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His By Any Means: The Black Sheep's Inheritance
No, this was different. If people were talking about her, it could affect her work. Her life. If the nursing agency she worked for got wind of any of this, they might be reluctant to send her out on other assignments—and that made her cringe. On the other hand, if she simply accepted J.D.’s generosity, she could make her own way. Though she would still, as a nurse practitioner, have to work through local doctors and hospitals.
“My head hurts,” she muttered.
He laughed and it was such a rich, surprising sound, it startled her. Looking up at him, she saw that his eyes were shining and the wide smile on his face displayed a dimple she was fairly certain didn’t show up very often.
“You’re thinking about this too much.”
“It’s very hard not to,” she told him, shaking her head. “I’ve never been in this position before and I’m not really sure what to do about it.”
“Do what you want to do,” he advised.
Want was a big word. She wanted a lot of things. World peace. Calorie-free chocolate. Smaller feet. Her gaze drifted to Sage’s mouth and locked there. And she really wanted to kiss him.
As that thought settled into the forefront of her mind, Colleen cleared her throat and tried for heaven’s sake to get a grip. Honestly, she’d been alone so long, was it really so surprising that a man like Sage Lassiter would tangle her up into knots without even trying?
“Everything okay?” He was frowning now.
“Fine. Fine.” She breathed deeply and repeated, “What I want. Do what I want.”
“Not so hard, is it?”
“You wouldn’t think so...” But she’d been raised to consider more than her wants. There was doing the right thing, and in this case, she just didn’t know what that was.
“You know,” he murmured, “once you show people you don’t care what they think, they usually stop talking about you.”
Wryly, she asked, “And if you do care what they’re saying?”
His lips quirked into a quick half smile that tugged at something inside her. “Well, that’s a different story, isn’t it? But why would you care?”
“Because I have to work here. Live here. If people think—” She swallowed hard. Everything she’d worked toward, everything she’d built in the past five years. Her reputation...her hopes and dreams. It could all disappear.
Suddenly, the windfall from J.D. looked like more of a curse than a blessing.
“You’re giving other people all the power here,” Sage said, drawing her attention away from her thoughts.
“I don’t want to, but...” Shaking her head, she folded her hands together on her lap. “Ever since this morning, my mind’s been filled with questions. And now I don’t know what to do about this.”
“Not much you can do about it.” Sage walked around her, pushed the open suitcase out of his way and took a seat beside her on the bed. “The will’s a done deal.”
“But I could donate the money.”
He shrugged. “People would still talk. The only difference would be you wouldn’t have the money.”
She sighed heavily and turned to look at him. He was so close to her, his muscular thigh was just a bare inch from brushing against hers. Heat rushed through her and Colleen forced a deep breath as she met his gaze. His eyes weren’t as frosty as they had been earlier, yet they were still unreadable. As if he’d drawn shutters down, to keep others from sensing his emotions. He was so closed off—much like J.D. had been when she’d first come to take care of him. But, she reminded herself, it hadn’t taken her long to bypass the older man’s defenses and get him to really talk to her.
The difference was, Sage wasn’t her patient. He was a strong, completely masculine male who made her feel things she hadn’t felt in far too long. Which was, of course, not only ridiculous, but inappropriate. He was the son of her patient. A family member who’d just gone through a devastating loss. He wasn’t interested in her and she would only do herself a favor if she found a way to tamp down the rush of attraction she felt every time he came close. Of course, way easier said than done.
“Look,” he said, his voice quiet, “why don’t we have dinner tonight? Give us a chance to talk some more.”
She blinked at him, so stunned she could hardly manage to croak, “You’re asking me out?”
One corner of his mouth lifted. “I’m asking you to have dinner with me.”
Not a date. Of course it wasn’t a date. Idiot.
“Why?” And why are you questioning it, her mind demanded.
“Well, I still want to talk to you about J.D.,” he said. “And it’s been a long day. For both of us.”
Of course. That explained it, Colleen told herself firmly. He wanted to talk about his father and all she’d managed to do was talk his ear off about her problems.
“Okay,” she said after a long moment. “That would be nice.”
“Great.” He stood up and looked down at her. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
“I’ll give you my address.”
