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The Cowboy Tutor
Mother continued. “The rest are riding the rails, hoping to find a job somewhere or trying to avoid the relief camps.” She sighed long and hard. “I simply can’t stand by and let Louisa turn into an old maid, having to depend on her sisters to take care of her as she gets older.”
“Ma, she’s only nineteen.” She smiled as Macat jerked her head up and meowed as if agreeing with her.
“I was married and had her by that age.”
“I know.” Those were different times. Mother knew as well as anyone. No point in reminding her. “So the money…?”
“I used it to buy the ad for a tutor.”
“You actually found someone?”
“I did. A very nice man who starts today.”
Madge opened her mouth. Shut it with an audible click. Tried again. “You did all this behind my back?”
Mother smiled gently. “I felt I had to do something. I know we need the money for the payment, but I thought the wages from Mrs. Crebs and the other jobs you’ve picked up would be enough.” She paused a beat. “On my part, I can cut down on expenses. We don’t need meat as often as we’ve been eating it. We’ll trust God to provide and do our best to live wisely.” Her look begged Madge to understand.
None of them had expected Mrs. Crebs to be so miffed.
She squeezed Mother’s hands. “And this man you hired?”
“He seems ideal for Louisa—gentle, well-educated…. I know I can count on you to do everything you can to help me in this. But please don’t say anything to Louisa about my ulterior motives. You know how offended she’d be.”
Madge nodded, even though she felt as if she had hung her sister from a tree to be plucked like ripe fruit. “You’re sure he’s a good gentleman?”
“If he’s not, I will personally run him off the place with a hot poker.”
Madge chuckled at the sudden spurt of spunk her mother revealed. Sometimes she suspected she and Mother were more alike than Mother cared to confess. “I’ll do what I can to help the cause, but if I suspect he’s not suitable, I will be right at your side with another hot poker.”
The two of them laughed. Mother patted Madge’s hand. “I can always count on you.” Her expression faltered. “However, I didn’t expect my decision would come at such a bad time.”
Madge couldn’t bear to have her mother worried. “I’m sure things will work out.” She wouldn’t burden her mother with the fear rippling up her spine.
Mother nodded, accepting Madge’s reassurance. “Now I best get back to the kitchen before the girls wonder what we’re up to. By the way, the gentleman arrives this afternoon.”
Madge waited for her departure, then studied the funds in the can. How was she to pay the mortgage? She’d have to find another job, earn more money, perhaps speak to the banker about a few days’ grace. She rubbed the back of her neck. Where was she going to find someone willing and able to pay for any kind of work?
Lord, I can’t help but worry. The idea of the four of us being out on the street is enough to cause me concern. Lord, it’s beyond me to see how to fix this. However, I know You are in control. Please send an answer my way before we lose our house.
Maybe this tutor, poor unsuspecting man, might offer a future for Louisa. Madge giggled, picturing him. No doubt gray-haired and asthmatic. But Louisa would never pay a mind to such things so long as he was attentive and educated. She paused to pray he was everything Mother expected before she returned the can to the desk and closed the drop lid. Time to return to washing and ironing. She sat Macat on the floor and headed back upstairs with her pet purring at her heels.
A while later, dinner over, she hung about waiting for the arrival of the expected man.
Louisa had primped and put on her best dress. She had gathered up her favorite books. “I’m going to ask him if he’s read these. That way I’ll know what we can talk about.”
Madge never quite understood Louisa’s fascination with books and ideas. Since she was small, Madge preferred to be outdoors. It turned out to be a good thing she’d followed her father relentlessly, begging to help. After his death three years ago, she stepped into his role and took care of the chores and so much more. They’d had to let most of the land go, but Madge had insisted they must keep enough for a milk cow and her calf. Again, she wished she’d kept a horse, as well. But looking back was useless.
Sally shoved aside the stockings she had been carefully darning. “I’m going to the garden to see if I can find any greens left after that last blow.”
Mother stopped her. “Sally, I want you to meet this man first.”
Sally sat back down with a soft sigh. Madge wanted to make her face life squarely. Why was Sally so shy? Seemed Madge had gotten too much boldness and Sally none.
