Полная версия
The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child
Some might say he’d run to one of the biggest cities in America to get away—and they’d be absolutely correct.
Grant left his cottage and made the short walk to the stables. He’d purposely left thirty minutes early to throw Tessa off even more. Damn spreadsheets. He had his lying on the kitchen table, but hadn’t looked at it since he got it. He was always allotted the same time bracket each day: two hours after lunch.
Except for today, when his green column was wider and took the slots from nine to three. Six hours, and he was going to make the most of them...both professionally and personally.
Tessa was heading from the stable to her Jeep as Grant neared. Once again she had her hair tied back in that ponytail—he had yet to see it any other way—and she had on a long-sleeved plaid shirt tucked into well-worn jeans and battered knee boots.
She might be prim and proper, but her wardrobe was nothing new. Tessa wasn’t a spoiled princess who just looked the part of a jockey. She was all jockey, and her appearance proved it. He’d never seen her fuss with her hair or worry about her appearance. Hell, he’d never seen her with makeup on.
And yet she still stole his breath each time he saw her...which just proved his point of how fine an emotional line he was treading.
“Let’s get going, Slick,” she said, not missing a step as she got to the Jeep and hopped in.
Grant bit back a smile at her abrupt tone. She was something. Most people, women especially, would be tripping over themselves to please him because of his celebrity status. Yet somehow, with Tessa, he felt as if he had to work to gain approval.
And that was just another layer of her complexity. She couldn’t care less about his status, and that suited him just fine. Caused more work to get her attention, but still suited him. At least this way he could keep his feelings separated and not go any deeper beneath Tessa’s very arousing surface.
Grant hopped in the passenger’s side and barely got his seat belt clicked in place before Tessa was speeding down the driveway.
Her white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel and her clenched jaw were telltale signs she was agitated. And being angry only made her sexier.
“Want to tell me what’s wrong?”
She spared him a glance before gripping the wheel even tighter and turning onto the two-lane country road taking them toward town.
“That kiss,” she muttered. “It won’t happen again.”
Um...okay. She’d seemed to be a key player in the exchange the other day, but something had ticked her off, and apparently she’d spent a lot of time thinking about this because she’d worked up a nice case of mad. One step forward, two steps back.
“You didn’t enjoy it?” he asked, knowing he was on shaky ground.
“My enjoyment doesn’t matter,” she countered, eyes focused on the road. “I won’t be the one you use to pass the time while you’re working here. I’m too busy, and I’m not into flings.”
Confused, and working up a good bit of irritation himself, Grant shifted in the seat to look at her fully. “I don’t use women to pass the time,” he informed her. “I’m attracted to you, and I acted on it. I wasn’t in that kiss alone, Tessa.”
“You’re ten years older than me.”
Why did that sound like an accusation?
“And?” he asked.
She let out an unladylike growl, and Grant again had to bite back a smile. “What does age have to do with attraction, Country?”
“When I started kindergarten you were getting your driver’s license!”
This time he did laugh. “I believe we’re all grown up now.”
“It’s just not right. Your life experiences, they’re levels above mine, and I won’t be played for a fool.”
The word again hovered in the air, and Grant wanted to know what bastard had left her full of doubts and insecurities. But he refused to let himself cross into anything too personal.
Tessa’s shoulders tensed up as silence settled between them. Grant didn’t want her angry. He wasn’t even sure what had spawned this, but he was here to work and there was usually enough drama on sets. He didn’t need this on top of it.
“I read you have a twin,” she told him, breaking the silence. “But I never saw anything else.”
Tension knotted in his belly. “My family isn’t up for discussion.”
“Seriously? You know everything about mine and you—”
“Not. Up. For. Discussion.”
Tessa shook her head and sighed. “Looks like we’re at a stalemate then.”
Stalemate? No. He refused to discuss his family—his sister—but he also refused to let this attraction fizzle because of a past nightmare that threatened to consume him at any moment.
“Pull over.”
She jerked her gaze to his briefly. “What?”
“Pull over.”
