Falling for the Enemy
Falling for the Enemy

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Falling for the Enemy

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“Don’t even think about it,” Gregory muttered.

“I wouldn’t dare,” Kessler answered airily.

But Kessler had already had thought of it—and done it—in England, and his gaze said he’d thought of such with Danielle just now.

She glanced between the two of them, as though sensing the tension. Then again, a deaf, blind mute could likely sense the tension between him and Kessler.

Serge, however, stuffed another piece of salt pork in his mouth and spoke around it. “Well, some of the men might want Dani if she tried being nice. She stomped on one landowner’s toe and then slapped him, and he was the richest of the lot of them.”

Danielle threw up her hands. “He tried to...” But she suddenly clamped her mouth shut, color flooding her cheeks. “Never mind. Just keep quiet, Serge.”

“On the contrary, I’m rather curious now that you’ve brought it up.” Kessler’s harsh voice floated over the campsite. “What precisely did this Frenchman attempt, Danielle?”

She hardened her jaw.

“Enough.” Gregory stood. So Danielle was beautiful, any man could see that. But she didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of—especially by someone like Kessler. “Kessler, go to the stream and get more water. Westerfield might need some in the night.”

Kessler’s eyebrows shot up. “You expect me to haul water? Have Farnsworth do it.”

Gregory glanced at Farnsworth, sitting near the fire and stuffing salt pork into his mouth as greedily as Serge. “Farnsworth is about to unroll the bedding.”

His valet shot up and rushed to the pile of blankets, still chewing awkwardly.

“But if you’re too cowardly to walk to the stream by yourself,” Gregory continued, “I’m sure Serge will accompany you.”

“That’s hardly necessary.” Kessler pushed stiffly to his feet, grabbed the one small bucket they had and stalked off into the darkness.

Gregory watched the other man go, and not a moment too soon. Did he think he could take advantage of—

“Don’t.” Westerfield’s voice drew Gregory’s attention away. “Those thoughts won’t do you any good now.”

He approached his brother and kneeled, speaking low enough the others couldn’t hear. “How can I not think of what happened at times like this? When he looks at Danielle as though he would devour her?”

“Put it behind you.”

How could he, when dreams of Suzanna’s tearstained face still came to him in the darkest hours of the night? He could picture the scene in his mind as clearly as though it was happening this very moment. Coming in from a late night in the village, he’d found Suzanna in the stable, her dress undone and her crumpled form sobbing into the hay.

So he’d called Kessler out, and Kessler had injured him in the duel. When infection claimed his leg, his father had been so furious, he’d sworn retribution on Kessler, and Kessler had fled to France. The sordid tale might have ended there were it not for Westerfield. Why his brother would up and leave England to find Kessler, Gregory would never understand. But leave England Westerfield had, only to end up disappearing after the peace treaty failed.

“Careful, Halston, you don’t know the full of it,” Westerfield rasped.

No, he clearly didn’t, because Westerfield’s decision to come to France and bring Kessler home still made no sense. But one thing was clear: were it not for the duel, Westerfield wouldn’t be gravely ill, and the rest of them wouldn’t be stuck in a country they were at war with.

Then again, other parts of the story were as clear as water on a cold winter morning. “When you’re a guest in someone’s home, you shouldn’t make free use of the serving girls. That isn’t difficult to understand.”

Never mind that it was a common enough practice among the ton. Never mind that Kessler’s own father never would have taught him otherwise—had probably been the leading example, in fact.

Wrong was still wrong, and it shouldn’t take a vicar pointing his bony finger at Kessler to sear the man’s conscience.

And listen to him, waxing moral. Perhaps he should have joined the church, as Mother had wanted, rather than become a man of business.

But then he wouldn’t have those two thousand pounds to pay the Belanger siblings for taking his party to the coast. Nor would he have the funds he contributed to the Hastings Orphanage or the foundling hospitals.

And he probably wouldn’t have known about Suzanna because he would have been seeing to his parish in some far-off village instead of staying at his family’s country home for a visit.

He didn’t regret what he’d done.

