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Major Crimes
“If you say so.” Steve wisely didn’t say anything further.
“I’m going to have to go completely dark from Omega.” Cain began stacking files. Many of them would be coming with him to Georgia. “Hayley can’t work anywhere within the Omega system.”
“Completely dark?” Steve asked. “That could be dangerous. You won’t have much backup if you need it.”
“Until we know how deep this goes, have a better idea of who the mole is and what sort of capacity he or she has for obtaining information? I can’t work within the Omega system. If this mole is as good as we think, he’ll realize it if I’m inside.”
The last thing either of them wanted to do was cause the traitor to go to ground. They’d never be able to catch him then. And that would make apprehending Freihof that much harder.
“The only people who will know what I’m doing will be you, Ren McClement in the DC office and me.”
Steve nodded. They both wanted to trust more people but keeping this circle as small as possible was the best scenario. McClement worked in the highest levels of Omega Sector, bringing together multiple departments when needed. The man was all but a legend. Cain trusted Ren just as much as he trusted Steve.
With his life.
“You just be careful,” Steve said. “Going dark can have some hard consequences.”
“I’m willing to pay that price if it means we get this traitor out of our midst.”
“I know you are.” Steve studied him. “But sometimes we are not the only person to pay the price. Hayley might have been guilty of whatever crime she committed years ago, but dragging her into this could be even worse.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect Hayley.” Believe it or not, even if she couldn’t see it, he’d always been trying to protect her. From the day he met her in high school until today. “I’ll make sure it’s cleared through the state so that she won’t be violating her parole by helping us. I won’t let anybody hurt her.”
Steve moved toward the door, nodding. “I hope she sees it that way.”
So did Cain.
Chapter Two
Hayley loaded the dirty dishes and wiped down the booth that had just been vacated by Bluewater Grill patrons. She slid along the soft gray leather of the seat to wipe a far corner of the table. She swiped at a few strands of dirty-blond hair that had escaped her long braid with the back of her hand, then hoped the moisture left on her forehead wasn’t cleaning solution.
She almost moaned in relief at how good it felt to be off her feet for just a second as she wiped. It was two o’clock in the afternoon. She’d already been working six hours and still had another eight to go. Just like yesterday.
And the day before that.
It was the only way she could make ends meet when she earned only minimum wage. Less than that, actually. But she didn’t argue, because at least she had a job.
Not many people were willing to hire a convicted felon, she’d found when she left the Georgia Women’s Correctional Institution four months ago. She’d been fortunate that the restaurant she worked at in high school part-time, still owned by the same family and now managed by their son, Timothy Smittle, a high school classmate of Hayley’s, had been willing to take a chance on her.
They hadn’t let her wait tables, explaining that they couldn’t allow an ex-felon to interact with customers or handle money. But Timothy had graciously offered to allow Hayley to bus the tables, wash dishes and clean the entire restaurant.
The same Timothy who was looking over at her now, eyebrow raised, since she was no longer wiping the table, just resting. Hayley quickly jumped up, not wanting to risk another lecture about how lucky she was to have a job at such a respectable establishment.
Hayley didn’t think too hard about her future. About the fact that she was twenty-eight years old, had no college degree, was an ex-felon and would probably still be working fourteen-hour days at the Bluewater twenty years from now.
Or the fact that she might have to start running for her life as soon as she was legally able to access a computer.
As she carried the bus pan back to the dishwashing area—thankful that some customer had come in and cut Timothy off from the route that had led straight to her and a lecture—she tried to count her blessings.
As a part of her parole she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere near a computer. The anklet she couldn’t remove ensured she had no interaction with a computer that lasted longer than two minutes every six hours. Not even social media. Although maybe she could manage a tweet in under two minutes.
It was a prototype. She should probably feel honored that she was one of the first batch of cyber criminals it was being tested on. This was what happened when you were part of a high-profile crime that even grabbed the attention of US senators. Everybody wanted to make sure you didn’t do it again.
