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English Grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 2
7 Next Monday Kudjo ***** for photographs.
8 We ***** the car tomorrow. You can borrow it.
9 He ***** and you will be just in time to help him.
10 This time next Friday Dradjo ***** the planet of Dragons.
Write what you will be doing at this definite time in the future:
1 at 5 pm tomorrow
2 at midnight tomorrow
3 at 10 am this Sunday
4 this time next week
5 this time next month
6 this time next year
7 in five years’ time
8 tomorrow evening
9 in two days
10 your next birthday
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous, Past Continuous or Present Continuous Tenses:
1 Kudjo /watch/ his favourite series at 9 pm while I’m working.
2 Kudjo /hide/ under the table because he had broken my cup.
3 He is fed up with gloomy weather. Hopefully, when we wake up tomorrow, the sun /shine/.
4 He still /sleep/ fast and nothing can wake him up.

5 This time next week we /lie/ in the grass and eating ice-cream.
6 Look. A shadow /move/ here. Keep silent.
7 When I saw Kudjo, he /protect/ his friend from a gang of stray dogs.
8 They /stand/ like this while the dogs are running around.
9 They /play/ in the snow when those aggressive dogs appeared out of the blue.
10 They /relax/ at home now. Don’t bother them.
Guess the answer using the Future Continuous, Past Continuous or Present Continuous Tenses:
1 What is Kudjo doing now?
2 What will he be doing this time tomorrow?
3 What was he doing at that time yesterday?
4 Where was Kudjo lying when he fell asleep yesterday?
5 Who is Kudjo meeting this weekend?
6 What will he be snacking on the next time he’s watching a movie?
7 Who will he be playing with during tonight’s walk?
8 What is he thinking about?
9 What was Kudjo listening to when you walked into the room?
10 Where will Kudjo be living in five years’ time?
Change the sentences from Simple to Continuous using the tense in brackets.
For example,
He has watched 2 episodes so far. (Present Perfect Continuous) – He has been watching the episodes since the morning.
1 He stays at home in rainy and stormy weather. (Present Continuous)
2 He played backgammon with a clever skinny cat yesterday. (Past Continuous)
3 kudjo will read a book about up-bringing tomorrow. (Future Continuous)
4 Kudjo had had a surgery by the age of one. (Past Perfect Continuous)
5 Kudjo had eaten two packs of food by lunchtime. (Past Perfect Continuous)
6 Kudjo has drunk two litres of water today. (Present Perfect Continuous)
7 He went fishing with his friends and came back home hungry and wet. (Past Continuous)
8 Kudjo and I will go to a dog-show next time. (Future Continuous)
9 We play a lot of different games in a lift. (Present Continuous)
10 Kudjo has just cooked delicious roast turkey. (Present Perfect Continuous)
Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:
Do you ***** in ghosts? I have started doing it recently. Ok. I’ll tell you how it happened.
One day Kudjo ***** up in a terrible mood because he ***** a nightmare about a ghost dog, which ***** him wherever he went. The nightmare was ***** and Kudjo couldn’t stop thinking about ghosts even after breakfast. But the sun *****. There were a lot of dogs and ***** walking outside. There was no sign of any ***** and Kudjo calmed down and even started jumping and kidding around. The weather was ***** and we decided to drive somewhere to have a *****. We ***** rather long when Kudjo suddenly spotted a nice ***** and we stopped there.There used to be an old ***** many years ago, but now we could see only abandoned ***** and playgrounds.The place looked ***** even though it was picturesque. We had made a ***** and started preparing ***** before we heard a strange howling sound. And one more. Kudjo and Luna didn’t want to give up grilled ***** and told me to ignore those *****.
By the way, I’ll never listen to them again!