Once she’d eased to the side of the road, Grant waited until she’d thrown the Jeep into Park before he reached across the narrow space, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to meet him in the middle.
A second later his mouth was on hers, and she all but melted. Grant indulged in the strength of the kiss for long moments before he let her go.
“Don’t throw stumbling blocks at me, Country. I’ll jump them,” he told her. “Don’t lump me with whatever jerk broke your heart. And do not downgrade yourself by thinking I’m using you simply to pass the time.”
She lowered her lids and sighed. She was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. No wonder Cassie was worried. Guilt tugged at Grant’s heart. Damn it. His heart had no place in this.
She didn’t want this movie made, didn’t want him here and was fighting this attraction. He wanted the movie and he wanted Tessa.
Grant hated to tell her, but she was fighting a losing battle.
“What’s really bothering you?” he asked. “I realize you’re uncomfortable with...whatever we’re doing, but that wouldn’t have you this angry.”
When she met his eyes, she shook her head. “I’m not sure. It may be nothing, but I’m just so paranoid lately.”
“Tell me what it is, and I can help you decide if it’s nothing. That way you won’t drive yourself insane with your internal battle.”
“Too late,” she said with a smile. “My dad hired this new groom a couple days ago. We needed to fill the slot, but this guy...I can’t put my finger on it. He almost looks familiar. It’s his eyes, but I can’t place him. He’s really quiet and keeps to himself.”
Squeezing her shoulder in reassurance, Grant said, “I fail to see an issue.”
“It just seems like every time I turn around he’s there. I don’t know if he’s spying on me or what.” She paused, bit her lip and went on. “I know this sounds silly, but what if he’s out to harm the horses or sabotage my training? We don’t know this man and the timing...”
Grant didn’t think this was a big deal, but if Tessa was concerned, he’d definitely look into it. Because she was right, the timing was perfect if someone wanted to ruin her racing season. Better to be safe than sorry. And he sure didn’t want anyone to screw up this film before it got started. This was his big shot at producing with the biggest names in the industry. No way in hell was someone going to come in and ruin everything.
“He passed the background check, and from what I can tell he’s a very hard worker.” Tessa blew out a sigh. “Maybe I’m just paranoid because of Cassie’s ex. We thought we could trust him, too.”
Grant cupped Tessa’s cheek, stroking her soft, delicate skin. “I’ll keep an eye out for the guy and do a little digging of my own.”
“Really?” she asked, her eyes widening.
“Yeah. I mean, I can’t have some random guy wreaking havoc on the set. Best to get to the bottom of this now before my crew arrives.”
Tessa nodded and pulled from his grasp. Putting the car back in gear, she drove back out onto the highway.
Grant realized his words may have hurt her, but he wasn’t quite ready to admit he was falling for her a little more each day. So there was no way he could tell her that he’d be watching this stranger like a hawk to make sure he wasn’t out to take advantage of Tessa or any of the other Barringtons.
He may have told her it was all about the movie, but that was a lie. A good portion of it was because he refused to see Tessa hurt.
Damn. There went that heart of his, trying to get involved. But a little voice whispered that his heart was already involved.
Don’t wear anything too fancy.
Tessa nearly laughed. Oh, she had fancy clothes for uppity events she was forced to attend, but those gowns and dresses lived in the back of her closet, more than likely collecting dust on the shoulder seams that were molded around the hangers.
After working in the stables, helping Cassie clean stalls, Tessa did shower and throw on fresh jeans and a white shirt, rolling up the sleeves. She shoved on her nicer black boots and grabbed a simple green jacket to top off her “not a date” outfit.
The air outside had been a bit chilly, and she knew she’d be cold when she came home later.
She groaned as she grabbed her keys from the peg by the back door. How the hell had she let him talk her into this? Intriguing as he was, she simply couldn’t allow herself to sink deeper into his world...a world of class and glamour. A world she’d narrowly escaped a few months ago, along with a man who’d claimed to care for her.
But something about Grant seemed to pull her. He had no qualms about the fact that he found her attractive, but he also seemed genuine, and at the cemetery he’d been supportive and caring.
