Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850
Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850полная версия

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Notes and Queries, Number 52, October 26, 1850

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"That the text is corrupt, I am sure; and I think Dr. Farmer's substitution of mimicking malhecco, a most unlucky attempt at emendation. In the old copies it is munching malicho, in which we find traces of the true reading, mucho malhecho, much mischief.

"'Marry, mucho malhécho—it means mischief.'"—Fraser's Magazine, Dec. 1839, p. 654.

J. M. B.



My query as to the authorship of The Adventures of Gaudentio di Lucca has drawn so satisfactory a reply from your correspondents (whom I beg to thank most heartily for the information they have communicated), that I am induced to ask you to aid me in ascertaining the authorships of the following works of which I have copies:—

"Histoire de l'Inquisition et son Origine. A Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau, M.DC.XCIII." 1 vol. 12mo.

Is this the same work as that mentioned in Watt's Bib. Brit. as—

"The History of the Inquisition and its Origin, by James Marsollier, 1693." 12mo.?

I have often searched for a copy of this work in English, but have never found it. Was it ever translated into English?

"L'Inquisizione processata opera storica e curiosa, Divisa in due Tomi. In Colonia Appresso Paulo della Tenaglia, M.DC.LXXXI."

I should like to know something of the authorship of these volumes, and of the circumstances under which they were published.

"The Slaughter-House, or a brief description of the Spanish Inquisition, &c., gathered together by the pains and study of James Salgado." N.D.

The biographical dictionaries within my reach give no account of Salgado. Who was he?

"Historia Persecutionium Ecclesiæ Bohemicæ jam inde à primordiis Conversionis suæ ad Christianismum hoc est, 894, ad annum usque 1632, Ferdinando Secundo Austriaco regnante, &c., anno Domini M D CXLVIII." 1 vol. 32mo.

I have an English translation of this small work, published in 1650. Can any of your readers inform me who were the authors? (The preface concludes, "In our banishment in the year 1632. N. N. N., &c.")


Liverpool, October, 1850.

Minor Queries

Osnaburg Bishopric.—Can any of your correspondents inform me who succeeded the late Duke of York as Bishop of Osnaburg? how the Duke of York attained it? and whether there were any ecclesiastical duties attached to it? or whether the appointment was a lay one?

B. M.

Meaning of "Farlief".—May I ask for a definition of the word "farlief", used in Devonshire to designate some service or payment to the lord of the manor by his copyholders, apparently analogous to the old feudal "relief"?

V. J. S.

Margaret Dyneley.—In Stanford Dingley Church, Berkshire, there is a "brass" of Margaret Dyneley, from whose family, I presume, the parish has received its appellation of Dingley. As, however, I have not yet succeeded in obtaining any account as to this lady or her ancestors, I should feel obliged by any information which your learned correspondents only be able to afford.

J. H. K.

Tristan d'Acunha.—Cosmopolite will be glad to have references to any authentic sources of information respecting the island of Tristan d'Acunha.

Production of Fire by Friction.—In most of the accounts written by persons who have visited the South Sea Islands, we meet with descriptions of the method adopted by the natives to produce fire by the rapid attrition of two bits of wood. Now I wish to ask whether any person has ever seen the same effect produced in this country by similar means? If not, to what cause is the difficulty—if such difficulty really exists—attributable?

Does it depend upon the nature of the wood used, the condition of the atmosphere, or the dexterity of the operator? I have not quoted any particular passages, as they are sufficiently familiar to readers of voyages and travels in the South Sea hemisphere; and although they exhibit some diversity in the modus operandi, the principle involved is essentially the same in each mode. I need scarcely add, that I am of course well aware of the means by which, whether by accident or design, heat is ordinarily generated by friction in this country.



Murderer hanged when pardoned.—I have a copy of the Protestant's Almanack for 1680, full of MS. notes of the period, written by one of the Crew family. Among other matter it states:

"A man was hung for a murder in Southwark (I think), notwithstanding the king's pardon had been obtained for him, and he actually had it in his pocket at the time."

Will some kind friend oblige me with further information of this case, or tell me where I may obtain it?


Burke, Passage from.—The following passage is quoted as a motto from Burke:—

"The swarthy daughters of Cadmus may hang their trophies on high, for when all the pride of the chisel and the pomp of heraldry yield to the silent touches of time, a single line, a half worn-out inscription, remain faithful to their trust."

In what composition of Burke's is it to be found?


Licensing of Books.—Can any of your readers inform me what was the law in 1665 relative to the licensing of books? also when it was introduced (or revived), and when modified? I find in a manual of devotion printed in that year the following page, after the preface:—

"I have perused this book, and finding nothing in it but what may tend to the increase of private devotion and piety, I recommend it to my Lord the Bishop of London for his licence to have it printed."