“I know where you live,” he told her. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He knew where she lived. What was she supposed to make of that?
“Can I carry your suitcase down to the car?”
“What? Oh. No, thank you.” She glanced around the room. “I’ve still got a few things to pack up.”
“All right then, I’ll leave you to it,” he said, heading for the doorway. When he got there, he paused, turned around and speared her with an unfathomable look. “See you tonight.”
When he left, Colleen stared after him for a long minute. Her heartbeat was racing and her knees felt a little wobbly. Her reaction to Sage was so staggering, she wasn’t really sure how to deal with it. However, as the sound of his footsteps faded away, Colleen told herself that she couldn’t really be blamed for her response to his presence. He was like a force of nature. Sage Lassiter was a gorgeous steamroller, flattening everything in his path.
And Colleen realized that now, for whatever reason, she was in his path.
“So how’s the rest of dealing with the will going, Walter?” Sage drove straight from Big Blue to the lawyer’s office. He wanted a chance to talk to J.D.’s lawyer without the explosive release of emotion that had happened when the family was gathered together. Not that he’d been able to dismiss the anger churning inside him. The plan had been to arrive, calm and cool, and outstare the older man. That didn’t happen though, because he was far from feeling cool and detached.
Tension played in every one of his muscles and tugged at the last threads of his patience. Being with Colleen had ramped his body up to the point where he’d practically had to limp his way out of the ranch house. Just sitting beside her on the bed in her room had tested his self-control, because what he’d really wanted to do was lay her back on the mattress and explore those amazing curves she kept so carefully hidden.
Instead, he’d talked to her. And talking to Colleen hadn’t solved a damn thing—it had only muddied waters that were already so damn thick it might as well have been concrete. He couldn’t make her out. Was she the innocent she seemed to be? Or was she working him as she had worked J.D.? He had to find out...but that was for later. Right now, he had a couple of questions for his late father’s lawyer.
“It’s coming along but I’m not discussing it with you, Sage, and you damn well know it.” Walter Drake steepled his fingers, leaned back in his leather chair and looked at Sage with the barely hidden impatience he would have shown a five-year-old. “J.D.’s will is a private matter. I’ve already read publicly the parts that affect the family. As for the rest...”
Sage jumped out of his chair and stalked to the far window. Yeah, he was too on edge to be facing down a lawyer. He should have known better than to come here today, but damn it, there were just too many questions about the will.
Looking down on the street below, he focused for a second on the traffic, the pedestrians wandering along the sidewalks and even the mountains jutting into the sky in the distance. He looked anywhere but into the smug features of J.D.’s lawyer.
Going in, Sage had guessed that Walter wouldn’t talk. Hell, he wouldn’t have even if he could. The man liked holding all the power here. Liked having information that no one else did. And getting anything out of him would probably require dynamite—or someone with far more patience than Sage possessed. Fine, then. He’d back off the topic of the rest of the will for the moment and try a different tack. Half turning, he faced the man watching him through hooded eyes.
“All right,” Sage said, “never mind.”
Walter nodded magnanimously.
“But there’s still the matter of J.D. leaving control of Lassiter Media to Evan instead of Angelica.”
Walter frowned at him, sat up and braced both elbows on his desktop. “J.D. had reasons for everything he ever did, Sage. You know that.”
J.D. had sure thought so. But Sage had given up trying to figure out the old man years ago. The whole time he was growing up, the two of them hadn’t even been able to be in the same room together without snarling and growling like a couple of alpha dogs fighting for territory.
But Angelica was different. Right from the start, she had been J.D.’s shining star. So how he could have cut her out of her rightful inheritance was beyond Sage. “Yeah, but what reason could he have for cheating his daughter out of what should have been hers?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Can’t?” Sage demanded, walking back to stand opposite the man’s desk. “Or won’t?”
“Won’t.” Walter stood up, since staying in his chair required him to look up at Sage, and he clearly didn’t enjoy that. “J.D.’s my client, Sage, dead or alive. Not you. Not the Lassiter family.”
“And you’ll protect him from his damn family even after his death?”
“If I have to,” Walter said softly.
