Полная версия
The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow
“That was a friend of a friend.”
Ellen didn’t respond. Somehow she didn’t believe him. And she resented the fact that he’d ignored the most basic of courtesies and left her standing on the sidewalk alone, while he spoke with a friend. The way he’d acted, anyone would assume Reed didn’t want the man to know Ellen was with him. That hurt. Fifteen minutes earlier she’d been soaring with happiness at his unexpected invitation to the Christmas party, and now she was consumed with doubt and bitterness. Perhaps this Dailey was a friend of Danielle’s and Reed didn’t want the other woman to know he was out with Ellen. But that didn’t really sound like Reed.
Once inside the cinema, Reed bought a huge bucket of buttered popcorn. They located good seats, despite the crowd, and sat down, neither of them speaking. As the lights went down, Reed placed his hand on the back of her neck.
Ellen stiffened. “Are you sure you want to do that?”
“Touch me. Someone you know might recognize you.”
“Ellen, listen...”
The credits started to roll on the huge screen and she shook her head, not wanting to hear any of his excuses.
But maintaining her bad mood was impossible with the comedy that played out before them. Unable to stop herself, Ellen laughed until tears formed in her eyes; she was clutching her stomach because it hurt from laughing. Reed seemed just as amused as she was, and a couple of times during the film, their smiling gazes met. Before she knew it, Reed was holding her hand and she didn’t resist when he draped his arm over her shoulders.
Afterward, as they strolled outside, he tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. “I told you a movie would make you feel better.”
It had and it hadn’t. Yes, she’d needed the break, but Reed’s behavior outside the cinema earlier had revived the insecurities she was trying so hard to suppress. She knew she wasn’t nearly as beautiful or sophisticated as Danielle.
“You do feel better?” His finger lifted her chin to study her eyes.
There was no denying that the film had been wonderful. “I haven’t laughed so hard in ages,” she told him, smiling.
* * *
FRIDAY NIGHT, ELLEN wore her most elaborate outfit—slim black velvet pants and a silver lamé top. She’d spent hours debating whether an evening gown would have been more appropriate, but had finally decided on the pants. Examining herself from every direction in the full-length mirror that hung from her closet door, Ellen released a pent-up breath and closed her eyes. This one night, she wanted everything to be perfect. Her heels felt a little uncomfortable, but she’d get used to them. She rarely had any reason to wear heels. She’d chosen them now because Reed had said there’d be dancing and she wanted to adjust her height to his.
By the time she reached the foot of the stairs, Reed was waiting for her. His eyes softened as he looked at her. “You’re lovely.”
“Oh, Reed, are you sure? I don’t mind changing if you’d rather I wear something else.”
His eyes held hers for a long moment. “I don’t want you to change a thing.”
“Hey, Ellen.” Derek burst out of the kitchen, and stopped abruptly. “Wow.” For an instant he looked as though he’d lost his breath. “Hey, guys,” he called eagerly. “Come and see Ellen.”
The other two joined Derek. “You look like a movie star,” Pat breathed.
Monte closed his mouth and opened it again. “You’re pretty.”
“Don’t sound so shocked.”
“It’s just that we’ve never seen you dressed...like this,” Pat mumbled.
“Are you going out with Charlie?”
Ellen glanced at Reed, suddenly unsure. She hadn’t dated Charlie in weeks. She hadn’t wanted to.
“She’s going out with me,” Reed explained in an even voice that didn’t invite comment.
“With you? Where?” Derek’s eyes got that mischievous twinkle Ellen recognized immediately.
“A party.”
“What about—” He stopped suddenly, swallowing several times.
“You had a comment?” Reed lifted his eyebrows.
“I thought I was going to say something,” Derek muttered, clearly embarrassed, “but then I realized I wasn’t.”
Hiding a smile, Reed held Ellen’s coat for her.
She slipped her arms into the satin-lined sleeves and reached for her beaded bag. “Good night, guys, and don’t wait up.”
“Right.” Monte raised his index finger. “We won’t wait up.”
Derek took a step forward. “Should I say anything to someone...anyone...in case either of you gets a phone call?”
“Try hello,” Reed answered, shaking his head.
