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The Baby Bombshell: The Billionaire's Baby Swap / Dating for Two / The Valtieri Baby
“Thank heaven you said that because I have to tell you I love Vito from the bottom of my soul. To forget him would be impossible. I want, need, to stay in touch with you.”
Tears glistened in those fabulous blue eyes. “You’ve taken the words right out of my mouth. Ric is the most precious thing in my life. I held him all night, not wanting to let him go. Seeing the two of them together like this is tearing me apart. I know I have to give Ric up, but I can’t bear it. If only there were a way to share them, but of course that’s impossible.”
He clasped Ric a little tighter. This was a place in Hell he didn’t know existed. No way was he going to let her and his son just walk out of his life! He stared at her. “Maybe there is a way.”
Her startled gaze met his. “What do you mean?”
“Since we both feel the same, I have a suggestion. After what happened today, it’s clear we need time to spend together with both children so they get used to both of us. When they’ve learned to trust us and be happy with both of us, then we’ll decide when we can safely make the separation, knowing it won’t traumatize them.”
“But how would that work?”
“You could stay at my villa with Vito for a few days. I’d get an extra crib. Then I could stay at your home for a few days with Ric. After a time we could separate and take one of them home with us and see how they handle being away from us overnight.”
She averted her eyes. “According to everything I’ve read, that’s exactly what we shouldn’t do.”
“Does it matter? We’re talking about you and me and our babies.”
Valentina bit her lip. “Even if it were possible, I’m living with my brother, so the idea of your staying at his house isn’t possible.” Giovanni Laurito had been a thorn in her brother’s side. To consider getting involved with him when she knew how Rini felt made the whole situation precarious. Valentina couldn’t believe the coincidence of both families having been brought together under such bizarre and astonishing circumstances.
“Where do you live?”
“Here in Positano.”
“I live in Ravello. My home is open to you for as long as is needed. Why don’t you fly home with me now so we can talk and make plans?”
She stirred restlessly. Much as she wanted to go with this man, Rini would never condone it. “People would think we were out of our minds.”
“I don’t particularly care. They would have to be in our shoes to understand how we feel. We’re alone in this and we love both boys. Their welfare is all that matters. Don’t you agree?”
“My brother would never permit it.”
“Forget your brother for a minute.”
He didn’t know what he was asking.
“What is it you want? I caught you in the doorway wanting to find me, though you shouldn’t have. I heard Vito crying and couldn’t stay away from your door, either. Nothing about this situation has gone according to the book.”
“I know,” she whispered. “I—I need to think about it.” Valentina was so tempted to go with him, it was killing her. The babies’ needs aside, she felt an overpowering attraction to this man, who made her think and want things she’d thought were dead inside her.
“Then let’s do this. We’ll program our phone numbers into our cells. Since both babies are asleep, let’s exchange them now. I’ll take Ric home with me. You take Vito. We’ll see how it goes tonight. In the morning we’ll talk again. How does that sound?”
Valentina had to admit it sounded wonderful.
Though she didn’t say anything, she reached in her purse with her free hand and pulled out her phone. He did the same. Once the programming was done she said, “My brother is waiting for me. I’ll leave first before Vito wakes up and finds out he’s with a stranger. Please keep the quilt I made for Ric. He’s used to it.”
“Did you make it?”
“Yes. My mother made beautiful quilts. I learned from her.”
His eyes traveled over her face with an intensity that made her heart race. “You’re remarkable, and can make something this beautiful and be a loving mother, too. I hope you know I’m in awe of you, and for going through this whole experience alone.”
She felt his sincerity. His words boosted her confidence and thrilled her in a way he couldn’t possibly understand. “I—I’d better get going.” Her voice faltered.
“Be expecting my phone call in the morning.”
Valentina knew herself very well. She was already hoping to hear from him. He could have no idea how much.
Her glance strayed to Ric. Her first impulse was to kiss him, but after a slight hesitation, she left the room, taking Giovanni’s son with her in the quilt he’d bought him.
She walked out to the lounge of the outpatient department in a complete daze. The reality of Giovanni Laurito being Ric’s father was stunning.