Frustration clawed at him. “None of this makes sense. You know as well as I do that J.D. had been grooming Angie for years, getting her ready to run Lassiter Media.”
“So does it seem rational to you that he would leave the company to Angie’s fiancé?” There went his grasp on the last slippery thread of temper.
The lawyer only stared at him for a long minute or two. “If you’re trying to insinuate that J.D. wasn’t competent to make this will, you’re wrong. And that allegation would never stand in a court.”
“I’m not talking about court.” Yet. “I’m talking about your knowledge of J.D.”
“As I’ve already said, J.D. had reasons for everything he did, and this is no different.”
Sage had no idea why J.D. would have done this. It made no sense at all.
The lawyer’s deliberate refusal to give anything away just increased the sense of outrage snarling inside him.
“This isn’t getting either of us anywhere, Sage. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got business to take care of and—”
“I’m not done with this, Walter,” Sage promised. “We all want answers.”
For the first time, a flicker of something that might have been sympathy shone in the other man’s eyes. “And I wish I could give them to you,” he said. “But it’s out of my hands.”
Frustrated, Sage conceded defeat. At least for now. “Fine. I’ll go. But once the family gets over the shock of all of this, I won’t be the only one showing up here demanding answers. I hope you’re ready for that.”
At any other time, Sage might have laughed at the beleaguered expression on the man’s face. But right now he just wasn’t in the mood to be amused.
Once out in the parking lot, Sage hunched deeper into his black coat as a cold mountain wind pushed at him. Even nature was giving him a hard time today. He crossed to his black Porsche and climbed in. During the winter, this car spent most of its time locked away in a temperature-controlled garage on his ranch. Right now, he was glad he had the sports car. He had a driving need to push the car to its limits, wanting the speed, needing the rush of the moment.
He peeled out of the lot, drove through Cheyenne, and once he was free of the city, cut the powerful engine loose. He backtracked, headed to the Big Blue ranch. By now, Colleen would be gone, but Marlene and Angie would be there. And he had to see his sister. Find out for himself if she was okay. But how could she be? She’d been betrayed by someone she trusted. And Sage knew just how that felt.
The growl of the engine seemed to underscore the rage pumping just below the surface of his mind. Speeding along the road to the ranch forced him to focus, to concentrate on his driving, which gave him a respite from everything else tearing through his brain. He steered the car through the wide ranch gates, kicked up gravel along the winding drive and then parked outside the front doors.
From the stable area came the shouts of men hard at work. He caught a glimpse of a horse in a paddock, running through the dirt, and realized that J.D. being gone hadn’t stopped life from going on. This ranch would go on, too. The old man had seen to that. But what the hell had he been thinking about the rest of it?
Sage climbed out of the car and paused long enough to take a quick look around the familiar landscape. Much like Sage’s own ranch, there were plenty of outbuildings, barns, cabins for the wranglers who lived and worked on the ranch, guest cabins, and even a saltwater pool surrounded by grass, not cement, so that it looked like a natural pond. His gaze fixed on the ancient oak that shaded the pond and a reluctant smile curved his mouth. He, Dylan and Angelica had spent hours out here when they were kids, swinging from a rope attached to one of the oaks’ heavy limbs to drop into the cold, clear water.
So much of his life had been spent here on this ranch, and in spite of his estrangement from J.D., there were a lot of good memories here, too. He shifted his gaze to the house. Built from hand-cut logs, iron and glass, it was two stories high and boasted wraparound porches with hand-hewn wood railings on both levels. Those porches provided Adirondack chairs with colorful cushions and views of the mountains from almost everywhere.
Sage took a breath. He’d left here only a couple hours ago, but it felt like longer. After mentally dueling with a crafty lawyer, he wanted nothing more than a drink and some quiet. The minute he entered the ranch house, though, he knew the quiet was something that would elude him.
“Why would he do this to me?” Angelica demanded, her voice carrying through the cavernous house.
Three or four people answered her at once and Sage followed the voices to the great room. The heart of the house, the main room was enormous, with honey-toned wood floors, log walls and what seemed like acres of glass windows affording views of the ranch and the wide blue sky that had given the ranch its name above. He’d heard the story often enough to know it by heart.