He also guarded his family...that had been evident when she’d brought up the topic of his twin. And while his instant raised shield intrigued her, leaving her wanting to know more, Tessa could appreciate the value of privacy. Ironic, considering she loathed the idea of this movie, of virtual strangers invading her space, her life.
But Grant seemed to be truly concerned about her feelings. He’d gone out of his way to assure her he’d portray her family in the best light.
He understood family. And, she had to admit, was starting to understand her. He was a Hollywood hotshot, used to elegance and beauty surrounding him. Yet he was blending just fine here in her world.
She didn’t want him to have so many layers, because each one threw her off and made her wonder about the possibilities beyond those kisses.
No. Tessa shook off her thoughts as they started down a path she wasn’t ready to visit.
If Grant knew she was a virgin, he’d probably give up his quest...or he’d see her as a challenge he needed to meet.
Dinner. He’d only said dinner. Added to that, he’d promised to keep those talented lips to himself. A part of her was disappointed that she wouldn’t feel them, but the logical side of her knew this was for the best.
Each kiss made her yearn for...well, everything he was willing to offer, which scared the hell out of her. She’d never desired so much from one man, never considered giving in before.
But somewhere along the way, she felt as if they’d crossed some sort of friendship line. She found him easy to talk to, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to spend more time with him. She really didn’t have friends outside her racing world, and Grant was refreshing...kisses and all.
That friendship line they’d crossed held a lot of sexual tension, and Tessa worried one day all that built-up pressure would explode.
Which was why she had to stop this roller coaster of hormones before it got too far out of control. The two different worlds they lived in would never mesh, so why even add something else to her list of worries?
Besides the upcoming season, as if that weren’t enough stress, she really wasn’t comfortable with the new groom. When she’d mentioned this to her father, he’d waved a hand and told her she was imagining things and was probably just still skeptical because of Cassie’s ex.
Yet the stranger had made a point not to get too far away from her and Cassie as they were cleaning stalls earlier. He’d been working hard, but still, Tessa had a gut feeling he’d been trying to listen to their conversation.
But that was a worry for another day. Right now, she had to be on her guard for her dinner “not date.”
Tessa hopped in her Jeep and made the short trip back to Stony Ridge Acres, her heart beating a bit faster. Why was she getting so worked up? This was dinner. They had to eat, and were just doing it together.
When she pulled up in front of his cottage, he’d turned on the porch lights. The sun was at the horizon, but in no time it would be dark.
Before she could knock on the door, Grant swung it open and...
Tessa laughed. “What are you wearing?”
Grant wiped his hand on a dishrag and glanced down. “An apron. Don’t you wear one when you cook?”
“I thought we were going out,” she said, trying her hardest not to stare at him in that ridiculous apron, which looked like a woman wearing a grass skirt and coconut bra.
“I never said that,” he countered, taking her hand and pulling her inside. “I said we were going to have dinner together. And I’m cooking. Besides, how can you relax if we’re in public?”
Would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than in the lion’s den.
Something tangy permeated the air, and Tessa’s gaze drifted toward the open kitchen. “If you’re cooking anything associated with that smell, I’m impressed.”
Grant headed back to the kitchen, leaving her standing at the door. “It’s just barbecue chicken, but it’s my mother’s sauce recipe. I also have some baked potatoes and salad. Hope all of that is okay.”
“My mouth is watering already.”
He threw her a glance, his dark eyes traveling down her body. “Mine, too.”
Tingles slid all over her, through her, and Tessa had no clue how to reply to that, so she took off her jacket and hung it on the hook beside the door. After dropping her keys in the jacket pocket, she headed to the kitchen.
“Want me to set the table or anything?”
“It’s done and so is the food,” he said, removing the ridiculous apron.
Apparently, he’d taken full advantage of the very well-stocked cottage.
In no time he’d set the food on the small round table, covered with a simple red cloth. Thankfully, he hadn’t gone to the trouble of romantic flowers or a candle. This she could handle. The sultry looks and kisses...well, she could handle them, but they left her confused and, okay, aroused.
Tessa concentrated on her food and prayed he had no clue where her mind had wandered, though she feared her face had turned a lovely shade of red.
