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The Bridal Bouquet
“Because you need a night out with the girls,” her friend Nealy answered.
“You’re so busy conquering the world of wedding flowers, we don’t see you,” Lilli added.
“Except this isn’t a girls’ night out. It’s the entire town of Cypress Pointe out. And you’re both here with your significant others.” Coughing, she grabbed the water bottle from Lilli’s outstretched hand.
“You make that sound like a bad thing,” Lilli said.
“Look, bonfires are special to both of you. I get it. You have wonderful memories associated here. All I do is end up going home with a scratchy throat and smelly clothes and hair.”
Nealy laughed. “You are so not a romantic.”
Lilli tapped a finger against her chin. “We need to find you a guy.”
“Whoa. Put the brakes on.” Kady held up her hand. “I’m not looking.”
“That’s your problem. You should be.”
“Why bother? I know most of the single men in town. Dated some of them. It didn’t happen.”
“That’s no reason to close yourself off,” Nealy argued.
Sure it was. Most of the guys she’d dated were as busy as she, always canceling at the last minute with work obligations. She got it, but for once she’d love to be put first in a relationship. Take Brad, for instance.
She’d trusted him. Thought she’d fallen hard for the country-club general manager she’d met while attending a business meeting there. She’d been talking with the event coordinator about her floral services when Brad walked into the office. They’d clicked. One date led to another and soon they were an item. Kady couldn’t believe how well they’d synced.
Until they didn’t.
After three months of assurances that he wanted to settle down, Brad jumped at an opportunity to move to a big club in Texas and hadn’t asked her to come with him. Worst of all, he’d bragged about acquiring only quality vendors, like Kady, to land the job.
While still in Florida, he’d promised she would be the exclusive florist for the club, which quickly fell through when the new general manager didn’t agree. Not only had her heart been bruised, but Brad had also cost her business she’d been counting on, while using her to advance his own career. After that, her trust level in men plummeted.
Since then, having gone on too many bad dates to count, Kady decided she and dating were like oil and water. Didn’t mix well. She accepted that. Why couldn’t her friends? Running her business and building a brand were the most important relationships in her life right now.
“You two are disgustingly happy and I’m thrilled for you both—truly I am. But not everyone is looking for their soul mate.”
Nealy leveled a glance at Lilli. “That is true. Things weren’t smooth sailing for either of us when we started out with our guys.”
“But they are now.”
Lilli’s smitten expression made Kady laugh. “Spoken like a bride-to-be.”
“The bride-to-be who has venue choices to make,” Nealy reminded her. As her event planner, she’d been after Lilli to make decisions so she could get the wedding ball rolling.
“And flowers to select,” Kady added.
“I will.” Lilli’s eyes went all dreamy. “We’re enjoying the moment.”
Nealy sputtered, “You’re making Max crazy. The PI is ready to drag you down the aisle.”
“There is that, too.”
Kady smiled at her childhood friend. She was delighted about the upcoming nuptials, especially since she’d be doing the flowers for the wedding and all the other related events. If Lilli ever set a date, that was.
“Hey, look. Dane’s waving at me.” Nealy stood, waving back to the man who owned the Grand Cypress Hotel, home to this year’s florist convention. “I should see what he wants.”
Lilli followed, brushing sand off the seat of her jeans. “And I should find Max.”
“Nice,” Kady mumbled, still seated. “You drag me down here then dump me.”
“We’ll be back,” Nealy assured her as the two took off. Yeah, right. From past experience, she knew once those two got with their men, there was no separating them. She smiled.
The wind picked up again, blowing the acrid smoke in Kady’s direction. Her nose burned and she blinked back fresh tears. Pushing up from the sand, she was ready to call it a night. The entire population of Cypress Pointe might enjoy the revelry of a bonfire on the beach, but Kady was not one of them.
Zipping up the jacket she’d layered over a sweatshirt and jeans, she coughed again as she weaved through the crowd, headed to the parking lot. She passed a group of laughing guys, swerving out of their way when she heard a deep male voice.
