Полная версия
Desire And Deception
Which people? she’d asked as soon as Kirsty had left the house to go to the movie marathon with her friends. Was he talking about Byron? Ava? His daughter? His ex-wife? Was it himself he feared could be talked out of the marriage. Or herself?
Nathan hadn’t really answered her. He’d diverted her questions by making love to her yet again. Afterwards, while he was in the bathroom, she’d slipped on her swimming costume and fled to the pool, anywhere where she could think. The suspicion that Nathan might deliberately have used sex to silence her arguments was now teasing the edges of her mind, and, while she automatically shrank from the idea, Gemma found it wouldn’t let go. If anything, it was growing.
A splash behind her had her feet searching for the bottom of the pool. But she was at the deep end, so she was madly treading water when Nathan swam underneath her feet and surfaced in front of her.
‘I couldn’t find you,’ he said, slicking his hair back from his handsome but angry eyes. ‘Why didn’t you tell me where you were going? I wouldn’t have known where you were if I hadn’t looked out of the study window.’
‘I...I needed some air,’ she answered breathlessly, already feeling tired. She wasn’t the strongest swimmer in the world. If there hadn’t been a learn-to-swim programme at school she never would have learnt at all. Lightning Ridge did not abound in water.
‘Have you changed your mind?’ he asked coldly. ‘About getting married.’
‘No, of course not. It’s just that it isn’t going to be easy. I...I’m worried about what Kirsty’s going to say.’
‘Kirsty will adjust. So will everyone else. Just do as I say and everything will be fine. Here, you’re sinking. Put your arms around my neck and wrap your legs around my waist.’
She went to do so but jerked back as though stung. ‘You’re...you’re naked!’
‘Uh-huh. And so will you be...once I get you out of this strait-jacket.’
Gemma gasped as her breasts burst free of her costume, Nathan peeling the purple maillot downwards till it was dragged right off and let go of, to float away. For a while she trod water again, her flapping arms and legs making her even more aware of her abrupt nudity. She glanced nervously around, happy to see that the trees and shrubbery around the edges of the garden gave them privacy from neighbors. The sun had not long set but the evening was warm. Stars twinkled overhead in a clear sky. A half-moon bathed the water in its soft glow.
‘I...I’m not used to this kind of thing,’ she babbled.
‘I know,’ he said, and caught her to him.
His mouth was wet and warm and wild. Gemma wanted to push him away, to say she had things she needed to talk about, but she soon ran up the white flag. Making love with the man she loved was too new and too wonderful and too exciting to replace with serious discussion. That could wait, she supposed. After all, they did have all night.
With a sigh, she moved to fit her body to his, to entwine her arms and legs around his hard lean torso. Nathan groaned deep in his throat and clasped her even closer. Gemma’s head whirled and she pushed all thought of Kirsty aside. It was a night made for love, a night made for lovers. She would worry about tomorrow...tomorrow.
JADE watched Melanie steering their dinner guest into the dining-room ahead of them, her conversation obviously finding favour with Mr Cool, since he was smiling over at the housekeeper. A pang of jealousy was quickly followed by a surge of annoyance. What was wrong with her today, becoming fixated on a man who obviously did not return her interest? A challenge was all very well but when it started affecting her total equilibrium then it was time to call a halt!
Besides, she couldn’t possibly be wanting Kyle as much as she thought she did. Sex for sex’s sake had never held any fascination for her. How could it when the physical act left her unmoved? It was male attention she occasionally craved, not male bodies.
Nathan was the only man ever to have really aroused her. But then Nathan was an enigma in that regard. Men like him should be banned from female company. They were far too dangerous.
As for men like Mr Cool...Jade was at a loss to understand why she was finding him so physically fascinating. One would think that after last night her susceptibility to the male sex would have to be at an all-time low. Yet here she was, being plagued by feelings she didn’t want, and desires that were so alien to her that she didn’t really know how to handle them.
Feeling irritated and somewhat bewildered, Jade fell uncharacteristically silent. Too bad her father wasn’t similarly content.
‘Well, what do you think of him?’ he demanded to know as they made slow progress together towards the dining-room.
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