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Misbehaving Under the Mistletoe: On the First Night of Christmas... / Secrets of the Rich & Famous / Truth-Or-Date.com
The sound of her sobbing out her release as her sex tightened around him ten minutes ago was all the explanation he needed for that.
‘I’ll have to dash,’ he said, sitting on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks and boots. Having a little time out would be good for both of them. His smile edged up as his heartbeat calmed. Especially as they had well over a week of really amazing sex ahead of them.
He twisted round, laid his hand on her knee. ‘Why don’t you pack a bag? I’ll send a car over and see you at the hotel for dinner.’
‘Pack a bag?’ Her brows lowered in a puzzled frown. ‘Why do I need to pack a bag?’
He sent her a level look, tried not to overreact to the genuine look of confusion. ‘Because you’re moving in till New Year’s Day, remember?’
Her teeth tugged on her bottom lip. ‘But I—’
He silenced her by pressing a finger to her lips. ‘Cassie, it’s easier this way.’ He made an effort to lighten his voice, add a little of the charm that he was so famous for. The charm that had pretty much deserted him once already today. ‘They have room service. And a much bigger bed.’
Her cheeks pinkened prettily. ‘I suppose you’re right,’ she said, still sounding unsure.
‘I know I’m right.’ Then he pushed his advantage. ‘Just out of interest, how many flings like this have you had?’ he asked.
She looked down, the pink in her cheeks turning to a vivid red. ‘None,’ she said.
He quashed the odd tightening in his chest, which made no sense at all. Why should he care if she’d done this before or not? He’d had plenty of flings; in fact, that was pretty much all he’d ever had. Even during his marriage, he’d never cared about Helen’s past sex life. So he didn’t get to care whether Cassie had done this before or not. But still her inexperience, and the comment she’d made about the end of her previous relationship, bothered him in a way he couldn’t quite figure out.
He lifted her chin with his finger. ‘Then you’ll have to take it from me that I know how these things work. And really amazing sex is a lot easier with room service.’ And in an anonymous location, where no one’s personal space was involved, he thought silently.
‘Okay, I’ll pack a bag,’ she said.
He ignored the rush of relief.
It was only because she’d been a harder sell than he would have expected. But he’d got what he wanted now. All he had to do was enjoy it.
‘But I have plans for Christmas Day,’ she added. ‘And shopping and stuff to do before then.’
‘Not a problem,’ he said, curving his hand round her neck and pulling her to him for a long, languid kiss that would have to last him till dinnertime. ‘I’ve got business commitments myself.’ When he lifted his lips, the blush of embarrassment had turned to the flush of arousal. Just the way he liked it. ‘I won’t hold you prisoner at The Chesterton.’
She gave a quick, artlessly sexy smile. ‘Promise?’
He chuckled. ‘See you in a couple of hours.’
But as he strode through the living room, grabbed his jacket off the sofa and then let himself out of the tiny flat he knew it wasn’t a promise he was likely to keep. He wasn’t going to be letting her out of his sight for the next few days; whatever plans she might have, he’d just have to persuade her to adjust them. He’d speak to his PA after this afternoon’s meeting and get her to reschedule the rest of his own commitments until after Christmas.
He’d been denying his libido too long; the way he’d overreacted this morning was proof of that. His sudden inability to control his emotions had all been tied in with his lust. The next few days would be about working that need out of his system. And showing Cassie what he suspected she might have been missing in her sex life too. Once they’d both got what they wanted out of their affair, Cassie wouldn’t have any more of an effect on him than all his other flings.
Cassie climbed out of bed as she heard the front door slam behind Jace. And pushed aside the spurt of hurt and disappointment that he’d rushed off so quickly.
What was she upset about? She’d agreed that their liaison was about great sex. He wasn’t making a commitment for anything more than that and neither was she.
And while his suggestion that she come and stay at the hotel—correction, his insistence that she come and stay at the hotel—had made her panic button pop again, she could see now it was the practical solution.
Grabbing her clothes up off the floor, she dropped the duvet and began to get dressed. Not only that, but the hotel suite was beautiful. And it would be much easier to remember this whole thing as some glorious sexual fantasy afterwards if they didn’t spend too much time in her flat. Not that it would be a problem. But she didn’t want to store up memories of him here. It would seem too much like a proper relationship when it wasn’t.