“Very well, Mother,” Sally murmured, twisting her hands and looking so miserable Madge had to quell her frustration. At least Mother didn’t relent and let her go, as she often did.
Mother pulled aside the curtain. “He’s coming.” She sat down and feigned disinterest.
Not prepared to pretend she wasn’t filled with curiosity, Madge planted herself in front of the window. Macat climbed to the ledge to join her. “He’s driving a Mercedes Roadster. About a 1929 model, if I’m not mistaken. Makes our old Model A look as pathetic as it is. He must have washed his car before he left town.”
“Madge, get away from the window. He’ll think we’re spying.”
“Mother, I am spying. And if he thinks we shouldn’t be interested, well… He’s getting out now.” She laughed aloud. “And he’s wiping the dust from the fenders. If he figures to keep his pretty car dust free he’ll have a full-time job.”
Louisa hissed. “Madge, stop staring. He’ll think we have no manners.”
“No. He’ll think I have no manners. You’d never give him reason to think it of you.”
Louisa giggled.
Madge didn’t have to look to know her pretty sister had blushed becomingly. Everything Louisa did was pretty and becoming.
“I couldn’t stand to work with a man who wasn’t clean and tidy,” Louisa said.
“Well, this one is downright fastidious. And he’s headed this way.” Madge turned from the window. But only to move toward the door to invite the man in. And give him a good once-over before she allowed him to spend time with her older sister.
She waited for the knock, then pulled the door open. The man before her sported a beard. His hair was short and tamed. His dusty suit hung on his body as if he’d recently lost weight. His subdued coloring supported the idea. He seemed faintly familiar. As she stared, he turned away and coughed.
“Excuse me, ma’am. I’m here to tutor Miss Louisa.”
“Have we met before?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Didn’t I run into you on the sidewalk a week ago? Literally.”
“Ma’am. I’m sure I would recall such a thing.”
She stared into dark eyes. They no longer probed, but she would never forget them. Yet no flicker of recognition echoed in the man’s face.
Could she be mistaken? She tried to recall every detail of the encounter. Certainly this man looked tidier, wore schoolteacher clothes, and slouched—but the eyes. How could she be confused about them?
She hesitated, not yet inviting him in. What reason would he have for pretending she hadn’t seen him before? And why did her heart feel shipwrecked at the idea of Mother choosing this man for Louisa?
Madge sucked in bracing air, straightened her shoulders and stepped back. She was not one to entertain fanciful ideas. Not Madge Morgan, who was practical to the core.
“Please, come in.” Whoever he was, whatever he hid, she’d watch him so keenly he’d never succeed in doing anything but what he was meant to do—tutor Louisa.
Chapter Two
Judd knew she recognized him, but it was imperative he remain incognito. He’d grown his beard, cut his hair and changed his appearance as much as possible. He’d even found a suit coat that hung on him, hoping to persuade anyone who cared to notice that he’d lost a lot of weight. Of necessity he would give a false name, for if his prey heard his real one, he might suspect something. He did not want the man warned and cautious.
Mrs. Morgan joined her daughter. “Madge, this is the man I told you is to tutor Louisa. Justin Bellamy. Please come in, Mr. Bellamy.”
Judd limped into the room. He figured a lame leg and poor lungs would complete his disguise.
He immediately saw the young woman who would be his pupil. A chinalike beauty in a pale pink dress sat beside a table laden with textbooks and sketch paper. A small white dog with black spots sat on her lap, studying Judd with interest. He figured Louisa’s hands on the dog’s back persuaded the animal not to go into attack mode. Though the dog would offer little threat.
“My daughter, Louisa.”
Judd bowed. “Ma’am, I understand you’re interested in furthering your education.”
Louisa smiled—sweet and gentle—a marked contrast to the decisive study from Madge, who followed him across the room like a cat watching a pigeon, waiting for the right time to pounce.
He sucked in air and remembered to slouch as if it hurt to walk. She could play guard cat all she wanted. He refused to have his feathers ruffled.
As if to reinforce Judd’s feeling of being stalked, a big gray cat jumped from the window ledge and sauntered over to examine the toes of his boots.
