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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

Harper Perennial Modern Classics
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Robert Tressell

Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
1 An Imperial Banquet. A Philosophical Discussion. The Mysterious Stranger. Britons Never shall be Slaves
2 Nimrod: a Mighty Hunter before the Lord
3 The Financiers
4 The Placard
5 The Clock-case
6 It is not My Crime
7 The Exterminating Machines
8 The Cap on the Stairs
9 Who is to Pay?
10 The Long Hill
11 Hands and Brains
12 The Letting of the Room
13 Penal Servitude and Death
14 Three Children. The Wages of Intelligence
15 The Undeserving Persons and the Upper and Nether Millstones
16 True Freedom
17 The Rev. John Starr
18 The Lodger
19 The Filling of the Tank
20 The Forty Thieves. The Battle: Brigands versus Bandits
21 The Reign of Terror. The Great Money Trick
22 The Phrenologist
23 The ‘Open-air’
24 Ruth
25 The Oblong
26 The Slaughter
27 The March of the Imperialists
28 The Week before Christmas
29 The Pandorama
30 The Brigands hold a Council of War
31 The Deserter
32 The Veteran
33 The Soldier’s Children
34 The Beginning of the End
35 Facing the ‘Problem’
36 The OBS
37 A Brilliant Epigram
38 The Brigands’ Cave
39 The Brigands at Work
40 Vive la System!
41 The Easter Offering. The Beano Meeting
42 June
43 The Good Old Summer-time
44 The Beano
45 The Great Oration
46 The ‘Sixty-five’
47 The Ghouls
48 The Wise men of the East
49 The Undesired
50 Sundered
51 The Widow’s Son
52 ‘It’s a Far, Far Better Thing that I do, than I have Ever Done’
53 Barrington Finds a Situation
54 The End
Appendix Mugsborough
Select Bibliography
About the author
Life and Times: A Chronology
Did You Know?
About the book
How The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists Changed My Life
The Book’s Reception
What the Papers Said
The Full Monty: Recovering Tressell’s Manuscript
Read on
Recommended Criticism and Biography
About the Author
About the Publisher
Robert Tressell’s original MS was ‘edited’ and ‘re-edited’ at various times. This complete edition presents the work in almost its original form (it has been necessary to retain some editorial paraphrases where the original text is lost beyond trace: such paraphrases are enclosed within square brackets). Tressell’s idiosyncratic grammar, spelling and punctuation (his way of conveying the spoken idiom of his characters), as well as his somewhat inconsistent use of capital letters, has been restored.
This novel is about a group of painters and decorators, and their families, in Hastings (Mugsborough), around 1906. It describes the workman’s life of that time, the subjection, deception, and destitution of the people whose labour helped to create the luxury and glitter of the Edwardian age. It is the age which those who didn’t have to live in still like to refer to as the good old days of pomp and circumstance, the apex of England’s greatness, the time before 1914 when everyone knew his place and because of it was supposed to be contented.
I read an abridged edition of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists when I was nineteen and with the Air Force in Malaya. It was given to me by a wireless operator from Glasgow, who said: ‘You ought to read this. Among other things it is the book that won the ‘45 election for Labour.’ It had been cut to half the length of the present full version, made to end on a note of despair suggesting that cranks who believed in Socialism could do nothing better than think of suicide. The present edition ends the way the author intended.
It isn’t easy to say precisely the effect this book had on me when I first read it. It certainly had a great one, because it has haunted me ever since. Those whose life has touched the misery recounted by Robert Tressell can get out of it many things: a bolstering of class feeling; pure rage; reinforcement for their own self-pity; a call to action; maybe a good and beneficial dose of all these things.
Owen, the main character, tries with marvellous patience and tenacity to enlighten his workmates, to tell them how Socialism could level out riches and give them not only a little more to live on, but also real hope of alleviating their inequalities for good. They won’t listen, so he calls them philanthropists, benefactors in ragged trousers who willingly hand over the results of their labour to the employers and the rich. They think it the natural order of things that the rich should exploit them, that ‘gentlemen’ are the only people with a right to govern. This theme is the soul of the novel, yet a mass of personal detail keeps it a novel and not a tract.
Robert Tressell (born Robert Noonan) was himself one of the workmen he describes, wrote his book in his spare time, and knew exactly what he was talking about. He died of tuberculosis in 1911, when he was forty, and his book was not published until 1914. It has gone through many varied editions since then, and has sold tens of thousands of copies all over the world. But this is the first time that the full edition has been published in paperback form.