And she’d be free to come and go at her leisure. Which she would definitely have to do. Because while she’d done her usual copious research for all the Christmas presents she had to buy, she hadn’t actually got round to buying any yet.
Sitting back at her easel, she lifted up the Sugar Plum Fairy design and scrunched up the card. Then drew out a new card and started drawing. She’d finish her Christmas card design, get Manny at the printing shop round the corner to do a rush job, then post them before she packed up some stuff and went round to The Chesterton later.
There was no big rush, especially as Jace wouldn’t even be there.
This was a casual affair. That was how he was treating it, and how she would treat it too. No blowing it out of proportion in any way. And no getting upset about him having to rush off to a business meeting, especially as she had lots of things to rush off and do in the next few days too.
‘IT’S Sunday!’ Cassie stared at the Sunday papers she’d just noticed folded on the coffee table, the spoon of muesli poised in mid-air. ‘It can’t be.’
Jace glanced up from the plate of Cumberland sausage and eggs he’d been tucking into. ‘That’s correct. Sunday usually comes right after Saturday.’
Cassie plopped the spoon back into her bowl. ‘But Sunday is Christmas Eve.’
‘Is it?’ Jace said, apparently unconcerned as he sliced into his sausage.
Cassie blinked. Watching him as he chewed the meat, then swallowed, her mind having gone completely blank. How could this have happened? She’d arrived at his hotel suite on the night of the twentieth of December. And now it was the morning of the twenty-fourth!
Which meant, even with her atrocious maths skills, that they’d spent three whole days cocooned in his hotel suite. Ordering in room service and indulging in an orgy of sexual pleasures, fulfilling every prurient fantasy she’d ever had, not to mention a great deal more that she’d never even dreamed of.
‘I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas Day already,’ she murmured, feeling disorientated.
Three whole days. It didn’t seem possible she could have spent all that time doing nothing but making mad, passionate love to Jace Ryan.
The small talk he’d promised hadn’t really materialised. Not in the way she would have hoped. He’d asked her a lot of questions about her work as an illustrator and she’d learned a little about his web design business, which was clearly very successful. But the few times she’d strayed into more personal territory, he’d clammed up and then distracted her. Mostly with sex. And she had forced herself not to take it personally. And not to push. Revelling instead in the passion he stirred so easily.
He shrugged, sent her a suggestive smile that had the heat pooling low in her abdomen. ‘We’ve been busy.’
Cassie’s skin heated as he pierced her with that hungry look again.
Pushing back from the breakfast table, she tightened the tie on her robe. ‘I should shower and get dressed. I’ve got a lot to do today.’ Three whole days had gone by in a haze of lust and passion and she hadn’t even noticed.
As she went to walk past him he snagged her wrist. ‘How about I come in and scrub your back for you?’
She tugged her hand free, dismayed by the way her pulse punched his thumb and her hormones instantly jitterbugged into overdrive as if leaping for joy at the prospect.
They’d made love less than half an hour ago when he’d woken her up to tell her breakfast had arrived, his fingers had started stroking and before she’d known it she’d been rocketing to orgasm while she was still barely awake. And just like all the other times they’d made love, she’d felt the clutch in her chest, the tightening in her heart muscle as he’d carried her into the suite’s living room and plopped her down in front of her breakfast. And she’d steadfastly ignored the bump. But even she couldn’t ignore the fact any longer that her behaviour was veering out of her control.
If this was all just about sex, why couldn’t she seem to get enough of him? And why was the need inside her increasing with each passing day instead of abating?
‘I’d better shower alone this morning,’ she said, remembering how last morning’s shared shower had ended.
‘Hey.’ He stood up as she turned to go, circled both of her wrists with his fingers to hold her in place. ‘What’s the matter? You look kind of spooked.’
Spooked was putting it mildly, she realised as she looked into his pure green eyes, and realised she didn’t actually know any more about him than she had four days ago. ‘I think I’m just getting a little stir crazy,’ she said. That had to be it. She simply wasn’t used to a physical relationship of this intensity. And it would probably be good to dial it down today. Plus she really did have a lot to do. She had a ton of Christmas presents to buy. ‘We haven’t left the hotel suite since Wednesday night,’ she reasoned.
