Hannah's Courtship
Hannah's Courtship

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Hannah's Courtship

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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“There’s no reason for you to stop by every morning,” Hannah said as she unlatched the door to the stable. “Our windmill pumps fresh water into the stable and to the trough in the loafing shed. One of us can easily do the first feeding when we tend the other animals. I know that mornings are your busiest time of the day.”

“They are,” he agreed. “But I wouldn’t want to put you out. You’re doing me a big favor by letting me keep them here.”

“There’ll be no talk of favors,” she said, smiling so hard that a dimple appeared on her cheek. “We’re just old friends, helping each other out.”

Hannah showed him the empty small barn with the spacious box stalls, the feed storage area and the door that led into the pound or corral, as horse people liked to refer to it. The stable was as clean as he’d expected. Alpacas were herd animals so they wouldn’t really need individual stalls, but he was glad to see that there were two separate wooden enclosed areas where an injured animal or an expectant female could be cared for. A narrow staircase against one wall led to a half loft overhead.

She pushed open the wide back door. It was built in the old Dutch manner, split, so that the top half could be swung open with the bottom remaining fastened. “You can see what the fence is like from here,” she explained.

As he’d expected, Hannah’s wooden posts were solid, the stock wire was tight, and the open loafing shed dry and clean. He couldn’t have designed anything better for the alpacas if he’d had the time to build out at his farm. Hannah’s place was also closer and more convenient to get to. He was sure this would work out fine. “I’ll not be a bother to you,” he promised.

“I know you won’t. But I warn you, you may have to chase off my grandchildren. I think your alpacas are going to be a big hit with them.”

“The animals are gentle and sweet-natured,” he assured her. “I think that you’ll be a fan, too.”

As they were leaving the barn, Albert heard the rattle of buggy wheels on the driveway and saw a horse pulling a two-wheel cart coming up the driveway. An Amish woman was driving the open carriage.

Hannah raised her hand to shade her eyes from the late afternoon sun. “Why, that looks like Aunt Jezzy!” she exclaimed. “What a nice surprise.”

“I’ll be getting back to the office,” Albert said. He was a little disappointed. He’d been hoping to talk with Hannah a little longer. He had a lot of questions to ask, like if Hannah had straw for bedding to sell, or if she thought he’d be better off ordering woodchips for the stalls. “I don’t want to interfere with your company.”

“You’ll do no such thing,” Hannah said. “Wait right here for a moment until I see if Aunt Jezzy has come on an errand or has time to visit. Don’t move an inch, Albert.” She hurried over to meet the older woman who’d, until not long ago, had been part of her household. Aunt Jezzy had recently married and lived not far from Byler’s Store. Today, she didn’t have her husband with her; she was alone in the cart.

Hannah greeted her aunt and the two exchanged hugs. They were talking, but they were too far away for Albert to make out what they were saying. Then Hannah turned back and motioned to him. “Aunt Jezzy’s come to spend the night with me,” she called. “And we’d love it if you’d stay and share supper with us. I’ve got chicken and dumplings.”

Albert’s first thought was to refuse. He glanced at his watch. They closed the clinic early on Fridays, and he hadn’t had any emergency calls. But surely Hannah was just being polite; she didn’t really want him to stay. He couldn’t remember anything particular in the refrigerator, but he could always stop and pick up a frozen pizza on the way back to his apartment. “Thanks,” he said. “It’s kind of you, but I—”

“Homemade coleslaw, some of Anna’s yeast rolls and rice pudding with raisins for dessert,” Hannah tempted. “Come on, Albert. I know you love chicken and dumplings.”

He did. Next to chicken and dumplings, another frozen pizza sounded about as good as a Frisbee with a little ketchup drizzled on it. “You’re sure I won’t be a bother?” He walked toward them. “I really should...”

“Accept our invitation,” Hannah urged. “I know Aunt Jezzy would love to hear about your alpacas.”

Albert considered the situation. Jezzy’s visit was his good luck. As accepting as the Amish were of him, they had their rules. One was that he couldn’t be in a house alone with a woman or a girl of any age. He hadn’t seen Susanna or Rebecca around, but having Hannah’s aunt present made it perfectly acceptable for him to join them for the evening meal.

“All right,” he said, giving in graciously. “I never could pass up a home-cooked meal that I didn’t cook.” He chuckled. “And I’d walk a mile in bare feet for homemade rice pudding.”

* * *

Hannah smiled as Albert finished off a second helping of chicken and dumplings. It was always good to have company, and having Aunt Jezzy come by when she did was a delight. It was nice to see a man eat heartily at her table. Hannah guessed that Albert made do for himself with fast food and sandwiches more than he should. At least that’s what Grace had shared when she was visiting a few days earlier.

