Locked In Temptation
Locked In Temptation

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“Hurricane Andrew. We were left with Granny Kay while they vacationed with friends in Miami. They weren’t able to evacuate in time, and their hotel was demolished, killing everyone.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. It was hard on me and my sister. I was nine and she was five. Luckily we had our grandparents.” He sighed. “My grandfather never got over losing his only child and died of a heart attack less than a year later. Granny Kay said it was grief that killed him.”

He took another sip of his coffee when he realized that in just a short span of time, he’d shared more about himself with her than he had with any other woman.

* * *

JOY LIKED THE sound of Stonewall’s voice. From the first night they’d met she’d thought it oozed with sexiness, just like the rest of him. If he’d had any idea what seeing him sitting across from her with his legs stretched out in front of him was doing to her, he would have sat up straight. When had she allowed any man to totally capture not only her attention and interest, but also her desire?

She’d been attracted to him from the first. There was something about Stonewall Courson that kept her intrigued, mesmerized. She knew that was why she made it a point to show up every morning before the start of her workday for coffee and doughnuts at the Monroe Street Café, hoping she would run into him there. Or at Shady Reds after work, anticipating their paths crossing. Their encounters, when he was in town, lasted only five to ten minutes. Enough time to get a feel for his personality and decide he was someone she wanted to know better.

She wasn’t interested in anything serious, just a diversion from the complexities of her job. And he had definitely been that. She had enjoyed their brief encounters, the how-are-you-doing text messages she would get whenever he was traveling, and the occasional phone calls that had promised one day they would find the time for more. It was hard to believe that day had finally arrived.

What he’d just shared with her definitely went beyond small talk. After becoming fascinated with him months ago, she’d done her research, but what she’d found had covered only his later years, his arrest at the age of nineteen and his life after that. She appreciated him filling in the blanks.

“What about your name?”

He quirked a brow at her. “What about it?”

“There has to be a story behind it.”

He chuckled. “Really, there’s no story, other than Stonewall is my mom’s maiden name. She was Vivienne Stonewall. Her mother died of cancer when she was in college, and her father died a year later of the same thing. I never knew either of them, but I knew she adored them both and thought giving me her family’s name would be a way to honor their memory.”

“She was the only child?”

“Yes. She was her parents’ only child.’

Joy didn’t say anything for a minute, thinking she really liked being here with him. “How old is your grandmother?” she asked him, trying to stay relaxed and finding it hard to do so.

When they’d boarded the jet, he’d removed his tux jacket and loosened his bow tie. Some men looked okay in a tux and some looked as if the masculine formal attire had been made just for them to wear. Stonewall was one of the latter.

She was a very observant person and was aware each time his gaze roamed up and down every single inch of her body. She was aware of what she did to him with something as inconsequential as shifting in her seat or crossing her legs. She was not intentionally trying to affect him in any way, but the woman in her couldn’t help appreciate that she had the ability to do so.

“She will be seventy-two in a few months.”

She watched his lips move and wondered how any man could have such a luscious pair. And that beard surrounding his mouth was a total turn-on for her. Deciding to keep him talking, she said, “Tell me about your sister.”

He smiled, and from that single expression she detected an extreme fondness. “Amelia, who everyone calls Mellie, is four years younger than I am, and is a doctor at St. Francis Memorial.”

“She lives with your grandmother?”

“No, but she lives close enough. Right around the corner. That way both Granny Kay and Mellie can have the independence and privacy they both enjoy since both are dating age.”

She blinked. “Your about-to-turn-seventy-two-year-old grandmother dates?”


“Good for her.”

He stroked his bearded jaw, and the gesture sent desire throbbing through her veins. “Hmm, now you sound like Mellie. I used to worry about Granny Kay, but then I realized if there’s anyone who can handle her business, she can.”

He took another sip of his coffee, his gaze never leaving hers, still locking her into all that blatant temptation. It was obvious that she knew he was staring, just like it was obvious she was staring back. One of his brows raised a mere fraction, and a smile touched her lips.

