Полная версия
The Playboy of Harley Street
Fabio’s pulse was still behaving oddly. All of a sudden he wanted nothing better than to be alone with Katie and find a corner where he could keep bringing that mischievous glint to her eyes. But he couldn’t. They were both on duty. And … he groaned inwardly … she was a colleague. Hadn’t he told himself earlier that an affair was out of the question? That it would only lead to trouble sooner or later? But that had been before, when he’d been sure she wasn’t his type. Seeing her now was like a punch to his solar plexus.
He had to ignore the feeling in his gut, or at least he should ignore the feeling his gut. He wasn’t at all sure he was going to be able to do so.
‘Okay. See that couple over there?’ He indicated a man and a woman who were surrounded by fawning admirers. ‘You must recognise them. Every one in the world knows who they are.’
‘Oh, my God, yes! They’re on the front page of most newspapers. The golden husband and wife of the film world.’ Katie replied. ‘I just find it hard to believe that it’s truly them and not a couple of look-alikes.’
‘Come on, then, I’ll introduce you.’ He liked the way she wasn’t scared to show her wonder.
Panic flared in her eyes and she shook her head. ‘I’d rather not,’ she protested. ‘What on earth will I say to them?’
‘I think you’ll find that they are more than happy to have an audience,’ Fabio said dryly, and taking her by the elbow guided her across to the couple.
As it turned out, Fabio was right. The couple were charming and did most of the talking. All Katie had to do was nod and smile in the right places. She’d been terrified when she’d first come up on deck. The yacht was packed with glamorous men and women: the women in designer gowns that shimmered as they moved, diamonds sparkling at throats and hands, or in shorter, figure-hugging dresses, exposing long golden limbs; the men in tuxedos, with crisp white shirts and bow-ties. Everywhere Katie looked she thought she recognised someone from the movies or television or the modelling world. Next to the expertly made-up women in their impossibly high designer heels, Katie felt completely underdressed in her last season’s sundress, her face made up with only the merest slick of lipstick and mascara.
When she’d arrived, she had spotted Fabio immediately. Even next to the recognisable faces of well-known heartthrobs from the sporting and film world he’d stood out. Looking relaxed and assured in his dinner suit, his dark head bent to listen to something a flame-haired woman was whispering in his ear, he was the best-looking man on board. He must have felt her eyes on him because he looked up. Their eyes locked and her heart crashed against her ribs. Despite what she’d promised Lucy, she had been on the verge of hot footing it back to her cabin.
But before she could retreat, Fabio made a beeline towards her. Fleeing then would have made her look even more gauche than she already felt, and she was damned if she was going to let him see how unnerved she was, not only by the overwhelming number of beautiful people but the way the sight of him had stopped her breath. It had taken every ounce of her resolve to summon the smile she gave him.
Her heart was still pounding with excitement as the stars talked about their latest movies. If it hadn’t been for the music coming from a string quartet, she was sure everyone would have heard it beating.
‘Your cousin Kendrick was the stunt co-ordinator on set, you know,’ Oliver Douglas, one half of the fabulous couple, was saying.
‘And how is Kendrick?’ Fabio asked.
‘Crazy as ever. He keeps pushing the boundaries as far as stunts are concerned, and the directors love him for it. So do we, don’t we, darling? It makes us, or at least me, look better.’ Oliver smiled at his wife with a self-deprecating grin. ‘We’re just surprised he doesn’t get hurt more often.’
‘I guess as he didn’t manage to get himself killed when he was in the army, he’ll probably manage to keep himself in one piece on the set,’ Fabio said dryly.
Oliver frowned. ‘Didn’t he fly helicopters in Iraq or Afghanistan? Is it true he almost got killed rescuing some men who were pinned down by enemy fire? I heard something went wrong. That he went against orders and his commanding officers weren’t too pleased.’
‘My cousin has never been one to let orders get in the way of doing what he feels is right,’ Fabio said. Although his voice was quiet, almost gentle, there was a steely expression in his eyes.
Katie’s blood ran cold. She didn’t want to hear about the army. She didn’t want to hear about war. She certainly didn’t want to hear about rescue operations that went wrong. Couldn’t they find something more pleasant to talk about? Their movies, for example. Their houses in exotic places. Anything except war. Images of her brother flooded her head. The two of them laughing at an old movie. He cajoling her to join him on a huge roller-coaster at a theme park, and laughing till he cried at how she’d screamed. Unlike her, he hadn’t been frightened of anything.
