Полная версия
A Convenient Christmas Bride
Chapter Two
Josiah stood in the kitchen and listened to Anna Mae’s soft voice as she read to the girls from the book of Genesis. He knew the girls didn’t understand the story of Adam and Eve, but they looked up at Anna Mae with sincere interest. He dried the last dish and laid the towel to the side.
His boots made a soft clomping sound as he walked across the floor. He knelt down beside her chair and touched her hand. It felt soft under his rough fingers. She turned her big brown eyes upon him. “Would you mind terribly if I go check on Roy and the mule?”
A soft smile graced her chapped lips, reminding him that she needed to drink more water. “Not at all. I’m sure they would enjoy breakfast and a little attention.”
He nodded and stood. Josiah reached for Ruby and touched the soft black curls on her head. He glanced between her and Rose. “You girls be good for Annie, ya hear?”
“Go,” Ruby said as she worked to stand up.
“Not this time, little one. It’s too cold out there for little girls.” He leaned over and kissed her soft cheek.
Rose scrambled for him. She smacked her lips, wanting her kisses, too. “Tisses!” she demanded.
He laughed and scooped both girls up into his arms. Kissing them both all over their faces sent them into squeals of delight. Josiah’s love for the girls grew stronger every day. They were changing so much as they got older.
Anna Mae’s soft laughter joined in. He looked over at her and saw that her face looked a little pale. Had she overdone it this morning? Possibly. Maybe now wasn’t a good time to leave her alone with the twins. He stood to his full height and looked down on her.
As if she could read his mind, Anna Mae said, “You better hurry and take care of the animals. We’ll be fine until you return.”
Josiah nodded and quickly set the girls back into the corral. He pulled on his coat and scarf. Cold air blasted into the house as he hurried out the door.
Snow glistened on the ground and the early morning sun rays added to the brightness. He shielded his eyes and exhaled, his breath forming a cloudy vapor. Thankfully, the snow had stopped falling. He followed the trail to the barn, the cold air stinging his face.
When he opened the door, warmth greeted him along with the scent of hay and dust. Roy snorted from his corner of the barn and the little mule hailed him with a loud bray. “I hear ya, you ornery beasts.”
Josiah hurried to give the animals water, grain and hay. As quickly as he could, he mucked out their stalls and laid fresh hay. A glance at his pocket watch told him he’d been out of the house for close to two hours. Giving the horse and mule a final pat, Josiah started the trek back to the house. He glanced up at the sky. In another hour or so the sun would sit directly over the house. That would help heat the place up a bit.
Lord willing, in the spring he could add another fireplace; or maybe he’d just buy one of those new-fangled stoves he’d seen advertised down at the dry goods store. He figured Anna Mae would like that. He reined in his thoughts immediately. What in the world was he thinking? She wouldn’t be here in the spring. A woman like Anna Mae was looking for a love relationship, and he wasn’t. He didn’t want love. It hurt too much when the one you loved died.
For all he knew, he might not be here, either. He’d thought about getting a house in town but didn’t want to seem ungrateful to William, his brother-in-law. After all, he’d been the one to buy the orchard. William might not like the idea of him moving to town and leaving it vacant. When he got to the front porch, Josiah stomped as much snow from his boots as possible before entering the house.
His gaze roved around the room and he saw the twins napping in their corral and Anna Mae asleep on the couch. He walked over and gently, so as not to wake her, covered her with a quilt.
Josiah reached out and touched Anna Mae’s forehead. Cool. He stared down into her lovely face. Dark lashes rested against her pale cheeks. Her dark hair feathered about the pillow. Anna Mae Leland truly was beautiful.
He grinned as he remembered the first time he’d called her Annie. She’d flared up like a hissing cat. That little bit of spitfire seemed to rouse her to get stronger. Truth be told, he preferred Annie over Anna Mae. The name seemed softer. It suited her better, so he’d continued to tease her with the name. Now it just felt natural.
Josiah made a mental note not to call her Annie once their lives returned to normal. It was a little too informal for the schoolteacher position that she held. Would the school board fire her? He took a deep breath. He’d only wanted to help her, keep her safe, and he may have ruined this sweet woman’s life. It couldn’t be helped. There was no way that he would have turned her away, sick and in the middle of a blizzard.