Which only proved to nearly everyone he knew that he’d gone mad at some point since he’d graduated from Cambridge, because titled members of the ton didn’t call out future earls over a serving girl. A duel could be fought over a lady, certainly, but never a servant.

Westerfield coughed again, his hacking more violent this time.

Gregory touched his forehead. “You’re getting worse.”

“I’m f-f-fine,” Westerfield stammered through a sickening wheeze.

But he wasn’t fine. His skin was hot and clammy, and his once-strong body lay pale and emaciated. “I’ll go for a physician if you but give the word.”

And he would. It mattered not how many napoleons or guineas he’d have to use to buy the physician’s silence. His brother needed to live.

“The cough isn’t so bad, really.” But Westerfield couldn’t even speak the words without letting loose a smaller cough.

Something rustled by the fire, and Gregory turned to find Serge sitting back beside his sister. Farnsworth had busied himself making up pallets to sleep upon, and Kessler had returned. He set down his pail of water and approached the Belanger siblings, a length of rope in his hand.

Not again. Gregory pushed wearily to his feet.

“Be kind,” Westerfield warned.

Why should he? Hadn’t he told the man to leave Danielle be? Not that Kessler would ever deign to listen to a mere third son when he was a future earl.

Kessler crossed his arms and waited for him. “We can’t have her escaping in the night.”

“She’s not some slave to be bound at your whim.”

Danielle scooted closer to the trees while Serge’s wide-eyed gaze moved from him to Kessler and back.

Kessler held up the rope. “She’ll escape by morning if you don’t tie her, and we’ll likely awaken to gendarmes and bayonet tips.”

“She promised not to run.”

“And you’re risking our capture on the word of a woman who held a knife to your valet’s throat and pretended not to speak English?”

“The knife to my throat was rather uncalled-for, if I can say so,” Farnsworth spoke from where he unrolled the final blanket for his own bed.

“Don’t tie my sister, please,” Serge’s pleading eyes sought Gregory rather than Kessler. A smart boy, that Serge Belanger.

Gregory heaved a sigh. Kessler was right—much as he hated to admit it. Perhaps she would keep her word, but she was also the sort to use her wits and cunning to seek any loophole she could find. Danielle had promised she wouldn’t run, but she’d never said for how long. She was likely just waiting for night to fall and everyone else to sleep. If he didn’t tie the woman, they’d be rotting in prison cells come tomorrow evening.

“Fine, but let me do it.” He jerked the rope away from Kessler.

Non! You can’t.” Tears flooded the boy’s eyes. “She’ll promise to be good and not escape, won’t you, Dani? She doesn’t deserve it, I swear.”

Gregory wouldn’t say she didn’t deserve it—his cheek still throbbed where she’d scratched him—but he’d no desire to humiliate the woman, either. This wasn’t about what she deserved—it was about protecting himself and his brother.

“Do you need me to hold her?” Farnsworth approached while Kessler stalked around the fire to his pallet.

“Please don’t.” Danielle looked up, her blue eyes entreating him in the firelight.

This would be easier if she screamed or attempted to run. Instead she sat too still, like one of his sister’s dolls propped on a shelf.

He paused, and Westerfield coughed again from where he lay. As beautiful and earnest as she might seem, he couldn’t risk his brother, risk them all, based on the word of a woman who’d already proved herself untrustworthy.

He knelt behind her. “Put your hands behind your back.”

She kept her fists anchored firmly by her sides and looked away but couldn’t hide the slight tremble in her jaw.

He tugged her hands behind her back, her skin far too soft for one who seemed so fierce.

Blast! He was letting her charms play tricks on his mind. So she was beautiful. He’d seen many a beautiful woman before, all dressed in finer clothes than Danielle Belanger, with jewels dangling from their necks and fingers and coiffures. Simpering, delicate creatures who wouldn’t have lasted five minutes in the woods, let alone know how to use a knife or attempt to escape a band of strange men.

But Danielle didn’t fight him now. She didn’t speak, didn’t even look at him as he began to tie.

Why wasn’t she begging, pleading, attempting to struggle?

A faint bead of moisture slipped down her cheek to glisten in the firelight, and she sucked in a long, quivering breath. Perfect. Instead of fighting him like the woman two hours ago would have done, she now struggled against tears.