She swung around, her foot sliding in the damp sand. Her pulse jumped as the hunk from the wedding headed in her direction.
“Hi. Dylan, right?”
“Yeah. Enjoying the bonfire?”
She brushed ash from her sleeves and answered, tongue in cheek. “Sure.”
His metal-colored eyes sparkled with humor. “I’ll take that as a no.”
She laughed. “You’d be correct.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Friends dragged me out. You?”
“Family dragged me out.” His smile, somewhere between sad and amused, reminded her of just how attractive she found him.
“Part of the wedding festivities?”
“Apparently.” He rubbed his leg and tried to hide a grimace.
She nodded toward his leg. “Are you okay?”
“Injury. Been standing out in the cold for too long.”
“There’s a bench over there.” She pointed. “You can have a seat.”
“If you’ll join me.”
Her stomach fluttered at his invitation. Trying to act nonchalant, she shrugged. “Why not? I was only planning to go home and take a nice warm shower to get the stench out of my hair.”
“Bet you’re loads of fun on a camping trip.”
“Never been.”
“Fun times.”
Kady slowed her pace to match Dylan’s gait. He’d changed into a jacket over a Henley shirt, with jeans and boots. Shedding his formal wear hadn’t made him any less attractive.
When they reached the bench he eased down gingerly. Not sure how to act around him, she perched at the far end, leaving plenty of space between them. Not that she had to worry—it seemed like the entire town surrounded them. If he started anything sketchy, she’d yell at the top of her lungs.
“I promise you, I have no evil intentions.”
Great. Obvious much? “A girl can’t take chances.”
“Very wise of you.”
She sat back and relaxed a bit. “And kind of insulting to you?”
“Nah. I get it.”
His easy acceptance made her loosen her tense shoulders. Here she sat, on a bench, curious about the good-looking guy who’d not only kept her from ruining a flower arrangement at the reception, but was also the man she’d been thinking about all day. Why not enjoy it?
“Do you have these public bonfires on the beach often?” he asked after a few moments.
“Yes. It’s a tradition. They’ve been part of Cypress Pointe history for as long as I can remember.” She drew up her leg and turned to angle herself in his direction. “Kids used to start the fires on their own, so instead of banning them, the town council decided to set up specific nights for the fires so the authorities could monitor the crowd.”
“Smart. Although starting fires when you’re not supposed to is more fun, it is more dangerous.”
She tilted her head inquisitively. “Is that a guy thing?”
He chuckled. “Just an observation. Our family gatherings are usually barbecues, so we always say fire fixes everything. Well, except for the time my brother Dante accidentally set the field behind our house on fire. We all ran outside to contain it before the fire department arrived. On the way, he grabbed an heirloom quilt my great-grandmother had made and used it to try to smother the flames.” He shook his head, a crooked grin lighting up his face. “My mother was not happy.”
“I imagine.” She bit her lip, then asked, “How many brothers do you have?”
“Wow. Your mom must be wonderful to put up with your antics.”
He glanced at the crowd. Looking for his mother?
“She is.” He turned his attention back to her. “You have any siblings?”
“A brother. But he hasn’t started fires or destroyed heirlooms.”
“Why not?”
She silently chuckled at his serious face. Like fire and destruction were normal parts of life to him.
“My brother is too upstanding and too good at everything he does to engage in troublemaking.”
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.”
Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?”
“I’m just saying, my brothers and I have lots of great stories.”
She shook her head, trying not to laugh.
“So you’re saying your brother is a decent member of society?”
“He is.” Her eyes narrowed. “What’s with all the questions about my brother?”
“Nothing. Just making conversation. Family is usually a safe topic.”
And why had she suddenly gotten so prickly? Because Will always ended up being part of the conversation, no matter where she was. With her folks. On the job. People always wanted to know how Mr. Wonderful was doing, even people who didn’t know him well. She hadn’t realized how defensive she’d gotten about her brother until just now.
“Okay,” Dylan said, bracing his arm along the top of the bench. His fingers were mere inches from her shoulder, which she found very distracting. “We’ll switch off the topic of family. So, the bonfire. Do folks from surrounding towns join in as well?”