“Right.” Derek stuck his hand in his jeans pocket. “Have a good time.”
“We intend to.”
Ellen managed to hold back her laughter until they were on the front porch. But when the door clicked shut the giggles escaped and she pressed a hand to her mouth. “Derek thought he was going to say something.”
“Then he realized he wasn’t,” Reed finished for her, chuckling. His hand at her elbow guided her down the steps. “They’re right about one thing. You do look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, but I hadn’t expected it to be such a shock.”
“The problem is, the boys are used to seeing you as a substitute mother. It’s suddenly dawned on them what an attractive woman you are.”
“And how was it you noticed?”
“The day I arrived and found you in my kitchen wearing only a bra, I knew.”
“I was wearing more than that,” she argued.
“Maybe, but at the time that was all I saw.” He stroked her cheek with the tip of his finger, then tucked her arm in his.
Ellen felt a warm contentment as Reed led her to the sports car. This was the first time she’d been inside, and the significance of that seemed unmistakable. She sensed that somewhere in the past two weeks Reed had made an unconscious decision about their relationship. Maybe she was being silly in judging the strength of their bond by what car he chose to drive. And maybe not. Reed was escorting her to this party in his Porsche because he viewed her in a new light. He saw her now as a beautiful, alluring woman—no longer as the college student who seemed capable of mastering everything but algebra.
The Space Needle came into view as Reed pulled onto Denny Street. The world-famous Needle, which had been built for the 1962 World’s Fair, rose 605 feet above the Seattle skyline. Ellen had taken the trip up to the observation deck only once and she’d been thrilled at the unobstructed view of the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges. Looking out at the unspoiled beauty of Puget Sound, she’d understood immediately why Seattle was described as one of the world’s most livable cities.
For this evening, Reed explained, his office had booked the convention rooms on the hundred-foot level of the Needle. The banquet facilities had been an addition, and Ellen wondered what sort of view would be available.
As Reed stopped in front of the Needle, a valet appeared, opening Ellen’s door and offering her his gloved hand. She climbed as gracefully as she could from the low-built vehicle. Her smile felt a little strained, and she took a deep breath to dispel the gathering tension. She wanted everything about the evening to be perfect; she longed for Reed to be proud of her, to feel that she belonged in his life—and in his world.
Her curiosity about the view was answered as soon as they stepped from the elevator into the large room. She glanced at the darkened sky that resembled folds of black velvet, sprinkled with glittering gems. When she had a chance she’d walk over toward the windows. For now, she was more concerned with fitting into Reed’s circle and being accepted by his friends and colleagues.
Bracing herself for the inevitable round of introductions, she scanned the crowd for the man she’d seen outside the cinema. He didn’t seem to be at the party and Ellen breathed easier. If Dailey was there, he would surely make a comment about seeing her with Reed that night, and she wouldn’t know how to respond.
As they made their way through the large room, several people called out to Reed. When he introduced Ellen, two or three of them appeared to have trouble concealing their surprise that he wasn’t with Danielle. But no one mentioned Danielle and they all seemed to accept Ellen freely, although a couple of people gave her curious looks. Eventually, Ellen relaxed and smiled up at Reed.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, his voice tender.
“Not at all.”
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Wine okay?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Ellen watched Reed cross the room toward the bar. She was absurdly proud of him and made no attempt to disguise her feelings when he returned to her, carrying two glasses of white wine.
“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” he murmured, handing her a glass.
“Why?” she teased, her eyes sparkling. “Does it embarrass you?”
“No. It makes me wish I could ignore everyone in this room and kiss you right this minute.” A slow, almost boyish grin spread across his features.
“That would certainly cause quite a commotion.”
“But not half the commotion it would cause if they knew what else I was thinking.”
“Oh?” She hid a smile by taking another sip of wine.
“Are we back to that word again?”
“Just what do you have in mind?”
He dipped his head so that he appeared to be whispering something in her ear, although actually his lips brushed her face. “I’ll show you later.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
They stood together, listening to the music and the laughter. Ellen found it curious that he’d introduced her to so few people and then only to those who’d approached him. But she dismissed her qualms as petty and, worse, paranoid. After all, she told herself, she was here to be with Reed, not to make small talk with his friends.