“Are you trying to out-stare me, Joy?”

Sexual tension between them was a constant undercurrent, no matter what they were doing or how serious the conversation they were having. The desire she would see in his eyes held her spellbound. “No, actually I was enjoying the view.”

As he placed his coffee cup aside, a sexy smile spread across his lips. She’d hoped he would get a refill. Any reason that would give her the opportunity to check out his masculine thighs flexing in those black trousers would have been appreciated.

To her disappointment, instead of getting up, he leaned back in his chair as if to get comfortable. “Do you always say whatever is on your mind?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “Most of the time. Comes with the job. It doesn’t pay to beat around the bush if you truly want to know something.”

She watched as his dark brown eyes roamed up and down her body again, the impact hitting her right between the legs. Evidently he liked what he saw. “I’ve got a question for you, Stonewall.”

“And what is it that you want to know?”

She’d warned him that she had no problem saying what was on her mind, so here she went. “Are you going to wait for this plane to land before you kiss me?”


OF ALL THE things Stonewall thought Joy might ask, that definitely wasn’t one of them. Funny how her thoughts fell in sync with his. Whenever he looked at her mouth, at those full, luscious lips, he thought about kissing her. Those thoughts had sent jolts of desire through him most of the day while in her presence. Even at the wedding, his gaze would seek her out in the crowd. Find her. The one kiss they’d shared had made a lasting impression on him. He had no problem kissing her before the plane landed, when the plane landed, and anytime in between.

“Do you want me to, Joy?”

The smile that touched her lips sent his libido skyrocketing. Beats of arousal drummed through his blood. “It’s your call, Stonewall. Either way, regardless of whether you do it now or later, I’ll be ready.”

She would be ready... Now why did she have to let him know something like that? Her bold declaration made his already fired-up blood that much hotter. He could actually feel his breath catch in his throat. He felt the pressure against his zipper and knew the sexual vibes between them were to blame. The pounding in his crotch was relentless.

He eased out of his seat, at the moment not caring that she was getting a full-frontal view of a deeply aroused man. “I was trying to be a gentleman.”

He watched her gaze lower to his crotch before easing back up to his face. “I wasn’t aware gentlemen didn’t kiss.”

Her flippant response made him smile. “Not the kind of kiss I had in mind.”

The heat he saw in those gorgeous brown eyes almost did him in. “I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”

“We’ll see,” he said, taking a step toward where she sat and extending his hand to her. “It might be more than you’re prepared for, Joy.”

“Let me be the judge of that.” She placed her hand in his, and the moment she did, he felt a crackle of fiery-hot energy, unmistakably raw, pass between them.

He gently tugged her to her feet, bringing their bodies tight against each other. The moment the lower part of his body touched hers, a spike of intense heat seized him low in the gut.

He stared down into her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You sure you want this now?”

“Like I said, now or later. It’s your call, Stonewall.”

His gaze became fixated on her lips and anticipation jolted him to the bone. “In that case, I choose now.”

He all but growled the words before lowering his mouth to hers.

* * *

JOY FELT HER senses soar the moment his tongue touched hers. She had waited for this moment, and it was just as she remembered it...and more.

She felt every single hormone in her body sizzle and awaken as desire overtook her and began making urgent demands. Like returning the kiss with even more fervor and greed. She tried but could barely keep up with the relentless strokes of his tongue.

The hands that had been around her waist were now skimming up and down her backside. The intimate caress was heightening the beat of her pulse, causing her core to contract, her nipples pressing against his chest to tighten into buds. She thought the same thing now that she had months ago. Nobody could kiss like Stonewall Courson.

The first stroke of his tongue had nearly brought her to her knees that night, and even now she heard herself moaning as she leaned closer to him, felt her tongue trying to out-stroke his and once again discovered it couldn’t. He angled his head, directed his mouth to take even more of hers. Leading the kiss deeper and kissing her harder was like a work of art he’d perfected, and he had no problem putting his skills on display.

