Полная версия
Australian Affairs: Rescued: Bound by the Unborn Baby / Her Knight in the Outback / One Baby Step at a Time
She put her hand on his arm, drew him aside. ‘Thank you, Ethan, this is just what I’ve been hoping to find. You can go back to your office now. I’ll be fine.’
His eyes narrowed. He didn’t seem convinced.
‘Did you leave work unfinished and come home because you thought I was upset?’
‘No, because I knew you were.’
‘I’m not now. The quicker you get back, the earlier you’ll come home.’
He grinned. ‘Can’t fight feminine logic. Okay, I’ll go. Call the hire car when you’ve finished.’
‘I promise.’
He kissed her, slow and tender, seemingly oblivious to anyone else in the shop. Her fingers tightened on the strap of her bag, her other hand lifted to cradle his neck. Her lips moved in unison with his.
She felt his muscles tense. Wasn’t this a kiss for show? To her it seemed the perfect place. Maybe he didn’t, so she broke away.
‘I’ll see you later.’
‘Mmm...’ He blinked and his head jerked. Still holding her, he nodded to Marlena. ‘Take care of her.’ With a final squeeze of her hand, and a husky, ‘Tonight...’ he walked away.
‘Okay, Alina, let’s see your list.’
She was escorted into a dressing room. Within minutes she’d confided her lack of success and doubts of her fashion abilities to an empathetic Marlena.
* * *
Ethan’s mobile rang as he walked into the apartment building a few minutes before seven. Things were settling into place, with the agenda set for a breakfast meeting with his new management team in the morning. Once they were clear on their roles he’d be able to reorganise his working hours.
‘Good evening, Father.’
‘Ethan. I believe you have a new girlfriend?’
‘Yes.’ He wondered what spin his mother had put on today’s events.
‘We’d like to meet her. Does dinner on Saturday night suit you?’
‘I’ll check with Alina.’
‘We’ll look forward to seeing you. Goodbye, Ethan.’
He stood in front of the elevator, staring at his mobile, his gut twisting in regret. He had more cordial conversations with the people he spoke to regarding aspects of renovation or trading with his hotels. Was he destined to be as impersonal as his parents, considering he had their combined DNA?
The idea appalled.
He stabbed at his floor number, tapped his thigh on the journey up and strode purposely to the door. Alina came through from the lounge as he dropped his briefcase on the floor. His mind registered her sweet smile in the same instant as he wrapped her in his arms, burying his face into her silken curls, breathing in their citrus aroma. He relished her warmth, her softness, the way she stood still in his embrace, her only movement being to slide her arms around his waist.
Seconds ticked by. Holding her wasn’t enough.
He lifted his head. ‘Hi.’
Their kiss was gentle, a mutual giving and taking. So soul-soothing he kept it short rather than risk pushing for more. This was new—something to build on. She was beginning to trust him as a man. He was beginning to reassess who he was.
She leant back in his arms to study his face.
‘You caught up?’
Warmth radiated through him. This felt right. This was the way homecoming should always be. ‘As good as. How did you go?’
‘Two outfits which I love. One’s here, the other needed some alteration, so I’ll pick it up on Friday.’
‘Only two?’ He grinned down at the face she pulled and kissed the tip of her nose. ‘Whatever you feel comfortable with, Alina.’
‘The new season stock’s arriving in a week or two. By then I’ll be bigger. Common sense says to buy what I need as I need it.’
His laughter shook his body. ‘Since when did common sense become aligned with fashion shopping?’
‘Hey!’ She swatted his arm playfully, then froze as she realised what she’d done, eyes widening in shock.
Alina couldn’t believe what she’d done. One second he’d been teasing her, the next she’d reciprocated. Completely spontaneously. Without thinking, she’d hit him, as if they’d been friends for a long time. The incredulous look on his face made it worse.
‘I...’ She tried to break free, suddenly found herself being lifted and carried backwards, to be plonked unceremoniously on the kitchen island. His hands gripped the bench either side of her. His impassive features gave no indication of his thinking. It was like their first meeting, but without the angst filling the room.
‘Ethan, I—’
‘Alina Fletcher,’ he cut in. ‘I do believe you are starting to let your true self sneak out from its constrictions.’
She dropped her head. He lifted it with his finger, his thumb grazing her skin. His eyes sparkled with amusement, daring her to act again. The very fact that she wanted to scared her, holding her back. She trembled, held her breath. Then, as if of its own accord, her hand lifted, her fingers covering his on her chin.
The air around them seemed hot and heavy. She couldn’t think straight His eyes darkened. His lips curled. Did his body sway closer? Did hers?
He abruptly withdrew his hand, pushing himself upright, shaking his head. ‘A cool dip in the pool before dinner?’
Her body flopped. Gratefully, she seized on his suggestion. ‘Yes. Yes.’