‘True.’ He lifted his hands to frame her face, leaned in to give her a quick kiss. ‘I guess I haven’t kept my promise, have I?’ he said sheepishly.
‘What promise?’
‘Not to keep you a prisoner here.’
She felt herself flush, and her heart clenched again as she sent him a crooked smile. She forced the feeling of elation down. Don’t be daft. The intensity of the relationship in the last three days had been purely sexual. His desire to spend time with her had no more significance than fulfilling a physical urge. For both of them. And the fact that her body still responded to him with such intensity was proof of that. For goodness’ sake, she’d just established the fact that she hadn’t got to know him, as she’d planned. And that hadn’t just been his doing. She hadn’t pressed because she’d been happy with the way things were. Because she’d been determined not to read anything more into their intimacy.
‘I’ve enjoyed it,’ she said. ‘But I’ll have to break out today. I’ve got a ton of shopping to do.’
His hands trailed down her arms, gripped her wrists for a second then let go.
‘I guess that means I’m going to have to let you go for the day,’ he said, sounding genuinely disappointed.
‘Not necessarily,’ she heard herself reply. ‘You could always come with me,’ she added, before she lost her nerve.
While she totally understood this was about great sex and nothing more, the compelling desire to spend time with him outside the hotel suite was unstoppable.
It would give them the chance to talk properly. And there were so many things she’d become curious about in the last four days. His failed marriage, his past, how the moody boy from a ‘bad home’ she remembered from school had become such a charismatic and successful man. All things she hadn’t had the chance to ask about. Maybe that was why the heart bumps kept getting worse. Because she wanted to know more about him, and the more she didn’t know, the more he avoided giving her that information, the more vulnerable she felt.
If he came shopping with her, she’d be able to quiz him without him being able to distract her quite so easily.
She dismissed the niggling little voice that told her she might be straying into dangerous territory. She’d become more sexually intimate with this man than she had with any other man. He knew things about her body that no other man had ever even bothered to discover. How could it be wrong to want to know a bit more about him? It didn’t mean she would lose sight of her objectives. They’d already set out exactly what this relationship entailed and what it didn’t. And they’d been busy reinforcing that point in the most delicious way possible for three whole days. So where was the harm in satisfying a little of her curiosity about him now?
Jacob Ryan had been a fascinating enigma ever since she’d had a crush on him at school. He’d always been so taciturn and surly then. And while he had acquired a layer of relaxed easy-going charm as an adult, she couldn’t help wondering if traces of that angry boy still existed, or if he had disappeared for good.
Surely this would be the perfect opportunity to dispel her fascination with him once and for all. Because she had an awful feeling that all the great sex they’d been having might have started to reawaken that stupid crush. Which would explain all the heart bumps. And that could not be a good thing.
‘Nah, you go ahead,’ he said, sitting back down and picking up the paper. ‘I’ll contact my PA. I should schedule some of those meetings today while you’re not here to distract me.’
‘But, Jace, that’s silly. It’s Sunday. And it’s Christmas Eve. No one will be able to meet today. And we could have lunch out together.’ She hurried on, trying not to sound too eager, the opportunity to have some of her curiosity satisfied suddenly irresistible. ‘And don’t you have any Christmas shopping to do?’
Jace stared at Cassie and kept his mouth firmly shut, before he did something really daft, like agreeing to go with her. Ever since she’d turned up at the hotel four nights ago, her small wheel-around suitcase in her hand and a shy but eager smile on her face, he hadn’t let her out of his sight. In fact, he’d barely let her out of his bed. The plan had been to seduce them both into a coma, overdose on great sex for a few days and get the driving need to have her out of his system. Parts A and B of his plan had worked out great—a bit too great. Because part C had clearly been a dead loss. If not, why would he have the driving urge to stop her going out as soon as she had suggested it?
The woman was becoming an addiction. An addiction that all the really amazing sex seemed to be making worse, not better.
Luckily he had the perfect excuse not to accept her invitation. He folded the paper, dumped it back on the coffee table. ‘Believe me, Cassidy. You don’t want me along.’
