Полная версия
Behind Palace Doors
He also wanted to keep her relaxed, keep her talking all night—since that was his only option for now. Just like during their multiple phone conversations over the years, that sultry voice washed over him, making him wish for things he couldn’t have right now. But at the end of this, who knew? Maybe they’d remain married. That would put quite a spin on the whole friends-with-benefits scenario.
He’d never had this type of arrangement before—even that would’ve been more of a commitment than he’d been willing to give. But for Victoria…hell yes, he’d be interested.
“I’ve never worked with my family before and never designed costumes for a movie, but I made an exception,” she said with a glowing smile. “There’s no way I could let another designer do this, not when it’s so close to my heart.”
“Sounds like you’re going to be a busy woman,” he told her, cutting into his tender meat.
“The designs are done since filming started a few months ago. But I’m needed on set in case of a malfunction or a last-minute wardrobe switch.” She shrugged and sipped her wine. “My team back in L.A. is handling everything right now. My assistant may have to take on a bit more until our wedding is over, though. God, that sounds so strange to say.”
He lay his fork down, reached across the table and took her hand. “Thank you for what you’re doing for me, for my country. I’ll never be able to express my gratitude.”
“You’ve been my best friend since I had braces,” she joked. “We may live far apart, but other than my family, you’re the closest person in my life.” She tightened her grip on his hand and tilted her head with a soft grin. “Besides, you’ve handed me a dream job designing the gown, and I get to play queen for a few months. Seriously, I’m getting the better end of the bargain.”
Stefan laughed. “I wasn’t sure you’d agree so easily. I should’ve known you’d stand by me.”
“I admit I have reservations about lying to the public, to my friends and employees.” She shifted in her seat, breaking hold of their hands. “But I’m honored to stand by you. It’s not often we find someone in our life we can truly depend on.”
He hated the loss of her hands in his and the hurt in her tone. “I was afraid you’d be vulnerable since the breakup, afraid you’d shut this idea down before I could explain my reasons.”
“Maybe I am still vulnerable.” She chewed her lip, eyes darting down before coming back up to meet his. “But I won’t let my heart get in the way of my life again, and I know I’m safe with you.”
“Absolutely, Victoria.” He’d die before he let her get hurt. “You know how much I care for you.”
He admired Victoria for standing tall, not cowering behind her family when it would be so easy to do so after having her world ripped out from under her. He knew firsthand how hard life was to live in the public eye. The media was ruthless, and if the story wasn’t there, they made one up and damn the consequences. Reputations could be damaged and ruined with just a small dose of ink from the written word and could take years to restore…if restoration was even possible.
Because of accusations thrown at his family after the death of his mother, he more than anyone knew how fast a reputation could be ruined.
The rest of the meal moved quickly through some laughter and easy conversation, but Stefan couldn’t get his mind off that scorching kiss. He wanted his hands on her again, whether to torture himself or just have a brief moment of instant gratification, he didn’t know. But he knew how to rectify the situation.
“Dance with me,” he told her when she’d placed her napkin beside her now-empty plate.
“Right now?” She glanced around the spacious, moonlit balcony. “There’s no music.”
He came to his feet, moved into the master suite and within seconds had the surround sound filtering out into the night. When he came back through the open double doors, he extended his hand.
“Dance with me,” he repeated, pleased when her hand slid into his. “We should practice before the official royal wedding dance after the ceremony. It’s been years since we danced together.”
She came to her feet, and he took no time in pulling her body against his. Wrapping his arm around her waist, Stefan was more than eager to have her invade his personal space.
“No wonder you’re the Playboy Prince,” she murmured, her breath tickling his cheek. “You’re very good at this. I can’t imagine how you’d be pouring on the charm if I weren’t an old childhood friend.”
He eased his head back but kept their bodies flush and swaying to the soft, soothing beat. “I promised to keep this simple, to give you all control in the end. I never go against my word.”
She smiled. “I’m sure you wouldn’t, but I also know your reputation. And I was on the receiving end of that kiss.”
“You weren’t just on the receiving end…you were an active participant.”
Victoria’s breath caught. “That’s a…pretty accurate statement, but we’ve been friends too long for us to let lust cloud our judgment. Sleeping together would not be wise, Stefan.”
He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Who says?”
Her hand tightened in his as she turned to look him in the eye, their lips barely a breath apart. “I don’t know if we’re getting swept up into this idea of pretending or this physical pull is stemming from seeing each other after such a long time apart, but I can’t risk losing your friendship just because of this sudden attraction.”
