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High Heels & Bicycle Wheels
One twist, and she was out of her top. Aware of his jaw hitting the floor as he locked onto her breasts, bursting over the silky balcony of her bra cups. He closed his sweating fingers around the edge of the sofa cushions, preparing for the white-knuckle ride of his life.
She flicked her hair out of her eyes, accidentally brushing his knee as she strode across him, to plant one leg either side of his calves. The deepening of her cleavage cranked his already bursting erection up another notch, as she bent to grasp his slouch pants. One excruciating tug from her, he was kicking his pants away and free to rise. His sudden view of the incredible size of what he had to offer knocked his arousal further into orbit.
‘Oh, my.’ Her breathy gasp of appreciation was low against the roaring of his blood through his ears.
Bryony, fist covering the sensuous pucker of her mouth, chest heaving, hesitated. Legs wide, eyes bleary, no doubt working on her next move. Shifting his pelvis, he tightened his grip on the cushions. Dying to touch her, exploding for her to touch him, he watched the hairs escaping where the thong cut into the delicious crease between her legs. Counting to ten. He got as far as eight. In one fluid movement she whipped off her thong, and snapped it around the end of him. Heaven. Sliding, teasing, tugging. Aching amazing heaven.
‘Stop.’ Releasing his fingers, he grasped her wrist.
‘Not good?
He shook his head. ‘Too good, too much.’ Stone chips in his throat. ‘I won’t last if you do that.’
Lasting? That just went out the window. He watched her tongue slide over her lips.
‘You could try sitting on me?’ Just an idea, he tossed out.
‘Maybe I will.’ The trembling of her torso the only giveaway that she wasn’t completely in control.
Climbing onto the sofa, placing one foot either side of him, the scent of hot sex engulfing him as she lowered herself to crouch over him. Natural blonde too. His stomach gyrated as her legs opened.
One moment to sheathe himself, then reaching up, he slipped her bra cups down, to leave her breasts jutting gloriously above his head.
‘Hands away!’ Shooting him a blurry half-smile, she pushed his wrist, pinned his hand back onto the sofa. ‘No touching. It’s more fun. Just this once.’
Not even minding she was bossing him around, as she nudged down onto the tip of him. One high-voltage zap. Wet, slick, sticky. Plunging deep, he groaned, as she impaled herself on his length. Then, as she dipped forward, her breast grazed his cheek. Opening his mouth, he captured the nipple she offered. Clamped it between his lips, ravaging with his tongue as she weakened against him, mewing. The throb of his penis excruciating as her muscles clamped onto him. Gently placing a hand each side of her hips to slide her up and down the tower of his erection.
Slowly at first. Aching to hang on here, vibrating to burst into her. Then building as she took over. Riding him, tearing at his shoulders, pounding as she thrashed above him, moaning as she writhed. Grinding him, milking him, extracting her pleasure, her eyes half closed, her half-smile merged onto a moan that sent him into orbit.
One sharp cry as she rose, threw back her head, and screwed her pelvis hard down on him. The view of her breasts jutting above him, disintegrated as his final thrust came. One huge surge of ecstatic acceleration propelled him, and his world shattered as he shot into her with the force of a tidal wave.
Chapter 12
So, there had been a sea change in Scarborough in Bryony’s head, but it was taking some getting used to. The whole cringing memory of losing her virginity was now eclipsed by another. One scorching hot encounter with Jackson Gale. A decade’s worth of sexual pleasure crammed into one crazy night. Her skin came out in white-hot goosebumps whenever she thought about it, not to mention the tender bit between her legs – knickers sticky wet every time she remembered. Knees buckling a bit even now, as she pushed open the door of her flat to hear the landline ring off.
It was good to be back. The creak of the floorboard just inside the door, the single scuff mark on the white wall where Cressy fell over when they were moving the new TV in, were all reassuringly concrete and familiar. Hopefully, she’d left all things Jackson Gale right back in Yorkshire.
She suppressed a shudder.
Crazy was the only word for it.