‘Don’t sound so eager to run, my sweet.’ He swung her to the floor, keeping hold for a moment. ‘And don’t be afraid to show the woman you really are. I like what I’ve seen so far.’
Not trusting her voice, she gave a quick nod before turning away.
He stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm. ‘My father’s invited us to dinner on Saturday. I’m so angry with my mother I’m inclined to say no.’
‘Delaying the inevitable? I think I’d rather face it now.’
‘The way you did with me? I won’t let them demean you, Alina.’ A softly spoken declaration that demanded compliance. A firm hold she didn’t want to break. Commanding blue eyes that enthralled.
‘You were receptive,’ she said. ‘They’re bound to think I’m trapping you. You’re not the type to lose control and forget protection.’
Ethan never had. Even in his testosterone-driven teens he’d always been disciplined. Now, being with Alina every night, inhaling her essence, having her within easy reach, he appreciated how overpowering desire could be.
Anger ground in his gut. At his parents, who judged everyone by high, rigid standards and dismissed any contrary opinions. At himself for allowing them to influence his life, his behaviour. At the fates who had taken his sister’s life when the best times were just beginning.
Yet those same fates had brought Alina and his future son or daughter to Sydney. To him.
Taking a short step forward, he manoeuvred her into his arms. In the simple act of holding her and stroking her hair he found solace as he reassured her.
‘That’s all the more reason for us to convince them of the undeniable magnetism between us. If we show them we’re happy they’ll have to accept it.’
‘Are you happy?’ A muffled plea into his shirt.
He tilted her chin to gaze into lovely despondent eyes and swore silently. Didn’t she realise how much her being here meant to him?
‘How can I not be happy? You’ve given me the most precious gift I’ll ever have. You are giving a part of Louise back to me. Her child. You had easier options, yet you came to me not knowing how I’d react. You did know how my parents would.’
She took a long, shuddering breath, drawing his eyes to her full pink mouth. His body vibrated in response. She had no concept of what she was doing to him. He wasn’t sure himself.
‘Can we go this week? I’d prefer less time to dwell on it.’
His mobile rang before he could answer her. He grimaced at the caller ID. ‘I agree. I’ve got to take this, so I’ll meet you in the pool.’
He walked to his room, trying to focus on building regulations instead of smoky violet eyes and full, inviting lips.
Alina walked away, didn’t look back. His words had woven a soothing path through her mind, into her heart. Diminishing her qualms.
You’ve given me the most precious gift.
So similar to the phrase she’d heard from Louise when those two blue lines had materialised on that vital stick. Validation that she’d made the right decision to contact him now rather than after the birth.
* * *
Seven minutes to six on a Thursday evening and his desk was clear. Ethan felt pumped at an achievement he determined would become more routine than not. He conceded that the new promotions, which would become official at midnight on Sunday, made it possible.
He stopped on the way home for handmade chocolates to celebrate. Trying to quell the rush of anticipation, he entered the apartment, silently chuckling at the sci-fi epic music coming from the speakers.
Alina was preparing dinner at the kitchen counter. His eyes drank in her brunette curls, her enticing curves—soon to be curvier. Alluring. Desirable. This attraction was unlike any he’d ever experienced. Because of the situation? Her condition? His unexpected paternity? None of them explained that initial gut-clench when the only knowledge he’d had of her was her name.
She continued working, oblivious to his presence. How near did he have to be before she sensed him?
She had. The moment he’d opened the front door. Trying to quell her quickening heartbeat and ignore the prickling at the back of her neck was a futile exercise. There was nothing to account for her sudden heat rush.
Darn hormones. Why pick this pregnancy to play up? The first time—she couldn’t prevent the comparisons surfacing—there’d been occasional morning sickness, a few cravings, and manageable backache in the last trimester. She’d been blissfully content, cherished, and pampered by...
She gripped the vegetable peeler till it stung, fought the tears threatening to spill.
His cologne seeped around her. Still no sound or greeting. Was he playing games, waiting for her to acknowledge him? She put down the peeler, pivoted.
Her lungs seized up. Her mouth dried. She sucked in her cheeks and swallowed, trying unsuccessfully to form moisture. Ethan stood there, gazing at her as if she were priceless, unique. When he walked round the island, smiling at her, she couldn’t have moved if someone had tossed a grenade.
‘You were so engrossed I didn’t want to disturb you.’ He cupped her chin, restarting her lungs in a short sharp gasp. He drew her to him as if their future was limitless and she leant into him, wanting to be closer. Wanting whatever he was offering.
He kissed her lightly, then deeper when her lips moved under his. When they parted of their own accord he accepted the tacit invitation. The tip of his tongue found hers. Heat flooded every cell. She tasted a hint of wine, coffee, tightened her hold on his neck, hungry for more.
Her stomach lurched. She wrenched free, clapping her hand over her mouth. Holding an arm across her belly, she bent double, trying not to throw up.
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