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A Narrative Of The Mutiny, On Board His Majesty's Ship Bounty; And The Subsequent Voyage Of Part Of The Crew, In The Ship's Boat
September 10.
On the 10th of September, I anchored off Passourwang, in latitude 7° 36´ S, and 1° 44´ W of Cape Sandana, the N E end or Java.
1789. September
On the 11th I sailed, and on the 13th arrived at Sourabya, latitude 7° 11´ S, 1° 52´ west.
Sourabya. Crissey.
On the 17th of September, sailed from Sourabya, and the same day anchored at Crissey, for about two hours, and from thence I proceeded to Samarang. Latitude of Crissey 7° 9´ S, 1° 55´ west.
On the 22nd of September, anchored at Samarang; latitude 6° 54´ S; 4° 7´ W. And on the 26th I sailed for Batavia, where I arrived on the 1st of October. Latitude 6° 10´ S; 8° 12´ W from the east end of Java.
On the day after my arrival, having gone through some fatigue in adjusting matters to get my people out of the schooner, as she lay in the river, and in an unhealthy situation, I was seized with a violent fever.
On the 7th, I was carried into the country, to the physician-general's house, where, the governor-general informed me, I should be accommodated with every attendance and convenience; and to this only can I attribute my recovery. It was, however, necessary for me to quit Batavia without delay; and the governor, on that account, gave me leave, with two others, to go in a packet that was to sail before the fleet; and assured me, that those who remained should be sent after me by the fleet, which was to sail before the end of the month: that if I remained, which would be highly hazardous, he could not send us all in one ship. My sailing, therefore, was eligible, even if it had not been necessary for my health; and for that reason I embarked in the Vlydt packet, which sailed on the 16th of October.
Cape of Good Hope.
1789. December.
On the 16th of December, I arrived at the Cape of Good Hope where I first observed that my usual health was returning; but for a long time I continued very weak and infirm.
I received the greatest attention and politeness from the governor-general, and all the residents on the coast of Java; and particular marks of friendship and regard from the governor, M. Van de Graaf, at the Cape of Good Hope.
On the 2d of January, 1790, we sailed for Europe, and on the 14th of March, I was landed at Portsmouth by an Isle of Wight boat.
It is to be observed, that the account of time is kept in the nautical way, each day ending at noon. Thus the beginning of the 29th of April is, according to the common way of reckoning, the afternoon of the 28th.
It weighed 272 grains.
By making a proportional allowance for the error afterwards found in the dead reckoning, I estimate the longitude of these islands to be from 167° 17´ E to 168° 34´ E from Greenwich.
One person turns his back on the object that is to be divided: another then points separately to the portions, at each of them asking aloud, "Who shall have this?" to which the first answers by naming somebody. This impartial method of division gives every man an equal chance of the best share.
Providential Channel is in 12° 34´ S, longitude 143° 33´ E.
Robert Lamb.—This man, when he came to Java, acknowledged he had eaten nine birds on the key, after he separated from the other two.