Bryony Marshall. Getting down and dirty? And oh, how dirty! A one-night stand, with arguably the most arrogant man on the planet. And the most sexually gifted. Sexually gifted? What was she thinking? Still reeling at the shock, obviously, if her brain was throwing up phrases like that.
Eight hours of personality transplant… How else did you explain a night that began with an explosive clinch on a terrace, ended with a sizzling coupling in the shower just before he left, and visited all places ecstasy in between? For a woman who didn’t do dating, it was off the wall. For a woman who rarely had any sex at all, let alone sizzling hot, raw, rip-the-roof-off sex, it was unbelievable. Inexcusable. She shuddered every time yet another graphic image flipped into her brain. Had she really…? Unfortunately, yes. She had. And with every flickering image she was simultaneously horrified, shocked and appalled all over again. Embarrassing didn’t begin to cover it. In fact, nothing much was covered. That was the whole trouble. Lucky then that she hadn’t been working this week because no way would her mind have been on the job.
As it was, a few days visiting girl-friends had provided the space for reflection, even if it did mean she was mentally absent from the catch-up conversation a lot of the time. Frankly, a little jarring too to see mental flashes of a naked Jackson in all his animal glory whilst she moseyed around kitchens, playgroups, and school gates with first Claire, then Cat, then Jess, her three settled best friends, busily absorbed in their happy-ever-afters.
She was always slightly ambivalent about visiting her settled friends. One by one, they’d all got their grown up lives together, leaving her lagging, woefully far behind. She often mused over why this was, wondering if the lack of stability and upheaval in her home life when she was small meant she’d somehow missed out on some vital stage of her development. She always tried to avoid telling people, about the way her dad had left home so abruptly and then died a few years later; and his alcohol problems were something she rarely mentioned even to her closest friends. Although her mum remarried and had more children, somehow her second family never inspired her to build a family unit of her own. The yearning-for-a-baby thing was a different matter altogether – that part of her development was not impaired at all, as she knew to her cost.
Despite the fact that all traces of gloss and adult fun seemed to have disappeared down her friends domestic plug-holes as their homes filled up with offspring, she might have had more than a pang of regret for the cosy domesticity they had and she didn’t, had she not been preoccupied with playbacks of Jackson’s extraordinary assets. The only plus was that she and Jackson hadn’t actually ended up in bed. She’d made damned sure of that. Bed was just too intimate of a place to go. Too dangerous. One night in bed with any guy might set a girl thinking about what she was missing. A night in bed with a guy like Jackson might be enough to blow your mind. Folly, when relationships were right off your personal agenda, and wouldn’t be on there any time soon.
The one saving grace was that it was secret. No one knew. No one was ever going to know. No one that was apart from her and Jackson and she was one-hundred percent confident that he wouldn’t be telling. And she damn well knew she wouldn’t. There was no earthly reason why she’d ever see Jackson again. And she promised herself as of now not to think about him at all, especially not the crinkles in his cheeks when his face cracked into one of those aching smiles. So, that was all good. All over. A week ago now, so it was almost as good as ancient history. She threw her bags down in the bedroom, and began to check her answer phone messages. Six from Brando, filling in the non-urgent gaps between the texts he’d sent. Three bits of news from Edgerton Manor, his place in the Cotswolds, one tip about a work contact at his London company, a warning that their mum was on the lookout for someone to look after her retrievers – and the rest were from Cressy sounding more and more irate with each call. The landline began to ring again the minute she put the phone down.
‘At last. I’ve been desperate for you to come back.’ Cressy, bursting with energy. ‘Did you get the bad boy into bed then?’
Shit, going straight in for the jugular, then. Bryony took a mental deep breath and sprang to her own defense. No way could she afford to let Cressy pounce on a hesitation here.
‘Nope.’ And definitely telling the truth there – sofa, floor, terrace, shower, but definitely not bed.
‘Jackson Gale on a plate and you didn’t end up in the sack with him?’