The man was stunning.
More than that, he was breathtakingly handsome, charming, reasonable and so loving to both babies it brought tears to her eyes. In a word, he was wonderful.
To think that all this time the famous CEO at Laurito’s had been fathering Vito, her son. All this time Valentina had been mothering his son, Ric. The whole thing made reason stare.
She found her brother pacing the floor while he did business on his phone. As soon as he saw her, he put it away. How to tell him the true facts? She needed to think about it for a while first because she knew it would be a shock to him when he learned Giovanni Laurito was Ric’s father.
“Sorry I was so long.”
“Don’t apologize for anything. Are you going to let me see my nephew?”
She nodded and turned the sleeping baby around so he could get a good look. “His name is Vito. He’s so precious I can’t believe it.”
After a minute, her brother stared at her with a somber expression. “He’s yours all right. Genes don’t lie.”
“No. They definitely don’t.”
“I know this is hard on you.”
“You have no idea. Let’s go. I want to get him home before he wakes up.”
“I’ll bring the car around the entrance.”
“Thank you.”
In a few minutes she got in the backseat with the diaper bag and settled Vito in the car seat. So far he hadn’t stirred. She felt Rini’s piercing gaze through the rearview mirror. If he knew what she and Signor Laurito had talked about, he’d quash the idea in a heartbeat.
No one had a greater right to an opinion than Rini. She owed him everything. But Vito’s father had asked her a salient question. Is it what you want?
It didn’t take long to reach the villa. She hurried inside with Vito and went straight to the nursery. Bianca followed her and grew misty-eyed. She’d loved Ric, too, but now that she could see Vito, she marveled over the likeness to Valentina and was smitten with him.
After putting him in the crib, she leaned against the bars and looked down at him. He truly was adorable, but she could never forget that this had been Ric’s bed several hours before.
By now he was probably at his new home in Ravello. Signor Laurito’s villa was a little over an hour away from Positano. Had Ric awakened and discovered she was gone? Her pain went so deep she broke down sobbing.
She felt Rini’s arm close around her. He pulled her into him, where she buried her face against his shoulder. “I wish I could comfort you.”
“You’ve done everything for me any human could ask for, but this is a problem not even King Solomon could make right. The truth is I want both babies.” She lifted her head, aware that she’d soaked his shoulder. “They’re both mine.”
He kissed her forehead before releasing her. “I admire you more than you know for handling this with such grace and dignity.”
For her brother to say that went a long way to make her feel better about herself as a capable person and mother. “I’m trying to, but I’m afraid Signor Conti is expecting the hospital to be sued.” That was Signor Laurito’s opinion.
“I suppose it’s possible,” he reasoned. “Look at the turmoil this has cost because someone made a serious mistake by not following the hospital rules. Everything about this has been handled wrong.”
“I’ve been thinking about that.” She sank down in the rocking chair, her eyes focused on her baby. “But everyone makes mistakes. Mine was worse for getting involved with Matteo when I knew better. He’d fed my ego and look what happened. But the person who put the wrong wristbands on the babies didn’t do it willingly.”
“That’s one of the things I love most about you, Valentina. You have a generous heart. I can’t think of another mother who wouldn’t want justice after what has happened.”
She flicked her gaze to him. “But what good would it do now? The damage has been done. Our mother would say the same thing. All I can do is love my birth baby and pray that God takes my pain away for losing Ric. It’s so strange. I feel like I gave birth to both of them.”
“I feel your sadness. What can I do to help?”
Valentina grasped his hand. “You’re helping right now by listening to me. I couldn’t have gotten through all this without your love and encouragement. But right now I’m exhausted. I think I’ll lie down for a few minutes and ask Bianca to let me know when he wakes up for another bottle.”
“I’ll stay in here with him.”
“I love you, Rini.” She got up and kissed his cheek. Another glance at Vito and she went to her bedroom down the hall. Her body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. She sank down on the bed and cried herself to sleep while visions of Ric and his striking father played in her mind.