Yet another thing Eton and Cambridge hadn’t taught him. How to tie up a captive woman so she couldn’t escape. Or what to do with one when she cried.

Useless schools, the both of them.

He tightened the knot as much as he dared against her tender wrists, then stood, tossing another length of rope to Serge. “Tie your sister’s ankles.”

“Non.” Hatred radiated from the boy’s eyes.

“Either you tie her legs, or I will. But in the end, her ankles will still be bound.”

Serge reached for the remainder of rope, and Gregory dug the heel of his boot into the dirt as he watched. He was making a muck of everything. Serge hadn’t despised him until now. Sure, Danielle had wanted naught to do with them from the first, but the boy had been much more amicable, helpful even.

Gregory couldn’t let them escape and call in gendarmes, yet neither could they travel to the coast with two guides who hated them. He had to find some way to make amends and change their minds about helping, or this was going to be the longest, most miserable journey in the history of Europe.

But how exactly could he convince a humiliated woman and her angry brother to help him? Somehow, he didn’t think a nice little apology was going to repair things.

* * *

Danielle lay back on her makeshift pallet, her hands bound behind her back and her ankles tied tightly together while hot tears of mortification welled behind her eyes. She had no one to blame but herself for this situation, she supposed. She was too rash, always too rash. Papa and Maman had told her so numerous times over the years, but what did she do over and over again? Run headlong into a situation, waiting until she had herself well and truly tangled before she stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, she should have slowed down enough to mull things over before she’d acted.

’Twas probably the reason no decent man wished to wed her. Who wanted to be bound for life to a woman who always created trouble?

Like tonight, she should have agreed to guide Halston and his friends. Why had she not thought it through first? She could have guided them straight to a gendarmerie post and no one would have been the wiser until it was too late. Instead, she’d proudly defied them.

Why, oh, why hadn’t she just pretended to be a simple girl from the provinces, eager to do anything for a bit of coin?

Maybe because she was neither simple nor willing to do anything for coin. Her parents had instilled principles into her far too well. Plus, she was a terrible liar and likely would have given herself away.

Even so, no one had ever warned her having principles and staying fixed on doing what was right could lead her here. To being tied up while a bunch of Englishmen milled around. To being forced into acting as a guide when she should be running through the woods toward a gendarmerie post.

“Don’t cry, Dani.” Serge plopped down beside her, chewing yet another piece of salt pork as he faced her on the blankets. “Everything will be all right.”

“Easy for you to say...” She pressed her eyes shut. How could she even look at her brother while she lay trussed up like some animal? “You’re not the one being made into a spectacle.”

He sighed, long and heavy. “Dani, if you don’t want to be a spectacle, then don’t act like one.”

“I wasn’t trying...oh, forget it.” She moistened her parched lips and glanced at Kessler and Halston sitting beside the sickbed arguing over something or other. “At least they didn’t tie you, too. That should make our escape easy enough.”

Serge cast a quick glance toward the darkened woods. “Figured we’d wait until everyone was asleep, and then I’d untie you.”

Untie her. Like she was some captive animal rather than a person. A fresh wave of humiliation welled inside her chest. “Lie down here and get some sleep. The sooner we go to bed, the sooner everyone else will.”

Serge scrambled down onto the blankets beside her. “Are you going to pretend sleep? If we both truly sleep, we might miss our chance.”

She winced as rope bit into her wrists. Of course, if she stopped trying to loosen her bindings, they probably wouldn’t bite so much. Serge would be freeing her in a few hours, so she could stop struggling and simply wait. But truly, how was she to sit docilely and not attempt to loosen the ropes even a little?

“Danielle?” Serge blinked up at her. “Are you going to stay awake, then?”

“Don’t worry, even if I doze off, I won’t be able to sleep long with these ropes cutting into my skin.”

His eyes turned soft as he watched her. “I’m sorry, Dani. Really, I am. The Englishmen seemed nice enough, and they’ve got that sick man on the other side of the fire. I didn’t think they’d hurt us.”

