even though she couldn’t tell the cowboy everything about herself, she didn’t have to pretend to be a sixteen-year-old with him.
Alice glanced around the room. “Someone around here is into bluebonnets.”
“It’s the state flower.”
“I know that.” She took another sip. “I’m not an idiot.”
“Never said you were.” He arched his eyebrow.
Okay, she was probably being too defensive. She needed to tone down her attitude. “Thanks for the coffee, by the way. I appreciate it.”
He nodded and half smiled. “How’s your side?”
“No fresh blood. That’s a good sign.” She lifted her shirt enough to get a good look at the bandage.
“We’ll need to clean up the wound this morning to make sure infection doesn’t set in.”
“Hold on a second, cowboy. We don’t need to do anything. I’ve got this.” Her defenses were set to high gear again.
He shot her a disgusted look that she didn’t want to overanalyze.
“Of course you do,” he said.
Well at least he took a hint. Or so she thought. Until he got up, moved to the bathroom and then returned with the first aid kit he’d stashed there last night.
“I’m not the most agreeable person before coffee and I think we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot this morning,” she started but he interrupted her. He was trying to help and, although that grated on her, she also realized how nice it was to have a friend.
“Letting me clean and bandage your wound doesn’t make you dependent on me, or weak.” He spoke slowly as though he didn’t want to leave any question about his intentions. There was also a sharp edge to his voice.
“I never said it did,” she protested but he was already by her side, kneeling down. And if it wasn’t for those intense green eyes of his she’d stop him right there.
“Then lift up your shirt and quit being a baby about it,” he dared.
Alice did and then took a sip of coffee, realizing for the first time in weeks just how tired she was. Her still-foggy brain wasn’t helping with her disposition. The caffeine was starting to make headway toward clearing it. As it was, she’d been running on power bars and adrenaline, and even though she’d slept like a champ last night she knew it barely scratched the surface of what she really needed. Careful not to hurt her already aching side, she tried to stretch the kinks out of her arms and legs.
“I need to come up with a new plan,” she said on a heavy sigh, not sure why she was confiding in the cowboy.
“Since I have no confidence in your plan-making abilities, I’m willing to offer my services,” he said with a smile.
“Great. Thanks for the confidence,” she said and then laughed. The cowboy had a point. And a great smile. “I guess I can see where I might look a little crazy from someone else’s point of view.”
“Desperate or determined are probably better words. I just don’t want you to get yourself killed in the process,” he said. Maybe it was too early in the morning and Alice’s brain hadn’t fully engaged but the deep timbre of his voice sent sensual shivers down her back. “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve done and where you’ve been so far? We can go from there.”
Alice took another sip of coffee and then leaned her head against the headboard. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Okay. Let’s see. Isabel went missing six weeks ago.”