Louisa spoke, drawing his attention back to her. “I’d love to go to university. Unfortunately…” She trailed off, but he understood the many things she didn’t say. It was too costly. Her health wouldn’t allow it. It simply wasn’t practical. But she was fortunate her mother cared enough about her thirst for knowledge to hire a tutor. He would do what he could to satisfy her.
“It’s a stimulating environment. I’ll do my best to share some of what I learned.”
She leaned forward, eagerness pouring from her in waves. “I especially want to learn the history of the great artists. And if you would be so good as to…” Her voice fell to a whisper. “Tell me what it’s like to be surrounded by so much learning, so much knowledge.” As if uncomfortable with her burst of enthusiasm, she ducked her head, but not before he’d seen the flood of pink staining her cheeks.
“I’ll do my very best.”
To his left he could feel Madge building up a boiler full of steam.
Mrs. Morgan saved them both from the explosion he feared would sear the skin off him. “This is my youngest daughter, Sally.”
Judd turned, noticed for the first time the younger girl shrinking back against her chair at the far side of the table.
Her gaze darted to him and away. Then she lifted her head and gave him a sweet smile. “Welcome, Mr. Bellamy.”
“Justin, please.” He’d never remember he was Mr. Bellamy, but at least Justin started the same as Judd, which is why he’d chosen the name. He remembered to cough as he glanced around the circle of women. Madge’s gaze waited, hot and demanding. He gave his most innocuous look, rounding his eyes in faux innocence.
“I’ll show you to your quarters,” Madge said, her voice full of warning. “Then you can get to work.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She pulled her lips into a terse expression, and her eyes narrowed before she spun around.
He followed her swift stride outside, his own pace slow and measured, though he fought an urge to march to her side and match her step for step. As the wind blasted him in the face, he gave a cough for good measure.
She waited by his car. “Get your things and follow me. It’s just across the yard.”
Mrs. Morgan had said he’d have his own private quarters when he spoke to her in town, having arranged an interview there. Another reason to convince him he wanted this job. He would be able to slip in and out unnoticed as he tracked his foe.
He followed her to a tiny house—one small window, a narrow door and a low roof. She opened the door and stepped inside with him at her heels. Only the wall facing the yard was boards. The others were sod. “It’s a—”
“A soddie. Yes. The original house. I hope you’ll be comfortable.” The tone of her voice suggested she wished anything but. “The bed’s made up. There’re shelves for your belongings.”
She’d been waving at things as she talked but now spun on him. Her gaze raked him. “I know you’re the man I saw before. If you’re up to no good, I’ll soon enough find out.”
“Miss Madge, you must be mistake—”
“Don’t Miss Madge me, Justin Bellamy. Whatever your scheme, I’ll not let you harm my family.” She marched for the door—all of three steps away. “You’ll be taking meals with us. Supper is at six, which gives you time to earn your keep by teaching Louisa something she wants to learn.”
Judd watched her until she slammed into the house. Her suspicions were going to make his stay complicated, but he’d simply have to be extra cautious. He hated being dishonest, but he didn’t have much choice.
He recalled Madge’s anger when she’d plowed into him on the sidewalk. Remembered how she’d relented and chuckled. Too bad she couldn’t find humor in this situation. He’d love to hear her laugh again, see her eyes flash with amusement.
He flung his bag on the bed. He was not here to let pretty brown eyes confuse him. On the surface he was here to teach Louisa history and other subjects.
His real reason, however, would never take second place to his job. And if he felt any tug of regret that his dishonesty made an enemy out of Madge, he firmly ignored it.
Madge returned to the house. She’d been churning out clean sheets all morning and hauling them upstairs to hang and dry. She still had two more tubs to do, but she welcomed the chance to stomp up and down the stairs, huffing and puffing. Macat, sensing her mistress’s mood, climbed to her perch on the stool and observed with narrowed eyes.
“I’ll keep this to myself,” she muttered to the cat. “No need to worry Mother or Sally or frighten Louisa, but that man is hiding something.”
But what? And why did it make her so cross?