“Of course they’ll hurt us. Have you forgotten we’re at war with them?”

“But they’re people just the same. And if one of us was sick and needed help, I’d like to think...” His words trailed off as another grotesque cough filled the air.

“That doesn’t mean we need to be nice to them,” she snapped. “Or that they need to be nice to us. Now lie down and sleep. You’ll need all your strength if you’re going to keep up with me tonight.”

“All right.” He rolled over, presenting his back to her as he snuggled in for slumber.

On the other side of the fire, Halston pushed his tall form up from where he sat and approached. In his hands he held a blanket torn into strips and then knotted together formed a makeshift rope. Were they planning to gag her as well?

“Non.” Danielle scooted herself back on the pallet as best she could with both her hands and feet tied.

“It’s not for you but your brother.”

“For me?” Serge pushed himself up to a sitting position.

“You can’t tie him. He hasn’t—” She clamped her mouth shut. She was going to give their escape plan away if she panicked again.

Halston quirked an arrogant, dark eyebrow at her. “You were saying?”


“Put your hands behind your back, Serge,” he commanded.

Her brother’s gaze shot fiery little arrows toward the Englishman. “I didn’t do anything.”

“It’s whether you plan to do anything once the rest of us are asleep that I question.”

“So you’re going to tie me with a blanket?” he scoffed.

“We’re out of rope. It will have to do.”

And with those words, the man knelt down to tie her brother, cutting off their best chance at escape.

Chapter Four

“Serge, you have to be quieter,” Danielle hissed into the darkness.

The admonishment did little good. Her brother still clomped behind her, his boots rustling old leaves and snapping twigs.

’Twas hardly astonishing the boy had trouble killing a squirrel. The entire forest would hear him coming a full kilometer away. “You’re going to awaken the English and lead them straight to us.”

The noise of mud sucking at his feet drowned out her words.

She rolled her eyes and moved soundlessly behind an ancient maple tree. They’d best just focus on getting away fast—since “quiet” wasn’t working for them. She surveyed the darkened trees. The clouds now blanketed the moon and stars, making the forest so black it obscured trees a meter in front of her. But the darkness would also make following them nigh impossible.

If not for Serge and his incessant noise.

He came up beside her, panting. “How do you move so fast in the dark? I can hardly follow you.”

“There’s a thick stand of firs several meters ahead.” She reached back to take hold of his wrist, keeping her eyes pinned on the goal ahead. “If we can get there, the English will have no hope of—”

“Finding you?” A hand reached out to clasp her upper arm.

She squealed at the sound of the familiar English voice.

“Serge, t’enfuis! Run!” She shoved her brother away before Halston could grab him, as well. At least one of them would be free to find a gendarmerie post.

Serge’s heavy footfalls crashed into the darkness while a narrow beam of lantern light found her face.

“Where, exactly, did you intend to go this late?” Halston asked.

The oaf. He deserved to have his other cheek scratched as badly as the first. She curled her fingers into fists at her side.

He chuckled, clearly guessing the direction of her thoughts. “I wouldn’t attempt it again if I were you.”

She jerked her chin up. “Where I go is none of your concern.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course.”

“You’ll have to forgive me for not believing you, seeing how when you feigned sleep two hours ago, I left both you and your brother bound.”

The word cracked through the woods with such force she couldn’t help but cringe. “Mayhap we didn’t like being bound.”

His hand dug harder into her arm. “Wretched woman.”

She couldn’t make out more than his shadow with the way he held the light to shine on her alone, but she could well imagine him gritting his teeth as he called her wretched, just like Papa always did when he said she was insufferable.

Not that she was either wretched or insufferable.

“My brother has spent the past year and a half trapped in your horrid country for the heinous crime of traveling here when our two countries were at peace and not managing to leave before we were once again at war.” Frustration ground across the edges of his words. “When I came to rescue him, the French guide I paid quite handsomely betrayed us. Now Westerfield might well be dying, and he needs help. I’ve offered you two thousand pounds to take us to the channel, a sum that should be of great use to you and your family, and you look down as me as though I’m no more than dung on the heel of your boot. What must I do to convince you to help us? Offer you another thousand pounds?”