Now he was dead. He hadn’t been playing a part in a movie. He was gone and he was never coming back. As tears burned behind her lids, she clenched her teeth so hard it made her jaw ache. She needed to get away. There was no way she could contribute to this conversation. Her head was spinning, making her feel dizzy, and she swayed slightly. Would her feet even obey her commands?
Fabio was looking at her through narrowed eyes. He took her by the elbow and steadied her. ‘Would you excuse us? There’s someone I have to introduce Katie to.’
Without giving the couple a chance to respond, Fabio steered Katie away towards a quiet area of the yacht. She gripped the rail tightly, trying to stop her hands trembling, taking deep breaths as she waited for the dizziness to pass.
‘What is it, Katie?’ Fabio asked. ‘You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.’
Katie couldn’t speak through her numb lips. She clenched her jaw, praying that tears wouldn’t come. Not here, not in front of all these people, not in front of this man.
‘You’re shivering. Here.’ Fabio took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. It smelled of him. Lemon and spice.
‘Thanks,’ she mumbled. She wished he would go away. Then she could slink back to her cabin and give in to the tears.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ His voice was gentle.
Please, she thought, don’t be nice to me. Anything else—flirt, whatever—just don’t be kind. If he was kind, it would undo her.
She gave a vigorous shake of her head.
‘Okay, then, I’ll do the talking for a while.’ He indicated a man well over six feet five with silver hair, who was leaning nonchalantly against a polished railing. ‘See him? Do you know he used to be a baseball star before going into the movies?’
Fabio stood next to her, not quite touching, but almost. He carried on, his voice calm and soothing, until eventually she felt some of the tension leave her body.
‘And the red-haired woman in the black dress?’ He tipped his head in the direction of a film star who had been nominated for several awards. ‘I heard tonight that’s she’s planning to divorce husband number five. I can’t imagine marrying once, let alone five times!’ He kept pointing people out, dropping in little bits of gossip and wry remarks until Katie had to smile.
‘That’s better,’ he said, noticing.
‘Thanks for staying with me.’ She cleared her throat. ‘And thanks for not asking me any questions. I’m going to go back downstairs and check on Lucy.’ She shrugged out of his jacket and held it out to him. ‘Please, go back to the party. I’ve monopolised you enough.’
He tipped her chin and looked into her eyes. ‘I’d rather stay with you. I can party anytime.’
The touch of his fingertip on her skin sent a spark down her spine. How could she go from thinking her heart was breaking to feeling like this all in a matter of a few minutes? How could this man have such an effect on her?
‘No, please. I’m really tired, Fabio, but thanks.’
His eyes glinted in the moonlight. He leaned towards her and for one heart-stopping moment Katie thought he was going to kiss her. Instead, he brushed his lips against her forehead. It was just the lightest of pressure but enough to send a flash of heat through her.
‘Sleep tight. I’ll see you in the morning,’ he said lightly, before walking away.
Katie was rooted to the spot as she watched him disappear into the crowd. Although she barely knew him, he was making her feel as if he was pulling her into his orbit, from where there would be no escape.
THE next day everyone was up early and Katie found them all gathered for breakfast on deck.
A white-uniformed crew member pulled out her chair for her and asked her what she would like to eat. Katie looked at the side table, which was groaning with platters of fruit, pastries and cheese and cold meats.
‘Coffee and a couple of those delicious-looking pastries, please,’ she said.
Fabio was reading the paper, clearly having long since finished his breakfast, and looked up in surprise.
‘I know I shouldn’t,’ she said defensively. ‘But they just look so good.’
‘Hey, I like a woman who enjoys eating. Most of the women I know, with the exception of you, Amelia, barely consume enough calories to keep themselves alive.’
The grin he gave her made her heart thump. She had been feeling anxious about seeing him after almost making a fool of herself the evening before, but he was clearly happy to pretend nothing out of the ordinary had happened and she was grateful to him.
Last night had been the first time she had slept without waking with tears on her pillow. Instead she had slept soundly, dreaming of dark green eyes and a full mouth. God, she realised, feeling a warmth rush through her body, she had been dreaming of being held in his arms, of him kissing her with a ferocity that made her heart sing. She looked away, terrified he could read her mind.