Jo. Duresme."Imprimatur:Tho. Grigg, R. P. D. Hamff.Ep. Lond. a Sac. Dom.Ex Ædibus, Lond.Mart. 28. 1665."R. N.

Captain John Stevens.—I should be glad to learn some account of Capt. John Stevens, the continuator of Dugdale's Monasticon in 1722. He is generally considered to have edited the English abridgment of the Monasticon, in one vol. 1718, though a passage in Thoresby's Diary mentions that it contained "some reflections upon the Reformation, which the Spanish Priest, who is said to be translator and abridger of the three Latin volumes, would not omit."

A note by the editor of Thoresby's Diary says that—

"Mr. Gough was uncertain by whom this Translation and Abridgment was prepared. He supposed that it was done by Captain Stevens, the author, or rather compiler of a valuable, Supplement to the Monasticon, in which he was assisted by Thoresby."

J. T. A.

Le Bon Gendarme.—Close to the boundary stone which separates the parishes of Fulham and Hammersmith, and facing the lane which leads to Brook Green, on the Hammersmith Road, is a way-side public-house, known as "The Black Bull." So late as three months ago, in addition to the sign of the Black Bull, there was painted over the door, but somewhat high up, a worn-out inscription, "Le Bon Gendarme," as if that had originally been the name of the inn. These words have been lately effaced altogether: but as they no doubt relate to some circumstance or adventure which had happened in or near to the place, perhaps some reader of the "Notes and Queries" will have the goodness to satisfy the curiosity of one who has asked at the inn in vain for a solution.

U. U. C.

University Club.



The variation in the first stanza of Fairfax's Godfrey of Bulloigne has been long known to bibliographers, and was pointed out in The Critical Review more than thirty years ago. I cannot fix on the particular number, but it contained a long notice of the version of Tasso by Fairfax, and the very stanzas extracted by T. N. The translator could not please himself with the outset of his undertaking, and hence the recorded substitution; but it is not known that he carried his fastidiousness so far as to furnish a third version of the first stanza, as well as of the "Argument" of the introductory canto, differing from both the others. In the instance pointed out by T. N. the substitution was effected by pasting the approved stanza over the disapproved stanza; but the third version was given by reprinting the whole leaf, which contains other variations of typography, besides such as it was thought necessary to make in the first stanza.

I formerly had copies of the book, dated 1600, including all three variations; but the late Mr. Wordsworth having one day looked particularly at that with the reprinted leaf, and expressing a strong wish to possess it, I gave it to him, and I presume that it remained in his library at his death. What I speak of happened full twenty years ago.

The Critical Review of the date I refer to (I am pretty confident that it was of the early part of 1817) contained a good deal of information regarding Fairfax and his productions; but it did not mention one fact of importance to show the early estimation and popularity of his translation of the Gerusalemme Liberata, viz., that although it was published in 1600, it is repeatedly quoted in England's Parnassus, printed in the same year, and containing extracts, as most people are aware, from all the distinguished poets of that day, and somewhat earlier. This circumstance ascertains also that Fairfax's Tasso came out before England's Parnassus, although both bear the date of 1600 on the title-pages.

The Hermit of Holyport.

Fairfax's Tasso.—In my copy of the second edition, 1624, the first stanza of the first book is given precisely as in Mr. Knight's reprint. But in the very beautiful edition published by Bensley, 1817, and edited by Mr. Singer, that stanza which T. N. terms an "elegant variation," introduces the canto. The editor's preface states that the first edition, 1600, had been followed in that re-impression, "admitting some few corrections of errors, and emendations of orthography, from the second, I printed in 1624." Of this second edition it is remarked that "it appears to have been revised by some careful corrector of the press; yet nothing material is changed but the orthography of particular words." No notice is taken of the difference between the first stanza of the second edition, and that of the first edition, identical with the cancel in T. N.'s copy. Possibly, both the copies of these two editions, which happened to come under the editor's notice, had this cancel, and so presented no variation from each other. If, however, all the copies of the second edition contained the stanza as given by Mr. Knight, and Mr. Singer's opinion (drawn from the dedicatory verses to Prince Charles, prefixed to some copies of the second edition) that this edition was seen, and probably corrected, by the author, be well-founded, it would seem to follow that Fairfax finally preferred the stanza in this its first and later state, and as it appears in Mr. Knight's edition. If the "cancel-slip" be an "elegant" variation, may not the original stanza be regarded as more vigorous?

G. A. S.

Fairfax's Tasso.—In the elegant edition published by Mr. Singer in 1817, the first stanza is printed according to the variation noticed by your correspondent T. N. (Vol. ii., p. 325.), "I sing the warre," &c., and the original stanza is printed at the end of the first book, with a note stating that the pasted slip is found "in most copies" of the first edition. My copy contains no such peculiarity, but it is of course possible that the pasted slip may have been removed. The second edition (folio, London, 1624) has the stanza in the form in which it originally stood in the first, beginning "The sacred armies," &c.

