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Bedded by the Billionaire / Tycoon's One-Night Revenge: Bedded by the Billionaire
Kiki cleared her throat. “I need a quick private word with you, Max. It’s urgent. Do you mind?”
He shot a longing glance at his food and Lilli. “Oh, go,” she urged him. “If you’re not back soon, I’ll ask the server to wrap it up to take home.”
He bent down and whispered in her ear. “At this rate we may be stopping at Wendy’s for me.”
She smiled. “Drive-through is open until midnight.”
He gave a rough chuckle and turned toward Kiki.
“He’s so hot,” the young woman beside her said. “How could you send him off with that beautiful woman? You must be confident of your relationship with him,” she said in admiration.
Lilli turned to the pudgy young woman with the sweet face. “Max and I have an unusual relationship,” she said wryly.
The woman nodded, glancing at Lilli’s pregnant belly. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I’ve heard him dodging questions the entire dinner. I know what it’s like to be surrounded by people with hidden agendas. Oh, I’m sorry. I should have introduced myself. I’m Mallory James.”
“I’m Lilli—”
“McCall,” Mallory said, then blushed. “I overheard him introduce you several times. I’m not usually nosy, but since I’m here by myself tonight, and the two of you were more interesting than the almost-dead and completely deaf eighty-seven-year-old beside me…well…”
Lilli smiled. “I’m glad we at least provided a little entertainment. Nice to meet you, Mallory.”
The other woman glanced past Lilli’s shoulder. “Good grief, you’re surrounded by them,” she murmured.
“Lilli, you’re looking delicious tonight,” a male voice said just behind her.
Lilli turned around to meet Alex Megalos’s friendly gaze. She couldn’t help smiling as she shook her head. “Do you give lessons on flirting on the side?”
“No way. Gotta keep my edge. Where did Max go? Not wise to abandon a woman as beautiful as you.”
“You’re so right,” she said. “I’m bracing myself for the stampede any minute.”
Mallory cleared her throat loudly.
Lilli glanced back at the woman whose expression clearly said please introduce me. “Oh, Alex Megalos, have you met Mallory James? She’s new to town. Alex works for Megalos-De Luca Enterprises.”
Alex extended his hand to Mallory and lifted it to his lips. “Enchanted. Have I heard of your father?”
“Perhaps,” Mallory said, stuttering. “James Investments and Wealth Management.”
Alex nodded in recognition and gave a roguish smile, dipping his head toward hers. “Yes. I bet he keeps you under lock and key. I hear he’s excellent. I’d love a chance to chat with him. Is he here tonight?”
“Not tonight,” Mallory said and pulled out a card. “But I’d be happy to introduce you. Give me a call?” she asked, rising, bumping into a server carrying a tray of drinks.
“Oh, no.” Lilli watched helplessly as the drinks tumbled, splattering Mallory’s pink gown and at least one leg of Alex’s pants.
The server’s face froze. “I’m so sorry.”
“Club soda,” Lilli said, quickly standing. “Club soda works magic for stains. And we need more napkins,” she called after the waiter as he left. She gave her napkin to Alex and blindly accepted one that someone else offered her.
She gave the other napkin to Mallory, meeting the horrified gaze of her new acquaintance. “Mallory, go ahead to the powder room. I’ll bring the club soda, sweetheart. These servers move so quickly,” she said.
As soon as Mallory was out of earshot, she turned to Alex. “Shame on you for causing all this trouble.”
“Me?” Alex said in an incredulous voice, wiping his slacks.
“You’re such a flirt. I’m sure you know what kind of effect you have on most women. You really should be more careful doling out those kisses and smiles.”
Max appeared at her side and glanced at Alex. “Did someone finally decide to douse him?” he asked, half-joking.
Alex met Max’s gaze and gave a heavy sigh. “No. it was the server. Dammit, Lilli can explain it to you,” he said and left.
“He didn’t hit on you again, did he?”
She shook her head. “He’s a flirt. I introduced him to the woman beside me and he got her all flustered. She bumped into the server and there was a spill. Ah, here comes the club soda,” she said, smiling at the server as he delivered the bottle and some extra napkins.
“I’m so sorry,” he said.
“Accidents happen,” she said then looked at Max. “I need to do a little emergency stain removal.”
“Saving the day?” he said, his gaze glinting with something that looked like approval.