Bryony held her phone against her shoulder, masking Cressy’s shrieks. ‘I resisted. Like I told you I would.’ Dicing, with that last bit.
Trying not to think about falling asleep on the floor of the cabin, head clamped in the delicious crook of Jackson’s neck, waking to find he’d covered them with a quilt, because she’d promised herself she wasn’t going to go there again, and – way more pertinent – in case Cressy managed to pick up on her daydreaming.
She braced herself for Cressy’s ‘I’m disgusted with how you’ve letting down womankind by passing up a chance like that’ tirade. Surprised a little, when it didn’t roll down the phone.
‘So, lots of great news for you…’ Cressy’s voice was uncharacteristically restrained. ‘You’re going to love it.’
‘Yes?’ Having to wheedle it out of Cressy now. Like Cressy’d had a personality transplant too while Bryony had been away.
‘First, fab news about your interview with Jackson.’
That? She’d almost forgotten about it. Bryony wished her stomach would stop leap-frogging over her shoulder every time Cressy mentioned him. Guilt about the deception making her nervous.
‘That interview was such a mess; talk about newbie falling at the first hurdle. The arrogance of the guy totally rubbed me up the wrong way.’
‘Or the right way, depending who you are.’ What the? Cressy was purring now. ‘You should see it – you’re amazing in front of the camera. Management can’t think why they haven’t put you there before. And the chemistry between you and Jackson is something else.’
‘You’re kidding?’
‘Nope. It’s fantastic. So fantastic that they want you to do some presenting.’
‘Wow.’ Bryony taking a minute to let that sink in.
‘Presenting’s such a great career hike for you. I wasn’t sure about your plans…’ Cressy, hesitated, then blurted. ‘But I blagged it and told them you’d be available to work right away. I knew you wouldn’t mind?’
So that explained the holding back.
‘You know me, I don’t exactly have a lot of plans to ruin.’ Sad or what? Whatever happened to the world tour she hadn’t had the enthusiasm to book? When she was doing eighteen-hour days working on a reality show, a month off when she finished had sounded like bliss, but now it was here she didn’t know what to do with herself. Other than a bit of tweaking around her flat, the three weeks Bryony had scheduled as free time were looking horribly empty. As for presenting, Cressy was right that it would be fab for her career.
‘Phew. It’s great to hear that.’ Down the phone, she heard Cressy exhaling with relief. ‘You’ve no idea how hard we’ve worked this last week to pull this thing together. It’s the mega-coup Sporting Chances has been trying to line up for ages.’
‘Sorry, what thing’s this?’ Cressy was losing her now.
‘Nabbing Jackson Gale.’
Eeeek. Jaw on the floor. Trying not to hyperventilate.
‘What’s he got to do with this?’ Bryony’s stomach had given up leaping, and was on its way, slowly, but surely, to somewhere around her ankles.
‘He’s been so difficult to pin down. Then, on Tuesday, his management rang and agreed that in addition to us following his return to racing, Jackson would film a feature ride for every programme in the series from different places. It’s phenomenal – that guy is such a star.’
‘Sorry to sound dense, but where do I come in?’
Was that Cressy sucking in a huge breath? As if she were bracing herself?
‘Seems it’s his manager, Dan’s idea. He wants Jackson to do tandem rides, and Dan’s insisting it’s you on the back. And Dan’s rock-solid firm that he wants you to do the research with Jackson too. It’s the only way they’ll consider it.’ As Cressy’s words tumbled out, Bryony’s brain began to spin.
‘What?’ That would explain the huge intake of breath on Cressy’s part, and her own involuntary shriek.
‘Chill, babe. It’s cool. You don’t need to start until next week. It’s all sorted, you’ll have a ball. He’s got a camper van lined up and everything.’
Bryony gulped. ‘A camper van…?’ Heart thumping. Hands clammy. Adrenalin coursing through her system, her body instinctively leaping into action, all on its own, on red alert for the Jackson Gale one-man danger zone. Bryony opened and shut her mouth. What could she say? No way could she spill her secret, but no way either could she mosey round the countryside with Jackson blasted Gale. Not after… She’d only survived since that night because she knew she’d never have to face him again.
