Полная версия
Love by Design
She felt the disappointment clear to her bones. If she couldn’t get her license by April, she would have no chance at the backup spot for the polar attempt. Handling supplies might be a necessary part of an expedition’s success, but those people didn’t get their names in the record books. Her father wouldn’t be remembered as the source of her inspiration. No, she would not give up.
“But I can’t go home. I’m here to start on the expedition preparations, just like I said I would.”
“That work is back at the flight school.” Jack jerked a thumb in that direction and turned back to Wagner, who was looking at her with a very peculiar expression.
“You’re going to have to show me what to do,” she pointed out.
“To begin, I could sure use your help sorting out the supply orders. I brought Dan up to speed earlier this morning. He’ll show you what to do.”
Jen’s stomach tightened. “You want me to work with Wagner?”
“Actually, he’ll be a sort of supervisor,” Jack said.
Jen balked. “But I know my way around the school. I’ve worked with suppliers and placed orders for years.”
Jack gave her a dazzling smile. “That’s why we’re so glad you’re helping out. Thanks, Jen. You’re the best. Dan, why don’t you take her on over? I’m going to check the engines and then talk to Hendrick about their performance today. I’ll take that clipboard off your hands.”
At least Wagner looked as upset with this arrangement as she did. He gave over the clipboard with a lot of reluctance.
“I should go with you over to the plant.” Dan pulled cotton from each ear. “I took a lot of notes, listened carefully. I might have noticed something you didn’t.”
Jack scanned the paper on the clipboard. “Nope. Makes perfect sense. If Hendrick has any questions, we’ll come on over to the school.” He tucked the clipboard under his arm and headed for the open barn doors.
Jen glared at his retreating back. She and Wagner were expected to obey, as if they were in the military—or primary school. Though she’d never been good at following orders, this was Jack’s expedition. He had put out a lot of time and effort and funds. That gave him the right to call the shots. If she wanted to be part of the end result, she’d better learn to follow orders.
She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets and followed Jack.
“After you, then,” Wagner snipped, apparently still perturbed at being shuttled off to supplies. He plunked that tattered old Stetson on his head and never broke a scowl.
That made her grin. Dan Wagner’s unhappiness was her joy.
“Why, thank you,” she said with her best imitation of Beatrice’s cultured elegance. “I do so appreciate good manners in a gentleman.”
She was pretty sure she heard him growl behind her.
* * *
That gal was going to drive Dan crazy. Not only had Jen Fox pulled him away from following up on the engine test, but she threatened to disrupt the entire expedition with her single-minded determination to get in the cockpit on the polar attempt. Sure, it started with lessons, but a reasonable student understood that training couldn’t begin until spring. No, her agenda clearly pointed to the expedition.
She sure didn’t like hearing that he was going to supervise her work. Dan had suspected that would be the case when Hunter proposed it earlier that morning, but the aviator had brushed off his concerns, saying she understood the situation completely.
Apparently, Hunter was the only person who did not understand the trouble he was bringing on board by agreeing to Jen Fox’s proposal. That gal would not let up until she got what she wanted.
As Dan pulled the barn doors closed and locked them, Hunter got into his old Model T and putted off to Simmons Aeromotor. That left Dan alone with Miss Fox. Her arms were crossed over that old mackinaw. The trousers bagged at the knees. Given her disheveled appearance, the pink-and-green knit hat looked so out of place that he had to scowl to keep from laughing.
She eyed him with a mixture of indignation and curiosity, her expressive mouth twisted into a smirk, as if she figured she had the upper hand. Since she apparently worked for the Hunters when the school was open, she probably did. That didn’t mean he was going to let her stomp all over him. Dan liked challenges. He intended to break through that crusty shell of hers to discover if there was a woman inside.
“Well?” Her hazel eyes sparked in the sun, defying him to say just one thing that would set her off again. He opted instead for a little Western gentility.
With a tip of the finger to his Stetson, he nodded toward the flight school. “Why don’t you lead the way, miss? You’re more familiar with the layout around here than I’ll ever be.”
His statement was ridiculous. Not only had he already received a tour of the facility, but she knew he’d gone over the paperwork with Jack earlier. Moreover, even an addle-brained gal would notice that only one path led from the barn to the school. Jen Fox was far from witless. Thus far she’d proven a tenacious opponent. Still, she seemed to appreciate that he’d let her take the reins.
Her expression softened. A little. “I also happen to know a whole lot more about ordering supplies than you ever will.”
He choked down a retort. He wasn’t a novice who’d never seen a plane before. He’d done his fair share of locating aviation parts. The owner of an airplane had to know suppliers. A squadron commander in the Great War learned how to claw parts out of anyone and anywhere. But pointing out his experience would only irritate her, so he swept out an arm.
“All right, darling.” He threw on the cowboy charm that worked wonders on most women. “I’ll put myself in your capable hands.”
She looked a little suspicious but must have decided to take him at his word, for she headed toward the school at a rapid pace.
Dan stayed right on her heels. “Worked here long?”
“A few years. In season, of course. I volunteered before that, once I got out of high school, that is.”
He didn’t care to guess how long ago that might be. She looked fairly young but not a girl, maybe in her early twenties. “Is that when you got interested in flying?”
The path widened, so he hustled to walk by her side. She didn’t spare him a glance.
“Then what did grab your interest?”
“Darcy.” Her pace slowed a fraction. “Jack’s wife. My father and I—” She turned her head, clearly battling emotion. “We saw her fly the very first time. I wanted to learn how.”
Dan was glad to see the woman had some feelings other than anger, but her statement didn’t quite add up. “My understanding is that Mrs. Hunter learned to fly before the transatlantic attempt. That was quite a few years ago.” He calculated exactly how much. “At least six or seven years. What took you so long?”
Her shoulders tensed. “First of all, I was still in school. Then I couldn’t afford lessons, all right? That’s why I didn’t do it before now. I was setting aside money, but then—” She broke off and ran to the door of the flight school.
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