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Tonight: City of Sin / Shipwrecked
Tristan shook his head. “I’ll try to remember that when I’m stuck with the she-devil in Vegas.”
Drake blinked at him. Then blinked again. “You’re going to Vegas with her?”
“Yeah, to do recon for Bliss.”
A low roar of laughter spilled out of Drake. “Oh, man, this is going to be good.”
“Yeah, good for you. One of us is going to need a lawyer after we declare war on each other. It’s going to get crazy.”
“Maybe you try being nice to her.” Drake winked as he stood. “Might even throw her off her game. She’s been on the Bliss account before. She’s going to fight you hard for this one. You’ll need every advantage you can get.”
The one thing Drake didn’t know about Synthia was that she always fought to win, Bliss account or not. “Yeah, I’ll give it some thought.”
Tristan’s desk phone rang as his friend meandered out of his office. He answered with a brusque “Dawson.”
There was a brief pause and the hairs on the back of his neck stood. “Tristan, it’s your father.”
His stomach pitched. As if he couldn’t recognize the old man’s voice. “Dad...everything okay?” How long had it been since they’d seen each other? Six months maybe? Since his sister Tawny’s last birthday. And even then, they’d avoided each other and said as little as possible.
The old man cleared his throat. “Yes, everything is fine. I’m calling about Taylor’s congratulatory dinner for his promotion. It’s this weekend.”
Hell. Yet another reason to be a disappointment. “Sorry, Dad. Can’t make it. I’ll be out of town.”
“This is important, Tristan. Your brother just became a vice president. You can put off whatever vacation plans you have.”
Tristan gritted his teeth. “It’s for work, Dad.”
His father harrumphed. “Work? That place you go every day hardly qualifies as work.”
And there it was. It had taken less than a minute for his father to tell him that he wasn’t living up to his potential. “If this conversation is veering toward you telling me to come back and help run Dawson Incorporated, then we don’t have anything else to talk about. I have no desire to be an investment banker.”
“Why do you insist on being so stubborn? This is your legacy.”
“I would rather have something I earned. You taught me that all that money comes with strings I’d rather not have attached, so if this is you asking nicely, then I’m going to have to politely decline.”
“You are so irritatingly stubborn and childish. All I asked was that you heed my advice, and you walked away from this family.”
The knot of anger increased even as it grew tighter. “Is that how you remember it? I remember it differently.” When he’d told his father he didn’t want to work at the investment firm, the old man threatened to cut him off.
“Don’t act like a child. I can pull you home whenever I want. Do you really think that you’re insulated in your little job? If I want, I can come in and buy that place. You will have to learn eventually that I am in control. I can fight to get control of your trust fund.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Dad. We’re done.” Tristan hung up with a soft click of the phone. It didn’t matter how much his father got to him. The old man wasn’t his puppet master. He’d fought hard for his independence and he was going to keep it. And that meant landing this account. Even his father couldn’t ignore the prestige of the position. All he had to do was beat Syn for it.
* * *
“That man is a pain where the sun don’t shine. He’s insufferable and a jackass.”
“Don’t forget smoking hot, because let’s face it. He is.”
Synthia scowled at her best friend, Olivia Banks. She and Liv had been friends since they started at the company as interns over five years ago. Synthia could always count on her friend to give it to her straight. “Try to keep up, Liv. We hate him, remember?”
Liv put up her hands and laughed. “Oh, honey, I remember. He is our sworn enemy and we have to make him suffer. But that doesn’t preclude us noticing the assets on hand.” She waggled her eyebrows.
Syn rolled her eyes and plopped into her chair. “I swear, you’re almost as bad as he is.”
Liv clapped a hand to her chest. “Now, I take offense at that. I might ogle and appreciate, but I don’t use my...” She paused and reconsidered. “Okay, so maybe I’ve used my gifts for evil before, but Tristan Dawson takes it to a whole new level.”
Synthia bit back a chuckle. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
Liv grinned. “Funny, I’ve been told that before.”
Synthia let the tension roll out of her shoulders. “I swear, you should have seen his smug face. With his magnetic smile and his focused attention, Bella didn’t stand a chance. She was all fluttering eyelashes and breathy voice by the time Tristan freaking Dawson was done with her. She’d been Dawsoned.” Liv had coined the phrase when he started at the company two years ago to describe how most of the women in the company reacted when Tristan graced them with a smile. Except Syn.