When she was next aware of her surroundings, the baby was crying. She sat up. “I’m coming, Ric!” Valentina flew out of the bedroom, but when she reached the nursery, she discovered Rini holding Vito and she realized her mistake in thinking it was Ric. He was crying his little heart out.
She reached for him. “It’s all right, Vito. I’m here, darling.” She put him against her shoulder and walked around the room patting his back. To her surprise it was dark outside. She must have been asleep for hours. Her life had been turned around and upside down. Rini looked as tired and frustrated as she felt.
“How long has he been this upset?”
He flashed her a wry smile. “Almost from the moment he woke up and saw me looking at him. He needs you.”
“I wish I were the person he wanted.”
“Before long you’ll be the mother he turns to.”
Now was the time to tell Rini the truth of the matter. Valentina had made the mistake of getting involved with Matteo without the benefit of her family’s knowledge until it was too late. If she planned to have any more contact with Signor Laurito, she didn’t want to hide it from her brother, no matter if he didn’t approve.
“Rini? There’s something you should know. I found out Vito’s mother gave him up at birth.”
He frowned. “Is she mentally ill?”
“Maybe. She and his father are divorced, so it’s the father I met at the hospital. His name is...Giovanni Laurito.”
Her brother’s eyes narrowed in reaction. “You must be joking.”
She shook her head. “Signor Conti introduced us when he discovered we’d gotten together to quiet the babies. Nothing about this situation has been normal. But the point is, the children will have a hard time adjusting. Signor Laurito has made a suggestion that I’ve been considering to help the babies adjust.”
A long quiet ensued. “What might that be?” he asked in a cool tone. When she told him, he took his time before responding. “Signor Laurito doesn’t recognize boundaries.”
Valentina swallowed hard. “Has he done something criminal?”
“Then what is it you have against him?”
“Ernesto did work for our company before Laurito discovered him. Now he wants to buy him out.”
“Is that wrong?”
“Isn’t that business? Invading someone else’s boundaries?”
Her brother lifted his head. “Yes.”
“But you don’t have to like it.”
“Thank you for being honest with me. In this particular case, I’m afraid I don’t care about boundaries, either, not when it comes to our babies. Don’t worry. I’m not making any decisions yet, but I wanted you to know everything.” She hugged her brother. “Thank you for taking care of Vito while I slept.”
“We managed to get acquainted,” he said without referring to the other matter. “Right now he hasn’t got any use for his uncle, but that will change. Bianca has your dinner ready whenever you want to eat.”
“Thanks, but I’ll wait until I can get Vito to quiet down. You go. You’ve lost a whole day to help me. I’m fine now.”
“The family has called. I told them about the switch and said you’d get back to everyone in the morning.”
“That’s good. I’m not up to dealing with anything except my baby. Please plan to go to work tomorrow.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I knew this would be hard, but I’ll get through it. Bianca will help me.”
“Okay.” He kissed her cheek and left the nursery. She knew the revelation about Ric’s father and his idea for getting the babies together had shocked Rini. But it was better he knew everything so Valentina wouldn’t have to take on more guilt for remaining quiet.
She walked a whimpering Vito through the villa and out to the back terrace and the swimming pool beyond. “This is your home now, sweetheart.” But only for the time being.
Then she would have to make arrangements to live on her own.
Valentina had intruded on her brother’s life long enough. Though her father would do anything for her, she didn’t want to put that burden on him. She needed to be on her own and take care of her baby and herself. Behaving like a grown-up was a start in the right direction.
“I’m a mother now, the head of my own family. We’ll make it work somehow, Vito.”
She kissed his wet cheeks. But no matter how much she tried to comfort him, he was unhappy. Maybe a bath would help. Unfortunately he didn’t like it and cried throughout the whole ordeal. When he finally went to sleep with a bottle, it was two in the morning.
Valentina stole to the kitchen and warmed up the dinner Bianca had made for her. She needed food. If Vito woke up again and cried uncontrollably, she would need the energy to deal with him.
For the rest of the night she sat in the rocker. The baby woke up and cried several times. He drank his bottle but fussed through most of it. Around eight in the morning her cell rang just as she was holding Vito, who fought the bottle because he was crying too hard. Please be Ric’s father.
