Полная версия
The Sheikh's Son
“Yes, I did. In South Carolina. An all-women’s university. Evidently my grandfather believed I couldn’t handle the opposite sex. But since he was footing the bill, I put up with it long enough to get the dreaded business degree.”
He shifted to face her, one elbow braced on the top of the railing. “Since business is apparently not your chosen field of expertise, what would you do if you weren’t playing the ambassador?”
“Art,” she said without the slightest hesitation. “Painting is my passion.”
He knew all about passion, only his involved planes. “Then why not pursue that dream?”
She sighed. “I have several reasons, most having to do with obligation.”
“To your grandfather?”
Not so unlike his obligation to his legacy. “What about remaining true to yourself and your own happiness, Piper?”
A span of silence passed before she spoke again. “It’s complicated.”
Family dynamics always were, especially in his case.
When he noticed Piper appeared to be shivering, Adan cursed his thoughtlessness. “Obviously you’re cold. Do you wish to return to the hotel now?”
She shook her head. “I’m fine. Really.”
“You’re wearing little more than a glorified sweater, and I suspect your teeth are chattering behind that beautiful mouth of yours.”
Her laugh drew him further into her lair, as did the pleasant scent of her perfume. “Maybe a tad. It’s rather nippy for April.”
“Let me remedy that for you.”
When Adan began to slip the buttons on his overcoat, Piper raised both hands as if to ward him off. “Heavens, no. I don’t want to be responsible for you freezing to death.”
Her smile alone generated enough heat in Adan to fuel half the city of Chicago. “Are you sure? I am accustomed to extreme temperatures.”
“Seriously, I’m okay.”
Without waiting for another protest, he shrugged out of his coat, wrapped it around her shoulders and took a step back. “Better?”
“Much better, but now you’re going to be cold.”
Not likely. Not while she stood before him with her dark hair blowing in the breeze, her bright blue eyes reflecting the light above them and her coral-painted lips enticing him to kiss her. Answering the invitation was a risk he didn’t dare take.
She inhaled deeply then released a slightly broken breath. “I need something else from you, A.J.”
He hoped she meant something warm to drink, a good excuse to retire back inside the hotel before he hurled wisdom to the blustery wind. “What would that be?”
“I need you to kiss me.”
Bloody hell, what could he to say to that? Should he answer “absolutely not” when he wanted to blurt out a resounding yes? He brushed away a strand of hair from her cheek and ran his thumb along her jaw. “I’m not certain that would be a banner idea.” Many times he had heard that phrase, but never coming out of his own mouth.
Disappointment called out from her eyes. “Why not?”
“Because if I kiss you, I would not want to stop with only a kiss.”
She sent him an angel’s smile. “Do you have issues with maintaining control?”
He prided himself on control when it came to flying jets and yes, wooing women. Still, there was something about this particular woman that told him he could end up losing the war he now waged with his libido.
Before he could respond, she wrapped her hand around his neck and lowered his lips to hers. He immediately discovered the angel kissed like the devil, and he liked it. He liked the way she tasted and the silken glide of her tongue against his, and he definitely liked the way she pressed her entire body against him. He would like it better if they were in his hotel bed without the hindrance of clothing. He did not particularly care for the warning bells sounding inside his brain.
Gathering every ounce of strength he still possessed, Adan pulled away and stepped back before he did something they might both regret. The dejected look on Piper’s face gave him pause, and the urge to come up with some viable excuse. “You, lovely lady, are too much of a temptation for even the most controlled man.”
Her expression brightened. “No one has ever accused me of that before.”
“Apparently you have not been with anyone who appreciates your finer points.”
Now she looked somewhat coy. “But you appreciate them?”
If she could see the evidence of his appreciation, she would not have posed the question. “I more than appreciate them, as I also appreciate and respect you. Therefore I am going to escort you back to the hotel and bid you good night.” Or crush his determination to refrain from sex for three more months.
Piper pretended to pout. “But the night is still young, and I’m still cold.”
“All the more reason to deliver you safely inside the hotel.”
“Your room or mine?”