“That man is your brother? The sick one with the wretched cough?”

He probably raised that arrogant eyebrow at her, except she couldn’t see it in the black. “Does it make a difference?”

It didn’t. Or rather, it shouldn’t. But his brother? Could she blame him for wanting to protect his family? And what if his claim about not being spies was true? “When you learned he fell ill, you came over from England solely to get him out of Verdun?”

“Again, why does it matter?” His voice was hard, as though he hadn’t a drop of mercy anywhere inside his tall, lanky form.

“Because...because...” Because I had an older brother once, and if he’d been trapped in your country, I would have done anything to save him.

But Laurent wasn’t trapped in England. He was dead.

And she, Serge and Julien—Laurent’s twin—were all absent a brother because of England’s navy.

She licked her lips and looked away from Halston’s shadow. “You’re right. It doesn’t matter.”

“That’s not what you were thinking.”

She attempted to yank her arm away. Serge had had ample time to escape, and if she could free herself, he’d never be able to catch her in the woods. But Halston only tightened his hold on her arm.

“So are you going to take me back to camp and tie me up again?”

“What were you about to say concerning my brother?”

She glared at him and tapped her foot impatiently against the soft earth. “Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut. Or do they not teach such manners in your country?”

He laughed then, so bold and loud the sound echoed off trees. “The woman who held a knife to my valet’s throat and scratched my cheek is now lecturing me about manners? Forgive me if I hesitate to heed your advice.”

Her stomach coiled into a knot. “Fine. Perhaps I wished your brother dead a few moments back.”

“You were right. You should have left that thought to yourself.” His voice, relaxed and curious only seconds ago, now resonated hard and cold. He turned her back toward camp and thrust her forward, his hand never leaving her arm.

She swallowed tightly. She hadn’t meant to offend, not really. The words had just slipped out. What else did he expect when she’d been thinking of Laurent? If he was bound and determined to drag her to the coast with him, he’d best learn to accept her harshly honest ways.

She peeked back over her shoulder. Halston’s jaw was set at a hard angle, while the rest of him remained shrouded in darkness. “I didn’t mean it like that. I had a brother once, ’tis all.”

He shoved her forward with greater force. “You still have one, by the look of it.”

“An older one named Laurent. He served in the navy.”

The grip around her shoulder loosened a fraction.

“Your country captured his frigate and killed him. Mayhap I don’t actually wish your brother dead, but in some ways it seems fair, does it not? A brother for a brother?”

Halston pulled her to a stop, though he didn’t turn her to face him. It was just as well. She hardly wanted to look into an Englishman’s eyes when she spoke of Laurent. So they stood in the darkness, with only the faint sound of the flowing stream permeating the eerie silence.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” His words, once he finally spoke them, rang with sympathy.

Did she want sympathy from an Englishman?

She blinked and looked down, only to find her arms had somehow slid around her ribs and wrapped about her body in a lonely hug. “I should think you’d be glad to hear of a fallen French sailor. We’re your enemies.”

“I’m not happy to hear of any life lost, even a Frenchman’s.”

Moisture burned in her eyes.

“And yes, I did enter France for the sole purpose of finding my brother and bringing him home. It only seemed right, seeing how it’s my fault he left England in the first place and our middle brother is making a muck of the marquessate in Westerfield’s absence.”

She craned her neck to glimpse Halston’s face, partially visible with how he now held the lantern. His brother’s being here was his fault? She’d not have guessed that. If anyone seemed the most blameworthy of his party, ’twas Kessler. “At least you had the courage to come to France and do right by him.”

“Does that mean you’ll help?”

She shifted from foot to foot. The wind whispered through the barren trees, and an owl let out a distant call. She should twist from his grip while it remained loose and run into the forest. He might catch her, but she was quick and quiet and had the cloak of darkness on her side. Somehow running seemed less dangerous than facing this tall man with sympathy in his voice.

“I don’t trust you in the least. What if you’re spies, only pretending to be internees from Verdun so that you can reach England and foil Napoleon’s next military campaign?”

He chuckled. “You have quite the imagination, Danielle Belanger.”

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