Hayley had to admit her fingers itched for a keyboard. She yearned to get back into a world that involved no dishes or people like Smittle. She had a gift. When it came to computers and coding, she knew she had a gift.
Too bad she had let those gifts get her in trouble and cut her off from what could’ve been a very comfortable future. No one to blame but herself for that.
Well, maybe someone else to blame. But she didn’t expect she would ever see Cain Bennett again, so there was no point in targeting any anger toward him.
She rubbed at an ache in the general vicinity of her heart at the thought of Cain. Then cursed herself not only for getting her shirt damp with her wet fingers, but for even thinking about him at all.
Plus, being away from computers was what was keeping her safe right now. As long as she couldn’t go near a computer, she was not a threat to the people behind the situation that had led to her arrest and going to jail. Once they knew she could get near a computer and had the ability to trace their identities, Hayley had no doubt her life would become much more complicated.
But she couldn’t touch a computer for another two years at least, so she would run screaming over that bridge when she got to it. She had more than enough trouble to deal with today.
Which led to her most important blessing. She could hear him entering the restaurant right now, even from the back.
“Mama Hay-lay!”
Hayley dried her hands on her apron and ripped it off, dropping it next to the dishwasher. She walked out into the front of the restaurant, strolling by Timothy without even pausing.
“I’m taking my hour break.”
Timothy didn’t argue. It was the one measure Hayley had demanded when she came to work here. That she would be given a break once a day, during the lull in the afternoon, when her cousin Ariel came by with little Mason.
Mason, Hayley’s three-and-a-half-year-old son.
She grabbed Mason up in a hug, tickling him, breathing in his scent that meant so much to her, that calmed her and the tight spot inside her that grew whenever they were apart.
She and her son were together. They were both healthy, they were both happy, they were both free. A piece of paper signed while Hayley was in prison had made Ariel Mason’s legal guardian hours after his birth, but her cousin had made sure that Mason always knew Hayley was his mom.
Hayley wrapped her arm around Ariel also. “Hey, coz. Thanks again.”
Hayley knew it had to be difficult for Ariel to get Mason here every day. They were trying to figure out exactly how to transition him back from Ariel’s care to Hayley’s with as little trauma as possible for Mason.
“No problem. It’s the best part of our day.”
Hayley’s cousin had been a godsend. Hayley honestly had no idea what she would’ve done if it hadn’t been for Ariel’s willingness to care for Mason while Hayley was still incarcerated. He’d be a ward of the state otherwise.
Because there was no way in hell she would’ve told Cain he had a son. He’d made it very clear how little he thought of her when he’d used sex between them just to further his career by arresting her.
“It’s raining outside, so do you want to go to the mall play area, champ?”
Little Mason nodded his head vigorously. “Yeah yeah yeah.”
The drive to the mall took less than five minutes and soon they were watching Mason run around the enclosed area for children, made of soft foam material shaped like cars and rocket ships. It was one of Mason’s favorite places to go.
Mason took after her—slender build, sandy-blond hair, and a zest for life that unfortunately had been driven out of her in prison. Hayley loved seeing the energy in Mason, and that energy fed her soul, especially on days when work seemed never ending.
“I know I sound like a broken record,” Ariel said, taking a sip of the coffee she had picked up in the food court. “But you look exhausted.”
Hayley rubbed her eyes and looked at the coffee with jealousy. She’d love to have the caffeine, but food court coffee was out of her budget. She didn’t want to admit how good sitting down for an hour felt. “I’m okay, no need to worry.”
“You’re working twelve-to fourteen-hour days, six days a week. You can’t tell me that’s not taking a toll.”
“It’s not forever. I just want to make sure I’m as financially situated as possible before you leave.”
Ariel took a sip of her coffee and worked to avoid making eye contact with Hayley. “About that... I’ve been thinking that maybe now isn’t the right time. There will be another fellowship next year.”
“No!” Hayley’s tone brooked no refusal. “You’ve given up three years of your life for Mason and me. It’s time for you to go do what you really want.”