Strange to say, one of my first thoughts after finishing the abridged edition was: ‘This book hasn’t been written by a working man’ – thereby displaying those symptoms of faithlessness that so outraged Owen. Fifteen years later, reading Tressell of Mugsborough, by F.C. Ball, I found the following sentence from a letter writen by a relation of Tressell’s: ‘I have told you quite truthfully that Robert was not born into the working class. He would have had a very much happier life, no doubt, had he been.’
It is useless to argue about what ‘class’ a man was born into, but it is interesting to know that Tressell was a person grafted on to working-class life through family misfortune. Little is known about his early years, but one account says that his father was an Inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary.
Of great talent and outstanding passion, Tressell grieved for the people around him, for their poverty as well as his own. Add to that his Irish descent and a justifiable detestation of the English middle and upper classes; and also the fact that he was a sick man most of his life, and you have the author of what has become an English classic.
This was the first good novel of English working-class life. A generation before it, appeared those of Arthur Morrison, who wrote A Child of the Jago, and Tales of Mean Streets. Morrison’s writing, however, was as slick as the Sunday newspapers, and his pompous and passionless style either lulls you to sleep or makes you distrust it. He wrote from too far above his characters: they lived in a zoo, and were to be regarded with fear, hostility, and derision. His working man was the stereotype (add a dose of dirt for realism) that still plagues English fiction. Robert Tressell, on the other hand, put his ordinary people into correct perspective by relating them to society as a whole.
Many working people familiar with Tressell’s book talk about its characters as if they knew them, recount incidents from it as if they had happened to themselves only the other day. It is hard to forget such people as Crass the chargehand, Misery the foreman, Rushton the firm’s director, and Owen the firebrand socialist workman, as well as the women, who suffer the most. What makes Tressell’s work unique are the author’s sense of humour and sense of honour. You can laugh at the way tragic things are told, while being led through the fire, only to weep when cold blasts greet you at the other end. He is utterly unsentimental.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists has as its theme the class war. This perhaps reduces it to a great simplicity, yet this also is what elevates it to a tragedy. I have heard it said that working people are not worth writing about because they have few refinements of perception, that lack of intelligence denies them expression, and people who can’t express themselves are not good material for the novelist. This may be so if the novelist has neither sympathy nor imagination. Self-expression denied to participants in Greek drama gave rise to tragedy of mythic dimensions.
On its simplest level, a failure to get bread means death, and this conflict goes back even beyond the emergence of tragedy and myth. The attempt to get more than bread – that is, the self-respect and dignity of spiritual bread – is a theme that can emulate myth while still containing the seeds of tragedy or failure. There is more tragic material in the failure to get bread than in the temporary lapse of morality that shapes the climaxes of most modern novels. There is a greater meaning in the attempt to get a more equitable share of bread than there is in the attempt to get more out of a kind of life already at the end of its spiritual tether.
I feel that those class-conscious middle-class critics who coined the phrase ‘the working-class novelist’ must wish now that they hadn’t, since the issue of class has become more of a reality than the fiction they first thought it. It only becomes a reality when there are signs and possibilities of it breaking up. Robert Tressell’s workmen either had no class feeling, or they regarded themselves as totally inferior. Because they saw no way of getting out of their predicament, they could only say ‘It’s not for the likes of us’. If they thought of improving their lives it was only in ways laid down by their ‘betters’. Owen realized that this would solve nothing. The ‘not for the likes of us’ attitude (still widespread though not nearly so universal) engendered the poisonous inaction of self-pity, sloth, and stupidity. He saw that they must find the solution from their own hearts – which he feared would not happen until their own hearts had been taken from them. By then it would be too late, because in exchange for more bread they would have relinquished the right to demand anything else. They lived in a jungle. The middle-class wouldn’t, and perhaps couldn’t, help them. Only what the workers take is helpful. What they are given is useless.
In some ways Owen’s workmates did want to get out of this jungle, but they needed help, more help than they were willing to accept. A tragedy cannot be written about creatures of the jungle, only about those who try to get out of it – or those who succumb to it knowing that it is possible to transform it. Therefore Owen is the most tragic figure in the book.
What relevance has this novel today? Not a difficult question, in that its relevance is simply that of a good book that ought to be read. It is easy to read, like all journeys through hell. It has its own excitement, harmony, pathos. It is spiked, witty, humorous, and instructive. Above all it is deeply bitter, because it is a real hell inhabited by real people, a hell made by one’s fellow men because they were human also and didn’t want to know any better.
