Полная версия
A Home of Her Own
She rubbed her temples to ease the pounding in her head as she tried to convince herself that last night’s embarrassment didn’t matter. He’d never liked her to begin with, so she hadn’t lost anything. Except a pair of panties. She felt uncomfortable without her underwear, but she wasn’t going back to his bedroom for any reason.
Getting up, she dressed and made the bed as perfectly as she could, wishing she could erase any trace of herself. The urge to leave town obsessed her. She wanted to get in her car and simply drive away. But she’d left Morris’s house vacant too long already, and the promise of those names in her mother’s journal held her fast. Besides, she might’ve been naive and foolish to do what she did, but she wouldn’t be a coward about it now.
After using her finger and a little toothpaste to brush her teeth, she raked her fingers through her unruly hair, which had reached almost wild dimensions, took a deep breath, and walked down the hall to the kitchen.
Mike didn’t turn at the sound of her approach. She thought he hadn’t heard her until he spoke. “Morning.”
Her nails curled into her palms. “Morning,” she said.
She hesitated. It felt so odd letting him take care of her. She hated the complexity it added to their relationship, hated the grudging appreciation that was getting mixed up with the resentment and everything else. But she didn’t have much choice. She could drink his coffee or she could go without. Providing for herself wasn’t an option at the moment. “Please.”
He filled a cup and set it on the table, where a pitcher of cream and a bowl of sugar waited. “Breakfast is coming right up.”
She was hungry, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep the food down. Her ulcer was aching, burning. She shouldn’t have stopped taking her medication. “Smells good.”
He flipped the pancakes on the griddle, then leaned against the counter. She could feel his attention on her but refused to meet his eyes in case he wanted to initiate a conversation that went deeper than, “One pancake or two?”
Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him. “So…” he said with just enough emphasis to warn her that she wouldn’t like what he was about to say.
Ignoring his lead-in, she crossed to the window, distraught to see that the storm still raged.
“Are you going to explain what happened last night?” he asked.
She kept her back to him. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You should’ve told me you never had sex with anyone.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. A guy should know when he needs to…to take a little extra care and—”
She didn’t want to hear this. “You’re going to burn the pancakes if you’re not careful.”
“How do you know? You’ve barely even glanced in this direction.”
“I can smell them.”
“I don’t care about the pancakes. I’m trying to tell you that—”
She held up her hand. “I know what you’re trying to tell me. I was an idiot last night. I get it. But it’s not your problem. And I don’t need your advice because I won’t ever be in that position again. A girl can only lose her virginity once, remember?”
When he didn’t respond she turned to see why, and found him looking stricken instead of mollified. “It didn’t have to be that bad,” he finally said.
“It couldn’t have been any different,” she said flatly. “Anyway, I was wondering if maybe I could get a ride into town.”
He frowned. “What’s the matter, Lucky? You itchin’ to run again?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“What is it you keep running from?”
“Go to hell.”
“Is it that you’re afraid?”
She tried to throw him off with sarcasm. “Do you always analyze your bed partners?”
“Only when something happens that I don’t understand.”
“Forget about it,” she said.
“Why, so you don’t have to face the truth?”
“What truth? You rolled on top of me last night for a few seconds. That doesn’t mean you know anything about me.”
“That wasn’t exactly what happened. First, you came into my room and asked for what you got. And maybe I know more than you think. At least I know what your actions tell me.”
“And what do they tell you?”
“You stay in one place for only a few weeks or months and leave about the time most other people begin to form friendships and put down roots. I’m guessing you do that because you’re terrified of growing close to anyone, of maintaining a relationship.”
“If you’re applying that to this situation, we don’t even have a relationship.”
“With me it’s something else.”
She cocked a challenging eyebrow at him.
“I think you’re afraid that if you stay, we might end up in bed again—and next time you might like it.”
He’d hit a little too close to the truth, and she couldn’t bear for him to know it, so she shot him a withering “as if” look. “There’s no danger of that. I may not have the best judgment in the world, but I generally don’t make the same mistake twice.”
A muscle twitched in his cheek at the insult. She thought he might come back at her with something equally hurtful and much truer: Who’d want you anyway? But he didn’t. “We can’t take the snowmobiles into town because the roads’ll be plowed once we hit Third,” he said, “but we can try to get you out of here in the truck.”
LUCKY GRABBED Mike’s arm as they passed the Victorian. “Wait—aren’t you going to stop?”
He gave her an incredulous look, and she let go. “We’re in the middle of a blizzard. If I stop, there’s a greater chance of getting stuck.”
“But I need a pair of my own shoes and money to pay for a motel room.”
The wipers struggled against the snow and ice although he’d done his best to scrape the windshield clean. “My boots will keep your feet dry,” Mike said. “And I’ll front the money for the motel and lend you some cash.”
“But the house isn’t secure with all those broken windows.”
He redirected the heat blasting through the vents so it wouldn’t hit him dead on. He was warm enough with his big coat. “You’re afraid of getting robbed?”
“Whatever you’re afraid of losing, you can afford to replace.” He slanted her a brooding glance. “I should know. I send you your check every month, remember?”
