Полная версия
All of Me
A crowd had already gathered by the time Karen arrived at the theater. How in the world would she find Damian? She had no clue where to begin. She scanned the left side, squinting in the jam-packed space. Taking a step farther into the room, she leaned forward to see if he was sitting on one of the lower levels. A warm hand circled her waist, and she turned to give the offender a blistering retort, but froze when she heard the seductively familiar voice.
“Looking for someone?”
She turned slowly. Good grief. Every time she saw the man he looked better and better. Tonight he wore tailored dark trousers and a silk pullover that emphasized his well-defined arms, chest and abs. “Hey. I didn’t see you.” The heat from his body pressed against her ignited a slow burn. A shiver passed through her. She eased out of his embrace before she was tempted to do something crazy, like reach up and run her hands all over him to see if those muscles felt as firm as they looked. “Where are we sitting?”
Damian cupped her elbow and gently steered her to where he had seats saved near the front.
“Wow. How did you get such great seats?”
He chuckled softly. “It’s our first date. I wanted to impress you, so I got here early.”
First? The tone of his voice and the intensity of his gaze suggested there would be more than one date if he had anything to say about it. “Well, consider me impressed.” The lounge had a mixture of theater chairs, semicircular booths for six or eight, tables with chairs and love seats for two. Of course, he had chosen the love seat. If it unnerved her how close he stood, she had no idea how she would manage to get through one or two hours with him sitting so near.
Damian gestured her to the seat, then sat next to her. He turned and reached for her hand. “Karen, I want to thank you for agreeing to come tonight.” He lifted her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back.
Karen stifled a moan at the feeling of his warm lips against her skin and melted into the seat. “Um. Thank you for asking.” She imagined those same lips trailing a path up her arm, over her shoulders...
Get it together, girl, an inner voice snapped, shattering the vision.
“And I’m really glad you have on another dress like that red one you were wearing yesterday. You look absolutely stunning.”
“It’s one of my favorites.”
“Now it’s one of mine.”
Typically, she had no problem engaging in a little harmless flirtation with men, but Damian was messing with her equilibrium. Even with the lights low, she saw the fire in his eyes, and the flirty comeback poised on her tongue died a swift death. Earlier he had mentioned being out of practice with women. If he defined this as “out of practice,” what would he be like with practice?
He leaned over to say something else, but before he could open his mouth, the lights went down in the theater, Marcus Johnson came up on the stage and the music began. Thank goodness. She needed a minute. If she had any doubts that he had more than a passing interest in her, the look in his eyes cleared it up. He was definitely interested. Just some casual fun, someone to pass the time with—that was what she told herself. She hadn’t planned on this. She hadn’t planned on him. And Lord help her, she was interested in him, too.
She glanced down at his long fingers tapping out the song’s rhythm on his thigh. He had large hands, making her speculate about the size of certain other parts. Her pulse jumped. Karen Lynette Morris, you stop it right now! she chastised herself. Get your mind out of the gutter. Karen reached up and discreetly wiped the moisture gathering on her forehead. She needed to get a grip. She was sitting here fantasizing about a man she’d met two days ago, or actually yesterday. Whenever. The point was, she had no business thinking about him in those terms. She pushed the sensual thoughts to the back of her mind and focused on the music, letting the smooth piano jazz sounds take over.
Soon, Karen found herself rocking to the beat along with everyone else. She and Damian shared a smile, their heads bobbing in time with the music. By the time the concert ended, she felt more relaxed and in control.
“He’s really good,” she said as they filed out with the crowd. “I don’t have any of his CDs, but I’m definitely adding him to my collection.”
Damian nodded. “Marcus is very good. I have a couple of his CDs.” Once they made it to an open area, he pulled her to the side. “It’s still early, and I’m not ready for the evening to end. How about we go check out the club? Do you like to dance?”
“I do, but I haven’t in a while.” She checked her watch. It was only ten. “Sure. Let’s do it.” He reached for her hand and entwined their fingers as if it was the most natural thing to do. She felt the same heat as she had when they shook hands at lunch.