J. F. M


(Vol. ii., p. 310.)

Your correspondent D. asks whether the word ale-draper was ever in "good use." The only place in which I can find it is Bailey's Dictionary, where it occurs thus:

"Ale-draper (a humorous name), a seller of malt liquors; an alehouse-keeper or victualler."

The humour, I suppose, consists in applying to one kind of occupation that which was commonly given to another; in taking draper from the service of cloth, and pressing it by force into that of ale. That it was ever considered as a word of respectable standing, can hardly be imagined. In such writers as Tom Brown it is most likely to occur.

1. With reference to Eugene Aram, D.'s remark about the over-ingeniousness of his defence has been anticipated by Paley, who was present at the trial, and said that Aram would not have been hanged had he less studiously defended himself. That laboured address to the jury must have employed his thoughts for years. I should like very much to know whether anyone has ever attempted to verify the references which he gives to the cases in which he says that bones have been found. The style of the speech has been much praised, but is surely not very surprising when it is considered that Johnson had previously written the Rambler. The composition wants ease.

2. Ever since I began to read about Eugene Aram, and that is some years ago, I have had a settled opinion that his attainments, and perhaps his abilities, had been greatly overrated. He was doubtless a man of considerable mental powers; but we cannot but suspect that had he acquired all the learning which is attributed to him, he would have attracted more notice than it was his fortune to obtain.

3. Mr. Scatchard's attempts, and all other attempts, to clear him from "blood-guilty stain," must be equally futile, for he himself confessed his guilt while he was in prison.

Some time ago, a dozen years or more, there appeared in the Literary Gazette, as a communication from a correspondent, an anecdote concerning Aram, which well deserves to be repeated. During the time that he was in the school of Lynn, it was the custom for the head-master, at the termination of every half-year, to invite the parents of the boys to an entertainment, and all who accepted the invitation were expected to bring with them the money due on account of their sons, which, postquam exempta fames epulis, they paid into the head-master's hands. The master would thus retire to rest with a considerable sum in his possession. On one of these occasions, after he had gone to his chamber and supposed that all the family were in bed, he heard a noise in a passage not far distant, and, going out to see what was the cause of it, found Aram groping about in the dark, who, on being asked what he wanted, said that he had been obliged to leave his room on a necessary occasion, and had missed his way to the place which he sought. The passage was not one into which he was likely to wander by mistake, but the master accepted his excuse, and thought no more of the matter till Aram was arrested for the robbery and murder of Clarke, when he immediately recollected the circumstance, and suspected that he had intended on that night to commit another robbery or murder. I have not the number of the Literary Gazette in which this statement was given to refer to, but I am sure that I have repeated the substance of it correctly, and remember that it was inserted as being worthy of credit. It is another illustration of the fact that the nature of a man is unchangeable.

Bulwer's novel, which elevates Aram from a school-assistant into a private gentleman, may have pleased those, if there were such, who knew nothing of Arum's acts before they began to read it. But all who knew what Aram was, must be disgusted at the threshold. I regarded the book, at the time of its appearance, as one of the most presumptuous falsifications of biography that had ever been attempted. It is not easy to see why Bulwer might not have made an equally interesting story, if he had kept Aram in his proper station.

J. S. W.



Permit me to make a few remarks on the word gradely:—

1. It seems to have no connexion with the Latin noun gradus, Angl. grade, step.

2. Its first syllable, grade, is both a substantive and an adjective; and gradely itself both adjective and adverb, as weakly, sickly, godly, &c.

3. It is not confined to Lancashire or to England, but appears in Scotland as graith (ready), graith (furniture); whence graithly (readily), to graith, grathe, or graid (prepare), &c. See Jamieson's Sc. Dict. and Supplement.

4. It is in fact the Anglo-Saxon gerad, which is both substantive and adjective. As a substantive it means condition, arrangement, plan, reason, &c. As an adjective, it means prudent, well-prepared, expert, exact, &c. The ge (Gothic ga) is merely the intensive prefix; the root being rad or rath. The form in ly (adjective or adverb), without the prefix g, appears in the Anglo-Saxon raedlic, prudent, expert; raedlice, expertly. This interesting root, which appears as re, ra, red, rad, rath, &c.; sometimes by transposition, as er, ar, erd, &c. (perhaps also as reg, rag, erg, arc, &c.), seems to represent the nobler qualities of man: thought, reason, counsel, speech, deliberate action; and perhaps, also, government.