‘Yes, I do,’ she said, earnestly. ‘Why wouldn’t I?’
‘Because I hate shopping. I won’t be good company.’
‘Why do you hate shopping?’
He shrugged; this bit at least was easy. ‘There’s always crowds of people and too much stuff to choose from and it takes for ever. Before you know it you’ve lost the will to live over a rack full of suits. I’d rather be kicked in the …’ He paused when Cassie winced. ‘I’d rather be kicked somewhere a guy definitely does not want to be kicked,’ he finished, deciding to spare her the graphic visual.
‘What is it about guys and shopping?’ she said, exasperation edging her voice. ‘It’s the eighth wonder of the world if you do it right.’
‘I do do it right,’ he said flatly. ‘I do all my shopping online.’
She didn’t just wince this time, she flinched. ‘That’s awful. How can you buy clothes on a computer? Especially designer ones. You’ve got to try them on, see how they hang. What the cut’s like. You can’t tell that from a picture and a list of measurements.’
‘If I don’t like it, I send it back. Get a refund.’
‘Which means standing for hours in a post office queue. Personally, I’d rather take my chances at the shops.’
He sent her a level look. ‘I don’t do post office queues.’
‘How can you send it back if—?’
‘Put it this way.’ He stopped her in mid-argument. ‘One of the reasons I worked so hard to earn my first million was so I could send someone else to queue at the post office.’
She dropped back on her heels, an adorable crease of consternation lining her brow.
‘And so I would never have to enter a department store again in this lifetime,’ he added forcefully. ‘Especially not in the West End on Christmas Eve. It’ll be my worst nightmare,’ he said, determined to keep that fact front and centre. He didn’t do shopping, even with someone as cute and sexy as Cassie.
‘No, it won’t,’ she said, clearly not prepared to be beaten. ‘It won’t even take that long.’
‘How so?’
‘I happen to be a champion shopper.’
Yeah, right. Most women didn’t even know what that was.
‘I’m getting the impression from that sceptical look that you don’t believe me,’ she said. ‘How about I make you a bet that we get everything done in under an hour?’
‘How many people do you have to get stuff for?’ he asked judiciously.
‘Umm.’ She curled her plump bottom lip under her teeth as if she were counting up the number in her head. ‘Ten. No.’ Her eyes met his, the bright light of excitement in them almost tangible. ‘Eleven.’
‘Eleven presents in under an hour? In the West End? On Christmas Eve? For a woman who loves to shop?’ he clarified.
She nodded enthusiastically.
‘Not possible.’ This had to be the sucker bet to end all sucker bets. ‘And what do I get if you don’t manage it?’
‘Hmm, let me think.’ She pressed the tip of her finger to her mouth, then leaned forward and touched his chest. Her nail trailed down over one nipple, across his ribs, down his abs and stopped just short of his belly button where his robe closed. She sent him a coy smile. ‘I’m sure I can think of something that you’ll enjoy,’ she said, her voice husky with provocation.
Despite his recent climax, he could feel himself rising to attention. He wrapped his hand around her finger, lifted it off his belly. The little tease. She was going to pay for that.
‘You’re on,’ he declared. ‘But once the hour’s up we head straight back here and get naked.’
One hour of shopping seemed like a small price to pay for the fantasies he was already conjuring to go with her sultry smile. And once they were back in the suite, everything would be back where he wanted it.
‘You’re assuming you’re going to win,’ she said sweetly. ‘But when you don’t, when the hour’s up, I get to take you to lunch.’ The sultry smile became decidedly smug. ‘And we get to have a proper conversation. About something other than sex,’ she added.
He smiled back. It had been fairly easy to distract her up to now. So even if the unthinkable happened and he lost the bet, that didn’t scare him. ‘All right, you’re on.’
He dragged her into his arms to seal the deal, but she wrestled out of his embrace and tapped a finger to his nose. ‘Not so fast, Ryan. No kissing until we’re in public.’ She lifted her eyebrows. ‘I know all your tricks.’
He chuckled as she dashed off to the bathroom. ‘Not yet you don’t,’ he murmured, feeling pretty smug himself. He’d managed to manoeuvre her into only spending an hour away from his bed today.