After last night, and the conversation that had followed this morning, Mike wanted to punish Lucky. For returning to Dundee. For destroying his peace of mind. If he couldn’t achieve some kind of resolution or come to grips with what had happened, he at least wanted to vent his displeasure. But Lucky had become so aloof and withdrawn over the past hour that, predictably, she didn’t react, which only frustrated him further.
“What I want can’t be replaced,” she said stubbornly.
“Why not?”
She didn’t answer his question, giving him the impression that she wouldn’t even if he pressed her. “And there’s no need to risk my ID and credit cards,” she added.
He drew a deep, calming breath. He rarely had to struggle to get along with anyone, especially a woman. But Lucky had always been trouble.
“Are you going to let me out?” she asked.
“I’m thinking about it.”
“I’ll jump if you don’t.” She opened her door. Because they were only traveling a few miles an hour and the snow looked deceptively soft, he believed she just might try it.
With a grimace, he applied the brakes. “Make it quick. I have to stay in the middle of the road because the snow’s too deep on the sides.”
She hopped out and hunched against the wind as she made her way to the Victorian. A few minutes later, she appeared with a little bag, probably filled with toiletries, her purse and a black book tucked under her coat.
“That’s what you wanted?” he said, eyeing the book curiously as she climbed in.
She slipped it farther under her coat, out of sight, and bent over to brush the snow off her jeans before closing the door. “Thanks for stopping.” Her tone let him know that she didn’t plan to explain.
With a sigh, he managed to get the truck moving again, but the going was slow and tedious and they drove several minutes without speaking. “Why’d you come back, Lucky?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.
Lucky knew better than to answer that question honestly. She might have grown up in Dundee, but she was sure Dave Small, Eugene Thompson and Garth Holbrook, if they were still around, had more friends here than she did. Some people might not appreciate her digging around in their pasts.
She turned to stare out the window. “There’s something I have to do.”
“Nothing that concerns you.”
“Or my family?”
She laughed bitterly. “Or your precious family.”
“Will you be staying long?”
“I don’t know. A few weeks—” she shrugged “—maybe a few months.”
“And then you’ll be gone again?”
“And then I’ll be gone.”
The tension in his jaw seemed to ease with this news, which didn’t make her feel any better.
“What about the house?” he asked.
She studied his profile. “What about it?”
“Are you planning to leave it empty?”
“Maybe.” She’d promised herself that once she found her father, she’d sell out and put Dundee behind her forever. But she wasn’t sure she could let the Victorian go. It had come to represent the only love she’d ever known. Morris was associated with that place, along with all her childhood hopes and dreams, which was why she’d hung on to it for so long.
“You know you don’t give a damn about the house or anyone here in Dundee,” Mike said.
She said nothing.
“So why are you being so obstinate? Why not sell it to me and forget about it?”
He believed she’d refused his purchase offers just to spite him. In all honesty, Lucky knew her feelings toward Mike had played a part, but there was more to it than that. Morris’s Victorian meant a great deal to her because she’d never had a real home. But if Mike’s family wouldn’t relinquish their emotional claim to the property, she could never feel good about living there. So what was she hanging on to? The memory of a man Mike and his family felt they had first “dibs” on? Childhood dreams of warmth and belonging that would never come true?
She thought of that kiss she’d witnessed in the barn, and juxtaposed it to the reality of last night. Mike had finally broken through her defenses when it came to selling the house, but she had too much pride to let him know she was ready to give it up without a fight. Lifting her chin, she met his gaze squarely. “How much are you willing to pay?”
He scowled. “I’ve already offered you twice as much as you could get from anyone else. How greedy can you be?”
How much were her dreams worth? “I don’t know,” she said. “But somehow I always seem to be asking for too much.”
MIKE DIDN’T FEEL like driving back to the ranch. The roads had to be nearly impassable by now and were only getting worse, making his decision to stop in at Jerry’s café a risky one. But he didn’t care. He wasn’t the unruffled, conservative guy he’d been just yesterday. He was restless and edgy and—
The bell over the entrance jingled. Brooding, Mike glanced up from his coffee to see Gabe roll in and wasn’t sure whether he was excited to see his old friend or not. He decided he wasn’t. Gabe had seemed more like himself when he visited the ranch yesterday, but Mike didn’t want the added pressure of trying to maintain their strained relationship right now. He was still too annoyed about what had happened with Lucky. But he waved anyway. He could hardly go unnoticed. He was the only one in the diner besides Judy, the waitress, and Harry, the cook.
“What are you doing in town in the middle of such a bad storm?” Gabe asked as he wheeled closer.
Too grumpy to bother smiling, Mike propped an arm on the back of the booth and watched his friend. “I was wondering the same about you.”
“I had a meeting with the mayor yesterday and stayed too long. Haven’t been able to make it home since.” Gabe remained in his chair instead of hauling himself out and sliding around the booth as Mike had seen him do before, when the restaurant was busy.
“Too much snow?”
Gabe nodded.
“Considering that you bought the most remote piece of land you could find, I’m not surprised.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Did you stay at your folks’ place last night?”
“I did. My father and I sat up talking politics.” He smiled faintly as though he’d enjoyed it, and Mike was glad that Gabe had at least remained close to his father.
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