They heard the music as they rounded the corner. Damian immediately pulled her onto the dance floor. Karen swayed her hips in time with his, her eyes glued to every move he made—slim waist, washboard abs, muscular thighs and arms. She loved dancing, and it had been a long time since she allowed herself to be free and uninhibited. After a few up-tempo grooves, the music changed to a ballad. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her flush against his hard body.
She trembled when his hand came in contact with her bare back. Any calm she previously felt fled. His fingers moved slowly across the exposed area, searing a path on her skin. She glanced up to see his gaze locked on hers. Karen’s breath caught, and her heart hammered in her chest. His eyes darkened, the green flecks more evident. His gaze drifted to her mouth, then back up to meet her eyes. She wanted him to kiss her. They’d only been together a few hours, yet the only thing on her mind was having his lips on hers. She turned away and rested her head on his shoulder, hoping he didn’t see the longing in her eyes.
* * *
Damian couldn’t stop the rampant desire flowing through his body. Sensations coursed through his veins, the likes of which he’d never experienced. Holding Karen in his arms and running his hands over the smooth expanse of her bare skin—it was softer than he anticipated—had him on the verge of doing something totally out of character, like tossing her over his shoulder and carting her off to the nearest bed. Her gloss-slicked lips appeared soft and inviting, and he wanted nothing more than to taste and nibble on them. Before she dropped her gaze, he read the same thing in her dark brown eyes.
The guilt he had felt earlier rose, but he pushed it down, reminding himself those feelings had no place here. He wasn’t married anymore or in a relationship. He was free to explore this attraction between him and Karen. Damian closed his eyes, held her closer and inhaled the seductive scent of her perfume, letting the powerful sensations take over. He liked the way she fit in his arms, as if she belonged there. Though the thought scared him, he couldn’t move away. He wanted to hold her this way all night.
As if by some unspoken communication, the DJ played three slow songs in a row. Damian offered up a silent thank-you and tightened his arms around her. Too soon, the music changed again. Karen lifted her head and stepped out of his embrace, and he instantly missed the closeness.
“Can I get you something to drink?” he asked.
“Yes, please.”
He quickly claimed the table a couple had just vacated, and she sat. “What would you like?”
“A cosmo.”
“Coming right up.” He squeezed in at the black-and-white marble bar and gave their order. Several minutes later, he returned, drinks in hand. Damian placed her drink on the table in front of her and then sat in the chair across from her.
“What did you get?”
“Jack and Coke.” His brow lifted when she took a long drink from the glass. “Good?”
She nodded and tilted the glass to her lips again before setting it on the table with a trembling hand.
He chuckled inwardly, thinking she might want to slow down. He picked up his own glass and took a small sip. “What brings you on the cruise? Vacation?”
“My best friend got married before the ship left on Saturday. Her new husband is performing, so they decided to make it part of their honeymoon.”
“The woman you were with yesterday?” She nodded and he said, “I wish them many happy years together.” A memory of his wedding day flashed in his head. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Maybe you’ve heard of him. R & B singer and producer Monte.”
“Really? I know of him. I once heard he planned to never marry.”
“So did I. But Janae is the sweetest person I know, and I guess he couldn’t resist.”
“Is that why you were dressed up when I saw you?”
“Yes. What about you? Are you on vacation?”
“I guess you can say that.” He laughed. “Actually, my two friends guilt-tripped me into coming. They bought the ticket and then asked if I was going to waste their money and accused me of not being a good friend.” Karen laughed—a low, throaty sound that made his heart jump.
“That’s wrong.” She leaned forward with laughter shining in her eyes. “Were you being a bad friend?” she asked teasingly.
“Probably,” he admitted. “I’ve turned down every offer to take a trip together for the last several years.”
“Well, I’d say you redeemed yourself by coming on the cruise. You should be off the hook for at least a month.”