“That’s a stretch, but I would hope someone would do the same for me in the same situation.”
He lowered his head toward her. “I could kiss you right this very minute.”
Lilli’s heart slammed into her rib cage and she gaped at Max. “You—”
“You heard me,” he said and his voice was so seductive she immediately felt hot and flustered. “Now go do your good deed.”
Stepping backward, her gaze still trapped by his, she nearly stumbled. Max’s hand shot out to steady her. “You’re worse than Alex.”
His eyes widened in outrage. “What the hell—”
She pulled away. “I need to do my good deed,” she said and forced her gaze away from his so she could regain her equilibrium. Men, she thought and headed for the powder room.
As soon as she entered the luxurious room with a sitting area separate from the stalls, she looked for Mallory, but couldn’t find her. Lilli walked into the connecting room filled with stalls and tentatively called, “Mallory?”
“I’m here,” she said, covering her face as she exited one of the restrooms. “I can’t believe I did that. I’m so embarrassed. I can’t go back in there.”
“Of course you can. It was just a little spill. They happen all the time,” Lilli said, urging the young woman into the sitting area. “Come on. Let me work on your dress.”
Mallory moaned. “Why did I have to make a server spill wine on the most amazing man I’ve ever met?”
“Alex can afford to be taken down a peg or two.” She poured a little club soda on the worst spots.
“But not by me,” Mallory said. “Do you think he’ll run from me every time he sees me from now on?”
Lilli shook her head, dabbing at the dress. “Of course he won’t. If nothing else, your meeting was memorable. He’ll probably talk to dozens of people tonight, but not many—”
“None,” Mallory corrected and gave a reluctant laugh. “None will have gotten his slacks wet.” She smiled and met Lillie’s gaze. “You’ve been very kind to me. Would you mind getting together with me sometime for lunch if I promise to try not to spill anything on you?”
Lilli laughed. “I’d love to,” she said. “You know this is the same kind of thing that could have happened to me.”
“I can’t see it,” Mallory said. “You look so graceful.”
“Thank you, but it’s true. Now it’s time for us to get back to dinner. The auction should start soon.”
Mallory sighed and stood. “Okay, let me put on a little more lipstick.”
While Mallory took a couple extra minutes to primp, Lilli walked out into the hallway. She’d gone no more than three steps when she nearly ran into Kiki.
Lilli immediately backed away. “Oh, excuse me. How are you?”
Kiki narrowed her eyes. “I could be a lot better.” She stared at Lilli for a long moment then cocked her head to the other less busy side of the hallway. “Do you have a moment? I’d like to talk with you.”
“I probably should get back to—”
“Max,” Kiki said, her beautiful face tightening with displeasure. “He can wait. This won’t take long.”
Lilli reluctantly followed Kiki.
“You probably don’t know this, but Max and I have a very close relationship. Very close,” she emphasized. “In fact, no one would be surprised if we were to get married. We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of years.”
Lilli nodded. “I see.”
“A man like Max, well, a woman just has to accept that he may stray every now and then. It doesn’t really mean anything. Men, especially powerful men, have women throwing themselves at them all the time.”
Lilli wondered what this had to do with her.
“Now Max hasn’t wanted to admit anything,” Kiki continued with a determined smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. But I’m not stupid. He obviously feels obligated toward you and I can understand why you would want to take advantage of the situation.”
“Not really,” Lilli said.
Kiki waved her hand. “You don’t need to deny it. I can’t imagine any woman in your position who wouldn’t exploit the situation to her advantage.”
Lilli felt a spurt of anger. “I’m—”
“Just hear me out,” Kiki interjected. “What you need to understand is that you won’t be able to hold him. Sure, he’ll be a great father to the child, but Max is a special man and trust me, he requires special handling. I know he will provide financial support for your child. But you seem like an independent-minded woman, so I thought you might like some additional support of your own.”
Confusion and wariness mixed inside her. “Additional support?”
Kiki lowered her voice. “Here’s the deal. You leave Max, never come back and don’t get in my way and I’ll give you fifty thousand dollars.”
Lilli blinked at the woman in disbelief. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” Kiki said. “Max is very important to me.”
Incredulous, Lilli shook her head. “I can’t—”
“Sure you can. Think about it. Imagine getting all that money and a clean break to do what you want where you want.” She paused a half beat. “If you make the move within a week, I might even throw in a bonus. You could buy yourself a little condo or house and be in charge of your own life. Trust me, if you stay with Max, he’ll have an opinion about everything you say and do.” She pressed a card into Lilli’s hand. “Call me. I’ll make it worth your while.”