“So, what are you going to do about it?”
Synthia raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think I’ve got a plan?”
“Because. This is you we’re talking about, so rolling over and playing dead is not in your nature. You’re too stubborn and good.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Liv, but I’m a little worried about this one.”
Liv frowned. “Why?”
“Because of Tristan. You know they’re sending us to Vegas. I just know he’s going to use this opportunity to his advantage. I’m getting the impression from Bella Bliss that she’s more interested in what Tristan can provide her in the bedroom than what I can provide her for the hotel.”
“Then why don’t you fight fire with fire?”
Syn frowned. “I don’t understand.”
“Hear me out. Tristan is already using his charm to his advantage. Your best traits are your brain and your tenacity, which you have in spades, but you have an ace in the hole.”
Syn laughed. “Oh, really? What’s this ace? Do I have a magic wand that will make Bella pay attention to the facts and figures when I present?”
“You can call it a magic wand, I’ll just call it your banging bod.”
Syn raised her eyebrows. “Um, I don’t think Bella’s into chicks, Liv.”
Liv shook her wild mane of red hair. “No. It can’t have escaped your notice how Tristan looks at you. There’s interest there.”
“Um, in case you haven’t noticed, we can barely stand to be in the same room with each other. It’ll be a wonder if we both make it back from Vegas in one piece.” She pointed a finger at her friend. “In case there’s any doubt, I’m the one who’ll be burying a body.”
Liv giggled. “Of that I have no doubt, but take me seriously. All you have to do is play nice with Tristan and he’ll be too busy focusing on you to focus on his work. You’ll have the whole thing in the bag before he knows what hit him.”
Flirt with Tristan? Yeah, no. Didn’t matter that the thought alone made the butterflies flutter low in her belly. “Not going to happen. I’m getting this account all on my own.”
Liv groaned. “Honey, I’m not suggesting you sleep with the guy, but if you do, please take detailed notes and let me live vicariously. I’m just saying throw him off his game a little. Right now he’s in there with his boy, planning your takedown. Do you or do you not remember the Boyd account?”
Syn ground her teeth. Boyd Seduction had been her account for over a year. But one chance encounter between Tristan and the lingerie designer’s CEO and Syn was off the account and out that bonus check. Her work was better than his, but there was a certain kind of client that liked his demeanor. That kind wanted to have a personal connection. And while she was hardworking and well liked, everyone loved Tristan. Except you.
“I can’t do it, Liv. Besides, don’t you think Tristan will see that coming from a mile away? He’s not dumb.”
Liv sighed. “Honey, the amount of time that man spends looking at you, he won’t be thinking at all.” She winked. “Besides, I’m just asking you to be nice, throw him off. Meanwhile, you’re getting together the best presentation Bella Bliss has ever seen.”
Okay, this was getting out of hand. “First of all, Tristan doesn’t look at me.” But just the idea of it made her body flush with heat. Tristan Dawson was the stuff of really hot, need-battery-operated-boyfriend inducing dreams. With his broad shoulders and teasing grin, it was no wonder.
Liv raised a delicately arched eyebrow. “Babe, if you believe that, then I have a bridge to sell you. What you have to ask yourself is, how badly do you want this account?”
She didn’t have to ask herself that question. She already knew she’d do whatever it took to get the Bliss account. Even if it meant cozying up to her nemesis.
Chapter 3
Three whole minutes into his trip with Synthia and Tristan was ready to call uncle.
By the time they boarded the plane, his nerves were raw. It’s only three days. Yeah, maybe, but he was pretty sure someone would catch a legal case before the weekend was up.
The car service had picked him up first, and when they’d gone to her house to get her, she already looked irritated to see him. Granted, he’d poked the dragon when he replied to her “Good morning” with “I’ve always wanted to see the natural habitat of an ice queen.” She’d rewarded him with a scowl. And so it had gone the rest of the way to the airport. Him teasing her, and her resolutely ignoring him while managing to shoot him daggers with her eyes.