Damian laughed. “Good point. I’ll make sure to tell them that.” They laughed together again, and then silence fell over the table. He hadn’t laughed with a woman in a long time and enjoyed the easy rapport they seemed to be developing. He covered her hand with his. “I still wasn’t too keen on coming, even after we boarded...until I saw you. I’m looking forward to whatever this week brings.”
“So am I.”
They finished their drinks, both lost in thought.
He gestured toward the dance area. “Are you ready to hit the dance floor again?”
“Let’s do it.”
He rose, assisted Karen from the chair and trailed her as she dipped in time with the beat out to the dance floor. She raised her arms in the air and danced with reckless abandon, her sensual movements sending bolts of white-hot desire shooting through him. Damian sucked in a sharp breath and tried to will his body calm. They danced to a few more songs. Then he suggested taking a walk.
Karen fanned herself. “Whew. I haven’t danced like that in ages. And definitely not in these shoes.”
He glanced down at the sexy jeweled sandals and her red-painted toenails. “But they look amazing.”
“Thanks. Shoes are my weakness. I needed an extra bag just for them.”
He shook his head and chuckled. Come to think of it, the shoes she had had on that first day were just as sexy. “You have good taste.” They came to an exit. “Are you okay to walk on the deck for a little while? We won’t stay long.”
“Sure. I could use the fresh air.”
He held the door open and let her precede him, then led her over to an empty spot at the rail. Neither spoke for several minutes. Damian studied her as she stared out into the black night—the shimmering glow of her skin bathed in the moonlight, the serene expression on her face. Their attraction had been instant and strong. Why her? And why now? He didn’t think he would ever allow himself to get close to another woman, but in less than twenty-four hours, Karen had proven him wrong. She fascinated him. Called to him. Made him laugh and feel alive for the first time in years.
She looked up at him. “Penny for your thoughts.”
“I was just thinking about you. Us. How much I’m enjoying your company.”
She smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
Damian reached up and stroked a finger down her cheek and lowered his head. He hovered close enough for their breaths to mingle, waiting, seeking permission. She hesitated for a brief moment, then tilted her head upward. He touched his mouth to hers, once, twice. Her lips parted beneath his, and he slid his tongue inside. He hadn’t kissed a woman like this in a while—five years to be exact—but it didn’t take long for him to catch up. She tangled her tongue with his, and he groaned deep in his throat. He turned, leaned against the rail, widened his stance and pulled her between his legs.
Karen wrapped her arms around his neck, grabbed the back of his head and held him in place. Damian had no problem with that. He had no intention of letting go—not until he got his fill—which in his estimation might take all night. He angled his head and deepened the kiss. His hands roamed down her back, cupped her bottom and brought her flush against his erection. He wanted her to feel what she was doing to him. They stood there with their mouths fused for who knows how long until she shivered. He gave her one last kiss, then lifted his head.
“A little,” she said, shivering again.
He rubbed up and down her arms, leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Let’s get you inside.”
She nodded.
Taking her hand, he led her back inside. “May I see you to your room?”
“I’d like that.”
Her swollen, moist lips and passion-filled eyes tempted him beyond reason. “Lead the way.” They walked to the elevator hand in hand. Luckily, no one else boarded, because he really needed to kiss her again, and he couldn’t wait one more second. As soon as the doors closed, he backed her against the wall and slanted his mouth over hers. All too soon the distinctive chime sounded, signaling the elevator had reached her floor. Reluctantly, Damian ended the kiss.
He followed her down the hall until she stopped at a door, unlocked it and pushed it open.
She stepped inside and stared up at him. “Would you like to come in for a few minutes?”
Hell yeah, I want to come in. Leaning against the door frame, he said, “I’d better not. What are your plans for tomorrow? Are you going into Jamaica?”
She nodded. “I’m taking one of the tours to Dunn’s River Falls, and it includes lunch afterward at a popular restaurant.”
“Mind if we spend the day together? I really enjoy being with you.”
“I don’t mind at all. I booked the tour at eleven. Tomorrow night I’m going to Monte’s show. He had seats reserved for us, but I can ask Janae to see if he can get another one, if you want to go.”