Josiah caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. He cared about her. How could he not? For the past week, he’d worried over her health and at times her life. Did Anna Mae realize how close she’d come to death?
He shook off the worry he felt for her even now and, with a sigh, turned to the kitchen for a hot cup of coffee.
If he could save her job and reputation, he would. If not, well, he’d cross that bridge when he got there.
* * *
Anna Mae woke to childish giggles and the smell of frying ham. She pushed herself up and looked about. Josiah stood at the stove and the girls played in their corral.
How long had she slept? Her gaze went to the window. The sun still shone through the glass, and she sighed, thankful she hadn’t slept the whole day away.
“I see you are awake.” Josiah cradled a cup of coffee in his hands and rested a hip against the sturdy kitchen table. “Did you have a good nap?”
Her throat felt so dry, Anna Mae couldn’t speak. She tried to swallow but found she couldn’t do that, either. She nodded.
He must have sensed her need because Josiah walked to the stove and poured her a cup of coffee. He held it out to her. “Take small sips. It might burn a little going down.”
She took the cup and did as he instructed. The warm liquid both felt good and hurt. It was just what she needed to be able to speak. “Thank you.” The two words sounded scratchy as she forced them out of her tight throat.
“You’re welcome.” He sat down beside her on the couch.
“It’s kind of early for dinner, isn’t it?” she asked. “Or are you making a late lunch?”
Josiah laughed. “Trying to get a head start on dinner tomorrow night. My wife used to make the best ham and beans. I thought I’d try my hand at it, but I think I’m doing something wrong.” He sighed dramatically. “Mine never tastes like hers.”
“Is that why you’re frying ham now?” Anna Mae asked, looking toward the stove.
He nodded. “But for the life of me, I can’t seem to get it right.”
She grinned. “That’s because you don’t fry the ham first. Do you have a ham hock that hasn’t been cooked?” she asked.
“I’m sure there is one in the root cellar. Why?”
Anna Mae swung her legs off the couch. “Because that’s what you should put into your beans.” She croaked hoarsely as she spoke.
“Now, Annie, don’t go thinking I wanted you to get up and cook.” He stood also. “Because that wasn’t my plan.”
She smiled over her shoulder. “Go get the ham hock and we can have boiled beans and fresh bread for dinner tomorrow.” Anna Mae watched him slip into his coat and scarf, then head out the back door.
In the bedroom she hurried out of his clothes and into her dress. It felt good to be back in her own clothes, and Anna Mae realized that if she must stay with the Millers, she needed to give Josiah his bedroom back.
She eased her feet into her stockings, thankful for their warmth. As she made the bed Anna Mae made a decision. No one she’d ever known liked feeling beholden to someone, and neither did she. If she could pull her weight around here it would benefit them both. She’d look for other ways to help and right now she needed to get the beans on.
She returned to the kitchen, pausing to check on the twins, stealing a kiss from each one. Worn-out from everything she’d done, Anna Mae sat at the kitchen table and began sorting the dry beans, making sure not one black rock remained in the mix. She could almost taste tomorrow’s meal.
She heard Josiah before she saw him. He stomped the snow from his feet, then entered the house, triumphantly waving a ham hock in his hand. “I found it, took a while, but we now have meat.” He seemed undecided what to do with it and she stifled a giggle. “Boy, it’s cold out there. Brrr.”
Anna Mae laughed. “Set the ham hock in that bowl to thaw. I’ll put the beans on to soak on the stove as soon as I finish sorting them.”
If he noticed she’d changed clothes, Josiah didn’t say anything about it. Instead he asked, “Would you mind having fried eggs and ham for dinner tonight?”
“Not at all.” Anna Mae set a rock off to the side of her bowl.
“Good. Eggs, bacon, ham and beans are about all I know how to make. Mary was the cook, not me.” He pulled a chair out and sat down. “And when I’m on the trail of bad guys, I don’t have to cook much.” He grinned.
Anna Mae focused on the job at hand. She wondered about his wife, but didn’t want to be nosy. She knew that Mary had been killed during a bank robbery and that she was William Barns’s sister, but that was all anyone seemed to know about her. “Back when we lived together, Emily Jane did all our cooking, before she married William. I’d gotten used to her fixing all my meals, and now that I’m staying at the boardinghouse and Beth provides my meals, well, I’m a little rusty at cooking myself. But together I think we’ll do just fine.”