J.D. and his wife, Ellie, had bought this ranch, then only two hundred acres, and Ellie had so loved the expanse of deep blue sky that J.D. had decreed the ranch would be named Big Blue, after the sky overhead. Here they’d begun the Lassiter dynasty. Over the years J.D. had added to the property, expanding the ranch into the state’s largest cattle herd and building the land holdings up to more than thirty thousand acres. They’d put their stamp on Wyoming and in Cheyenne, the Lassiter name was damn near legend.
Maybe that was part of what Sage had rebelled against all these years. The Lassiter name and what it had meant to J.D. What it had been like to not be born a Lassiter, but made into one. With that thought simmering in his brain, he took another step into the chaos.
“Thank heaven,” Marlene muttered. “Sage, help me convince your sister that her father wasn’t angry at her about anything.”
He glanced quickly around the familiar room. The massive stone fireplace, the wide French doors that led to a flagstone patio, the oversize leather couches and chairs dotting the shining wood floor. And the family members scattered across the room, all looking at him.
“What other reason could there be?” Angie asked, throwing both hands high only to let them fall to her sides again. Flipping her dark hair back out of her face, she looked at her oldest brother and said, “I thought he was proud of me. I thought he believed in me.”
“He did, Angie,” Chance put in and she turned on her cousin.
“This is an odd way to show it, don’t you think?”
Chance sighed and scrubbed one hand over his face impatiently. Sage could sympathize. The poor guy had probably been trying to cheer Angie up for hours with no success.
“Angie.” Evan McCain spoke up then and all eyes turned to him. “You’re overreacting.”
“Am I?” Shaking her head, Angie looked at the man she had been poised to marry only two weeks ago and it was as if she’d never seen him before. The wedding had been postponed after J.D.’s death, but the two of them had remained close. Until today. Until Evan had been given the company Angie loved. “He gave the company—my company—to you, Evan.” She slapped one hand to her heart. “I was his daughter and he left it to you.”
Evan shoved one hand through his hair and looked to Sage for help. But hell, Sage didn’t know what he could do. He didn’t believe that Evan had tried to undermine Angie. But who the hell knew anymore? Mysterious benefactors. Nurses who inherited three million dollars. A daughter who got cheated out of what should have been hers. None of this made a damn bit of sense.
Still, if they went to war with each other over it, that wouldn’t solve a thing either—it would just splinter them when they needed each other most.
“Angie, taking it out on Evan isn’t going to help,” Sage finally said and he caught a brief look of relief on Evan’s face. “We just have to try to figure out what was in J.D.’s mind and then do what we can to change things.”
“Can we change anything?” Marlene looked worried, her gaze darting from Angelica to Evan and back again. “The will is done. And even though J.D. was sick, he was mentally competent right up until his last day.”
“I know.” Sage walked to the woman who had been a mother in all but name to him since he was a kid and wrapped one arm around her shoulders. The scent of her perfume drifted up to him and colored his mind with memories. Marlene had been the one stabilizing influence in his life. Through all of his rebellion with J.D., his aunt was there, talking him down, trying to build a bridge between Sage and his adoptive father. That bridge had never really materialized, but it hadn’t been for lack of trying on her part.
Sage dropped a kiss on the top of her head, then looked across the room to Dylan, sprawled in one of the oversize leather chairs.
“You don’t have anything to say?”
“I’ve said plenty,” his brother countered, then shifted a glare to their sister. “I was shouted down.”
“I didn’t shout,” Angie argued.
“Like a fishwife,” Dylan told her, then glanced at Evan. “If you still want to marry her, you’re either brave or brain-dead.”
“You’re not helping,” Sage said.
“Yeah, I heard that from our darling sister an hour ago,” Dylan told him tiredly.
“You don’t understand how this feels, Dylan,” Angelica said, giving him a look that should have set fire to his hair. “Dad didn’t take away the business you love, did he?”
“No, he didn’t,” he admitted.
“Angie,” Evan said, stepping toward his fiancée and laying both hands on her shoulders. “I love you. We’re getting married. Nothing’s changed.”