He watched her struggle to stash her carry-on bag in the overhead bin for a moment before offering to help. Standing and leaning over her petite frame, he stabilized the bag.
“No, it’s okay, I really don’t need your help. I have it—”
The rollaway slipped again as a bottle of water escaped the side holder and rolled down the cabin. But then the bag gave way, bringing her body into direct contact with his, and they both froze.
He knew enough to hold his breath. The strawberry-scented hair product she used was enough to give him a hard-on for a week. He didn’t need to inhale that while he was in close proximity to her.
Syn wobbled in her heels and he placed his hands on her hips to steady her. Big mistake. Touching? What kind of idiot was he? But even though his brain gave the command, he didn’t let go. When he managed to force the words out, they tore from his chest. “You okay?”
She nodded but didn’t move for several breaths. Every sharp inhale brought her butt into tighter contact with his throbbing erection. Torture.
She turned in his arms, glancing at him from half-lowered lids. “Yeah, fine. Thanks.”
Something was wrong with this picture. Her pupils were dilated and her voice was breathy. Her tongue peaked out to moisten her lips and he bit back a groan, promptly letting go of her waist. She wanted him too.
* * *
Syn could ignore him. Hell, she would ignore him. It couldn’t be that hard. Never mind that she’d been locked in a flying tin can with him for the better part of an hour from Los Angeles to Vegas and his subtle musky cologne had started to weaken her defenses.
The blinding lights of the Strip dragged her focus from him as the limousine turned toward the hotel. “Wow.”
“You’re screwing with me.”
When she turned to face him again, Tristan was staring at her. “What?”
“You look like you’ve never seen the Strip before.”
She shrugged. “That’s because I haven’t.”
“How is it that a woman named Syn has never been to Vegas? Surely you’ve had some debauched girls’ weekend or something.”
She set her jaw. There wasn’t a lot of time for fun weekends when she had her sister to look after. “I’m always working. One of these days I’ll come just for fun.” Yeah, like when she didn’t have to worry about Xia’s tuition.
“It’s a shame. Even you have to have fun sometime.”
Her mouth dropped when they pulled up to the circular drive of the hotel. Decadence really had pulled out all the stops. The driver opened the door for them, and Synthia stared up, speechless. Thankfully her brain automatically shifted into work mode, and she turned on record on her phone so she could make impromptu notes as they went.
Behind her, Tristan chuckled. “I bet you were one of those nerdy girls who sat up front and took careful notes, weren’t you?” His breath whispered on the back of her neck and she shivered.
She gave him a bland smile over her shoulder. “I’m surprised you were ever in class long enough to notice them. Didn’t they excuse jocks from class in your college?”
He smirked. “I was Honor Society, actually.” Then he shrugged and added, “And quarterback.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course you were. Look, let’s just stay out of each other’s way while we’re here. I’m sure that will be easy enough. I’ll do my thing and you’ll do yours.”
“Fine by me, Princess. And if you need me for anything at all...” He slid his gaze over her, lighting little blazes everywhere his gaze landed. “Just look for where there are people having fun.”
“I won’t be looking for you.”
He smirked. “Sure you won’t.”
The gold-ribboned black marble reflected the light from the hanging chandeliers in the lobby. Synthia looked up and the crystal shimmered with rainbows of bounced light. Given the sheer number of guests for the grand opening, it should have felt crowded, but the lobby still seemed expansive, yet somehow warm. Greek gods of old were carved into the expansive pillars lining both sides of the lobby, and a massive statue sat in the center with an ornate water fountain surrounding it. Thanks to the lights in the fountain, the water appeared a deep burgundy color. As if mimicking wine. Maybe the center figure was supposed to be Bacchus, the god of wine and intoxication. She snuck a glance over at Tristan and he grinned. Of course. This was exactly his kind of place. There was an energy and a humming vibe of life that probably spoke to someone like him.
There were several sitting areas decorated with understated opulence. The furnishings were modern and simple, but the rugs were Aubusson and as decadent as the hotel’s name would suggest. The clientele was classy, wealthy. Clearly had money. But they were young. Tallying the average age of the guests milling around the lobby, she would have said no more than thirty-five. They were young with disposable income. These were not the young family types, though. More like young professionals looking to unwind.