“It’s usually just Cypress Pointe.”
“Seems like you have a nice town. Safe place?”
“Why, are you planning on moving here?” Now, wouldn’t that be interesting, running into this hunk around town.
He chuckled. “No. Since my cousin lives here I’m curious.”
“Well, not much crime. A nice tourist spot. Not much traffic. Good restaurants. Awesome beach views.”
He nodded, watching the people on the beach. Like he was looking for someone. She ignored the regret washing over her. Already tired of talking to her? It shouldn’t matter, but it did.
The moment dragged on until he spoke again. “Did you grow up here?”
“What are you, a census taker?” she teased, afraid it came off more defensive than joking.
“You got a chip on your shoulder?” he responded.
Okay, he gave as good as she did. His aim directly hit its target. “Fine. I deserved that.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “To be honest, it’s been a while since I spent time talking to a nice guy.”
His mouth thinned and his gunmetal eyes turned serious. “You sure I’m a nice guy?”
If his expression was supposed to make her nervous, it didn’t. If anything, she wanted to know why he’d think differently. “I haven’t seen otherwise.”
“We don’t really know each other.” He paused, leaning in close. His fingers nearly skimmed over her jacket. In a quiet voice he said, “But I do know I like spending time with you.”
His statement caught her off guard. Made her blood race.
“Um, thanks.”
His chuckle sent chills over her skin. “You’re welcome.”
Nervous now, she tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry for coming off rude. I’m not usually hard to get along with.”
“No worries.” He glanced at his watch. “I need to get back to my family. They’re probably heading over to the hotel soon.”
He stood, a little shaky on his leg, but caught himself. She wondered what had caused his injury. How long ago he’d been hurt. Not that it was her business, but honestly, in the short time she’d known him he triggered the inquisitive side of her nature. She wanted to know more.
He held out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Again.”
She rose and took his hand in hers. The zing of pleasure she’d experienced earlier returned, stronger this time. “Likewise.”
They remained there, gazing at each other. Kady held her breath, hoping he might say more. Maybe ask her out? When he didn’t speak, she realized he wasn’t going to do as she’d hoped. Disappointment wrapped around her. What did she expect? She’d only just met the guy. He was probably leaving town soon. No point in starting anything if he wasn’t going to be around, even if he’d admitted he liked spending time with her.
“So I’ll see you around?” she asked.
She couldn’t quite interpret the expression in his eyes when he said, “Never say never,” before walking away.
Was that a yes or a no?
Tugging the car keys from her jeans pocket, she trudged to her car. How had she managed to screw up a possible date? She really needed to try harder. Lilli was right. But this thing with Dylan? It was different. Made her want to get out there again. She would hate to admit this to her friends, but maybe she did need their help. If not with Dylan, maybe another guy.
Once she got to the car, she slid inside, curling her hands over the top of the steering wheel and resting her forehead against them. Had she really blown her chance with Dylan? Her parents always accused her of being difficult. Maybe they were right. It would explain why her relationships never lasted. Even though Brad had been ages ago, she realized now he’d never been the man for her. But Dylan? He wasn’t like any man she’d ever met. He had her second-guessing herself, while at the same time he sent her pulse racing. It was out of the ordinary for her and she liked it.
Lifting her head, she stared at the beach. It looked like the party was winding down. Folks would return home and tomorrow things would go back to normal in this sleepy town. For her, it would be business as usual. Right. Once she convinced her folks to let her run the shop, lined up more wedding jobs and won the bouquet competition at the florist convention. By that time Dylan would probably be gone and she’d have missed her chance to learn more about the most interesting man she’d met...ever.
BY THREE O’CLOCK Tuesday afternoon, Kady had interviewed four women for the front-counter position. After her parents agreed to let her hire help, Kady had called her friend at the local newspaper to place a want ad. She’d also posted the position on employment websites and been pleased by the quick responses.
Until now.