‘I’m sorry, it’s out of the question.’ Bryony racked her brain for a sensible reason to put forward. Because he’d shagged her senseless and she never wanted to see him again wasn’t going to cut it here. ‘I barely survived the last time. That tandem was terrifying. Plus I’d murder the man for being so cocky.’ Ouch to that word choice and the images it conjured. ‘If he didn’t kill me first that is. He hated me because I wasn’t sporty.’
‘Seems like he’s changed his tune. Big time. You know I’d swap places with you in a heartbeat, but sadly it isn’t me they’re asking for. ’
Bryony jumped in before Cressy could begin to speculate further.
‘I’m happy to try some stuff in front of the camera.’ Bryony desperately trying to appease Cressy here. ‘I just don’t think I can work with Gale.’
When Bryony held her ground firmly enough, Cressy knew to back off. It was an unspoken agreement. One more moment of silence, and Bryony knew Cressy would retreat, gracefully, like she always did in their stand-offs. Except this time Cressy wasn’t retreating.
‘Okay, I’ll lay it on the line. It’s important or I wouldn’t be pushing you.’ Cressy, not backing down. What the heck? ‘We need Jackson, Bry. He’ll raise the profile, and pump up the ratings. Without him Sporting Chances is going to struggle, so the whole team is counting on you here.’
No pressure there, then?
‘What’s in it for Gale?’
‘Cash, and the exposure will be good for him too. The company will pay for a name like his and I think his manager liked what he saw of the two of you on the rushes.’
‘What? He saw the film of the interview?’ And she’d thought it couldn’t be any worse.
‘One of his conditions – he vets every scrap of film we take. But I guess he saw how great you were together, and realised it wouldn’t harm Jackson’s profile to grab some of that. There was something about the two of you on screen, Bry. Talk about sparks. Believe me, you two sizzled, the public will lap it up. It’s a no-brainer. Gale’s man is astute, and he’s onto it.’
‘Give me a day to think about it?’
As if twenty-four hours would make any difference.
‘Pleeeeeeeease, Bry. Do it for me. It’s my first big programme – I’d hate to lose it. You can’t leave me hanging, say “yes” now.’
Emotional blackmail wasn’t Cressy’s style. Nor was begging. This had to be important.
‘You might like Jackson better when you see more of him…’ Cressy hesitated. No idea how deeply she was putting her foot in things. As she began again her voice deepened with concern. ‘He didn’t push you to do anything you didn’t want to, did he?’
Oh, no. Everything she’d done was with complete, unencumbered abandon, a hundred percent willingly. Her choice all the way. Hey, she might even have been the one doing the asking, and, what’s more, she’d wanted everything he had to give. No doubts there. Shivers zipping up her spine at that thought. Strange that afterwards she hadn’t been able to work out who pushed who, who instigated what. Details lost in the sex-fuelled heat haze, all definitely on the understanding that it was a once-in-a-lifetime blowout. So, right now she had to man up, put it behind her, and stop being such a drama-queen about it. But how the hell could she face the guy again after that?
‘Bry? What happened with Gale that you can’t work with him?’
Cressy’s insistent tone dragged her back to reality. Her London flat, polished and pimped to within an inch of its life. An excess of styled perfection and interest. Vintage pieces, perfectly amassed to look like they had happened by accident, because that’s all she had to do outside of work. Maybe that was why she was making such an issue out of what was technically one night of lust, which was definitely over and done.
‘Bry, I won’t give in ’til you tell me.’ Cressy with her terrier-with-a-bone voice? There was only one sure way to shut Cressy up.
‘Okay. You win. I’ll work with Jackson.’
Knowing, as she said it, she was letting herself in for the nightmare of her life. Just not knowing how to avert it.
Lord knows how she was going to pull this off.