He finished his drink and suggested another. While he returned to the bar for refills, Ellen wandered through the crowd, walking over to the windows for a glimpse of the magnificent view. But as she moved, she kept her gaze trained on Reed.
A group of men stopped him before he could reach the bar. His head was inclined toward them, and he seemed to be giving them his rapt attention. Yet periodically his eyes would flicker through the crowd, searching for her. When he located her by the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he smiled as though he felt relieved. With an abruptness that bordered on rudeness, he excused himself from the group and strolled in her direction.
“I didn’t see where you’d gone.”
“I wasn’t about to leave you,” she told him. Turning, she faced the window, watching the lights of the ferry boats gliding across the dark green waters of Puget Sound.
His hands rested on her shoulders and Ellen leaned back against him, warmed by his nearness. “It’s lovely from up here.”
“Exquisite,” he agreed, his mouth close to her ear. “But I’m not talking about the view.” His hands slid lazily down her arms. “Dance with me,” he said, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.
Ellen walked obediently into his arms, loving the feel of being close to Reed. She pressed her cheek against the smooth fabric of his jacket as they swayed gently to the slow, dreamy music.
“I don’t normally do a lot of dancing,” he whispered.
Ellen wouldn’t have guessed that. He moved with confident grace, and she assumed he’d escorted Danielle around a dance floor more than once. At the thought of the other woman, Ellen grew uneasy, but she forced her tense body to relax. Reed had chosen to bring her, and not Danielle, to this party. That had to mean something—something exciting.
“Dancing was just an excuse to hold you.”
“You don’t need an excuse,” she whispered.
“In a room full of people, I do.”
“Shall we wish them away?” She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his hard, lithe body against her own.
He maneuvered them into the darkest corner of the dance floor and immediately claimed her mouth in a kiss that sent her world spinning into orbit.
Mindless of where they were, Ellen arched upward, Reed responded by sliding his hands down her back, down to her hips, drawing her even closer.
He dragged his mouth across her cheek. “I’m sorry we came.”
“I don’t want to waste time with all these people around. We’re hardly ever alone. I want you, Ellen.”
His honest, straightforward statement sent the fire roaring through her veins. “I know. I want you, too.” Her voice was unsteady. “But it’s a good thing we aren’t alone very often.” At the rate things were progressing between them, Ellen felt relieved that the boys were at the house. Otherwise—
“Hey, Reed.” A friendly voice boomed out a few feet away. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”
Reed stiffened and for a moment Ellen wondered if he was going to pretend he hadn’t heard. He looked at her through half-closed eyes, and she grinned up at him, mutely telling him she didn’t mind. Their private world couldn’t last forever. She knew that. They were at a party, an office party, and Reed was expected to mingle with his colleagues.
“Hello, Ralph.” Reed’s arm slid around Ellen’s waist, keeping her close.
“Hello there.” But Ralph wasn’t watching Reed. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Ellen Cunningham, Ralph Forester.”
Ralph extended his hand and held Ellen’s in both of his for a long moment. His eyes were frankly admiring.
“I don’t suppose you’d let me steal this beauty away for a dance, would you?” Although the question was directed at Reed, Ralph didn’t take his eyes from Ellen. “Leave it to you to be with the most beautiful woman here,” the other man teased. “You sure do attract them.”
Reed’s hand tightened around Ellen. “Ellen?” He left the choice to her.
“I don’t mind.” She glanced at Reed and noted that his expression was carefully blank. But she knew him too well to be fooled. She could see that his jaw was rigid with tension and that his eyes showed annoyance at the other man’s intrusion. Gradually he lowered his arm, releasing her.
Ralph stepped forward and claimed Ellen’s hand, leading her onto the dance floor.
She swallowed as she placed her left hand on his shoulder and her right hand in his. Wordlessly they moved to the soft music. But when Ralph tried to bring her closer, Ellen resisted.
“Have you known Reed long?” Ralph asked, his hand trailing sensuously up and down her back.
She tensed. “Several months now.” Despite her efforts to keep her voice even and controlled, she sounded slightly breathless.
“How’d you meet?”