“Well, we won’t starve to death, that’s for sure. Emily Jane helped me stock the pantry before the storm hit, and the root cellar is full of meats and vegetables.” He leaned back and studied her. “But I don’t want you to overdo it today.”
She smiled. It was nice having someone care about her. Since Emily Jane married, Anna Mae had felt alone. A feeling she was very familiar with, since she’d felt that way most of her life. She couldn’t deny that of all the things she longed for in her life, belonging to someone, being important to at least one person, ranked right at the top of her list.
The flames crackled in the fireplace, drawing her back to the present. There was nothing like a fire to give the house a cozy feeling. She raised her eyes to find the sheriff watching her, a glint of concern in his analyzing gaze.
“I won’t overdo, I promise.” She dumped the clean beans in the pot beside her. “It just feels so good to actually be up and moving about. To be doing something of importance. I am not fond of idleness at all.”
Josiah picked up the pot of beans and moved to the counter. He rinsed the beans well before setting the pot on the back of the stove. When he returned to the table Anna Mae asked him, “What do you normally do while the girls have their afternoon nap?”
Josiah shrugged. “Read or clean my guns.”
Anna Mae pushed away from the table. “I don’t want you to change your routine because of me.” She walked back to the couch and sat down.
Josiah followed. He dropped into the rocker beside the fireplace. “All right. What do you normally do midafternoon?” he asked, setting the rocker into motion.
“Well, if I’m at the school I teach math, but if I’m at home I sew, read or create lessons for the next day.” She pulled her legs up onto the couch and slipped them under the quilt she’d left there earlier.
“What made you want to be a teacher?” Josiah asked as he put a cloth ball back into the corral with the girls, who had awakened when the adults started talking.
Her gaze moved to Rose and Ruby. “I loved to read as a child and my teacher had all kinds of books he’d loan me. He told me I was smart enough that I could teach, if I wanted to. So when I got old enough to do so, I did.” She paused, watching the twins play together. They rolled the ball back and forth between them and giggled as if each time something new happened. Their enjoyment of such a simple task reminded Anna Mae of her calling.
“Watching children learn new things and the excitement on their faces when they realize they’ve figured out a math problem, or understand a new word they just read, gives me a thrill that I can’t explain.” Anna Mae looked up to see Josiah studying her face.
“What made you want to become a farmer?” she asked, feeling a little self-conscious.
He laughed. “I never wanted to be a farmer. William bought this place, and while I’m happy for the home, I never figured to be a farmer.” He shook his head as if to shake away funny memories.
“So was your dream to become a sheriff?”
Josiah set the rocker into motion again with his foot. “I’m not sure I’d call it a dream. When I was a boy, I was accused of stealing my neighbor’s puppy.” He chuckled. “I didn’t take the pup, but since it was the doctor’s dog and his son was pitching a fit, the sheriff came to ‘talk’ to me about it. Well, I tried to convince him I hadn’t taken the puppy, but he didn’t believe me. So after he left our house, I set out to find out where the little dog had gone.” He closed his eyes and rocked.
When it became apparent he wasn’t going to continue, Anna Mae leaned forward and asked, “Did you find the puppy?”
His eyes flittered open. “Sure did. It was at the meat market, trapped under the boardwalk with a bone too big to get out.” Josiah chuckled. “I enjoyed looking for that pup and proving to the sheriff that I hadn’t stolen it. It was then that I decided I wanted to be a lawman when I grew up.” He glanced at the girls, who continued to crawl about the corral like playful puppies.
“I imagine it’s an exciting job.” Anna Mae sat back against the cushions.
“It can be, but it’s also dangerous and stressful when you have a family to consider.”
Her gaze moved to the girls once more and narrowed speculatively. “Have you ever considered a different line of work?”
“Yes and no.” He sighed. “Right after Mary died, while I searched for the bank robbers who shot her, I thought a lot about quitting. But what can a seasoned lawman do besides upkeep the law?”
Anna Mae grinned at him. “Farm?”
He chuckled. “I know little to nothing about farming.”