Small talk during dinner eased her a bit more, and she nearly laughed at herself. Had she expected him to pounce on her when she arrived?
Tessa picked up her empty plate and stood.
“Leave the dishes,” he told her, reaching across to place his hand on her wrist. “I’ll get them later.”
“I can help with them now. You cooked, so at least I can help clean up.”
“You’re my guest. I’ll get them.”
Because she never backed down from a fight, she carried her plate to the sink. “Technically, you’re our guest, since you’re on Barrington grounds.”
She’d just turned on the water and was rinsing the dish when Grant’s hands encircled her waist. His lips caressed her ear.
“You’re not relaxing,” he whispered, his breath warm on her cheek, her neck, sending shivers down the entire length of her body.
The dish slipped from her wet hands and into the sink. “I’m relaxed.” Any more and she’d be a puddle at his feet. “I just wanted to help.”
Strong fingers slid beneath the hem of her shirt, gliding over goose bumps.
“And I promised you a night of relaxation.”
Did he have to whisper everything in her ear? Could the man back up a tad and let her breathe? Because if he didn’t, she feared she’d turn in his arms and take that mouth she’d promised herself never to have again.
“Tessa,” he murmured, his lips barely brushing against her neck.
“You promised not to kiss me.”
Soft laughter vibrated against her back from his strong chest. “I’m not kissing you. I’m enjoying how you feel. There’s a big difference.”
“I can’t... We can’t...” She couldn’t even think with the way his fingertips kept inching around her abdomen. “Wh-what are you doing?”
The bottom button of her shirt came undone, and then the next. Grant splayed his hand across her taut stomach and eased her back against him. “Relaxing with you.”
Unable to resist, Tessa allowed her head to fall back against his shoulder, her eyelids closed. Reaching behind her, she raked a hand over his stubbled jaw. The roughness beneath her palm aroused her even more. Grant was all male, all powerful, and yet so tender.
When had a man held her in such a caring, yet passionate way? When had she allowed herself to enjoy the simple pleasures of being wanted?
Tessa wasn’t naive. Well, physically she was, but mentally she knew Grant wanted her body. He’d told her as much, and she knew he wasn’t asking for her hand in marriage or even a committed relationship. But right now, she could be open to this moment and relish it. They were both still fully clothed, both just enjoying the other.
As his hand inched higher, her shirt traveled up, as well. The edge of his thumb caressed the underside of her silk bra and her nipples quickly responded to the thrilling touch.
Tessa’s breath quickened as she turned her mouth to his.
When he didn’t respond to her kiss, she pulled back.
“I promised,” he murmured.
“I’m letting you out of that verbal contract.”
Grant’s mouth slammed down onto hers, and Tessa lost track of everything else around her. His touch consumed her, making her ache in a way she’d never thought possible.
Grant’s hand slid from beneath her shirt and she turned around, pressing her chest against his as one hand held on to the nape of her neck and the other gripped her bottom through her jeans.
Being wedged between the hard planes of Grant’s body and the edge of the counter was a very wonderful place to be.
Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth wider, silently inviting him to take more.
What was she doing? This wasn’t why she’d come here. But now that she was in the moment, she didn’t want to stop to rationalize all the reasons this was wrong. Because her tingling lips, aching body and curling toes told her this kiss was very, very right.
Grant’s mouth traveled from her lips to her chin and across her jawline. Everywhere he touched, everything he did to her had her wanting more. The man certainly knew exactly how to kiss and where to touch. Everything to pleasure a woman.
And that revelation was the equivalent of throwing cold water on her.
Tessa wriggled her hands between them and eased him back. Those heavy-lidded eyes landed on hers while his lips, moist and swollen from kissing, begged for more. But she had to stop. This kissing and groping was as far as she’d ever gone...so anything beyond this point would be a disappointment to him.
Tessa met his gaze, refusing to be embarrassed for who she was, the values and promise to her mother she desperately tried to cling to.
When she’d been with Aaron, she’d been tempted, but she’d assumed they would marry, and she’d wanted to wait.