“Through his brother.” The less said about their living arrangements, the better. Ellen could just guess what Ralph would say if he knew they were living in the same house. “Do you two work together?”
“For the last six years.”
They whirled around, and Ellen caught a glimpse of Reed standing against the opposite wall, studying them like a hawk zeroing in on its prey. Ralph apparently noticed him, as well.
“I don’t think Reed was all that anxious to have you dance with me.”
Ellen merely shrugged.
Ralph chortled gleefully, obviously enjoying Reed’s reaction. “Not if the looks he’s giving me are any indication. I can’t believe it. Reed Morgan is jealous,” he said with another chuckle, leading her out of Reed’s sight and into the dimly lit center of the floor.
“I’m sure you’re mistaken.”
“Well, look at him.”
All Ellen could see was Reed peering suspiciously at them across the crowded dance floor.
“This is too good to be true,” Ralph murmured.
“What do you mean?”
“There isn’t a woman in our department who wouldn’t give her eyeteeth to go out with Reed.”
Ellen was shocked, yet somehow unsurprised. “Oh?”
“Half the women are in love with him and he ignores them. He’s friendly, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all business. Every time a single woman gets transferred into our area it takes her a week, maybe two, to fall for Reed. The rest of us guys just stand back and shake our heads. But with Reed otherwise occupied, we might have a chance.”
“He is wonderful,” Ellen admitted, managing to keep a courteous smile on her face. What Ralph was describing sounded so much like her own feelings that she couldn’t doubt the truth of what he said.
Ralph arched his brows and studied her. “You too?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“What’s this guy got?” He sighed expressively, shaking his head. “Can we bottle it?”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think so,” Ellen responded lightly, liking Ralph more. His approach might have been a bit overpowering at first, but he was honest and compelling in his own right. “I don’t imagine you have much trouble attracting women.”
“As long as I don’t bring them around Reed, I’m fine.” A smile swept his face. “The best thing that could happen would be if he got married. I don’t suppose that’s in the offing between you two?”
He was so blithely serious that Ellen laughed. “Sorry.”
“You’re sure?”
Ralph was probably thinking of some rumor he’d heard about Danielle. “There’s another woman he’s seeing. They’ve known each other for a long time and apparently, they’re quite serious,” she explained, keeping her voice calmly detached.
“I don’t believe it,” Ralph countered, frowning. “Reed wouldn’t be tossing daggers at my back if he was involved with someone else. One thing I suspect about this guy, he’s a one-woman man.”
Ellen closed her eyes, trying to shut out the pain. She didn’t know what to believe about Reed anymore. All she could do was hold on to the moment. Wasn’t that what she’d told him earlier—that they’d have to take things day by day? She was the one who hadn’t wanted to talk about Danielle. In any case, she didn’t want to read too much into his actions. She couldn’t. She was on the brink of falling in love with him...if she hadn’t already. To allow herself to think he might feel the same way was asking for trouble. For heartbreak.
The music ended and Ralph gently let her go. “I’d better return you to Reed or he’s likely to come after me.”
“Thank you for...everything.”
“You’re welcome, Ellen.” With one hand at her waist, he steered her toward Reed.
They were within a few feet of him when Danielle suddenly appeared. She seemed to have come out of nowhere. “Reed!” She was laughing delightedly, flinging herself into his arms and kissing him intimately. “Oh, darling, you’re so right. Being together is more important than any ski trip. I’m so sorry. Will you forgive me?”
“ELLEN,” RALPH ASKED. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she lied.
“Sure you are,” he mocked, sliding his arm around her waist and guiding her back to the dance floor. “I take it the blonde is Woman Number One?”
“You got it.” The anger was beginning to build inside her. “Beautiful, too, you’ll notice.”
“Well, you aren’t exactly chopped liver.”
She gave a small, mirthless laugh. “Nice of you to say so, but by comparison, I come in a poor second.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Then why can’t you take your eyes off Danielle?”
“Danielle. Hmm.” He looked away from the other woman and stared blankly into Ellen’s face. “Sorry.” For her part, Ellen instinctively turned her back on Reed, unable to bear the sight of him holding and kissing another woman.