He’d given her fair warning. Had made it clear this wouldn’t be a regular kind of kiss, might be more than she was prepared for. She had to grudgingly admit he’d been right. It wouldn’t take much to push him back into the seat he’d vacated earlier, unzip his pants, lift up her dress, straddle him and let nature take its course. Hadn’t she decided it would be a great diversion from her crazy and hectic life?

“Please fasten your seat belts. The plane will be landing in fifteen minutes.”

The pilot’s voice was like water on a burning flame. Stonewall snatched his mouth away and she immediately felt the loss. She watched him through glassy eyes as he drew in deep breaths as if to steady his breathing, get it back under his control. She wondered if that control also included the rock-hard erection that had been pressing against the juncture of her thighs the entire time they’d kissed.

The look in his eyes promised more than just something hot and steamy. It promised rapture of the most illicit kind. She licked her lips, loving the taste of him still there. “I guess we need to take our seats now and buckle up.”

His eyes tracked the movement of her tongue. “Yes, I guess we should.”

When he continued to stand there, she took a step back and eased into her seat. She reached for her seat belt, but he said, “No, let me.”

He leaned down to buckle her in, and the scent of him sent a sensual throb of desire racing through her veins. He leaned in and whispered hotly against her lips, “Do you want to continue this later?”

Did she! “We’ll see,” she said, deciding not to commit to anything just yet.

A smile spread across his lips as the strong sexual chemistry continued to sizzle between them. “Yes, we’ll see.”

He snapped her seat belt in place and moved to take his own seat. A part of her knew whatever happened later tonight was meant to be. They had been imprisoned in this deep, mind-blowing attraction even before they’d officially met.

His gaze held hers, and she thought that no man had ever made her skin tingle and the area between her legs throb just by looking at her. Sexual vibes were pouring off him, and at that moment she hoped she would make it through dinner.

* * *

SENSATIONS WERE WASHING over Stonewall in a way that he’d never experienced before. He definitely recognized the intense heat and the ragged tug of desire when he’d kissed her, but nothing could have prepared him for the longing that was settling deep in his soul. Had ten months without a woman in his bed brought him to this?

Even now, while sitting across from Joy, he had to fight to tame his breathing and heartbeat. What was it about her that had his vital signs reacting crazily whenever he saw her? And it didn’t matter if she was dressed as a police detective or a seductress; the assault on his senses was the same. The last few months had all but proved that.

After watching Joy lick her lips a few times, he decided to lick his own. The taste she’d left there was extraordinary. Not only did her lips have the same luscious, sweet flavor as before, but they’d felt soft beneath his. The shape of them had fit his perfectly, and when he’d applied greedy pressure, she had reciprocated. There was no doubt in his mind if the pilot’s voice hadn’t intruded over the intercom, they would still be kissing. Or he might have changed his mind about being a gentleman and joined the mile-high club, after all.

He finally broke eye contact with her to stare out the window when the plane began its descent. It was either that or embarrass himself when the pilot saw him with a hard-on as big and solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.

“I’m excited about dinner, Stonewall.”

He glanced back over at Joy. “I’m excited about dinner, as well.” What he decided not to say was that he was more excited about the prospect of continuing where they’d left off earlier. He knew she was well aware that the next time they kissed, he intended to take things further. Or die trying.

“Have you ever eaten at this restaurant before?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No. This will be my first time.” And he would be sharing the experience with her. “But the restaurant came highly recommended. You once mentioned how much you liked seafood, and I understand this place has the best. They catch their own.”

The smile that touched her lips right then was priceless, he thought, as his mind tried drowning him in the memory of her taste. “I can’t wait to try it,” she said.

And I can’t wait to try you. He felt the plane touch down on the runway as it landed. He smiled over at her. “We’re here.”