Bella Bliss really had pulled out all the stops to get the lowdown on her competition. Syn and Tristan had VIP access to tonight’s opening of Excess Club and Lounge. Synthia had never been to Las Vegas before and even she had heard buzzing of the new, about-to-be-it bar. Rumor was tonight’s event was supposed to be star-studded with movie stars.
Synthia wasn’t usually one for parties, but she was actually looking forward to it. If she was lucky, she might have a celeb sighting. Xia would be pea green with envy. Not her thing, personally, but she told herself she owed it to her sister to at least try to enjoy the experience even though she was stuck with Tristan.
At the check-in desk, she handed over her ID. All she wanted was a hot bath and a chance to get to work in some peace and quiet. First things first, she’d ask for a tour of the rooms, then get a hold of the concierge and make nice. She already had her cover story. Looking for an upscale bachelorette weekend venue. That should get her access to all the ballrooms and conference rooms.
The pretty blonde behind the reception desk smiled at her warmly. “Welcome to Decadence. I hope you enjoy your stay here.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “I’m sure I will.”
From beside her, Tristan stared. “Is that a Synthia Michaels smile? I’ve heard tell of such a thing, but you know I’ve never experienced it for myself, you see.”
“I smile. Just not at you.”
He just laughed.
The blonde handed over her keys. “There are two keys in here for you and Mr. Dawson. If either of you should lose these, just come back to the front desk and we’ll replace them free of charge. Since your room is one of the penthouse suites, you’ll take the private elevator, located...”
Synthia blinked. “Wait a minute, did you say the keys for me and Mr. Dawson?”
The blonde nodded.
She shook her head vehemently. “Oh no, there must be some mistake.”
On this, she and Tristan were united. He dropped his voice low and leaned forward. The poor girl behind the counter didn’t have a chance. Synthia knew how hard it was to concentrate with those electric-blue eyes pinned on you. “Now, what did you say your name was again?”
The woman licked her lips. “It’s, um, it’s Lisa.”
He turned the charm up a notch. “Pretty name. Listen, I think there’s been a mistake, Lisa.” The way he said her name sounded husky and seductive and the poor girl flushed bright red.
Synthia barely managed to refrain from hitting him. After all, her future rested on his ability to flirt their way into two rooms.
Lisa gave a nervous smile. “I’m sorry, but you’re booked in the south-facing penthouse suite. It’s got a great view of the Strip.”
He frowned and leaned in even more as if they were conspirators and he didn’t want anyone hearing their conversation. “I think we’re supposed to have separate suites.”
Lisa shook her head, wavy locks swinging over the shoulders of her jacket “I’m sorry. I wish I could move you, but it’s opening weekend. We don’t have anything else available.”
Not happening. Synthia needed space from Tristan, not more alone time. Alone time was trouble. He’d already gotten a glimpse of her emotions when he looked into her eyes as he’d helped her with the suitcase. He’d known then. No doubt he’d use it to his advantage.
The idea was to throw him off his game. Not the other way around. This was her chance to shine with her work.
She snatched the key off the counter with a smile. “Thank you for your help, Lisa.” She strode away as quickly as her heels would carry her. Maybe Tristan would get another room. Maybe he’d find some rich heiress to shack up with. All she knew was she was taking the best bed and the bathroom.
It turned out she wasn’t that lucky, because he followed closely on her heels. “Going somewhere, roomie?”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Tristan. I thought you were headed for the fun. Some of us have to work.”
He slid into the elevator and swiped his key over the magnetic pad before pushing the sole button.
They both kept to their corners as they were carried up to their room. When the car dinged again, and the doors opened, Synthia froze. As the doors slid open, a gold and marble foyer presented itself. “Holy hell,” she whispered. Sure, she’d stayed at luxury hotels before, but the detailing was exquisite and there was a solitary sculpture located in the middle of the room that just screamed priceless.
Tristan whistled low. “Looks like Bliss wasn’t kidding about the VIP treatment.”
“I understand why it’s one suite now,” she muttered. The rest of the suite was decked with contemporary furnishings and modern art on the walls. The living room was the size of her whole apartment. Even the kitchen was extravagant. They had the latest appliances and the same marble from the foyer flowed into the kitchen detailing too.
