The Hired Husband
The Hired Husband

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The Hired Husband

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2019
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Discretion warned her that it would be best to make no comment about that. It would only spoil the new warmth that had developed between them. A warmth she very much needed. The last remnants of her earlier panic still lingered in her thoughts, clinging like sticky cobwebs to the corners of her mind, and she wanted desperately to drive them away.

‘I didn’t think we were having a honeymoon. If I’m honest, it never even crossed my mind.’

‘A proper wedding, I said,’ Keir reminded her. ‘One with all the trimmings.’

‘Yes, but this… I mean, can you afford it?’

Big mistake! Bad mistake. It was obvious that he didn’t like what she’d said at all. The curve to his lips vanished at once, his face hardening ominously. The dark brown eyes took on a dangerous glint that warned her she had over-stepped some invisible but firmly defined line that he had drawn around his private affairs.

Swinging away from her, he moved to stare broodingly out of the window into the spectacular garden beyond.

‘I may have been forced to into needing a temporary injection of funds in order to meet Lucille’s unreasonable demands, but I am still very far from penniless,’ he snapped out, so sharply that Sienna found herself taking an involuntary step backwards, away from him. ‘And even if I am only a temporary husband, hired for the period of our contract, I trust I know what my duties are—’

‘Keir, don’t! I didn’t mean that the way it sounded!’

‘Why not?’ he flung over his shoulder at her. ‘We both know you wouldn’t have proposed marriage to me if you hadn’t been desperate.’

‘And you wouldn’t have accepted if it hadn’t suited your business plans!’


‘You make it sound so sordid—so cold-blooded!’

With an abrupt, savage laugh Keir turned back to face her again, hands pushed deep into his trouser pockets, one black brow raised in taunting mockery.

‘That’s what business deals are, my lovely,’ he told her harshly. ‘Rational, hard-headed, and as cold-blooded as possible.’

If only that were really true, he reflected bitterly. If only he could have made this decision as coolly and unemotionally as he handled every other problem that he came up against in his working life.

But in this situation his natural control had totally deserted him. And the reasons for that were twofold. Both female. When it came to dealing with either Lucille or the woman now standing before him, the woman he had just made his wife, it seemed that common sense or rational thought went straight out of the window, leaving him uncharacteristically unsure of which way to turn.

As a result he had acted on the sort of impulse that he would have thought was totally alien to him, deciding to act before thinking things through to their logical conclusion. Only time would tell whether that decision would prove to be the best or the worst of his life.

‘Why do you look so shocked?’ he went on, seeing her big sea-coloured eyes darken in distress. ‘You know I’m only speaking the truth. Those are the facts, so why should it worry you to hear them put into words?’

‘I…’ Sienna could only shake her head, unable to find an answer.

She couldn’t deny the truth of what he had said. But it still disturbed her to have it stated so baldly, in the flat, emotionless voice Keir had used to deliver them.

‘Conscience problems, sweetheart?’ he questioned softly. ‘Does it trouble you to discover that you might be every bit as cold-blooded and demanding as I am after all? That when you see something you really want you go for it with all the determination and ruthlessness you can muster up? And that in pursuit of your dream you can drive a harder bargain than anyone?’

His cynical words caught Sienna her on the raw, taking her breath away and making her want to lash out unthinkingly.

‘If that was the case then you wouldn’t be here right now!’ she flashed at him. ‘Believe me, if I could have what I really want, you wouldn’t be the man with a wedding ring on his finger! And if I was to achieve a dream, then I would have married—’

‘I know. Your precious Dean. The man whose shoes I couldn’t possibly fill.’

The temperature in the small room suddenly seemed to have plummeted dramatically, making Sienna shiver convulsively in spite of the late August sun streaming in through the windows. She felt as if Keir’s snarled words had been formed in freezing blocks of ice that had fallen brutally onto her delicate skin, chilling her where they landed.

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