* * *

AN HOUR AND a half later, after finishing her meal, Joy decided if being at Martha’s Vineyard with Stonewall was only a dream, then it was one she didn’t want to end. A private car had picked them up at the airstrip. This was her first time on the island, and since it was still daylight when they’d arrived, she’d been able to see just how beautiful it was.

The pilot had called their attention to a large group of whales in the Atlantic. It was definitely an OMG moment. Something else that had captured her attention from the air was the five lighthouses that signified the island’s maritime heritage. When the plane dropped altitude for the landing, she could see several rows of gingerbread-looking houses painted in bright colors as well as a number of small, impressive estates, most likely owned by the rich and famous who made the island their summer home.

During the car ride to the restaurant, she saw not only the island’s scenic beaches, but also miles and miles of lush farmlands. Stonewall told her about the six townships that made up the island as well as the fact that the Steven Spielberg movie Jaws had been filmed in one of them.

“I hope you enjoyed dinner,” Stonewall said, breaking into her thoughts.

She couldn’t help smiling at him. “I loved dinner. It was perfect. This restaurant is perfect. I’ve never had a dining experience quite like this one.”

And she truly meant it. Undoubtedly the restaurant had expected their arrival and had escorted them to a private room in the back overlooking the ocean. And once they’d been seated and served drinks, it wasn’t long before several platters of delectable seafood had been placed on their table for them to enjoy.

She had started off with a bowl of the best clam chowder she’d ever tasted, followed by grilled shrimp over a bed of vegetable rice. Then there were the steamed lobsters and mouthwatering crab cakes.

“I’m glad you enjoyed everything, and I hope that our first date met with your approval,” he said, smiling across the table at her.

“It most certainly did, Stonewall. Thank you for everything. It’s been a wonderful evening. You went above and beyond.” Not only was the food and atmosphere of the restaurant wonderful, she also enjoyed Stonewall’s company. He was a great conversationalist, very adept at keeping the chat between them moving without dominating it.

“I hope you saved room for dessert,” he said when the waiter had removed the last of their dishes.

“Dessert? You’ve got to be kidding. Who can eat dessert after all that?”

“I can. And I refuse to eat it alone. At least share it with me. We’re having butterscotch peanut butter cake.”

Her eyes lit up. “Butterscotch peanut butter cake?”

“Yes. Will you share a slice with me?”

She shook her head, chuckling. “Okay, I will share a slice, only because I’m curious to see how it tastes.”

Within minutes the waiter returned with two smaller plates and forks. Stonewall returned one of the forks to the waiter. “We’re sharing.”

Desire clawed through her at the thought that not only would they share the cake but the eating utensil, as well. He glanced over at her. “If you prefer your own fork, I can call him back and—”

“No, that’s fine. I only want a tiny taste anyway.”

When the waiter delivered the slice of cake, she thought it looked delicious. “That’s a rather large slice, don’t you think?”

He chuckled. “Not really.”

Stonewall was definitely a man with a healthy appetite. And if the kisses they’d shared were anything to go by, she had a feeling that appetite wasn’t limited just to foods.

She watched him slice into the cake with the fork and extended it toward her, offering her the first bite. She opened her mouth and he slid the cake between her lips.

“Mmm, it’s delicious.” She couldn’t help licking her tongue around her lips and noticed his gaze followed the movement. There was something so darn sensuous about his rugged good looks, especially the lines of his face that were in perfect symmetry.

“I’m glad you like it. It’s one of Granny Kay’s favorite recipes,” he said, sliding the fork into the cake again.

She lifted a brow. “Your grandmother?”

He chuckled. “Yes. One of the reasons I selected this particular restaurant is that, upon request, they’ll make your favorite dessert. All you have to do is provide them the recipe.”

He leaned forward as he slid another piece of cake between her lips and whispered, “Although they did a good job duplicating it, I think Granny Kay’s is better.”

She swallowed the bite he’d fed her. After taking a sip of her wine, she asked, “You’re kidding, right?”

“About my grandmother’s version being better? No, I’m not kidding.”

She shook her head. “No, about providing them with your grandmother’s recipe to make this dessert. You were kidding about that?”