She seemed determined to make this incredibly hard on him...in every sense of the word. “Your room, and then I will retire to mine.”
She sighed. “All right, if that’s what you really want.”
If he said that, he would be lying. “It’s not a question of if I want you. The question is, would it be wise to continue this?”
“And your answer?”
“Completely unwise.”
“Maybe we should ignore wisdom and do what comes naturally. We’re both of age and free to do as we please, so why not take advantage of the opportunity?”
Just as he opened his mouth to issue another unenthusiastic argument, she kissed him again. Deeper this time, more insistent. He slid his hand down her back, cupped her bottom and brought her up against his erection, hoping to discourage her. The plan failed. She made a move with her hips and sent him so close to the edge that he considered lifting her skirt, lowering his pants and dispensing with all propriety.
The last thread of his coveted self-control prevented him from acting on his desire. He refused to succumb to animal instinct. He could not discard the vow, or his common sense, for one night of unbridled passion with someone he was clearly deceiving. He would remain strong, stay grounded, ignore the fact that he had a beautiful, sensual woman at his disposal and...
Whom was he attempting to fool? “Let’s retire to my room.”
She had always strived to be the good twin. Straight as an arrow. Boring as hell. Never before had she demonstrated such assertiveness toward a man.
Now remarkably Piper found herself alone in an elevator with that man, with only one goal in mind—ending her self-imposed celibacy in a virtual stranger’s hotel room. Oddly A.J. kept his distance and remained silent as they traveled all the way to the top floor. After the doors sighed open and they stepped out of the car, she expected to see a corridor containing a line of rooms. Instead she noticed only one double mahogany door flanked by two massive, stoic guards. If a pilot warranted this much security, then he must work for an incredibly powerful family or some high-ranking politician.
A.J. lightly clasped her elbow to guide her forward before stopping at the entry to mutter something in what she assumed to be Arabic. One of the men turned immediately, slid a card key in the lock and opened the doors. As soon as they were safely sequestered inside, Piper took a moment to survey the area—exquisite dark wood floors, towering windows revealing the Chicago skyline, even a baby grand piano in the corner. An opulent penthouse designed for the rich and infamous. Her current companion was one lucky employee.
Piper started to comment on that very thing, but her words never made it to her open mouth. A.J. did, and the kiss he gave her had the impact of a firebomb. Somehow she ended up with her back against one wall with A.J. pressed against her, her face bracketed in his palms. When he shrugged the sweater from her shoulders, slipped it away and tossed it behind him, her heart rate began to run amok. Any concerns flittered away on the heels of a heat she’d never felt before with any man. But this man knew what he was doing, right down to the way he brushed kisses along the line of her jaw and her neck before he brought his mouth to her ear. “The bedroom,” he whispered. “Now.”
Okay, that would be the next step. A daring step. A step Piper had never taken with a man she barely knew. “Lead the way.”
No sooner had she said it than he clasped her hand and guided her toward another closed door where he paused to kiss her again. When his palms roved along her rib cage before they came to rest on her bottom, she found it very difficult to breathe.
He suddenly broke all contact and took a step back. “There is something I need to say before we go any further.”
Piper managed to break through the sensual fog and back into reality. “You’re married.”
“Of course not.”
That left only one scenario as far as she could see. “If you’re worried that I’m making some alcohol-induced decision, you’re wrong. Yes, I’ve had a couple of drinks, but I’m not drunk. And yes, this strangers-in-the night scenario is a first for me. In fact, I’ve only had one lover, and even calling him that is a stretch.”
He seemed totally confused by that concept. “How is that possible for such an appealing woman?”
“Believe me, it is possible because I’m very particular.”
“I am flattered, yet I still question whether you are giving this enough thought.”
She didn’t want to think, only do. “Look, in a perfect world, I’d suggest we spend a few days getting to know each other before we take this step. But unfortunately I was informed only a few hours ago that I’m traveling to some obscure Middle Eastern country to schmooze with sheikhs for the sake of trying to win a water conservation contract.”
His expression went stone-cold serious. “Are you referring to the Mehdis?”