But the level to which Aaron had tempted her didn’t come close to the fire of arousal she felt right now with Grant.
Her eyes held his, and as she opened her mouth, he held up a hand.
“Don’t say you’re sorry,” he told her.
Tessa shook her head. “No. I’m not sorry, but we can’t do this.”
“We can and we were,” he countered. “What happened? Something scared you.”
Yeah, the big city playboy and the country virgin. Could they be any more clichéd? Why couldn’t she be this attracted to someone in her league, or at least in her town?
Moving around him, because she needed distance from his touch, his gaze and his masculine aroma, Tessa walked over to the sliding glass doors and looked out into the darkness. Mostly all she could see was her own reflection, and that was worse than looking at Grant. What she saw was a coward.
“Talk to me,” he urged as he stepped closer, but didn’t touch. “I’m not going to push you into anything, Tessa. But I want to know what happened.”
He stood behind her, their eyes locked in the reflective glass. Tessa sighed and turned, crossing her arms over her chest.
“When I told you I wouldn’t be the one to help you pass the time on set, I meant it.” He opened his mouth, but she held up a hand. “And I didn’t say that initially, or now, to offend you. I said it because you need to know where I stand, where we stand. The differences between us, Grant...they’re huge.”
“Is this the age thing again?” he asked, stepping forward to brace his hands on her shoulders.
“That’s one reason,” she confirmed, hating how vulnerable and defensive she felt. “I’ve never been with a man before, Grant. Ever.”
She waited for the words to sink in, waited for him to drop his hands and take a giant step back, as if she’d just drawn a line in the sand and on her side was the plague.
“Tessa, you’re not a virgin.”
“Yes, I am.” She tilted her chin, refusing to be ashamed of what she was just because society felt she should be another way. “I promised my mother I’d wait for love. My body is something I value, Grant. I want my first time to be with someone I truly care about, who I know cares for me.
“I won’t lie,” she went on, when he remained silent. “I’ve never before been kissed in a way that made me forget everything and want to give in to all my desires.” She took a deep, steadying breath, bringing her hands up to grasp his wrists. “But with you, I want more.”
“I value your morals,” he answered. “I probably respect you more for them. But you know there’s something here. This is more than just lust, more than just sex. You need to let yourself live.”
Shifting his hands, causing hers to fall away, he slid the pads of his thumbs over her bottom lip. “A woman with as much passion as you have, as much desire lurking in those eyes, has never fully committed to another man?”
Tessa shook her head, not knowing what to say next. This was the part when a man turned totally weird or ran out the door...not that there had been many men to begin with. Her ex had certainly thought he could persuade her. Now she was even more thankful Aaron hadn’t convinced her.
Since Tessa was at Grant’s house, she figured this was her cue to go. Shoulders back and pride intact, she stepped around him and went toward the door. She’d barely pulled her jacket from the hook before a hand closed over hers, another at her waist.
“Don’t leave.”
With his strong body surrounding her, and those two simple words that held so much meaning, Grant engulfed her.
“I can’t stay, Grant. I’m not ready to give myself, and even if I did, you’d be disappointed.”
“Look at me.”
Forgoing the jacket, she dropped her arm and turned. But instead of seeing confusion or disappointment in his eyes, she saw tenderness, plus a heavy dose of desire. And determination.
“First of all, no matter what you did to or with me would ever be disappointing,” he told her, framing her face between his hands so she had no choice but to face him head-on. “Second, the fact that you’re a virgin doesn’t scare me away, if that’s what you were waiting on. And if it scared other guys before, then they’re jerks and don’t deserve you. Whether we sleep together or not is completely your call, Tessa. I enjoy you, I enjoy talking with you, learning from you and, yes, kissing you. But the ball is in your court. If you don’t want to take the next step with me, I totally respect your decision. But don’t expect me to stop kissing you at every chance I get.”
At his warm smile, Tessa found herself grinning. “I wouldn’t mind you kissing me whenever you want. I can’t promise I’ll ever be ready for more with you. Not that I don’t want it, I just can’t give myself, knowing it would only be a fling.”