The soul of Robert Tressell, in its complete rejection of middle-class values, seems forged in the formative years of the English working-class, during the Industrial Revolution of 1790–1832. Tressell no doubt inherited this feeling from his early days as a more independent workman in South Africa. The working people in his time did not have the same clarity, violent outlook, nor intellectual guidance of those earlier men of the Industrial Revolution. Never before or since were they so spiritless or depressed.
England was stagnating, eddying in a cultural and material back-water of self-satisfaction and callous indifference, in which those who ‘had’ hoped it would go on forever, and those who ‘had not’ were beginning to curse the day they were born. But by the time the first great English novel about the class war was published, the power of those who might act was being cut down on the Western Front. The Great War drained off the surplus blood of unemployment, and definite unrest. It proved once more the maxim that war is the father of a certain kind of progress – in certain societies. I imagine also that Robert Tressell’s destitute workers welcomed it, for a while.
December 1964
Although The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists is well known, the same cannot be said of its author, Robert Tressell, who was said to be ‘extremely reticent.’1 Fred Ball, Tressell’s biographer, admitted that even after extensive research, he still did not know whether Tressell’s real name was Noonan or Croker. I shall refer to him as Tressell, that being the pen name he chose in honour of the trestle table, part of the basic equipment of house painters and signwriters.
Fred Ball wrote two lives of Tressell, the first in 19512 and the second after it was discovered in 1967 that Tressell’s daughter, Kathleen, who had been presumed killed in a car crash in Canada, was alive and living in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire. The story was topical because BBC2 had recently screened a dramatisation of Tressell’s novel which Kathleen had been unable to see because she could not afford a television set. The second biography, however, does little more than correct some minor errors in the first, for example the claim that Tressell wrote his book in response to what he considered to be the shortcomings of fellow socialist George Meek’s book, George Meek, Bathchairman, when in fact Meek’s book was not published until 1910, the year that Tressell finished The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists.
Tressell was probably born in Dublin in 1870, the illegitimate son of Samuel Croker, an Inspector in the Royal Irish Constabulary, and Mary Noonan who had three other children in addition to Tressell: Adelaide, Ellie and Mary Jane. One source says that Tressell’s father, to whom he was deeply attached, died when he was six. It is not clear whether this was Croker or another man whom Mary had married in the meantime. Either way she remarried and Tressell was later to leave home, partly because of financial difficulties and partly because he did not get on with his stepfather. The move prevented this promising scholar – he could speak several languages – from finishing his education with the result, as his biographer, Fred Ball, explains, that ‘[h]e was now a working man without having been nurtured as one.’3
Tressell next appeared in Cape Town, South Africa, where he worked as a signwriter and also wrote sketches for various newspapers, exploiting to the full his ‘eye for queer characters.’4 This was the most prosperous period of his life; he made enough money to buy a plot of land and had a servant called Sixpence. He also married, but the union was not a happy one and, after his wife’s death from typhoid fever in 1895, Tressell moved to Johannesburg with Kathleen.
His time in South Africa came to an end with the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899. One story claims that he was active in the formation of the Irish Brigade which fought with the Boers. He was then captured and transported to Cape Town in an open railway truck, a journey that may have triggered the tuberculosis that was to kill him at the age of forty. After the war, Tressell was released and returned to England. Another story, however, claims that he left South Africa before the war and that his ill health was due to his excessive whisky drinking and then getting chilled when riding across the veldt on cold nights.
Back in England, Tressell settled first in Hastings with his sister, Adelaide, and her son Arthur, before finding somewhere for himself and Kathleen. Being a skilled artisan, Tressell was able to find employment as a signwriter and housepainter despite the depressed state of the building trade in Hastings. To his fellow workmen he was known variously as Raphael, the Professor or, most affectionately, as ‘little Bob.’
However, although as a craftsman Tressell earned more than the ordinary labourer, it was not enough to banish the constant spectre of poverty. Consequently, he was always exploring other ways of making money, particularly as he was anxious that Kathleen be provided for should anything happen to him. He set up The South Coast Amusement Company taking lantern lectures around the Sussex villages, but this quickly folded. He also tried, unsuccessfully, to hire the St Leonard’s Pier Hall to show ‘moving pictures’. He even taught himself aeronautics but could interest no-one in his designs. All his plans had come to nothing. He then decided to write a novel, referring to it as ‘this work which must be done or I will die in the workhouse.’1 He kept the book secret from his workmates because, Ball suggests, of working class prejudice against the arts.