“Yes, and I realize they’re your friends, but—”
“We need to talk.”
That meant only one thing—party’s over. “All right,” she muttered, unable to mask the disappointment in her voice.
A.J. led her to the white sofa set out in the middle of the room. After they settled on the cushions side by side, he took both her hands into his. “You are one of the most beautiful, intelligent and intriguing women I have met in a very long time. Quite simply, you’re special. For that reason, I do not want to take advantage of you.”
Take advantage of me, dammit, she wanted to say, but opted for a more subtle debate. “I’m not special at all. However, I’m sure you normally require an experienced partner, and if it’s that’s your concern, I’m much more adventurous than I seem. I think my being in your hotel room is a sure sign of that.”
He released her hands and leaned back. “As much as I would like to find out, I’d prefer not to complicate matters, which leads me to what I need to tell you. I pilot the Mehdis’ plane.”
Her eyes widened from sheer shock. “Why didn’t you tell me this in the beginning?”
“It didn’t matter until you said you’d be working with them. If the king learned I was bedding a prospective client, he would, simply put, go ballistic.”
Figured. “Leave it to some well-heeled royal to spoil my good time. That’s why I have no use for that kind of man.”
His gaze wandered away. “He would be justified in his condemnation. I have a responsibility to the Mehdis and a need to be taken seriously by them.”
“At all costs?”
“I’m afraid that is the case at this point in time.”
In other words, thanks but no thanks, or at least that was what Piper heard. Feeling somewhat humiliated, she came to her feet. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, A.J. Thank you for a very lovely and eye-opening evening.”
Before she had a meltdown, Piper headed away, only to be stopped by A.J. bracing her shoulders from behind before she could open the door.
He turned her to face him, his expression extremely solemn. “Piper, there are two things you must know about me. First, I have been taught that a man is only as good as his honor, and I am trying to honor you, even if I would like to take that black dress off you and carry you to my bed. Despite my concerns about my job, you also deserve the utmost respect and regard. And once you have time to consider my decision, you will thank me for saving you from a possible mistake.”
For some reason that made Piper a little miffed. “Do you honestly believe I don’t know my own mind?”
“I believe you’re too trusting.”
Now she was just plain mad. “I’m an adult, A.J., not some naive adolescent. And in case you’re worried, I’m not a prude, I’m picky. Last, the only mistake I made tonight was thinking you could be the man who would be worth the wait. Obviously I was wrong.”
He softly touched her face. “You are not wrong. When it comes to us—” he twined their fingers together, sending a message that wasn’t lost on Piper “—making love, I assure you that would definitely be worth the wait. And that is what I’m proposing, waiting until we have the opportunity to know each other while you are in Bajul.”
Piper’s anger almost disappeared. Almost. “That would depend on whether you’re everything you seem to be, because I believe honesty and honor go hand in hand. Now, what was the second thing you wanted me to know?”
A strange look passed over his face. “I still believe in chivalry. Will you allow me to walk you to your room?”
She shook her head. “No, thanks. I’m a big girl and I can find my way.”
“As you wish.” After he escorted her into the corridor, A.J. executed a slight bow. “If I don’t see you tomorrow on the plane, Ms. McAdams, then I will make it a point to seek you out in Bajul.”
* * *
She boarded the extremely large and lavish private plane less than five minutes before their scheduled departure, due to the rush-hour traffic and an apathetic cabdriver. When the five-man survey crew settled into the vacant beige leather seats at the front of the plane, she walked the aisle past what she assumed to be staff and press members. Despite the size of the plane, it appeared the back half had been cordoned off to passengers. Most likely it held a series of conference rooms and perhaps even living quarters. She might ask A.J. to give her the grand tour, provided she actually encountered him before they landed.
She paused in the aisle to address a middle-aged, professor-like man with sparse graying hair, wire-rimmed glasses and kind brown eyes. Hopefully he spoke English, and that the last remaining spot was available. “Is this seat taken?”
“It is reserved for Miss McAdams,” he replied. “Is that you?”