That included a full scholarship to Oxford, studying medieval literature for her master’s degree. It was what Ariel had dreamed about her whole life. She’d postponed that dream to take in Mason, but Hayley refused to let her cousin give up any more time than she already had.
Ariel leaned over until her head touched the side of Hayley’s shoulder. “I haven’t given up zilch. If anything, I’ve gained. Mason has been a blessing.”
Hayley leaned her cheek against the top of Ariel’s head. “I’m sure you didn’t think that during middle-of-the-night feedings when he was a newborn.”
Hayley tamped down the heartbreak she still felt at having missed that part of her son’s life. The important thing was that Mason had been cared for by someone who loved him.
“You’re working yourself to the bone to try to make money for when I’m gone. If I applied for next year’s fellowship you’d be in a much better situation.”
Hayley wasn’t just trying to save up money for Ariel’s absence, but she didn’t want to burden her cousin with any of that.
“But we both know they’re not going to offer it to you again if you turn them down this year.” They both watched as Mason ran up over a foam bridge. He’d already met another little boy and girl and was giggling with them both as they ran.
“There are other places I can study. Closer to home, not across the ocean.”
“Ariel, you’ve done your part. I don’t know how I would’ve survived without you. But you need to take care of yourself now. And Mason and I need to get to know each other, on our own. To become a mother and son.”
Hayley had lived in the tiny apartment with Ariel and Mason since she’d gotten out of prison four months ago. Any hours she didn’t spend working she spent with her son. And once Ariel left for Oxford, Hayley wouldn’t be able to work these insane hours. Someone would need to be with Mason after day care, and Hayley planned to be that person.
So if she had to work herself nearly to death over the next two months to have enough money to get by while Ariel was gone, then she would damn well do that.
She would do whatever she had to in order to be able to live a normal life with her child.
“I know you don’t like to talk about this, but what about contacting Mason’s father?”
Hayley didn’t even hesitate. “Not an option.”
Ariel rolled her eyes. “You know I don’t believe that nonsense about Mason’s father being ‘unknown’ like you put on the birth certificate. There’s no way you had some sort of one-night stand and didn’t know the guy’s name.”
Hayley shrugged. “Yeah, well, we all make mistakes.”
Cain Bennett had been hers.
All too soon it was time for Hayley to get back to the Bluewater. Ariel and Mason came inside to get Mason’s normal scoop of Wednesday ice cream in the last few minutes Hayley had of her break.
Mason sat next to her in the booth and told about his friend he met at the play area.
“He came over and showed me his red car. Let me play with it,” Mason said between bites.
Hayley reached over and kissed the top of his head. “Sounds like a pretty good friend you made there, buddy.”
Mason moved on to talk about his favorite toys at preschool while Ariel and Hayley listened attentively.
Thank God Mason had taken to Hayley’s presence in his life with such acceptance, that Ariel had constantly shown him pictures of Hayley and had referred to Hayley as his mom, had brought him for visitation in prison when she could. She and Ariel had done their best to make the transition natural and nondramatic. At first Hayley had just come over every day and gotten to know Mason. Two weeks later she moved in to the small apartment with them.
Hayley knew Mason loved her and that was all that mattered. When it came time for Ariel to go off to school it would be hard, but by then he would be even more comfortable with Hayley.
She saw Timothy looking over at her and then pointing at his watch. Hayley let out a sigh.
“Okeydoke guys, I’ve got to get back to work.” Hayley stood up as Mason finished his last bite.
“I’m going to get this sugar-infested rug rat back home.” Ariel smiled.
“I’ll hopefully be getting off work at around seven thirty, so maybe I’ll make it home in time for a bath and some book reading.”
When Mason’s face lit up at her words, Hayley knew she would do whatever necessary to make it happen.
“I love it when you read me books! The fire truck book! The big banana book! The green ham and eggs book!” He bounced up and down on the seat, and she knew if she’d allowed him to stand on it, he’d be jumping with his excitement.
“All of them, little man, I promise. Okay?” Hayley laughed and reached down and scooped Mason up in her arms, hugging him probably a little too tightly.
“You squeezeded me!” Mason squealed, but hugged her back.
