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“I’ll get a DNA swab kit,” Bree volunteered, moving out of the reception area and down the hall.
“Now, wait a minute,” Willy challenged. Bree didn’t stop. She continued toward the supply cabinet. “If April’s dead, so is the kid, right?”
“No.” Except Sawyer didn’t know if that was true or not. He was assuming the baby that the kidnappers gave Cassidy was April’s child. But maybe she wasn’t.
“Are you saying she had the kid already?” Willy pressed.
Sawyer settled for a nod.
Willy cursed and his hands went back on his hips. “Then, the kid’s not mine. Can’t be. April and me have what you call an on-again, off-again kind of relationship. Nine months ago, we were definitely off.”
“Then, how the devil do you still consider her your girlfriend?”
“Easy. We got back together about six months ago. Things stayed hot and heavy for about a month, and then she lit out again after telling me she was pregnant.”
Willy’s gaze shot to Cassidy. “And I figured that’s when she went to your slimeball brother.” More cursing. “If that was his kid, if April got knocked up by another man, then she deserved to die.”
And that just spelled out Willy’s motive for murder.
“You killed her,” Cassidy concluded. “Did you do something to my brother, too?” That time, Sawyer wasn’t able to hold her back, so he followed her to the front of the building.
“I didn’t kill nobody,” Willy snapped. “But if I was planning to do something stupid like that, your brother would have been on my list.”
Willy just kept digging that hole deeper and deeper.
Sawyer and Bree exchanged a glance as she walked past him with the DNA kit. “Want me to move him to an interview room and take his statement?” Bree asked, and Sawyer nodded.
“Statement?” Willy howled. “I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense.”
“You’ll make time. If not, I’ll just arrest you now and charge you with murder,” Sawyer warned him.
That obviously didn’t please Willy. It didn’t please Sawyer, either. Even though he wanted this idiot off the street, it wasn’t a good time to make an arrest.
Not with so many details to work out.
Heck, Willy might even have an airtight alibi. A real honest-to-goodness one. But if Willy was the kidnapper and had helped orchestrate all of this, then maybe he was stupid enough to have left evidence behind.
Bree handed Willy the swab from the kit. “You can do it yourself, or Agent Ryland here and I can do it for you.”
Willy shot all three of them glares, but he rubbed the swab on the inside of his mouth past his chipped, yellow teeth, and he dropped it back into the plastic bag.
“Let’s go to an interview room,” Bree insisted, sealing the bag and motioning for Willy to follow her. He did, after mumbling more profanity, but then he stopped when the woman approaching the door caught everyone’s attention.
The tall, thin brunette stepped into the sheriff’s office. She closed her umbrella, set it by the door and looked around at all of them. She was dressed to the nines, all right. A pale gray suit and mile-high heels. Expensive, no doubt. Ditto for the chunky diamond wedding ring.
Her expression was pleasant enough until it landed on Willy. “I see you’ve already brought him in,” she said. “I’m Dr. Diane Blackwell. I was April’s therapist. I understand you’d like to talk to me?”
“I would,” Sawyer confirmed. He studied her a moment. “You look pretty young for a shrink.” He doubted she was even thirty yet.
The corner of her mouth lifted a fraction. “Thank you, I think. I’ll accept that as a compliment and not a concern that I might be too young to be an effective therapist. Trust me, I’m very good at my job.”
Sawyer considered that for a moment and decided to do a background check on her just to see how good she was. “I’m Agent Sawyer Ryland,” he said, making the introductions. “And this is Deputy Bree Ryland and Cassidy O’Neal.”
The doctor’s gaze lingered a moment on Cassidy, maybe wondering what she had to do with all of this, but she didn’t ask any questions.
“The doc’s nothing more than a quack shrink,” Willy snarled. “The judge made April see her once a week, and April was scared to death of her.”
Until Willy had added that last part, Sawyer had been ready to stop this little confrontation, but maybe he could learn something that would help the investigation.
Especially since Diane didn’t jump to argue with Willy.
“Last time April and me talked,” Willy went on, “she said she thought this quack was messing with her mind.”
Diane dismissed that with a cool glance at Willy. “April was a troubled woman, and she was terrified of you.”
“So says you, and now that April’s dead, I got no way of proving different.”
“That’s right.” Diane spared him another frosty glance with her cool green eyes before fastening her attention on Sawyer. “I’ll try to answer any questions you have. I want to help you catch April’s killer.” And judging from the quick glare she gave Willy, she thought he was that killer.
“Come on,” Bree instructed Willy, and she led him to the first interview room.
“Don’t believe a word that quack says,” Willy warned them. “And if she tries to pin this murder on me, she’ll be sorry.”
Other than a single soft sigh, Diane had no reaction to Willy’s threat. Bree, however, did. She put her hand on Willy’s shoulder and practically shoved him into the interview room. Sawyer waited a moment to see if Bree needed some help, but obviously she didn’t. Bree might be on the petite side, but she had a tough lawman’s attitude and a whole lot of Ryland muscle to back her up if the attitude didn’t work.
“Tell me where you were this morning,” Bree ordered Willy.
While the doctor made her way toward them, Sawyer listened in on Willy’s answer.
“At home sleeping in. And before you ask, no one can verify that ʼcause I live all by my lonesome. That still don’t make me a killer.”
No, but it made him a violent man with no alibi and a strong motive for murdering April.
Sawyer stepped into Grayson’s office with Cassidy, and Diane followed him.
“We’ve met,” Diane said to Cassidy and extended her hand for Cassidy to shake. “At a fund-raiser last year in San Antonio. I don’t expect you to remember, but someone introduced me to you and your brother.”
Judging from Cassidy’s reaction, that wasn’t much of a surprise. Probably because she attended a lot of functions like that.
“Now, back to April,” Diane went on. “Like I said earlier, she was a troubled woman. I’d be happy to help you in any way that I can.”
So, her offer of help was one possible roadblock removed, and Sawyer didn’t waste any time. “When’s the last time you saw her?”
“Two weeks ago for our regular counseling session. When she didn’t show for her appointment yesterday, I had to report it to the judge. It’s part of her parole agreement.” She opened her mouth, no doubt to ask some questions of her own, but Sawyer went first.
“April was still pregnant two weeks ago?”
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