She hated herself for denying the truth and even more for admitting it, but since she’d bumped into him a week ago, she’d thought of him once or twice—dark, intense eyes full of honesty. Or so she’d believed. She snorted. “Honest, indeed. That man is lying through his teeth.”
But then, so was she. Thought of him once or twice? Ha. But she did not want to admit the truth… He came to her mind almost constantly.
She pretended she didn’t notice him return from the cabin with two books under his arm. Instead, she rushed upstairs with the last load of wet laundry, and muttered protests as she hung the sheets.
Only when she was certain he would be ensconced in the front room with Louisa did she clatter down the stairs, rushing past the doorway without allowing herself to glance in. Macat followed at a leisurely pace, protesting Madge’s haste.
Madge’s emotions gave strength to her muscles, and she carried the wash water, two buckets at a time, to the garden where she rationed a drink to the few surviving plants. Whatever they raised was essential for providing adequate food, so she’d constructed wooden windbreaks around the plants in the hopes of nursing them through the dust storms and drought. Still, they didn’t promise more than a bit of cabbage or a few scrawny potatoes.
She drove off the grasshoppers, only to watch hordes more replace them.
She paused from her labors to glance toward the heavens. God, You see our situation and that of so many people. Please send relief. And make it possible for me to find more paying work or some source of income.
Trusting God was difficult when the circumstances offered nothing but failure. But as long as she could remember, she’d made it a practice to trust Him. She never doubted His love. It was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar—as Father had always said. His love surely meant He would meet their needs. Having a home seemed pretty essential to her, especially given that they had no male protection and Louisa was frail.
She drew in a deep breath and settled her assurance on God’s provision before she returned to the washtubs and turned them over to dry. Until tomorrow, when she would begin another stack of laundry.
Finished with that part of the task, she stepped inside and paused to watch Louisa and Justin bent over a book. Harrumph. She knew he was hiding something.
Louisa glanced up, a glitter of pleasure in her eyes.
Instantly, guilt flooded Madge’s lungs. Mother had approved this man. Decided he was an appropriate candidate for Louisa. Seeing Louisa’s enjoyment after an hour shamed Madge. She had no reason to be so distrustful or so—
Lord, help me. Not only am I suspicious, but I am annoyed because I saw him first. Unless he has a stronger twin.
She could always hope.
By the time Madge had finished ironing and taken care of a few outdoor chores, Sally announced supper. Madge had decided to give Justin the benefit of the doubt until she had something more solid than a chance encounter on the street to base her suspicions on.
Mother and Sally had the meal almost ready, but Madge helped place the serving dishes on the table. She noted with a mixture of gratitude and annoyance that the extra plate had been placed besides Louisa’s, which put Justin across from her. Not that it mattered where he sat, but perhaps this was the best place for him. From this position she could steal glances at him, perhaps catch something in his eyes he couldn’t hide.
Besides the dark intensity she recalled.
Mother announced the meal was served, and they sat around the table, Justin taking the indicated spot. Knowing her expression would give away things she didn’t want known—like interest and regret—she kept her head lowered until Mother said the blessing.
For a few minutes they were busy passing food. Somehow Mother and Sally managed to make their meager supplies stretch to satisfying meals. Tonight the hunk of meat she’d received in lieu of wages from one of her customers had been ground and mysterious ingredients added until it looked generous and succulent. The aroma had teased her taste buds for the past hour. Sally had managed to scrounge enough lamb’s quarters for rich greens and had stolen new potatoes from under the plants in the garden. Two small, tasty nuggets each. Now, with a man sharing meals, they would have to make food go further. Justin Bellamy had better prove his worth.
Madge had almost balked at accepting the meat instead of getting the cash she needed, but tonight she was grateful for good food.
“This is wonderful,” Justin said. “I haven’t eaten this well in months.”
“You can credit Sally with her inventiveness,” Mother said.
Justin turned to Sally. “Thank you, Miss Sally.”
Sally ducked her head. Always so painfully shy. Madge supposed it came from being the youngest. Then she flashed Justin a bright smile. “You’re welcome.”
Madge studied Justin, assessing his reaction to Sally’s gratitude. But he only gave a slight smile and a quick nod. Then, before she could look away, his gaze shot to her. “You have a very nice home.”