Of the four, one had sales experience, but very few hours she could work. Another was just out of college and wanted an administrative position. Kady scratched her head at that one. Her posting had clearly stated it was a sales position. The last two were local teens looking for part-time jobs. Not exactly what Kady was hoping for.
Thankfully, her parents opted out of the interview process. Kady’s mother had managed to book a cruise that sailed out of the Port of Tampa on Friday. She was busy shopping and getting ready to hit the high seas. Her father decided to wean himself from coming to the shop so he didn’t suffer withdrawal while they were gone. Only been a few days in, but so far, so good.
Leaving Kady alone to pick out their newest employee was a huge sign of confidence on her folks’ part. They’d kept their word and let her assume control of the business. As long as Will didn’t stop by too often and interfere, she was golden.
Glancing at the wall clock, she realized her final interview for the day was to arrive soon. She tidied up the worktable after finishing her last arrangement, just in time to hear the shop bell ring. Hurrying up front, she was met by a smiling woman close to her age.
“Hi. I’m Kady Lawrence,” she said, holding out her hand.
“Christine Wallace.”
As they shook, Kady observed her newest recruit. Shoulder-length curly blond hair, sparkling blue eyes and a megawatt smile. Average height. The girl-next-door look customers would respond to.
Kady got right down to business. “You know this is a sales position?”
“Yes. I’ve worked in retail, so I’m aware of how to engage customers. I’ll work hard to represent your business and help increase productivity.”
Okay, finally someone who understood. But by her word choices, Kady got the impression Christine had done far more than sales. Was she too good to be true? “What kind of other relevant experience do you have?”
Christine rattled off her management and office skills from time spent with respectable companies.
“I have to ask, why this job? You’re overqualified.”
“I just moved to the area. To be honest, I’ve done my time in the nine-to-five grind and I want a change. I love Cypress Pointe and plan on settling here. This job would be perfect for what I have in mind.” She grinned. “And I like flowers.”
“Perfect answer.” On instinct, Kady made a quick but firm decision. “How soon can you start?”
Christine blinked. “That was fast. And I can start as soon as you want.”
“I have a good feeling about you.” She paused and bit her lower lip. “There is one thing.”
“My parents are a bit...challenging to work with. They’re very picky about the shop. I feel it’s only right I give you a heads-up.”
Christine seemed to consider Kady’s words. “I’ve worked with a variety of...shall we say, temperamental bosses in the past. I’ll be fine.”
Kady let out a breath. “Great. That said, my folks are leaving on a cruise and I’ll be attending a florists’ convention here locally, so I’ll be in and out of the shop. Think you can handle it?”
“My older brother will be around, too. He doesn’t work here, but pops by occasionally. I’ll make sure you meet him and he can get the info he needs for his bookkeeping. During the convention, I’ll be in early in the mornings to complete orders before attending the workshops.
“But for today, let’s go over your duties and I’ll give you a rundown of the shop.” Kady smiled. “Welcome to The Lavish Lily.”
* * *
ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Kady stepped away from the registration table at the Grand Cypress Hotel, her convention packet in hand. She looped her name tag, which was attached to a lanyard, around her neck. The buzz in the hotel lobby ramped up the energy level as people checked in and caught up with old friends. A poster, propped on an easel right inside the front door, announced the upcoming floral competitions in which Kady was already registered. After her parents’ bombshell several days earlier, she had to make the most of this conference, which meant winning the wedding-bouquet category.
To her relief, Christine had taken to the job immediately, easing any concerns Kady had about leaving her new employee alone at the shop for a few hours without Kady there to guide her. Will promised to stop by and check up on things sometime during the day. While she was glad he was on her side for once, she could tell something was off. He was distracted and edgy. More so than usual. She thought about asking what was up, but then she doubted he’d confide in her anyway. They hadn’t been close for a long time, not since he opened his own accounting office and she finally stopped wandering around trying to find aim in her life. Do-no-wrong Will could take care of himself, as he’d always done. Without her.
Groups of attendees mingled in the huge lobby, excited chatter echoing off the marble floors. For the next several days, anything and everything floral-related would be focused upon within these walls.