Chapter 13
‘So, Jackson…’
Jackson braced himself. Two weeks since he’d seen Bryony. That final image of her, eyes closed, face upturned to the shower jets, rivulets of water flooding down her curves, as he’d pulled out of her to run off to his early meeting, had been burned onto his retinas ever since. And now she was here, in the flesh, those long, delectable thighs he’d dreamed about incessantly pushing taut against the denim of her jeans. Playing havoc with his peripheral vision as she crossed one high-heeled foot across the other in the front seat of his camper van. And given the determined jut of her chin, poised to give him a hard time. Of entirely the wrong sort.
‘Bryony…?’ Catching the five hundred-watt publicity smile she flashed at him, he made sure he returned it twofold. No idea how the hell a guy was expected to drive from London to Brighton next to distraction like that, and cursing Dan a) for having the idea in the first place, and b) for forcing him to go through with it. So well-meaning Dan, with all his good ideas and flair for grabbing opportunities by the balls, had somehow decided that he should come along on this trip rather than heading back to the team, arguing that it would be great to capitalise on any opening in TV. Jackson suspected it was as much about keeping him occupied, whilst his injuries healed further, but Dan wasn’t coming clean on that one. And Dan also knew that as much as Jackson was protesting about having Ms Dominatrix come along for the ride, he wouldn’t have entertained taking anyone else. This was both the up side and the down side of having his best mate working on your management team – Dan knew Jackson almost as well as he knew himself, or sometimes even more scarily, he seemed to know him better than he knew himself. It wasn’t that Jackson minded the idea of being close to Bryony’s scorching body, which, if he was honest, had been playing on his mind a lot the last couple of weeks. Pretty much non-stop since that night of white hot meltdown, in fact. But the down side was, that from what he’d seen in Scarborough, Bryony might be physically and sexually delectable, but she was also hell bent on doing things her way. He’d had enough of doing as he was told, and bending to his dad’s will when he was a kid. He forced himself to work within the team discipline simply because it was a means to an end. But no way was he, as an adult, being ordered around by some jumped up TV woman. Call her strong-willed, call her spoiled, call her driven and talented – however you looked at it, she would be a pain in the arse to spend two weeks working with. Make that two weeks of non-stop contact in a camper van, and he’d be vapourising on all fronts.
‘A few things we need to get straight before we set off.’ Her tone couldn’t have been any more snippy or bossy.
Which underlined his point entirely.
That tone backed up every howling protest he’d made to Dan about this trip, but it was too late now, dammit. Although, given they were already well on their way, this put him at an immediate advantage. Anyone who took the best part of an hour stuck in traffic to get around to making their point was not half as sure of themselves as they were pretending.
‘Namely?’ He smoothed her a compliant smile.
‘You need to know I don’t mix work and pleasure.’
Taking every illicit fantasy he’d had in the last two weeks and stamping on it. Firmly. Trying to ignore that his stomach had hit the road with immediate disappointment. How had he expected anything different?
‘Fine by me.’ He reined in an escaping grin. ‘I wasn’t expecting you to do both at the same time.’
Beyond her fingers rearranging all that shiny hair on top of her head, he caught an OMG eye-roll.
‘The point I’m making is I’m not here to provide sex on tap.’ Her nostrils flared. ‘That’s definitely not what this trip’s about.’
‘Did I say it was?’ No harm in playing innocent here, but he wasn’t going to let on that he was only here because Dan had held a metaphorical gun to his head.
‘So why did you insist on bringing me then? Surely there was someone else? Anyone.’
And Jackson definitely wasn’t about to tell her how annoyed he was that he was having to come at all.
‘Maybe because we share the same taste in cartoons.’ That, she was not expecting, judging by her jumping eyebrows. He flashed her a triumphant grin. ‘You’ve no idea how the cycling roomies complain when I ask them to sit through Happy Feet. You, on the other hand, seemed more than pleased to watch it if I remember rightly.’ Naked on the sofa at one a.m., recovering between bouts. He’d been very appreciative at the time. ‘Stuff like that counts for a lot when you have to spend time with someone. No point making something difficult when it can be easy.’
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