He’d always hugged her back. Hayley was oh so grateful that he’d never turned away from her, even at the beginning. She’d like to think it was because it was his child’s heart responding to her mother’s heart.
But it was probably just because he was a good kid and didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
Hayley set Mason on the ground after giving him a loud kiss. “Get the books out and be ready. I’ll see you tonight.”
She watched as Mason took Ariel’s hand and they walked out the door.
“That was an hour and six minutes, Hayley.” Timothy had made his way over while she watched them leave.
Hayley turned back to the table to pick up the glasses and silverware. “Don’t worry, Timothy, I will make sure I get all my work done.”
“I agreed to this break every day, but now I’m thinking you’re trying to take advantage of it.”
Hayley managed to refrain from rolling her eyes. Barely. “It was six extra minutes. There’s hardly anybody in the restaurant and I have plenty of time to get everything done before the dinner rush starts.”
“Well, I just don’t want six extra minutes to turn into ten extra minutes to turn into thirty extra minutes. After all, we did do you a big favor by hiring you here.”
Hayley didn’t argue, just continued to clear off the table. Timothy Smittle was getting her labor at less cost than he would have to pay others. She was doing the work of two people and barely getting paid one person’s salary.
But she didn’t have any other choice, so she would keep her opinions and her arguments to herself. This was temporary. Mason was forever. Whatever she had to do to reestablish herself, to be prepared to take care of him in any situation, she would do it.
“Someone is coming in the door right now. All the waitresses are on break, so I’ll seat him and you take his order. But don’t do anything having to do with money. I’ll give him his check after.”
And keep the tip for himself, no doubt.
Hayley let out a weary sigh. “Fine, Timothy. Just let me go get my apron on and I’ll take his order.”
Hayley refused to let the exhaustion overwhelm her, even though she felt it much more now that Mason was gone. She would work hard, get through the shift and get home to her baby.
She grabbed a glass of water for the table where she needed to take the order. She was almost there, pulling her friendly facade over her features, when she looked up at the restaurant guest.
The water slipped out of her numb fingers and shattered as it hit the hardwood floor.
Cain Bennett.
Her eyes ran over his face. Not much had changed in the four years since she’d last seen him. His forceful chin and chiseled jaw were still completed by broad cheekbones, five-o’clock shadow already clear on them even at this early hour. His dark hair was still cut short, but with that rebellious curl that tended to fall across his forehead.
Those same green eyes with flecks of brown were now full of concern as he stood, staring at her. Cain hadn’t just happened to walk into this restaurant. He was here specifically looking for her.
Under no circumstance could this possibly be good.
Chapter Three
Cain approached Hayley slowly, both arms outstretched. Not unlike how he had approached traumatized victims in the past.
Because that’s exactly how Hayley looked: traumatized. Hell, she hadn’t looked this drained even in court four years ago.
Now her brown eyes had shadows under them, outlining an obvious exhaustion. She looked like she could gain another ten pounds and still be a little underweight.
And she was staring at him with something akin to terror in her eyes.
Cain hadn’t expected her to be happy to see him, but neither had he expected her to look like she was carrying the world’s weight on her shoulders. A sort of panic itched at his gut.
He took a step closer. She took a step back.
“Hayley, what the heck happened?” The manager rushed out from the back. “Get something to clean that up.”
The man turned and faced Cain. “We’re so sorry about this. I’ll get you another—Cain? Cain Bennett?”
Cain dragged his eyes away from Hayley to look at the man who knew his name. “Yes?”
“It’s Timothy Smittle. We went to high school together, remember, man?”
“I’ll go get a mop,” Hayley murmured before turning and almost running into the kitchen.
Timothy hooked a thumb toward Hayley’s retreating form. “And of course, you remember Hayley Green, right? You guys were all hot and heavy back in the day.”
“Of course.” Cain slowly sat back down in the booth, eyes fixed on the door Hayley had exited through.
Timothy slid into the booth across from Cain and lowered his voice even though there was no one else around. “And I guess you heard about the law trouble Hayley got into a few years back. That was after you had already left. She did some time at the Georgia Women’s Correctional.”