She tucked the thin quilt closer around her legs. Even covered as she was, she felt the chill in the air. “So I take it you grew up in town?”
Again he nodded. “Yep, I was known as a street rat. My mother had died when I was a baby and my father...he hadn’t taken her death well. So to my way of thinking, when the doctor’s kid accused me of stealing his puppy, he did me a great favor.”
“Gave you a direction to follow?”
“You could say that. I went to Sheriff Grady and told him I wanted to work for him. He took a twelve-year-old boy under his wing and helped me grow to manhood.” For a moment Josiah seemed to travel back in time.
Anna Mae could barely stifle a yawn. “I’m glad. We were both fortunate to have someone mentor us.” She covered her mouth to conceal another yawn.
“You look like a woman who needs more rest. Why don’t you go on back to bed for a little while? I will call you for dinner.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s time I started sleeping out here and let you have your room back.”
“Now, Annie. You aren’t fully well yet and I can’t allow you to do that.” He stood and pulled the rifle down from over the fireplace.
“I appreciate all the help you’ve given me, Sheriff Miller, but I am well enough now to take care of myself.” It was a weak protest that came from a still scratchy throat.
He grinned at her and said. “Sheriff Grady used to say, ‘Young man, as long as you live under my roof, you’ll abide by my rules.’ I think I’ll use those words on you. So no more protesting, go get some rest.” Josiah set the gun down and reached for her hand.
Anna Mae wanted to argue but didn’t have the strength. She took his hand and allowed him to pull her up. “All right, but as soon as I’m feeling better, I will be moving to the couch.”
He laughed at her weak words. “We’ll see.”
Anna Mae went into the bedroom and shut the door. If truth were told, she liked him being in charge. But Anna Mae refused to allow herself the luxury of depending on a man. The last man she’d depended on to keep his word had failed miserably. No, she wasn’t going to get close enough to Josiah or his girls to depend on them for happiness or anything else.
* * *
A few days later, Josiah inhaled the hearty fragrance of fresh, hot bread mingled with a pork stew cooking on the stove. His gaze moved to the woman who sat reading with his girls.
She was amazing.
Over the past few days, she’d managed to clean the house and at the same time keep the girls happy. He’d helped her with a lot of the cleaning, but still she seemed to be able to spot just what needed to be done. She’d also allowed the girls more freedom from the corral. They’d wobbled about the house and seemed happy just to explore and play.
Unfortunately, the storm had picked up once more, and as the snow fell, Anna Mae became quieter and quieter. Josiah assumed she worried over what the school board would say once she did make it back to town. He noticed little Rose releasing a mighty big yawn.
“Looks like these two are ready for a nap,” Josiah said, taking Rose from Anna Mae’s lap.
“Yes, it is that time,” she answered, swinging her legs off the couch.
“You stay put. I’ll come back for Ruby,” he instructed as he carried the little girl into the bedroom he shared with the two children. He glanced over his shoulder.
“No nap,” Ruby muttered, tucking her head under Anna Mae’s chin. Her chubby little thumb found her mouth and her eyes began to close.
Josiah slipped Rose into her crib and then returned for Ruby.
Anna Mae yawned, too, as she met him halfway to the bedroom. She offered him a gentle smile as he took Ruby from her arms.
“Go lie down. You could use some rest, too, after all you’ve done this morning.” He turned to the bedroom before she could protest.
Ruby was already asleep as he tucked her little blanket about her small shoulders. His gaze moved to her twin, who also breathed in a steady, slow manner. His girls were freshly bathed, wore clean dresses and smelled of talc powder. If only they had a mother to keep them smelling and looking like sweet little girls.
Josiah walked back to the sitting room. Anna Mae rested on the couch with the quilt over her. Her steady breathing told him that she, too, had settled in for a nap. Had she overdone it? He’d noticed she grew tired after each task, but would take a short break and then start back to cleaning or doing something with the girls. Maybe he should have made her relax more.
She’d been at the cabin now well over a week. It was time she had her own bedroom. When he and the girls had first moved into the house, he’d started using the extra two rooms as storage rooms. Now his guest needed one of them.
As he cleaned and straightened it up, his thoughts turned to Anna Mae’s future. Would the school board fire her for being at his place for so long? Josiah sighed. Even he knew that they weren’t going to approve of her extended stay.