“No. Dead serious.”

She stared at him. Felt a tightening in her stomach while watching him slide a piece of the cake between his own lips. When a bit of icing clung to the lower part of his mouth, he used his tongue to swipe it away. That same tongue he’d used to mate with hers earlier. The memory had every hormone in her body sizzling. “Why would you go out of your way and do something like that?”

He sliced the fork into the cake again, and when he extended another piece to her, she automatically opened her mouth to him. “Because it was our official first date, and I wanted it to be as special as I think you are.”

She didn’t know what to say. His compliment had rendered her speechless. And then there was that warm feeling that washed over her she just couldn’t ignore. The last thing she wanted to think was that he’d merely given her a line to score, although maybe she should think it. She couldn’t let anything Stonewall—or any man—said go to her head. Her career was front and center in her life. She’d worked too hard to get where she was without letting anyone, especially a man with flowery words, deter her focus.

But still, a part of her couldn’t help saying, “Thank you for the compliment. But do you honestly think I’m special?”

He chuckled again, and the sound was low and seductive. “Hell yeah. You’re a beautiful woman who’s smart and intelligent and who can also kick ass when you have to. What man wouldn’t think you’re special?”

“Plenty of men. You want a list?”

* * *

STONEWALL SLOWLY CHEWED another piece of the cake while looking at her. It was not what she said that concerned him but basically what it implied. He recalled that first night when she’d told him she wasn’t seriously involved with anyone and cited her lack of time as the cause. Was that the only reason?

“You want to tell me about that list?” he asked, slicing his fork into the cake again.

“Not really. It was their problem, not mine.”

“Well, just so you know, kick-ass women turn me on.”

He watched as a sensuous smile touched her lips. His groin tightened in response. “Do they?” she asked.

“Yes. Nothing stirs my blood more than a confident woman. A woman who knows how to take care of business and doesn’t mind doing so.”

She stared at him, as if trying to decipher the truth of his words. There was something ultrasexy about the way her hair tumbled around her face when she tilted her head. “Why?”

“Why what? Why do I admire such a woman? Why would I find such a woman sexy as hell, hot, a total turn-on?”


He shrugged his shoulders. “Not sure why I like strong women. I guess the main reason is that most of the women in my life are strong or have been. Including Mom. She was my father’s partner in all things. He was a dentist, and she was his office manager. He would always say she ran his office like clockwork, which allowed him to concentrate on his patients.”

He paused before continuing. “Then there’s Granny Kay. After my grandfather died she became the one in charge. The one who had to protect her family, namely me and my sister. My grandfather owned several guns, and Granny Kay sold them all and bought one she could handle. She even took classes on how to use it. When decent people began moving out of the neighborhood and thugs began hanging about, word got around that she was an old woman who would shoot first and ask questions later. Just in case they got the mind to test her.”

“Did any of them try?”

“I understand a few did. They soon discovered she was as serious as a heart attack.” He paused a minute and then added, “I’m glad she was able to protect herself and Mellie since I wasn’t around to do so.”

“During your stint at Glenworth, right?”

There was no need to ask how she knew about that. She was a cop, after all, and had access to any information she needed to know. “Yes,” he said, “it was during that time.”

He offered her the last bite of cake, and when she shook her head and said, “No thank you,” he slid it into his own mouth.

“Tell me about it,” she said softly.

He usually didn’t talk about this with women. And yet... “What can I tell you that you probably don’t already know? There’s no way I’ll believe you haven’t looked at my file. After all, you’re a cop.” He knew she must have heard the bitterness in his tone.

“I take it you have something against cops?”

“Depends on the cop. Let’s just say I have a reason not to have a favorable impression of the few I’ve come into contact with.”

“Sorry to hear that. I would be a liar to say all cops are good. There are some who give the rest of us a bad name,” she said with bitterness in her tone, as well. “But I believe most of us do what we’re paid to do and uphold the law while being fair to everyone.”

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