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Notes and Queries, Number 185, May 14, 1853
Orchids, sale of
Paints, green, by Mr. Prideaux
Plants, effects of frost on
–—, bottom-heat for
Potatoe disease, by Mr. Hopps
Schools, self-supporting
Society of Arts
Societies, proceedings of the Horticultural, Linnean, National Floricultural, Agricultural of England
Strawberry, Cuthill's
Tenant-right in Ireland
Veitch's Nursery, Chelsea
Water Lilies, eradicating
Winter, the late
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We must exempt from this sweeping assertion a very interesting and well-written account of works on this subject, entitled "A Sketch of that Branch of Literature called Books of Emblems, as it flourished during the 16th and 17th centuries, by Joseph Brooks Yates, Esq., F.S.A.," of West Dingle, near Liverpool, the friend of Roscoe, and the worthy and intelligent President of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, read at their meetings, and of which two parts have already been printed in their volumes of Proceedings. This "Sketch" only requires to be enlarged and completed, with specimens added of the different styles of the engravings, to render it everything that is to be desired on the subject.
Perhaps this, and the works of Colman and Heywood, are scarcely to be considered as Books of Emblems.
[For some account of this work, by Arthur Bury, and the controversy respecting it, see Wood's Athenæ, edit. Bliss, vol. i. p. 483. William Rooke, the Writer of the letter, was of Queen's College; made B.A., May 16, 1674; M.A., Oct. 30, 1677; B.D., April 12, 1690.—Ed.]
Robertus Bloëtus also, who was still Bishop of Lincoln, and Rogerus, Bishop of Salisbury, appear to have had sons, though, perhaps, not born in wedlock; but query.