Cain just nodded.
“When she came back around here begging for her old job, I figured it was the least we could do. You know, since we all went to high school together.” Timothy sounded very pleased with himself. Like he was collecting bonus points or something.
Cain’s eyes left the door and moved to Timothy. “She helped you with your bookkeeping in high school, right? Is that what she’s doing now?”
Timothy smirked. “Are you kidding? We couldn’t let her near anything having to do with money.”
Cain’s lips pressed together although he knew he really couldn’t blame Timothy. “So she’s what, waiting tables?”
The thought of someone with Hayley’s intelligence and skills waiting tables was difficult for Cain to swallow, but he guessed he shouldn’t be surprised. Right now her job options were probably limited.
Timothy shifted a little uncomfortably in the booth across from Cain. “Um, well, that also involves money, so no. Mostly she’s, you know, helping out doing other things.”
Before Cain could press about exactly what those “other things” were, Hayley came back out with a broom and mop and began cleaning up the glass and water she’d spilled.
“I can help.” Cain slid to the edge of the booth ready to stand.
Timothy laughed out loud. “No, Cain. You sit down. It’s Hayley’s job.”
Hayley didn’t look up from what she was doing, but Cain could see the flush spread across her cheeks. She quickly swept up the glass and mopped up the water.
“So, how have you been, man?” Timothy asked, as if they’d been best buddies in high school. Cain barely recalled talking to the other guy at all. “You went on to play ball in college, right? After leading us to the state championships?”
“Yeah, for a couple of years. Then I blew out my knee. Nothing to stop normal life, but effectively ended my football career.”
Hayley had finished cleaning up and Cain could tell she was hesitating about whether to stay nearby or to leave. Timothy noticed it, too.
Timothy waved a dismissive hand in Hayley’s direction. “You can go do your work in the back. I’ll take Cain’s order and get him what he needs.”
Hayley still wasn’t looking at Cain, but he didn’t want her to leave. “Actually, I’m here to talk to Hayley.”
Timothy stiffened. “Oh. Actually, Hayley just took a break with Ariel and the kid, so she doesn’t have another break for a few hours.”
Cain looked around, noticing that Hayley became even more tense with Timothy’s words. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and the place was nearly empty.
“It doesn’t look like you really need her right at this second. I just need to borrow her for a few minutes.”
Timothy turned to glare at Hayley as if she had planned this. “Actually, during the downtime is when Hayley does most of the dishes and cleaning in the back. Then she helps out in front during the rushes.”
Hayley was the damned dishwasher?
“It’s fine, Timothy. I’m not going to take another break. I don’t have anything to say to Cain anyway.” She still wouldn’t look at him.
Cain had figured it would come down to this. Taking out his Omega Sector credentials, he turned back to Timothy. “This is law enforcement business. Hayley isn’t in any trouble and isn’t wanted by the law, but I need to talk to her about a few things. I’d appreciate it if we could have your cooperation.”
He saw Hayley stiffen further out of the corner of his eye.
Timothy stood. “Well, I don’t want to get in the way of the law, but really we don’t pay Hayley to sit around and talk to old boyfriends. I’ll go get you your water.”
Timothy left, shaking his head. Hayley finally looked at Cain. “Yeah, this isn’t a good time. I’m working.”
She seemed genuinely nervous about being here talking to him. Maybe she was afraid she was going to lose her job. Such as it was. “I can come to your house later if you want.” He had her address from her parole file.
“No,” she immediately said. “I don’t want you coming there.”
“Okay.” He held his hands out in a gesture of peace. “If you don’t want to talk here and you don’t want to talk at your home, maybe we can meet for dinner tonight?”
She shook her head again. “I can’t. I’m working here until seven thirty and then I have to go straight home.”
Cain refused to let himself get annoyed at her avoidance. “How about early tomorrow, then? What time does your shift start?”
“Seven a.m.” She shrugged.
He felt himself stiffen. “Did you begin working today at seven a.m. also?”