“I don’t know how sudden this is, at least on my end.” He kissed her lips slightly and eased back. “I can’t deny my desire for you, but I do promise not to do anything you don’t want.”
“I’m going to hold you to that,” she told him. “I know this situation will be hard for you.”
He laughed at her choice of wording. “You have no idea.”
Sliding a hand down the fitted satin bodice, Victoria stared at her reflection in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. The gown was perfect, and she was so thankful she’d made a handful of wedding dresses in her downtime just to keep on hand for when she decided to branch out and start a bridal line.
No one had seen any of the finished designs, but she’d told her mother where they were and to ship them all. Victoria had taken a couple apart and pieced them the way she wanted. Her mother had only grumbled and complained a little when she learned Victoria wouldn’t be returning to L.A. before the wedding.
And that conversation was a whole different issue.
Of all the times she’d fantasized about her wedding day, both as a child and an adult, she’d never envisioned marrying Stefan under these extremely strange circumstances.
Yes, she’d pictured a few times how it would be if they’d taken their friendship to another level. She wasn’t too proud to admit that she’d fantasized his kisses a time or two…and that was before he’d taken her into his arms and captured her mouth, showing her exactly what she’d been missing all these years. How could she delete that arousing sensation from her memory? How could she get his taste from her lips?
And why would she want to erase such pleasure?
Because he was a playboy, and even though she believed him when he said he’d be faithful, that didn’t stop his previous lovers from calling him.
So here she stood, confused, intrigued and ready to take a giant life-altering step toward marriage while two of Stefan’s royal assistants adjusted the veil around her hair. Another assistant stood in front, touching up her blush and powder for at least the third time in an hour. Couldn’t have the soon-to-be queen of Galini Isle looking peaked.
God, she sincerely hoped she didn’t have to do this for every appearance as queen. Thankfully Stefan had assured her she wasn’t required to do too much. Even though she was from an iconic Hollywood family, she didn’t crave the limelight.
“Ladies, could I have a moment alone with my daughter?”
Victoria adjusted her gaze in the mirror to her mother, who stood just inside the arched doorway to one of the many suites in the royal palace.
Obviously comfortable with taking orders, the middle-aged ladies scurried away at Olivia’s request. Once the door was closed, Olivia moved in behind Victoria and smiled.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
Stamping down any doubts that rose deep within her, Victoria returned her mother’s questioning smile. “I’m sure, Mom. Stefan needs me, and perhaps at this point in my life, I need him. He’s my best friend.”
“But in the past few years you’ve scarcely seen each other.”
Victoria shrugged. “Distance doesn’t matter. Not with us. You know we talk nearly every day, and it’s nice to know I am the one he trusts. We have a bond, Mom. A bond stronger than most marriages, actually. This is just another chapter in our friendship. I was engaged for romantic love once. This time I’m doing it for another kind of love.”
“That’s what worries me, my darling.” Olivia pulled the veil over Victoria’s face, then placed her hands on her shoulders, giving a gentle squeeze. “As a mother I worry your heart will get mixed up in this. He’s a wonderful man to you…as a friend. I worry that in the end Stefan will come out getting everything he wants and you will have just another heartache.”
She’d hadn’t told her mother she and Stefan had shared numerous scorching kisses. Opening up about that certainly wouldn’t alleviate any worries. Best to keep some things private…especially until she could figure them out herself. Arousal and confusion combined made for a very shaky ground.
“I’m not worried at all,” she assured her mother, knowing it wasn’t completely a lie. “He’s given me an open end to this marriage. I may love being queen or I may want to return to my life in L.A. once all this is over. We’ll put in a few appearances once we’re married and this will all seem legitimate. Neither of us will be hurt. We’re both too strong to let this arrangement destroy us.”
“You’re fooling yourself if you think this will be that simple.” Olivia tilted her head, quirking a brow. “I’ve seen Stefan’s charm, Victoria. I’ve witnessed how he’s looked at you since I arrived here. I’ve also taken notice how he’s looked at you over the years. He’s got an infatuation that I believe is beyond a friendship. There’s no way the two of you can play house and not get tangled up in each other. He’s one very attractive man. Lust clouds even the best of judgments.”
Intrigued, Victoria wondered just what her mother saw over the years from Stefan. Lust? Desire? This past month had brought to light a deeper side to their relationship. Beyond the steamy kisses, Stefan had been attentive to each and every one of her needs. He’d had her favorite foods prepared, would bring her a freshly picked flower from the gardens as she was working, insisted on breaks to walk along the beach so she could relax. He’d been the prefect Prince Charming…all because he knew her better than she knew herself in some ways.