She slipped out from under his grip and shook her head. “Everything’s changed, Evan. Don’t you see that?”
“I don’t want to run your company, Angie. You’ll still be doing the day-to-day,” he argued. “You’re still in charge.”
“I don’t have the title. I don’t have the power. The only reason I would still be in charge is because you allow it.” She shook her head and bit down hard on her bottom lip before saying, “It’s not the same, Evan.”
“We’ll figure this out,” he countered, but Angelica didn’t look convinced.
Sage wondered suddenly if maybe J.D. hadn’t done all this just so he could hang around as a damn ghost and watch his family jump through the hoops he’d left behind.
“I think we’ve all had enough for one day,” Marlene announced, interrupting what looked as though it could turn into a battle. She walked over to give Angelica a hug, then smoothed a stray lock of her dark brown hair back with gentle fingers. Giving the younger woman a smile, she spoke to the room at large.
“Why don’t we all go into the kitchen? We’ll have some coffee. Something to eat. It’s been a hard day but I think we all have to remember—” she paused, letting her gaze slide around the room “—that we’re family. We’re the Lassiters. And we will come through this. Together.”
* * *
“There’s no reason to be so nervous.” Jenna Cooper took a sip of her white wine and smiled as Colleen changed clothes for the third time in a half hour.
“I’m not nervous,” she replied, “I’m just hyperalert.”
Jenna chuckled and curled up into a corner of her chair. Colleen met her friend’s amused gaze in the mirror and released a sigh. “Fine. Maybe I’m a little nervous, but there’s no reason to be. This is not a date. It’s just dinner with a family member of a patient I’ve lost.”
“You might sound a little more convincing when you’re placating me.”
“I’ll work on it,” her friend said, still laughing.
Jenna Cooper lived next door, with her husband and adorable three-year-old twin boys, Carter and Cade. At five foot two, Jenna looked like a pixie with very short black hair that curled around her elfin features. Her green eyes were always shining and she and Colleen had been good friends since the second week Colleen had lived in the condo complex two years before.
Knowing Colleen was a nurse, Jenna had come to her door in a panic late one night because one of the boys had had a fever seizure. Colleen had recognized it for what it was immediately and helped them lower Carter’s temperature, then she had stayed at the house with a sleeping Cade while Jenna and her husband took Carter to the E.R. to be checked out, just to be on the safe side.
Jenna took a sip of her wine and murmured, “I still can’t get over Mr. Lassiter leaving you so much money.”
Colleen’s stomach churned uneasily and she slapped one hand to her abdomen in a futile attempt to stop it. “Neither can I.”
She’d had several hours to think about it, yet it still didn’t seem real. Though everything Sage had said to her earlier kept replaying in her mind. The thought of gossip gave her cold chills, but...
“So, have you told your mother yet?”
“About the money?” She shook her head and then frowned at her reflection. Tugging at the scooped bodice, she tried to pull it a little higher, but no matter what she did, you could see cleavage. A lot of cleavage. “I never really noticed just how big my boobs are.”
“That’s because you’ve usually got them covered up under a layer of cotton and wool.” Jenna stood up, smacked Colleen’s hand away from the fabric and smiled. “You look gorgeous. Stop fussing. God, that’s an amazing dress.”
“It is.” And ordinarily, she never would have bought anything like it. But Angelica had insisted on taking Colleen shopping for the perfect dress to wear to the rehearsal dinner. Sage’s sister had picked this dress out for Colleen and she’d worn it the night Sage had first noticed her. The night...her eyes widened suddenly. “Oh, God. I can’t wear this dress tonight. I was wearing it the night Sage’s father collapsed and died. What was I thinking?”
She turned to head for her bedroom and the pitiful offerings she might find in her closet, but Jenna stopped her with one hand on her arm. “You can’t retire the dress, Colleen. For one thing, it didn’t kill Mr. Lassiter, and it’s just too amazing to be tossed into the dark abyss that is your closet.”
“Thank you.”
“And for another thing, trust me when I say that when Sage gets a look at you in this dress—” Jenna took a step back, swept her gaze up and down Colleen and whistled “—it won’t be funerals that’ll spring to mind.”