“Signorina Montanari?”
That deep male voice wound deep inside her body. Her heart thumped in reaction because she’d wanted to hear it again. In the background she could hear Ric crying.
“Yes.” She was too breathless to say anything else.
“It sounds like you didn’t get any more sleep than I did. Ric has been crying so hard, he’s running a slight temperature.”
“Oh, no—as you can tell, Vito’s every bit as bad.”
“We need to meet, if only to quiet the children for a few hours.”
“I thought Vito would start to accept me, but it hasn’t happened yet.”
“I’m not Ric’s mamma. What would you say if I came by for you in a few minutes and drove us to that park near the hospital? I’ve installed another car seat in the back. We can spread some blankets on the grass while we talk.” Her pulse raced. “But if you don’t want to do that, I’m going to the hospital and have Dr. Ferrante examine Ric in case something else is wrong.”
“I’d rather meet you first to talk before we both lose our minds.” She gave him directions to the villa and they hung up.
Valentina knew her brother would never condone it, but Vito’s continual crying had made her frantic. As for Ric, she’d heard him wailing in the background. With Ravello more than an hour away, it meant Signor Laurito had been desperate for help. Something had to be done. So far nothing was working for either of them.
She put Vito in the crib and left him crying while she took a quick shower and opted to wear a skirt and blouse. After putting on lipstick and brushing her hair, she was ready. Before she left the room, she phoned her brother and left him a message that she was meeting with Signor Laurito today. Rini wouldn’t like it, but at least she was being honest with him.
Once she’d packed the diaper bag, she lifted Vito out of the crib and carried him into the kitchen in his carry-cot. “Bianca? Ric’s birth father is coming for me. We’re going to the park by the hospital in order to discuss our situation. I don’t know when I’ll be home. You can always phone if you need to.”
“Does Rini know where you’ll be in case he phones?”
“Yes. I told him Vito is so unhappy I’ve got to do something.”
“That’s true. The poor bambino.”
“All he’s done is cry. I’ve learned that Ric is just as miserable, so we’re going to try and work something out. The exchange was too abrupt.”
The older woman nodded. “The switch should have been caught before you ever left the hospital. Now that they’ve been home with you, they’re used to you.”
“I know. That’s why we’ve got to come up with a plan.”
“Vito’s mamma is having the same problem?”
“Not Vito’s mamma.”
“What do you mean?”
“His mamma gave him up. His papà is raising him.”
Bianca’s hands clapped to her own cheeks. “The mother doesn’t want him?”
“No. Poor Signor Laurito is frantic. During the call I could hear the baby crying in the background. He said Ric is running a temperature and needs to be checked by the doctor.”
“Then you go on. When Riccardo sees you, he will calm down.”
“Vito is suffering just as terribly.” She went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of formula. After putting them in the diaper bag, she said goodbye and hurried through the house to the front door.
When she emerged into the courtyard, she saw Signor Laurito waiting for her outside his dark gray Maserati sedan, wearing a black polo and stone-gray pants. This was the first time she’d looked at him in broad daylight and realized she hadn’t been wrong about Ric’s father. He was without question the most attractive man she’d ever seen in her life. He’d haunted her dreams last night. No wonder Ric was so handsome.
He reached for Vito and kissed him, then he put him in the back next to Ric and fastened him in.
“Where did you get another car seat?”
“When I brought Vito home from the hospital, I’d already bought a car seat for this car and one for Paolo and Stanzi’s car—they’re a couple who help me out around the house. This morning I installed it in mine, just in case you were amenable to going to the park with me.”
After stowing the carry-cot in the trunk, he helped Valentina into the front seat. In less than a minute they were off to the park, with two infants crying at the top of their lungs.
Valentina happened to glance at him just as he looked at her. The situation was so crazy they both started laughing like they’d done at the hospital. He shared her sense of humor, something she loved. Between the noise all four of them were making, she couldn’t seem to stop. The much-needed release from tension had affected him, too.