Victoria shook off the questions regarding just how deep Stefan’s emotions were and the fact he’d made it perfectly clear he’d had thoughts of her as more than a friend.
“Mother, his appeal and his charm are nothing new to me. And no matter how you think he looks at me, I assure you we are only marrying for the sake of the country and to help launch my bridal line.”
Though she knew from his promising kisses and honest words that was false. But since she was still reeling from that fact herself, that was another tidbit she’d keep inside. She had enough “what-ifs” swirling around in her mind without adding her mother’s into the mix.
“Well, he’d be a fool not to think of you as more,” Olivia retorted. “And since he’s asked you to marry him, he’s no fool. I’ve always wondered if the two of you would end up together. I can honestly say this is not how I’d envisioned it.”
Nerves swirled around Victoria’s stomach. As if having the title of princess weren’t crazy and nerve wracking enough, she’d be sharing a bedroom with Stefan for months. There was no way to deny they had chemistry and no way she could lie to herself and say she hadn’t replayed those kisses over and over.
Victoria turned away from the mirror, taking her mother’s hands. “I’m going into this with my eyes wide open, Mom. With Alex I was blindsided, but Stefan isn’t using me. He asked for my help at a time when there was no one else he could trust. And there’s nothing that can damage my heart here because my heart isn’t getting involved. Stefan won’t hurt me.”
Olivia looked as if she wanted to say something more, but Victoria squeezed her hands, unable to discuss this delicate topic any further with her mother. “Trust me.”
With misty eyes full of worry, Olivia’s gaze roamed over Victoria before she stepped back and sighed. “The last time I was at this castle I was playing a queen myself.” She laughed. “I didn’t even compare to how beautiful you look. Must be the difference between acting and real life. I can’t believe how long ago that was.”
Tears clogged her throat as Victoria hugged her mother, not caring about the crinkling of the silk fabrics.
“You were stunning in that film, Mom. Besides, I’m acting, too, aren’t I? Playing queen for Stefan so his country will remain under his family’s control. Ironic, isn’t it? I always swore I’d never go into acting.”
Olivia eased back, placing her hands over Victoria’s bare shoulders. “You’ll be queen for real, my darling. What happens inside the bedroom may not be real, but your title will be. Have you thought of that?”
As if she could think of little else.
Okay, well that was a lie. She’d thought immensely about the fact her fiancé/best friend had her stomach in knots. On one hand she was thrilled to be helping him obtain his goal as he helped with hers. She found herself admiring him for his determination to take what was rightfully his. Most other times she didn’t think of him as a prince or king at all…and now, well, she thought of him as a man. A very sexy, very powerful man. Not powerful in the sense that he’d rule a country, but powerful in the sense that he’d dominate a room the moment he entered. He’d control any conversation, and he’d most certainly take charge in the bedroom.
And that path was precisely where her mind did not need to travel. She was letting her thoughts run rampant because of a few heated kisses. Very hot, very scorching, very toes-curling-in-her-stilettos kisses. Just because she’d once wondered “what-if,” didn’t mean that anything could stem from this arranged marriage. One day at a time is how she would have to approach this. She couldn’t afford to let lust steal the greatest friendship she’d ever had.
But she knew her emotions were teetering on a precipice and it would take just a small nudge for Stefan to push her over the edge and right into his bed.
“Stefan and I have discussed everything, Mom.” Victoria offered a comforting smile, hoping she wasn’t lying to her mother. “I’m pretty sure we have this under control. He’s assured me that he won’t let me get in over my head. I’m basically an accessory for him at this point.”
Accessory. She hated that term, but what else could a wife to one of the world’s most powerful, sexy men be called? He didn’t need her to do any public speaking or head up any charities, not in the short time they planned to be married, so the demeaning name, unfortunately, fit.
“I had to keep your brothers out of here, you know.” Olivia stepped back, smoothing a hand down her raw silk, pale blue floor-length gown. “They insisted on making sure you were okay, so I had to assure them I’d check and report back.”
Victoria laughed, turning to face the mirror and glance at her reflection once more. “You can tell my self-imposed bodyguards that I am not having cold feet and I’m perfectly fine. They should be worrying about their wives standing up beside me in front of millions of people watching on TV. I swear, last I saw of Mia and Charlotte, they were so nervous I thought they were going to pass out.”
“I’m going to see them now,” Olivia said. “They will be fine, so I just want you to concentrate and worry about you. This is your day, no matter what the circumstances.”
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