John and I worry about Uncle Albert, Grace had said. Since John’s grandfather passed away, Uncle Albert’s all alone in that apartment over the office. He never was much of a cook, according to John, and we’re concerned for his health. Sometimes, John says he makes do with bologna-and-cheese sandwiches or just peanut butter and crackers for supper. And he starts work with coffee and a donut.

Albert’s a man who enjoys plain country cooking when it’s put in front of him, Hannah thought. She’d believed that Grace’s husband, John, had the biggest appetite she’d seen on a normal-size man, but now she knew where John had gotten it. Albert was so polite that he was almost shy. He had to be coaxed to take a decent portion, then seconds, but it was clear he savored every bite. Even Aunt Jezzy took pleasure in watching him enjoy his food.

Aunt Jezzy’s husband had gone to visit a dying cousin in Lancaster. She never liked being alone in a house, so she’d hitched up the buggy and come for an overnight visit. Naturally, since neither of them had a telephone in the house, there was no way Aunt Jezzy could let her know she was coming, but she’d been certain of her welcome here.

This afternoon Hannah had been feeling lonely and out of sorts. Then Albert had showed up with his plan for the alpacas, brightening her day. There was no way she could have invited Albert to share her evening meal without anyone else present. It simply wouldn’t have been proper. A good Amish woman did not entertain a man without a chaperone.

Then here was Aunt Jezzy, a gift from God, as it were, making it possible for Hannah to invite them both to share the food that her thoughtful daughter had left for her. It just went to prove that the Lord’s mercy was unending. She had been feeling sorry for herself, wallowing in self-pity because she had to eat alone, and He had wiped away her gloom in an instant with an unexpected gift of sunshine.

Hannah glanced across the table with a smile. She could see that Albert was enjoying himself as much as she was. With a little urging, he began to explain his plan for raising alpacas; her aunt was fascinated. Aunt Jezzy had always loved animals. Actually, Hannah couldn’t think of anything or anyone her aunt-by-marriage didn’t like.

Some people thought Jezzy was odd, and she did have some curious habits, such as spinning spoons and turning objects around three times before she could let them rest. But Albert never seemed to notice Aunt Jezzy’s endearing little quirks. The three of them weren’t halfway through supper when Albert had them laughing so hard with tales from his veterinary practice that she almost dropped her glass.

Not that Albert mentioned any names or repeated anything he shouldn’t, but surely it couldn’t be a sin to be amused by stories of a man who let his pet pig sleep in a bed in his house and tied a ribbon around its head.

“As I live and breathe,” Aunt Jezzy said, wiping her eyes with her napkin. “How could anybody be that silly?”

Chuckling, Hannah rose and went to the refrigerator for the rice pudding. “Are you sure you won’t have more coleslaw?” she asked Albert. “And there’s more chicken and dumplings in the pot.”

“Not another mouthful,” Albert protested. “I’ll never make it up the stairs to my apartment. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed myself, being with you two, and sharing your supper. I really appreciate it.”

“Ne, ne, none of that,” Hannah said. “It was our pleasure.” The mantel clock chimed, and she glanced up. Was it truly that late? She glanced out the windows to see if she could catch sight of either of her daughters. Of course, it was Susanna she was most concerned about. Rebecca was so busy with wedding plans that she often stayed at one of her sisters’ houses until well after dark.

A small concern nagged at Hannah as she served up generous bowls of the rice pudding. “Would anyone like coffee?” She wondered if it would be an imposition to ask Albert to drive by Anna’s and tell Susanna to start for home, if her daughter didn’t get home before he left, that was.

But, there was no need. They’d barely started their pudding when the dogs outside began to bark, and Samuel’s buggy came into the yard.

Hannah went out onto the back porch. To her surprise, it wasn’t Samuel but her daughter Anna who, along with Susanna, was getting down from the buggy. Before Hannah reached the back gate, Susanna handed Anna’s little daughter, Rose, down to Anna.

“Mam!” Anna waved. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve come to spend the night. I just thought I’d use the excuse of driving Susanna home to take a little vacation.”

“Wonderful,” Hannah said, smiling back at her. She was always pleased to see Anna. Her daughter’s round, pink cheeks glowed with health, and she looked as jolly as ever. Of all her children, Anna and Susanna had always been the easiest to raise.

“Samuel can mind the children tonight,” Anna declared. “Baby Rose and I thought it might be fun to surprise you.”

“Ya.” Susanna giggled. “A surprise for you, Mam. I brought Anna and Rose. To sleep with us.”

“Wonderful,” Hannah said, taking the baby from Anna’s arms. “Aunt Jezzy is here to stay the night, too. We’ll have our own frolic.”

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