Fortunately a language barrier wouldn’t exist during the lengthy flight. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Then the seat is yours.”
After sliding in next to the man and settling her red tote at her feet, she shifted toward him and stuck out her hand. “Hello, I’m Piper McAdams. I’m traveling to Bajul with the GLM engineers.”
He gave her hand a soft shake. “Mr. Deeb.”
Not a lot to go on there. Time for a fishing expedition. “Are you a friend of the sheikh’s?”
“I am serving as his attaché on this trip.”
“I’m sure that’s a very interesting duty.”
He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “Managing Prince Adan’s schedule can be challenging at times, evidenced by his absence at the moment.”
A good thing, since she might have missed the flight if the guy had been punctual. “He has a habit of being late, does he?”
“He occasionally suffers from tardiness, among other things.”
Piper wanted him to define “other things” but then she noticed a commotion toward the front of the plane. Assuming the mysterious monarch had finally arrived, she came to her feet along with the rest of the passengers and leaned slightly into the aisle to catch a glimpse. She spotted only A.J. dressed in a crisp, white shirt covered by a navy blue suit emblazoned with gold military-like insignias. Not a sheikh in sight.
She regarded Mr. Deeb again and lowered her voice. “He must be some kind of pilot to earn that reception.”
He cleared his throat and glanced away. “Yes, he is quite the aviator.”
After everyone settled into their seats, Piper followed suit, well aware that her pulse had unwittingly picked up speed as she noticed A.J. stopping in the aisle to speak to one man. A man who oddly addressed the pilot as Prince Adan.
Reality soon dawned, along with the sense that she might have been completely betrayed by blind faith. She turned a frown on Mr. Deeb. “He’s not the plane’s pilot, is he?”
Again the man refused to look at her directly. “Yes, he is the pilot, as well as commander in chief of Bajul’s armed forces.”
“And a Mehdi?”
Deeb gave her a contrite look. “The third Mehdi son in line to inherit the throne.”
And a major liar, Piper realized as she watched the sheikh disappear into the cockpit. She thanked her lucky stars she hadn’t made the mistake of climbing into bed with him. Then again, he’d been the one to put an end to that with his fake concerns over being only a royal employee, not a royal prince. And all that talk of honor. Honorable men didn’t deceive unsuspecting women about their identities.
Fuming over the duplicity, Piper pulled a fashion magazine from her bag and flipped through the pages with a vengeance during takeoff. She didn’t have to deal with the situation now, or ever for that matter. She didn’t have to spend even one minute with A.J. or Adan or whatever his name was. He would be nothing more to her than a cute meet that had gone nowhere, a precautionary tale in the book of her life, a man she would endeavor to immediately forget....
“May I have a moment with you in the aft lounge, Ms. McAdams?”
She glanced up and immediately took in A.J.’s damnable dimples and his sexy mouth before visually traveling to his remarkable dark eyes. “Is the plane flying itself, Prince Mehdi?”
He tried on a contrite look. “I have turned the controls over to the copilot for the time being so we can converse.”
And if she spent one second alone with him, she might find herself caught up in his lair once more. “I do believe the seat belt sign is still on, and that means it’s not safe to move about the cabin.”
Of course said sign picked that moment to ding and dim, robbing her of any excuse to avoid this confrontation. Nevertheless, he happened to be resident royalty, not to mention he could hold the power to grant—or reject—her grandfather’s bid. For that reason, she shoved the magazine back into the carry-on and slid out of the seat, putting her in very close proximity to the fibbing prince. “After you,” she said in a tone that was borderline irritable, to say the least.
As the princely pilot started toward the rear of the plane, Piper followed behind him with her eyes lowered in an attempt to avoid the two female attendants’ curious stares. He paused to open a sliding frosted-glass door and gestured her forward into a narrow corridor before he showed her into a lounge containing dark brown leather furniture.
“Make yourself comfortable,” A.J. said as he closed the sliding door behind her.
Comfortable? Ha! Piper chose the lone chair to avoid inadvertent physical contact, while the sneaky sheikh settled on the opposing sofa.