Even though she had clearly lost it. The dream had been so erotic—and so real—it made her blush to remember it. Perhaps it was transference or whatever it was called. Fabio had been so kind, staying with her until she’d got herself together—never mind what he must have thought of her odd behaviour the evening before. She cringed inwardly. So much for presenting a professional front at all times. The last thing she wanted was for him to think that she wasn’t up to the job.
Avoiding his eyes, she looked out to sea. The sun bounced off the water, making it sparkle. To her surprise the yacht was no longer moored. Some time through the night it had moved from the marina out into the bay.
‘Daddy races today, but not until this afternoon,’ Lucy said. ‘Mummy and I are going to stay on board this morning.’ Lucy looked contented with her world.
‘We thought Fabio could show you around the town. Would you like that?’ Amelia suggested, smiling at her daughter.
Katie glanced at Fabio, uncertain. After last night and her dream, she felt shy and awkward in his presence.
‘Shouldn’t we stay here?’ she asked.
‘I’m sure Amelia and Lucy would be glad of some time together,’ Fabio said. ‘But I’m sure they won’t mind if you want to stay and sunbathe. You can swim from the side of the yacht if you like.’
‘Or you can do both,’ Amelia said. ‘Have a dip, then go and see a bit of Monaco before the race. It’s entirely up to you.’
Katie stared across at the clear blue water. The thought of cooling off was extremely appealing. There was only one problem.
‘I didn’t think to bring my bikini,’ she said. ‘It didn’t occur to me.’
Amelia smiled. ‘Luckily I have a drawer full.’ She eyed Katie. ‘You and I are about the same size. You’re a bit shorter and smaller, but I don’t think there’s much in it.’
Fabio was studying Katie speculatively. ‘Didn’t you tell me you swim every day? I wouldn’t mind a swim myself and I’m sure Lucy will join us.’
‘C’mon, Katie.’ Lucy added her entreaties. ‘Mummy doesn’t like to swim and it’ll be more fun if you and Fabio come in too.’
‘Okay, then.’ Katie gave in. Exercise was good for Lucy.
After breakfast, Amelia helped Katie select a bikini. Although they were all more beautiful than anything Katie had ever worn, they all seemed slightly on the skimpy side, but seeing that she had no real choice she chose one that appeared to offer the most coverage.
By the time she’d changed and come back on deck, Lucy and Fabio were already in the water.
‘C’mon, Katie,’ Lucy implored. ‘We’re waiting for you.’
Fabio was treading water. With his dark hair slicked down with the water, he looked different—more vulnerable, more human. And, if it were possible, even more sexy.
‘Yes, vamos. Or do I have to come up there and get you?’ he threatened with a glint in his eye.
Katie had no doubt he would do as he said. She balanced on the edge of the yacht and taking a deep breath dived straight in. She gasped as she hit the cool water, but moments later it felt deliciously cool and refreshing.
She bobbed up within inches of Fabio. He was still looking at her with a gleam in his eyes. ‘That was some dive,’ he said appreciatively. His expression grew serious. ‘Are you okay?’ he said. His genuine look of concern rattled her. She didn’t want him to think she needed looking after. Last night had been a glitch. In future she’d be more careful to keep her feelings under control.
‘I’m fine. I was tired, that’s all. It was a long day,’ she replied, keeping her voice matter-of-fact.
He looked at her searchingly for a moment. She was sure he didn’t believe her. Then, as if he knew he wouldn’t get more from her, the teasing look was back in his eyes.
‘Want to race?’ he said.
Lucy had eased herself onto an airbed and was paddling towards them.
‘If you race, I’ll be the judge,’ she offered.
Katie was about to refuse when she read the challenge in Fabio’s eyes. Her heart started pounding.
‘Okay.’ She pointed to a buoy in the distance. ‘What about to that marker and back?’
‘Done. I’ll give you a head start if you like,’ Fabio said with a smile.
‘Not needed.’ Katie retorted.
‘Okay, ready, steady, go!’ Lucy shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth.
Without waiting to see what Fabio was up to, Katie set off at a fast crawl. Each time she lifted her face to the side to suck in some air, she looked for him, but he was nowhere in sight. Good. She must be in front. But when she touched the buoy, she saw that he had been ahead of her and was turning back already. Damn. She increased her speed, putting every ounce of energy into making her legs and arms move faster. Soon she was alongside him, and then with a last effort past him. That would show him.