She nodded. “No need to sound surprised.”
“Madge!” Mother scolded.
But Justin laughed. “I’m not at all surprised.”
Did she detect a hint of acknowledgement? As if admitting they’d met earlier?
“Tell me more about yourselves.” He held Madge’s gaze a moment longer, then shifted to include the others. “How long have you lived here?”
Madge held her tongue for almost a second, but she burst with insistent curiosity and the words poured forth. “Surely you and Louisa have discussed this.” After all, they had sat almost head to head, undisturbed, all afternoon. A little sting of jealousy shocked her. She couldn’t resent the time he spent with Louisa. That’s why he was here.
“No. It’s been strictly business.”
Louisa blushed. “He told me of the first day in college when there are get-acquainted parties. He says within a few days it’s easy to tell those who want to learn from those who only want to have fun. Or freedom from parental control.” She drew in a rough breath. “I can’t imagine wasting such an opportunity.” Her sigh was long and shaky.
Madge stuffed back any remnants of resentment. She’d always been able to do what she wanted—work, run, play, ride—whereas Louisa’s activities had been shaped by her weak lungs. She must not resent any scraps of happiness her sister found.
Not even if they involved a man like Justin—a man about whom she held suspicions and a lurking sense of something else, which would remain nameless and denied.
Mother took on the job of telling Justin about the family. “We moved here from the city of Edmonton six years ago. My husband wanted to farm. We bought this place and built a new house.” She sighed. “In hindsight, perhaps we should have been satisfied with something much smaller, but at the time the economy was so bright. My husband died unexpectedly three years ago—just before the crash. At least he was spared that.”
Somehow Madge didn’t think Father would be as glad as Mother seemed to think. He’d surely have wanted to shepherd them through this crisis, see they were safe and sheltered. They needed him now like never before. But obviously the Lord thought otherwise.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure it’s been tough to manage.”
Justin sounded as if Mother’s loss really mattered to him. Did he understand how hard life was? Truly, without assurance that God would take care of them, there were times Madge wondered how they would make it through another month.
“The situation is difficult for everyone. We are perhaps more fortunate than some,” Mother said.
“How’s that?”
Madge continued to study him, drawn inexorably by the gentle concern in his voice. Their gazes touched, and he held the look for a moment before sliding away, leaving her feeling washed and exposed. She must guard her thoughts better, lest he guess at her confusion of interest and caution.
Mother spoke her name, and Madge shifted her attention to hear her words. “Madge has kept us all afloat.”
Madge revealed nothing in her expression. None of the agony some of her decisions had caused as Mother explained how she’d negotiated a deal to give the bulk of their land to the bank in exchange for keeping the house and a mortgage they could manage. She might soon be forced to admit it was too much if God didn’t provide an answer to her prayer for another job, another source of income.
After a few minutes she interrupted the discussion. “It’s your turn. Tell us about your family and where you’re from.”
Judd hauled his thoughts to a halt. He didn’t want the conversation focused on him. He’d tried to plan what he could reveal and what he must hide. Figured he had it worked out satisfactorily, but still he didn’t like the thought of having to tell half-truths in order to keep his identity a secret. Besides, he’d enjoyed hearing how Madge managed to save their home. And not just save the home to live like paupers. These people ate decently and were together. Not everyone could claim such success.
His jaw tightened. His own mother could testify to that, but it wasn’t her fault things had turned out as they had.
Four pairs of eyes silently urged him to share. One pair, especially, challenged him. He’d tried to divide his attention equally among those at the table, but again and again, his gaze left the others to watch Madge. She wore a practical brown dress. Her glistening brown hair tumbled about as if it had a mind of its own.
Aware they waited for his answer, he pulled his thoughts back from concentrating on Madge. “My mother is a widow, too. She’s had a difficult time because of the reversal of her fortunes.”
Mrs. Morgan sighed. “The crash hit so many people. Now the drought is touching even those who had no money to lose in the first place. On top of that, the low prices for our products…why, wheat is down to twenty-eight cents a bushel. How can farmers hope to survive?”