“If you won’t be tired of my company by then, I’d love to. How about we meet for breakfast in the morning?”
“Sure. I’ll wait for you by the buffet entrance at eight-thirty.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Damian wanted to kiss her again but didn’t trust himself to stay in control. He was having a hard enough time standing close to her without touching her. She took the decision out of his hands when she pulled him down for a kiss that stole his breath.
“Thanks for a wonderful evening, Damian. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He kissed her softly. “Good night, Karen. Sweet dreams.”
She backed into the room and closed the door softly. He stood with his hand on the door.
Damian wanted to make love to her.
The realization shook him to his core. Not so much that he had the urge, but how strongly he felt it. He had been celibate for five years by choice because he hadn’t found a woman who excited him. Karen more than excited him. She intrigued him like no other woman before. Including his late wife.
He hadn’t accepted her invitation tonight, but if she offered tomorrow, he wouldn’t turn her down. And he would be prepared.
Chapter 4
Damian went back to the deck, gripped the railing and gulped in a lungful of crisp ocean air. The startling depth of his desire for Karen had thrown him for a loop. How could he want a woman so much? And in such a short time. He could still smell her intoxicating perfume, feel her silky skin beneath his fingers and taste the sweetness of her kiss in his mouth. As much as he wanted to take Karen up on her offer, he needed to step back and gain some perspective. His mind said things were moving too fast, but his body argued they weren’t moving fast enough. Even now his heart hadn’t returned to a normal pace, and his erection throbbed with desire. Damian was tempted to go back and knock on her door. He hadn’t accepted her invitation tonight, one, because he felt it was too soon, and two, he didn’t have any protection. Troy and Kyle mentioned they had left him some condoms, and he made a mental note to check his bag when he returned to his room.
He remembered he needed to sign up for the tour in Jamaica and glanced down at his watch. Leaving the deck, he retraced his steps and searched out the tour desk, hoping it hadn’t closed. Luckily it hadn’t, and there were three spaces available for the eleven o’clock tour. He was too wound up to sleep and made his way to the piano bar, where an up-and-coming artist was playing. Damian claimed a stool at the circular bar, signaled the bartender and ordered a Coke.
“Thanks,” he said, accepting the glass. Although his body had calmed considerably, his mind continued to race with thoughts of Karen.
“Excuse me. Is this seat taken?”
His head came up. A woman stood next to him wearing a white low-cut skintight bodysuit and offering a come-hither smile.
“Be my guest.” He gestured to the stool, then went back to his drink.
She slid onto the stool, purposely leaning close enough to brush her breasts against his arm.
Damian pretended not to notice. He didn’t want to give the woman any indication he might be interested. She tried making small talk, and he remained courteous, but after a few minutes began to think he should have gone to his room.
“So, does that empty left hand mean you’re not married?”
He stared down at his hand. He’d finally stopped wearing his ring a year ago, and the tan line had faded completely, as if nothing had ever been there. “No, I’m not.”
She scooted closer. “Are you looking to be?”
“Are you sure? A handsome guy like you looks like he should be married.” Her hand skimmed his thigh, sliding upward. He clamped his hand down on hers and jumped from the stool. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”
Her gaze raked over him. “Want some company?”
“No, thanks. Enjoy the cruise.” He turned on his heel and strode out of the lounge. Damian scrubbed a hand down his face. While he didn’t mind an assertive woman, overaggressiveness turned him off. He hadn’t gone far when a hand touched his shoulder.
He groaned inwardly, thinking the woman had followed him. Glancing over his shoulder, he was relieved to see his friends.
“Well, well. For somebody who didn’t want to come on this cruise, you sure have been busy,” Kyle said.
“What’s up?”
Troy folded his arms across his chest. “That’s what we want to know about you. We haven’t seen you all day.”
Kyle laughed. “My man D has jumped back into the game at full speed. I saw the woman in the catsuit. Hot! Curves for days. She basically handed herself to you on a platter.”
“I wasn’t interested.”
“Is that because you’re more interested in the woman you were dancing with earlier?” Troy asked.