On the far side of the living room, there was a large balcony with a pool view. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
At first he didn’t say anything, but she could feel him staring, so she met his gaze. He seemed puzzled.
“What?” She frowned.
He quickly shook his head. “Nothing. I’d never seen that look on your face before until today.”
“What look?”
“Wonder. It’s pretty stunning.”
With that simple statement, Synthia knew she was in more trouble than she’d bargained for.
Chapter 4
Synthia adjusted the cap sleeves of the black dress and studied herself in the mirror again. Not bad. She’d styled her hair down, adding big voluminous curls. It gave her a sultry look. Her earrings were understated diamond studs and she wore a simple diamond solitaire. As for the dress, it had a conservative scoop neckline but was also completely backless.
Once she and Tristan had settled in, she’d buckled into work while he went to check out the pool. She’d requested one of the staff to show her some of the other rooms and she’d managed to get some pictures. She’d also done a rate analysis of Decadence room packages. Now the two of them were due at the hotel’s swanky lounge.
But despite several attempts, she couldn’t open the door of her room and face him. It’s not like it’s a date. Be brave, Syn. He’s just a man. She could handle him. Just as Olivia said. But when she opened the door to the suite, Tristan was nowhere to be seen. The light in his bedroom was on, so she could only assume he’d come back at some point while she was working. Question was, was he still there, or had he already left? Without her? As quickly as the sting of rejection flared, she shut it down. It wasn’t as if they were here on some romantic getaway. She was here to work. She certainly couldn’t expect him to wait for her.
The balcony door was open and she couldn’t help a peek at the Strip. She’d secretly always been fascinated by this city even though she’d never been here. For all its garishness and debauchery, there was still something glamorous and exciting. It made her blood hum.
“Hot damn.” The muttered curse had her whirling around. Tristan, decked in an impeccable tuxedo, stood staring at her.
“What’s the matter?”
When he still didn’t say anything, she shifted uncomfortably. Maybe she should have brought something nicer. That was the problem with doing these types of events, finding something that didn’t label her as the impostor she was. But she hadn’t really owned anything ritzier for this party.
Tristan opened his mouth, shut it and then tried again. “N-nothing. You look...er...nice. You look nice.”
Syn studied him. He seemed sincere. But then you never did know with Tristan. He was too slick. Too practiced at the art of charm. And he looked too good in that tux. She tried to remind herself of what Olivia had said. Use some of his skills against him. Be charming, be nice to him. When it came to Tristan, she was far more practiced at sarcasm, but she would try nice for a change. “Thank you. You clean up pretty nice yourself.” He’d shaved and for the first time since she’d met him, his jaw was smooth. Her fingertips itched to touch his handsome face, but she wisely kept her hands to herself.
He did a little twirl and grinned. “This old thing?”
She couldn’t help laughing. When she did, he stopped and stared at her again, his gaze intense. “You should laugh more often.”
Well, what exactly was she supposed to say to that? “Well, I laugh when I find something funny. And right now your catwalk chic coupled with your Blue Steel expression is pretty funny.”
His voice pitched lower. “So, what do you say, Syn? Want to go to a party?”
* * *
Tristan knew how to handle women. He’d been doing it all his life, but when it came to Syn, he immediately morphed into a gawky teenager with bumbling hands and fumbled words. But tonight was especially bad.
That backless number by far was the sexiest dress at the party. Oh, sure, some voluptuous women were showing more skin or their attire was so elaborate that her dress seemed simple in comparison, but when she turned around, everybody stared. The fabric skimmed low and stopped just at the top of the curve of her gorgeous ass, tantalizing him to touch it.
Her back was strong, as evident by the sleek muscle on display, but she was also soft. Half the night he wanted to reach out and skim her spine with his finger. Would she shiver? Would her pupils dilate as they had done on the plane? Would she part her lips for him?
Earth to Tristan. Get a grip.
Silently he searched the crowd further and found her on the balcony, a glass of champagne in her hand. Every time he looked up and found her, she was alone. When he’d seen her standing in their suite with the moonlight bringing out the highlights in her hair, she’d looked like an angel. A sexy angel sent to drive him insane.