He draped his arm casually over the back cushions and smiled. “Have you enjoyed your flight so far?”
In an effort to demonstrate some decorum, she bit back the harsh words clamoring to come out of her mouth. “Since it’s been less than fifteen minutes into the flight, I prefer to reserve judgment until landing.”
He gave her a lingering once-over. “You look very beautiful today, Piper.”
She tugged the hem of her black coatdress down to the top of her knees. Unfortunately she couldn’t convert the open collar to a turtleneck. “Thank you, but if you believe compliments will put you in the clear after you lied to me, think again.”
“I am being completely sincere in my admiration.”
“Forgive me if I question your sincerity. And by the way, what am I supposed to call you?”
“What would you like to call me?”
He’d walked right into that one. “Jackass?”
He had the audacity to grin. “I believe I have been called that before.”
She had the utterly stupid urge to kiss that grin off his face. “I don’t doubt that a bit. And where did you come up with A.J.?”
“My given name is Adan Jamal. My classmates called me A.J., but as an adult I do prefer Adan.”
“I would have preferred you explain all of this to me last night.”
His expression turned serious. “When I discovered you were involved with the water project, I was completely thrown off-kilter.”
Not a valid excuse, in her opinion. “And after learning that, did you seriously believe you could hide your identity from me indefinitely?”
He sighed. “No. I had hoped to speak with you before takeoff. Unfortunately, traffic detained our driver on the way to the airport and I had to adhere to the original flight plan.”
She couldn’t reject that defense when she’d experienced the same delays. Still... “You still should have told me before I left your room, at the very least.”
He leaned forward, draped his elbows on his parted knees and studied the carpeted floor. “Do you know what it’s like to be judged by your station in life even though it has nothing to do with who you really are?”
Actually, she did—the rich girl born to a spoiled, partying socialite and an unknown father. “I can relate to that in some ways.”
He finally raised his gaze to hers. “Last night, I wanted you to see me as an average man, not a monarch.”
There was absolutely nothing average about him. “I don’t base my opinions on a person’s social status.”
He straightened and streaked a palm over his shadowed jaw. “I believe I recall you mentioning you have an aversion to wealthy men, and specifically, the Mehdis. Is that not so?”
Darned if he wasn’t right. “Okay, yes, I might have said that. My apologies for making generalizations.”
“And I apologize for deceiving you. I promise it will not happen again, as soon as I tell you something else I omitted last evening.”
Just when she thought she might be able to trust him. “I’m listening.”
“I’ve been celibate since my eldest brother’s wedding.”
“When was that?” she asked around her surprise.
“Eight months ago and approximately two months following the dissolution of my relationship.”
Piper couldn’t imagine such a vital, viral man could go that long without sex. “Your breakup must have been really devastating.”
“Not exactly,” he said. “My brothers have always seen me as being less than serious when it comes to my role in the family. I decided to prove to them that my entire life does not revolve around seeking the next conquest.”
She so wanted to believe him, yet wasn’t certain she could. “I admire your resolve, but I’m still having a hard time with the trust issue where you’re concerned.”
Adan came to his feet, crossed the small space between them, clasped her hands and pulled her off the chair. “I must see to my responsibility now as captain of this ship. But before I go, I have a request.”
Who knew what that might entail? “Go ahead.”
“If you will allow me to serve as your personal host in Bajul, I will prove to you that I am not only a man of my word, but I am an honorable man.”
That remained to be seen. But right then, when Adan Mehdi looked at her as if she deserved his utmost attention, she couldn’t manufacture one reason to refuse his hospitality. And if she didn’t keep a cool head, she worried he could convince her of anything.
* * *
“Ms. Thorpe is here to see you, Emir.”
Great. He’d barely walked into the palace with Piper at his side only to be greeted by an unwelcome visit from his past in the form of a persistent, self-absorbed ex-paramour.
The entire travel party scattered like rats on a sinking ship, including the turncoat Deeb. Only the messenger of doom remained, an extremely perplexed look splashed across his bearded face. “Did you know she was coming, Abdul?”