There wasn’t much traffic. Before she knew it, they came to the park. He pulled the car to a stop near a copse of trees that provided shade. Valentina jumped out and plucked Ric from his car seat. “It’s okay, darling.” She pressed her cheek to his and could tell he was too warm. He snuggled against her.
Giovanni spread some blankets on the grass before claiming Vito from the backseat. “Hey, Tiger. What are all the tears for?”
Slowly but surely quiet reigned. They laid the babies on the blanket and sat next to them. Two pairs of eyes, one blue and one black, stared at both of them.
Ric’s father said, “Do you get the feeling they’re sizing us up?”
Valentina wiped the tears from her eyes. “I can hear them saying, ‘Why are you torturing us like this?’”
Their gazes met. “Before this goes any further, may I call you Valentina, or should I continue to call you Signorina Montanari?”
This tall, hard muscled male had a charisma she couldn’t ignore. How was it that his marriage hadn’t worked? His wife didn’t want her own child? She couldn’t comprehend it. Except that she couldn’t comprehend Matteo not caring that she was going to have his baby.
“Please call me Valentina. And you?”
“I prefer Giovanni.” He studied her features. “Does Vito’s father know he’s a father?”
“Yes.” She played with Ric’s fingers before scooping him up to hug him. “I was always a serious student and didn’t date often. Much more important to me was to be like my brilliant engineering brothers and father. Because I’m a woman, I wanted to prove myself in a household of male geniuses.”
His head lifted. “So you are from the famous Montanari engineering family.”
Something in his demeanor let her know the revelation had shocked him in the same way it had shocked Rini. “Yes. I’m close to getting my graduate degree in chemical engineering. Matteo, Vito’s father, was one of my engineering professors.”
“Ah. Tell me about him.”
“I took two classes from Matteo before he asked me to come into his office to discuss the direction I wanted to go with my studies. I believed him to be gender blind and was flattered that my revered professor was showing so much interest in my future career. I accepted a lunch date so we could talk more without interruption.
“That led to other lunch dates. I admired his intellect and looked up to him so much, naive me couldn’t see that all he wanted was to take me to bed, nothing more.”
She saw Giovanni grimace.
“Reflecting back on last year, I’m positive he slept with other students from time to time. No wonder he has remained single. My attraction to him hadn’t been physical. Since I’ve come from a family of engineers, I was determined to get my graduate degree. Matteo was the one who’d seemed to take me seriously and listened to my ideas. He fed my ego by saying all the right things to make me feel important.
“When he told me how much he needed me and started kissing me, I succumbed even though it went against the morals of my upbringing. But after being with him one time, I couldn’t do it again and told him I hadn’t felt right about it. Not without marriage.
“He told me he never planned to marry. With that remark I knew I’d made a huge mistake. We parted company and I never planned to see him again. So no one could have been more shocked than I to learn I was pregnant even though he’d used protection. I notified him immediately. Not because I was hoping for a proposal, but to let him know he was going to be a father.
“Matteo told me a baby was the last thing he wanted and hoped I didn’t expect anything from him. He thought I’d understood that from the beginning.” She took a deep breath. “So unless he suddenly discovers he has a paternal instinct, I’ll never hear from him again.”
His jet-black eyes looked at her between black lashes. “What if he changes his mind and comes back wanting to start over and help you raise your son?”
“It’s way too late for that. His utter selfishness killed any ounce of feeling I once had for him. If he were to show up demanding to see our son, I couldn’t stop him from having visitation, but I can tell you right now he’ll never come back. He’s too in love with himself. It’s an ugly story that happens far too often in society.
“One day I’ll have to tell Vito the truth about his birth father. He’ll think less of me of course, but hopefully the knowledge won’t ruin his life.”
This man was so easy to talk to it shocked her that she’d confided in him to this degree. It was time to change the subject. “What if your ex-wife decides she wants to be a part of Ric’s life?”
By this time he’d picked up Vito and held him to his chest. “She won’t. I’m the reason our marriage didn’t work. I didn’t love her the way she deserved to be loved, and I take full responsibility. When our divorce became final, she signed away all rights to the baby.”