Lilli stared after the woman as she strode away. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. The conversation ran through her mind again, but it was almost too much for her to comprehend.
“Hey, Lilli,” Mallory said, moving her hand in front of Lilli’s face. “Are you okay? You look a little sick. Should you sit down?”
Lilli shook her head to clear it. “No, I just—” She sighed and headed back to the table.
“Are you sure?” Mallory asked as she followed after her. “You look pale. Like you’re sick or you just had a close encounter with an alien or something. Some people don’t believe in that stuff, but I do.”
Lilli shook her head at the irony. “That’s a pretty good explanation,” she said.
“What is?” Mallory asked.
“A close encounter with an alien,” Lilli said, crumpling Kiki’s card into a little wad and tossing it onto a passing waiter’s empty tray.
Mallory nodded and whispered, “The place is full of aliens tonight, isn’t it?”
Still shaken from her encounter with Kiki, but trying to get past it, Lilli returned with Mallory to the table just as dessert was being served. Max immediately stood and helped both Lilli and Mallory into their chairs while Lilli introduced Mallory.
After they all sat down, he turned to Lilli. “Everything okay?”
She gave a circular nod, but mustered a smile.
“You want to explain that remark about Alex?” he asked.
She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. “I was just commenting that it’s not fair for him—or you—to use your—” she searched for an appropriate word “—appeal to put a woman off balance.”
His lips twitched. “Are you admitting I put you off balance?”
She reached for her glass of water. “I’m not saying anything else. I offered my explanation.”
“Sounds like you’re pleading the fifth.”
“How is Kiki?” she asked, changing the focus off herself.
Irritation crossed his face. “How is it that a woman can appear perfectly sane and rational at the beginning of a relationship then turn totally insane and irrational at the end?”
“It’s all the man’s fault,” she said. “Men turn women into raging lunatics. They hint, they promise, they mislead.”
“I am always up-front in my relationships with women. I make it clear that I’m not interested in marriage and—”
“Why not?” she asked. “Why aren’t you interested in marriage?”
“It needs to be the right woman at the right time. I’ve never found the right woman.”
“Why not Kiki?” she asked, keeping her voice low.
“This isn’t the best place for a private discussion, but I’ve never been serious about Kiki. She’s a beautiful, intelligent woman, but not right for me in the long run. I told her that from the beginning.”
Ouch, Lilli thought. That couldn’t have gone over well. “Is there anything you did that might have led her to believe that you’d changed your mind and that you and her were getting close to a commitment?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Why are you asking these questions?”
She shrugged. “Just curious. She seems a little…”
“A little what?”
“I don’t know. Maybe possessive.”
“I made it clear tonight that we’re through. Now, don’t you want to eat some of this dessert? It’s chocolate cake.”
Lilli’s stomach twisted. “I’d love to, but I’m full.”
He studied her for a long moment. “Something’s not right,” he began.
“Ladies and gentleman,” Ann Wingate, the mistress of ceremonies announced, saving Lilli from replying to Max. “It’s now time for the Silent Auction. Please make your way to the display tables and loosen your purse strings. And remember, it’s all for a good cause.”
“You’re sure you don’t want your cake,” Max said.
She shook her head. “Thanks, no. I’m curious what they’ve put up for auction.”
He nodded and stood, pulling her chair back for her to rise. “Pick a couple things you like and make a bid on my behalf.”
“Oh, I couldn’t do that.”
“Why not? It’s for charity.”
“Yes, but—” She broke off. “It wouldn’t feel right.”
He gave a heavy sigh. “Then pick out something I can donate to a good cause.”
She liked that idea much better. “That could be fun.”
With the exception of several interruptions, Max actually enjoyed himself during the next hour. Lilli’s careful assessment of the items amused him. He noticed she spent an inordinate amount of time studying an expensive baby stroller before she dismissed it and moved along.
“Which should I buy to give away?” he asked, curious what her answer would be.
“The spa and makeover packages for the women’s shelter downtown. The deluxe computer system for the homeless shelter.”
“That’s all?”
“I think they’ll provide good bang for the buck.”
“You didn’t see anything you like? Jewelry? A luxury cruise?”