But just as Lucy, and the finishing line, was within easy reach, a hand grabbed her foot and she was tugged under.
Twisting out of his grip, Katie bobbed to the surface. Fabio had started swimming away from her and would easily cross the finishing line before her. The cheat! Well, two could play at that game and perhaps it would convince him that her emotional wobble the evening before was well and truly in the past. With a wink at Lucy, she let out a loud yelp and pretended to grab at her calf.
Fabio stopped swimming and turned towards her. He frowned when he saw the fake agony on her face. ‘Katie! What’s wrong?’
‘Cramp,’ Katie groaned, sliding a look at Lucy, who hid her giggles behind her hand.
Fabio swam back towards her and his arm snaked around her waist. ‘Hold onto me,’ he said. The heat of his bare skin against hers was sending little bolts of electricity shooting through her, almost making her forget about the race. For a moment the world stood still as she looked into his heavily lashed eyes. Confused by the sensations running through her, Katie pulled away. ‘Got you!’ she yelled triumphantly. Kicking her legs as fast as she could, she swam towards Lucy. She ignored Fabio’s shout behind her, aware that if she stopped even for a second he would catch up.
‘I win!’ Her ruse had worked. She grinned as Lucy high-fived her.
When Fabio arrived seconds behind her his expression was dark and dangerous. Katie’s pulse beat even faster.
Lucy slipped back in the water and swam away.
‘You cheated,’ he said.
‘You cheated first!’
‘Ah, but winning is all that matters,’ he drawled. ‘At least as far as I’m concerned. I should warn you, I don’t believe in rules.’
He was still looking at her as if he was contemplating what to do to her. Her heart was behaving as if someone was drumming out a rock song on it.
‘Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think,’ she said. Now she was flirting back.
Once more Katie was acutely conscious of Fabio’s nearly naked body only inches from hers, and to her dismay, something that felt very close to lust curled in her pelvis.
‘I … I should go after Lucy,’ she managed, mortifyingly aware that her voice was husky.
The way Fabio was looking at her suggested he knew exactly what effect he was having on her. Damn the man and his gorgeousness.
‘She’s fine, Katie,’ he murmured, holding her gaze, his eyes sparking with mischief. ‘Payback time.’
His arms shot out and holding her tightly against him he sank with her beneath the surface of the water. She fought to wriggle free, every thrust of her body bringing her closer against him and adding to the clamour of sensations sweeping through her. When they bobbed back to the surface, something shifted in Fabio’s eyes and his grin faded. Knowing she had to get away from him, Katie pushed him away and swam towards the yacht as if the hounds from hell were snapping at her heels. By the time she arrived next to Lucy she was breathless and she knew it wasn’t from swimming.
While she and Lucy splashed in the water, Katie watched her patient carefully for any signs of breathing difficulty. There were none.
Having taken possession of the airbed, Fabio lay on his stomach, using his hands to propel his way towards them.
When he reached them, he turned over and lay on his back, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.
Katie and Lucy looked at each other and with one accord they ducked under the water and came up next to him, pushing over his makeshift sunbed and tipping him into the water.
Fabio came up gasping and shaking the water from his eyes. He gave Katie and Lucy a wicked grin, before grabbing the child and tossing her into the air.
Then his hands spanned Katie’s waist.
His touch sent her already thumping heart rate into overdrive and she found herself looking into his eyes, almost unable to breathe again. His mouth was inches away from hers. Was he going to kiss her this time? She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. But then with a look of what she could have sworn was regret he dropped his hands.
‘We’d better get back to the yacht.’
Dismayed at the thud of disappointment she felt, Katie could only nod.
Back on board, Lucy went to have a rest while Katie changed into denim shorts and a white cotton shirt. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she felt almost light-hearted. The morning had been fun—if unsettling. Back there, in the water, when Fabio had held her, she’d had the strangest sensation of coming home, which was crazy. Men like Fabio were heartbreakers and she needed to remember that. Her heart was in bad enough condition as it was—the last thing she needed was more pain.
Back on deck, Fabio had also changed, his short-sleeved white shirt emphasising his bronzed chest.
‘Are you ready for lunch ashore?’ he asked. Katie was perplexed. The yacht was still out in the bay and she wondered how they were supposed to get there. Surely Fabio didn’t expect them to swim?
‘There’s a little boat we can use,’ Fabio said, as if reading her mind. ‘The crew are happy for me to take us, if you trust me, that is?’
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