Thus in the Semitic family of languages we have the radicals rââ (saw, foresaw, counselled); râdhâ (helped, ruled); râthâd (arranged); râto (directed, instructed); and others, with their numerous derivatives.

The Indo-European family gives us, in Sanscrit, or râe (ponder, experience); rât (speak); râdh (accomplish); râj (excel); râgh (attain, reach); and others, with derivatives. In Greek, rheô (speak), transp. erô or werô (whence verbum, wort, word); rherô or rhedô (do), transp. erdô, also ergô (whence werke, work); archô (rule), and others, with derivatives. In Latin, reor (think), whence ratus and ratio (reason); res (thing, action); rego (rule), with derivatives (rex, regula, rectus, &c.). In Celtic (Welsh), rhe (active); rheswm (reason); rhaith (judgment, right); rhi (prince); rhag (van, before). In Sclavonic, rada, rade (counsel); redian (to direct), &c.

In the Teutonic dialects (Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, Scotch, and English) the forms of this root are very numerous. Thus we have, in Anglo-Saxon, rad, raed (counsel); raedlich, grad, as above, whence geradien (to prepare), and other words. In German, rede (discourse); rath (counsel); reden (to speak); regel (a rule); recht (right); gerecht (just); gerade (exactly), &c.; bereiten (prepare), &c. In English, ready, read, rule, right, riddle, reason, rather, to which we must add gradely. In Scotch, red, rede, rade, rath, &c., with the words mentioned above; of which graith (furniture) is the German geräth. Your readers will derive much information on this class of words by reference to Jamieson, under red, rede, rath, graith, &c.

Benj. H. Kennedy.

Shrewsbury, Oct. 19.

Gradely.—It seems rather a rash step to differ from the mass of critical authority with which your last number has brought this shy, old-fashioned provincial word into a blaze of literary notoriety. Yet I cannot help conceiving the original form of this adverb to be grathedly (

, root
, with the preteritive prefix
) or gerathely. In our Yorkshire dialect, to grathe (pronounced gradhe) means, to make ready, to put in a state of order or fitness. A man inconveniently accoutred or furnished with implements for the performance of some operation on which he was employed, observed to me the other day, "I's ill grathed for't job"—rather a terse Saxon contrast to my latinized paraphrase.

Grathedly would then mean, "In a state of good order, fitness, readiness, or perfection."

To the cognate German gerade adv., I find the senses, "directly, just, exactly, perfectly, rightly."

The prevailing impression given by your numerous testimonials as to the character of the word gradely, is one of decency, order, rightness, perfectness.

I fancy the whole family (who might be called the children of rath), viz.

, rathe (gerathe, grathedly, gradely), rather (only a Saxon form of readier), have as a common primeval progenitor the Sanscrit
(radh), which is interpreted "a process towards perfection;" in other words, "a becoming ready."

G. J. Cayley.

Wydale, Oct. 21.

P.S.—Greadly is probably a transposition for geradly. The Yorkshire pronunciation of gradely is almost as if written grared-ly.

I think it probable that the words greed, greedily, are from the same radicle. By the way, is radix perhaps derived from

(rad), a tooth (from the fang-like form of roots), whence rodere and possibly radius?


Although the suggestion made by C. (Vol. ii., p. 330.), viz. that the Collar of Esses had a "mechanical" origin, resulting from the mode of forming "the chain," and that "the name means no more than that the links were in the shape of the letter S.," could only be advocated by one unacquainted with the real formation of the collar, yet, as I am now pledged before the readers of "Notes and Queries" as the historiographer of livery collars, it may be expected that I should make some reply. This may be accompanied with the remark, that, about the reign of Henry VIII., a collar occurs, which might be adduced in support of the theory suggested by the Rev. Mr. Ellacombe, and adopted by C. It looks like a collar formed of esses; but it is not clear whether it was meant to do so, or was merely a rich collar of twisted gold links. That was the age of ponderous gold collars, but which were arbitrary features of ornamental costume, not collars of livery. Such a collar, however, resembles a series of esses placed obliquely and interlaced, as thus: SSSS; not laid flat on their sides, as figured by C. Again, it is true an (endless) chain of linked esses was formed merely by attaching the letters

like hooks together. This occurs on the cup at Oriel College, Oxford, engraved in Shaw's Ancient Furniture in Shelton's Oxonia Illustrata, and in the Gentleman's Magazine for August last; but the connexion of this with the English device is at least very doubtful. The cup is not improbably of foreign workmanship, and Menneus assigns such a collar to the knights of Cyprus; even there the S was not without its attributed import:

"Per literam autem S. quæ Silentii apud Romanos nota fuit, secretum societatis et amicitiæ simulachrum, individuamque pro patriæ defensione Societatem denotari."—Fr. Mennenii Deliciæ Equest. Ordinum, 1613. 12mo. p. 153.

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