Tressell began The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists sometime in 1906-7. Working a fifty-six and a half hour week meant that he could only write in the evenings and on Sundays, and the constant toil aggravated his already poor health. The novel was completed in 1910. Tressell sent it to publishers but, since the manuscript was only hand-written, it was rejected without being read. Disillusioned, Tressell decided to emigrate to Canada in the hope of making a better life there before sending for Kathleen. Sadly, he fell ill en route and died, in Liverpool, on 2 February, 1911. Kathleen had no money to pay for or even to attend her father’s funeral and he was buried in a pauper’s grave. His last letter to her ended: Je vous aime toujours, Dad.
What Kathleen did have, however, was the manuscript. Some time after her father’s death she moved to London and obtained a post as a nurse governess with a Mr and Mrs Mackinlay. She told a friend of theirs, Jessie Pope, about her father’s manuscript. Pope suggested she show it to the publisher Grant Richards who was sufficiently impressed to publish it buying the sole rights from Kathleen for £25. His only stipulation was that the manuscript, which he felt was repetitious, be cut from 250,000 to 100,000 words. Kathleen said that the repetitions were necessary because ‘my father felt that he had to hammer home his message to get the workers to see it’2 but she eventually agreed to Richards’s terms and the book was published on 23 April, 1914. It has never been out of print since.
Jessie Pope was responsible for the editing of the novel. So as not to offend the moral and political sensibilities of middle class readers she omitted from the original manuscript Chapters 23, 38, 39, 47, 48 and 51 and concluded the novel not with Tressell’s vision of a socialist future, but with Owen’s contemplation of suicide in Chapter 34. This clearly interfered with Tressell’s aims, one of which was to describe the effects of poverty and how it might be eliminated through socialism once it is properly understood.
Class, Revolution and Resistance
The socialism of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists has its roots in the Marxist analysis of society, the main tenet of which states that the economic base of society entirely determines what Marx calls the superstructure, that is its social, political and cultural forms. Owen – who incidentally takes his name and many of his ideas from Robert Owen, a nineteenth century socialist – describes the orthodox Marxist position in Chapter 21 when he observes that there are two main classes in capitalist society: first, those who own the means of production, that is, raw materials, machinery, modes of transport, communication and so on, and second, the workers, who own nothing except their labour power which they have to sell in order to survive. What the workers earn is always less than the value of what they produce. Hence the owners, by selling back to the workers what they produce, continue to increase their wealth while the condition of the workers progressively deteriorates. Eventually, a situation is reached where the owners have become so rich and the workers so poor that, as Owen puts it, ‘these miserable wretches [will] turn upon their oppressors and drown both them and their system in a sea of blood’(p.370).
This analysis was consistent with the principles of the Social Democratic Federation (1884), one of many organisations which sprung from the revival of socialist ideas in the late nineteenth century. Its members were sceptical of trade unions believing that society could only be changed through revolution. Tressell belonged to the Hastings branch of the party for which he wrote manifestos and designed posters. He also painted a banner, known as the Robert Tressell banner, which was borne aloft at the 1936 May Day demonstration in London. It was then sent for safe keeping in Birmingham, but no-one has seen it since.
If The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists reflects the revolutionary politics of the period it is also the case that it endorses the gradualist approach to social problems espoused by the Fabians. The Fabians, whose most prominent members were George Bernard Shaw and Beatrice and Sidney Webb, were socialists in the sense that they wanted to destroy the anarchy of the capitalist market and usher in a classless society. They believed that injustice and inequality could be removed by state intervention and a good example of this in the novel is the proposal to add a ‘halfpenny’ to the rates in order ‘to provide food for all the hungry schoolchildren’ whose fathers are out of work (p.346).
As well as reflecting both revolutionary and reformist socialist politics, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists also negotiates more general socialist concerns. For example, the value Owen places on craftsmanship in contrast to the ‘scamping’ demanded by his employer, Rushton, echoes the ideas of William Morris, cofounder of The Socialist League (1884), who believed that work should express the whole person, unlike the capitalists in the novel who propagate the idea that ‘[t]he men work with their hands and the masters work with their brains’ (p.138). The desire for profit, Morris argued, destroys traditional skills and denies people the right to produce ‘beautiful things’. This is illustrated in the novel by the different approaches Owen and Rushton take to the decoration of the drawing room at the ‘Cave’, the house which the philanthropists are renovating. The former ‘simply wanted to do the work; and he was so fully occupied with thinking and planning how it was to be done that the question of profit was crowded out’ (p.123). The latter only thinks about ‘how much money could be made out of it’ (ibid.). Hence, in keeping with his name, he wants Owen to ‘rush’ the job and do it as cheaply as possible so as to maximise his profits.