If this was an addiction, he had the will power to overcome it, once he set his mind to it. He’d overcome much bigger weaknesses to get what he wanted.
But there was no need to go cold turkey. At least not today.
Jace was feeling a lot less smug an hour later as Cassie walked back towards him with her latest purchase clutched in her fist and a triumphant smile on her face.
‘What’s the tally now?’ he muttered.
She held the bag up. ‘Jill’s present makes eight.’
Jace glanced at his watch and groaned. They were only thirty-five minutes into their shopping marathon, and she’d already got over two-thirds of her stash.
She laughed at his frown. ‘Regretting taking me on, Ryan?’
‘You’re not there yet, sweet cheeks,’ he countered, but his confidence about winning the bet was ebbing fast. He slung the three bags of purchases she’d given him to carry over his shoulder. Although, funnily enough, he hadn’t been nearly as bored or frustrated as he would have expected. In fact, watching Cassie shop was nothing short of fascinating.
She really was a champion shopper. Unlike with any other woman he’d had the misfortune to shop with, she seemed to know exactly what she wanted and where to get it. She’d attacked Oxford Street with military precision, avoiding the big chain stores, and instead using a string of smaller independent shops and boutiques mostly dotted on the side streets whose merchandise she seemed to have expert knowledge of. She didn’t browse, she went straight to the counter and described exactly what she wanted. He’d also noticed that her purchases were incredibly well thought out and individual. If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn she’d actually researched this trip.
As they walked out of the chocolaterie and back towards the throbbing activity of Oxford Street he noticed her open her bag and peek at something inside. He’d noticed her doing that a couple of times already. Snagging the leather bag from behind, he whisked it out of her hands and off her shoulder. ‘Let’s have a look in there.’
‘Hey, what are you …?’ she yelped.
‘What have you got? A secret weapon?’ Spotting the piece of paper she’d been reading, he whipped it out of her bag.
‘Give that back.’ She made a jump for it, but he held the paper easily out of reach.
‘Damn, it is a secret weapon.’ He stared at the handwritten list, which had annotations and notes, hand-drawn maps and several intricate little drawings jotted all over it. The thing was a work of art. She must have spent hours on it. A weird feeling of weightlessness lifted his stomach at the thought that she’d gone to so much trouble. That anyone would go to that much trouble. Over a bunch of Christmas presents.
‘What is this?’ he asked.
‘Give it back. It’s my Christmas list,’ she said, embarrassment turning her cheeks a bright shade of pink. She looked so damn cute and determined, the weightlessness increased.
‘How comes I never knew this about you?’ he teased, pushing the sentimental thought to one side. It was a shopping list, for goodness’ sake, not the Declaration of Independence or the Magna Carta.
‘Knew what?’ she said, swiping the list out of his hand when he dropped his arm.
‘That you’re anal.’
‘I am not anal,’ she declared, stuffing the list back into her bag. ‘I’m organised. And where Christmas shopping is concerned, it pays to be organised.’
‘I get it.’ The drop in his stomach lifted. ‘You write the list so you don’t overspend, right?’ That had to be the reason why she’d gone to all that trouble. It was so long since he’d had to buy on a budget he’d forgotten what it was like.
‘No.’ She stared at him as if he were witless. ‘I go to the trouble of writing a list so I don’t get the wrong thing. Getting people the right present takes work and consideration. I know it’s a cliché but it really is the thought that counts.’
If that were the case her friends would be rich, he thought, feeling uncomfortable again.
He couldn’t quite believe how much time and effort she’d clearly put into the process. This wasn’t about being a shopaholic. It was about actually caring about people enough to want to get them something they’d really like. The minute the thought registered, the weightlessness returned and the uncomfortable feeling got worse.
‘I like going that extra mile for the people I care about,’ she said doggedly. ‘Because I know they’ll go that extra mile for me.’ She looped her arm through his. ‘Now stop trying to waste time, we’ve still got three presents to go and they’re the most important.’ She headed across Oxford Street, the fairy lights of Selfridges’ facade making her hair sparkle. ‘And for that we need the big guns.’
As she dragged him into the legendary department store he realised that he’d never cared about anyone enough to want to get them something special for Christmas. And no one had ever really cared that much about him.