“Damn, were you guys following me around or something?”
Troy shook his head. “No. We went looking for some fun and just happened to see you while we were dancing. She’s the same woman you were staring at the first day?”
He nodded. “We’re spending the day together in Jamaica tomorrow, then going to Monte’s performance tomorrow night.”
“I guess you didn’t need our help after all,” Kyle said with a laugh. He lowered his voice. “Those condoms are in the small inner pocket of your duffel bag...in case you were wondering.”
Yeah, he had wondered. “Are you guys going into Jamaica?”
“Yeah,” Kyle answered. “You think you can tear yourself away from your new friend long enough to hang with your old friends once we get to the Bahamas?”
He really wanted to spend as much time with Karen as possible since they had limited time together. However, even though they worked together, he had neglected his friendship with Kyle and Troy, and they did pay for the cruise. “Yeah, man.”
They said their goodbyes, and Damian continued to his room. Once there, he showered and crawled into bed. An hour later, he lay awake with thoughts of Karen filling his head. Where was she from? What did she do? Did she feel the chemistry between them as strongly as he did? He planned to get the answers to those questions and more. Turning over, he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes. Morning couldn’t come soon enough.
* * *
Karen untangled herself from the sheets and groaned. Another dream. Her pulse raced, and her breathing came in short gasps. It was the second one she’d had tonight, and seemed so real she would swear Damian lay beside her with his lips pressed against the hollow of her neck. She hadn’t been able to get his kisses out of her mind, or the feel of his hands sliding over her bare back and hips.
Scooting off the bed, she went into the bathroom and splashed some water on her face in an effort to cool off. She walked back into the room, opened the curtain slightly and leaned against the door frame. The sun had already begun its ascent, breaking through the early gray morning with streaks of red, orange and pink. Her mind lingered over every detail since she had met Damian, from their flirting at the pool and the uncertainty in his voice when he asked her out, to his solicitous manner during the concert and the possessive way he’d held her while his mouth plundered hers.
She wanted him. Bad. So much that she had invited him into her room last night, something she would never do with a man she’d just met. Maybe the effects of the alcohol she’d consumed had lowered her inhibitions. No. It was the man, plain and simple. But he hadn’t accepted her invitation, and Karen wondered why, when he clearly seemed to be as into her as she was into him, not to mention the huge erection she’d felt pressed against her belly.
Maybe she had read more into what was happening between them, or maybe he thought her too aggressive. She sighed softly. Whatever the case, she needed to apologize. She didn’t want Damian to think she made a habit of inviting strange men into her room.
Pushing away from the sliding glass door, Karen went to get ready for breakfast. She dug out her black swimsuit. The sexy cutout one-piece had crisscrossing straps across the back, but aside from that, left her back and sides bare, and tied at the hips. She put it on and slipped into a black crochet cover-up. Grabbing her tote, she added her waterproof camera, a change of clothes, towel, comb, brush and wallet, then sat on a chair to fasten the straps on her flat sandals. She picked up the tote and room key and left.
Karen searched the dining room for Damian and spotted him waving. She started in his direction, then halted her steps when he came toward her wearing a black tank exposing his strong muscular shoulders and arms, black swim trunks and sandals. An involuntary moan slipped from her lips. The man exuded masculinity in waves. It would be harder than she thought to keep her desire under control. As she came closer, his gaze traveled over her, stopped at her breasts and then slid lower, just below her stomach. His eyes darkened with desire, sending a rush of heat directly to her core.
“Morning,” Damian said, dipping his head to kiss her cheek.
His soft, warm lips lingered on her cheek, and a shiver passed through her. “Good morning. Have you been waiting long?”
“No. Just a few minutes.” He led her to the table. “Why don’t you leave your bag here and go fix your plate? I’ll get mine when you come back.”
“Okay.” Karen surveyed the buffet and filled her plate with a small amount of scrambled eggs, potatoes with onions and peppers, two strips of crisp bacon and a slice of toast, then got a glass of orange juice. She placed her plate on the table, and Damian shook his head. “What?”