She shook her head and he continued. “Baby stroller.”
She gave a start then shook her head again. “That thing costs almost as much as a car. Crazy expensive.”
Max couldn’t help wondering how long her attitude would last if she were exposed to luxury all the time. In his experience, women tended to easily grow accustomed to the finer things. She amused him at the same time that she attracted him. Her laughter affected him like a strong jolt of java and her determination not to brown-nose him startled him. He was surrounded by yes people and she didn’t hesitate to tell him no. Even though she was pregnant, or perhaps partly because of it, she drew his attention the way no other woman had.
How could she possibly be so innocent and sexy at the same time? He couldn’t believe his half brother’s damn good luck in finding her. She couldn’t be perfect, though, he reminded himself. No one was, and he’d never met a woman who didn’t have the capacity for deceit and manipulation. Still, he wanted her. And he wasn’t inclined to resist her.
“You absolutely shouldn’t have gotten that baby stroller,” Lilli said in a huffy voice. “It was insanely expensive.”
“Butter bean will like it,” Max said.
She threw him a sideways glance as he opened the door to the house for her. “He would have been just as happy with a less costly model.”
“You don’t know that,” Max argued. “The cutting-edge aerodynamic design, which features an unparalleled smooth ride,” he quoted from the manufacturer, “may make a huge difference.”
“In that case, he’d better be flexible because my compact car gives a high five to every bump in the road.”
He chuckled.
She turned to face him. “But seriously, I cannot accept the jewelry.”
“It’s just sterling silver.”
“David Yurman’s top-of-the-line.” She shook her head. “I don’t understand why you bought it for me. I told you I didn’t want anything.”
“I’m sure that was part of it,” he said.
“You mean you gave me this just to be disagreeable?” she asked, her eyes rounding in surprise.
“It contributed, plus as the hostess kept saying, it’s all for charity.”
Her lips twitched. “You don’t believe any of it. You don’t believe the manufacturer’s brag about the stroller and you think it’s stupid to hold an auction to get donations.”
“It’s a lot easier to just guilt people into giving money through the mail,” he said.
“But for some people, it’s more fun to give it away at an auction.”
He nodded. “Depends on the people.”
She bit her lip and her expression changed. “Maybe.” She paused. “I still don’t understand why you got me the jewelry.”
“The blue topaz reminded me of your eyes,” he said.
He saw a hint of something deeper than desire flash through her eyes before she took a quick breath and looked away. “Oh.”
His gut twisted with a surprising instinct to pull her against him and kiss her. Take her. He swore under his breath.
She cleared her throat. “Well, you shouldn’t have, but it was very nice of you.”
“I surprised you,” he said. “You thought I was a selfish miser like Scrooge.”
“I never thought you were like Scrooge.” She paused and seemed to decide that she shouldn’t elaborate.
He would love to know what she was really thinking.
“Thank you again. I should go up to bed,” she said and paused. “I was wondering,” she began and abruptly stopped.
“Wondering what?”
“It’s really none of my business.”
“I won’t know if that’s true until you ask the question.”
“I was wondering,” she ventured. “Do you have any godchildren?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Why do you ask? Did someone mention that to you tonight?”
“At the auction?” she said. “Of course not.”
He tugged at his tie. “The truth is I have five godchildren.”
Her eyes rounded. “Omigoodness. So many.”
He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “I’m not expected to do any real parenting. I’m actually a co-godparent. The parents just want my financial management in case anything should happen to them. Along with the gifts and tuition,” he added.
“Gifts and tuition?” she echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion.
“They’re counting on me to provide a significant college fund.”
“For five children?” she said. “Isn’t that a bit much?”
“I’ve got it,” he said. “But I’ve started dodging the opportunity to add any more godchildren.”
“I can’t blame you for that. My goodness, no wonder you’re so cynical.”
“No need for flattery,” he said, chuckling at her assessment.
Her gaze softened. “But it is very generous of you to accept the responsibility.”
“Financial responsibility,” he corrected.
She gave a slow nod. “Whatever would you do if, for some unforeseen reason, you became the guardian of five children?”
“Boarding school,” he said.
Her face fell. “Oh. That’s why I’ll never sign your agreement for butter bean.”
“You don’t really have anyone in mind to be the guardian for your child, do you?” he asked.
She looked away. “I really am working on it.”
He touched her arm. “Lilli, tell me the truth.”
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