Maybe Levi Westland would be able to help her. Levi was the reason Anna Mae was in Granite in the first place. He’d invited her to their small town as a mail-order bride. Then when he’d chosen to marry Millie Hamilton, Levi had made sure that Anna Mae got the teacher’s position when it became available.
But if Levi couldn’t persuade the school board, what in the world was Josiah going to do about her? He had no idea what would become of Anna Mae should she lose her job. Would he be able to help her? And if so, how?
Chapter Three
Three days later, the sun came out and melted most of the snow and ice, making it possible for Anna Mae to return to town. Mud squished under Josiah’s boots as he hitched his horse to the wagon. He’d decided to leave the mule in the barn. It would be hard enough driving the wagon through the mud without trying to pull a cankerous mule behind it. Josiah had assured Anna Mae he’d bring it back to town as soon as the ground hardened up a bit.
Anna Mae remained inside, preparing the kids for the trip. Her illness had taken its toll on her body and she appeared much slimmer than she’d been when she’d arrived two weeks earlier. He wasn’t sure if the weight loss was due to her being sick or from worrying about her job. She’d lost her appetite but had kept up her good nature.
He watched as Anna Mae stepped out onto the porch, holding a child in each arm. What he could see of her dress looked clean and pressed. She also wore her green cloak and gloves. She’d drawn her hair into a tight knot at the nape of her neck, giving her pale face a pinched look.
Josiah guided the horse up to the porch and reached for Rose.
“Thank you, Sheriff Miller.” She passed the child to him and waited as he placed Rose upon the seat and then handed the child a small rope attached to the bench for her to hold on to. Next, he took Ruby from Anna Mae’s arms and did the same. The twins looked at each other and grinned happily as they clung to the rope. The word go was about the only recognizable thing they said to each other. The rest of the sounds they made were not real words, but the twins seemed to have no problem understanding each other as they nodded and smiled.
Anna Mae turned back to the open door and retrieved a picnic basket. “I packed a lunch for you and the girls’ return trip.” She offered him the hamper.
“That was very nice of you, Annie.” He took the basket and placed it in the bed of the wagon. He checked that the girls were comfortable and covered with a thick blanket before turning to assist Anna Mae.
“Please, Sheriff Miller, don’t call me Annie while we are in town.” Anna Mae twisted her hands in the folds of her dress.
He gave her a gentle smile. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”
Anna Mae gave him a doubtful look, then took his hand while she pulled herself up onto the seat beside the girls. “See that you are.”
“I promise.” Josiah planned on being the perfect gentleman once they entered town. He had to admit, though, that he felt a sense of loss already with her leaving. He shook his head regretfully. He sure was going to miss Anna Mae.
When he seated himself on the other side of the twins, she asked, “Is it very far to the Bradshaws’ place?”
“No, just across the pasture.” Widow Bradshaw lived a little too close for his comfort. True, she supplied him with fresh bread each week, but her constant hinting that she’d make a good mother for the girls was becoming a nuisance.
“Good. I know you think I’m being silly, but I want to make sure that Bart is doing all right,” Anna Mae said, smoothing the wrinkles from her skirts.
Josiah raised the reins and was about to gently slap them over the horse’s back when he heard another wagon pulling onto his property. He looked behind him and saw Mrs. Bradshaw and Bart. “It looks like Bart made it home,” he said matter-of-factly.
Anna Mae nodded. “Yes, it would appear so.”
The widow called out as their wagon drew closer. “Yoo-hoo! Sheriff Miller! I see you are able to get out today, too. I’ve been so worried about you and the girls.”
Josiah put a smile on his face, praying that it looked sincere. “Yes, ma’am, we were just heading to town.”
The wagon stopped beside them and Mrs. Bradshaw’s smile faded away. “Why, Miss Leland, what are you doing out here?”
The widow’s face slowly began to turn red. Whether she was angry or embarrassed, Josiah wasn’t sure. “We were just headed to your house, Mrs. Bradshaw. It seems that Bart thought it funny to strand Miss Leland out in the snowstorm last week.”
She looked to her son. “Bart, darling, what is he talking about?”
The boy glanced down at his feet. “It was just a joke.”