In the years Kady had been attending the conference, it had always been located in different cities in Florida. When it was announced that this year’s event would be held right here in Cypress Pointe, Kady couldn’t believe her luck. On her home turf, maybe she could beat the reigning queen of wedding bouquets and finally win first place.
She waved to a few women she knew as she moved to a quiet corner of the lobby to take a seat and go over the itinerary. Scanning the workshop schedule, she discovered the next few days were packed with all sorts of interesting topics. This year, organizers added actual hands-on workshops for newbies to experience floral designing. Interesting. The welcoming reception was tonight and the awards ceremony would cap off the convention on Sunday evening. At each previous convention, she’d held her breath at the ceremony, waiting to hear her place in the competition. And each year, she’d missed out on being number one.
She had three days to worry about her entry. This year, the competition held an extra perk, thanks to a new feature the convention committee developed. All day Sunday, the entrants in different wedding categories would display their floral designs to the public, specifically targeting brides-to-be. The open house had been publicized around town and all over the Tampa Bay area, in order to lure prospective brides to the showcase. That meant a day’s worth of publicity for The Lavish Lily. Kady would be able to show off her bouquet entry, as well as connect with potential customers she needed to grow her wedding business.
Her drawings were hidden away in her apartment. The flowers she’d ordered would be delivered by her wholesaler early Sunday morning, ensuring her entry would be fresh for display. She’d established a contingency plan, just in case, and was totally prepared to beat her competition this year. Nothing was going to stop her.
There were only a few workshops scheduled for this afternoon. For the most part, it was a day to catch up with other florists. Kady checked off two topics she thought might be interesting. How to Improve Your Business was scheduled in ten minutes. Later, she’d stop by Floral Tips 101, then have time to run home, change into something dressy and return for the reception.
Pleased with her first decision, she stood, smoothing the designer jeans she wore with a jade green top and high-heeled black boots, the picture of a successful businesswoman. Or so she hoped. She dropped the convention packet in her large tote bag, which held a notebook and several pens, then hitched it over her shoulder, ready to move on to the first meeting room. When she looked up, her gaze collided with the handsome guy she hadn’t been able to get out of her mind since Saturday.
His low drawl sent a familiar awareness through her. “Surprise.”
Her eyes went wide, but she quickly regained her composure. “Dylan? What are you doing here?”
“Attending the conference.”
“I thought you were in town for the wedding.”
“And the conference. Double duty.”
She blinked. “I...”
His spicy cologne grabbed her attention and she forgot her next words. Today he’d dressed in a light blue, button-down dress shirt and black trousers. The loafers made his outfit casual, yet he carried it off with sophistication.
“Why didn’t you mention you’d be here when we were together the other night?” she finally ventured.
He shrugged, his metal-colored eyes hooded. “I’m a man of mystery.”
“That I believe, because you don’t seem like a florist.”
There was an edge about Dylan. She couldn’t see him patiently creating a floral arrangement. No, more like he needed action in his life.
He chuckled. “I’m not, but it is a family business. Just like everyone else here, I’m ready to learn more about the floral industry.”
She glanced down at his chest and back. “Where’s your name tag?”
“You caught me. I haven’t picked it up yet.”
“You can’t get into any of the workshops unless you have one.” Did she come off as stuffy as she sounded?
“Which I’ll rectify right now. See you around?”
“Sure. I hope so.”
Shaking her head, Kady went to the designated meeting room. Why hadn’t Dylan told her he’d be here? Not that he needed to announce his schedule to her. They’d only bumped into each other a few times. Of course, this was Cypress Pointe. If he was going to hang around town, she’d eventually run into him.
As her mind worked out the logistics of Dylan’s presence at the convention, Kady nearly missed the room. Clearing her mind, she entered, determined to concentrate on the speaker, not Dylan’s motives. Glancing around, she noticed a few early birds scattered about in the empty seats. She chose a row in the middle, a few seats in from the aisle. A few minutes passed and someone took a seat beside her. Dylan.