“Someone must have got their wires crossed.”
“Like me,” Ellen muttered. She’d been an idiot to assume that Reed had meant anything by his invitation. He’d just needed someone to take to this party, and his first choice hadn’t been available. She was a substitute, and a second-rate one at that.
“What do you want to do?”
Ellen frowned, her thoughts fragmented. “I don’t know yet. Give me a minute to think.”
“You two could always fight for him.”
“The stronger woman takes the spoils? No, thanks.” Despite herself she laughed. It certainly would’ve created a diversion at this formal, rather staid party.
Craning his neck, Ralph peered over at the other couple. “Reed doesn’t seem too pleased to see her.”
“I can imagine. The situation’s put him in a bit of a bind.”
“I admit it’s unpleasant for you, but, otherwise, I’m enjoying this immensely.”
Who wouldn’t? The scene was just short of comical. “I thought you said Reed was a one-woman man.”
“I guess I stand corrected.”
Ellen was making a few corrections herself, revising some cherished ideas about Reed Morgan.
“I don’t suppose you’d consider staying with me for the rest of the evening?” Ralph suggested hopefully.
“Consider it? I’d say it’s the best offer I’ve had in weeks.” She might feel like a fool, but she didn’t plan to hang around looking like one.
Ralph nudged her and bent his head to whisper in her ear. “Reed’s staring at us. And like I said, he doesn’t seem pleased.”
With a determination born of anger and pride, she forced a smile to her lips and gazed adoringly up at Ralph. “How am I doing?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.
“Wonderful, wonderful.” He swung her energetically around to the beat of the music. “Uh-oh, here he comes.”
Reed weaved his way through the dancing couples and tapped Ralph on the shoulder. “I’m cutting in.”
Ellen tightened her grip on Reed’s colleague, silently pleading with him to stay. “Sorry, buddy, but Ellen’s with me now that your lady friend has arrived.”
“Ellen?” Reed’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her intently. The other couples were dancing around them and curiously watching the party of three that had formed in the center of the room.
She couldn’t remember ever seeing anyone look more furious than Reed did at this moment. “Maybe I’d better leave,” she said in a low, faltering voice.
“I’ll take you home,” Ralph offered, dropping his hand to her waist.
“You came with me. You’ll leave with me.” Reed grasped her hand, pulling her toward him.
“Obviously you were making provisions,” Ellen said, “on the off-chance Danielle showed up. How else did she get in here?”
“How am I supposed to know? She probably told the manager she was with me.”
“And apparently she is,” Ellen hissed.
“Maybe Reed and I should wrestle to decide the winner,” Ralph suggested, glancing at Ellen and sharing a comical grin.
Obviously, Reed saw no humor in the situation. Anger darkened his handsome face, and a muscle twitched in his jaw as the tight rein on his patience slipped.
Ralph withdrew his hand. “Go ahead and dance. It’s obvious you two have a lot to talk about.”
Reed took Ellen in his arms. “I suppose you’re furious,” he muttered.
“Have I got anything to be angry about?” she asked calmly. Now that the initial shock had worn off, she felt somewhat distanced from the whole predicament.
“Of course you do. But I want a chance to explain.”
“Don’t bother. I’ve got the picture.”
“I’m sure you don’t.”
Ellen stubbornly refused to look up at him, resisting for as long as she could, but eventually she gave in. “It doesn’t matter. Ralph said he’d take me home and—”
“I’ve already made my feelings on that subject quite clear.”
“Listen, Reed. Your Porsche seats two. Is Danielle supposed to sit on my lap?”
“She came uninvited. Let her find her own way home.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I certainly do.”
“You can’t humiliate Danielle like that.” Ellen didn’t mention how she felt. What was the point? “Don’t—”
“She deserves it,” he broke in.
“Reed, no.” Her hold on his forearm tightened. “This is unpleasant enough for all of us. Don’t compound it.”
The song ended and the music faded from the room. Reed fastened his hand on Ellen’s elbow, guiding her across the floor to where Danielle was standing with Ralph. The two of them were sipping champagne.
“Hello again,” Ellen began amicably, doing her utmost to appear friendly, trying to smooth over an already awkward situation.