Anyway, we went there to investigate the nature of the sounds. They were coming from the ***** house with a big ***** in the roof…
(to be continued)
Finish the sentences using the tense in brackets:
1 By the time we came back, Kudjo …. (Past Perfect Continuous)
2 Look! What a mess. Kudjo … (Present Perfect)
3 While we were talking, Kudjo … (Past Continuous)
4 This time tomorrow Kudjo … (Future Continuous)
5 Since we moved to the country, Kudjo … (Present Perfect Continuous)
6 I guess Kudjo … (Future Simple)
7 Do you hear? What is the sound? Kudjo … (Present Continuous)
8 Before I could say anything, Kudjo … (Past Perfect)
9 When Kudjo was younger and more emotional, he … (Past Simple)
10 Sometimes Kudjo … (Present Simple)
Find and correct mistakes in 9 sentences:
1 We had wandering for an hour when suddenly we met a strange creature.
2 This time next year we’ll sailing a yacht in the Dogatlantic.
3 This little stupid puppy has teared all the pages out of my book!
4 How long has your paw bled?
5 He had been fighting with aggressive village dogs since we came to the country.
6 While the dogs listened to a story, they were eating carrot sticks.
7 Kudjo woke up, looked around, sighed and falled asleep again.
8 I’ll be go shopping after lunch. Do you want me to buy something yummy for you?
9 Shall I help you with your bowl?
10 It is such thick fog that Kudjo is going cautiously as he isn’t seeing his way well.

Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses :
1 How are you doing? What /happen/ in your life since the last message?
2 I bet you /not have/ so many adventures as us recently.
3 Do you remember that abandoned camp we /see/ once while we /drive/ to the country last summer?
4 We just /be/ there and we still /tremble/ with fear.
5 My mum /take/ us (Luna and me) there for a picnic today.
6 The grilled lamb /look/ tempting and /smell/ tasty and we /look/ forward to lunch when suddenly we /hear/ hair-rising sounds.
7 The girls /get/ scared stiff, of course, but I /decide/ to find out who /howl/ and /go/ bravely towards the deserted camp.
8 The howls /come/ out of a squalid blind house.
9 I never /hear/ such a yowl before then…
10 Sorry, I’ve got to go. By the way, you /visit/ us this summer?
Choose the correct option:
1 This time tomorrow Kudjo and his friends ***** in a race.
a will compete
b will be competing
c were competing
2 They ***** after a squirrel for long until it climbed a high pine-tree.
a had been chasing
b were chasing
c chased
3 He ***** in ghosts.
a never believes
b has never believed
c never believed
4 They’re quite out of puff. They ***** away from a wild pig.
a have been running
b have run
c were running
5 What ***** from 11 to 12 tomorrow? – Nothing special. Why?
a were you doing
b have you been doing
c will you be doing
6 He ***** the Cattish language when a rat ***** him and got scared.
a was learning / heard
b learnt/heard
c has been learning/has heard
7 Kudjo ***** when you come. Be quiet.
a is sleeping
b will be sleeping
c has been sleeping
8 They ***** hide-and-seek since the morning and nobody ***** Kudjo yet.
a were playing/found
b are playing/has found
c have been playing/has found
9 They ***** in the rain and were soaked through.
a were walking
b had been walking
c walked
10 This time next week he ***** for a new journey.
a will prepare
b was preparing
c will be preparing
Translate the story:
Итак, что же произошло в летнем заброшенном домике и кто так жутко завывал?
Куджо и Луна подползли к дому и прислушались. Тишина. Зловещая тишина. Им было слышно, как шипит мясо на огне и как звенит комар, но из домика не доносилось ни звука. Собаки осторожно открыли дверь и она заскрипела так громко, что они отскочили от испуга на несколько метров от дома.
Они постояли несколько минут, прежде чем войти в дом. В доме было темно и сыро. Куджо с Луной увидели несколько кроватей с матрасами, поломанные стулья и разбитое зеркало на стене. Луна (как настоящая девочка) сразу подошла в зеркало, чтобы взглянуть на себя. В тот же самый момент она завизжала и выскочила из дома. Куджо ничего не понял, но бросился за ней. Собаки пулей влетели в машину и Луна попыталась даже залезть под заднее сиденье. Они были настолько напуганы, что даже и не вспомнили про шашлык. Мы проехали несколько километров и только тогда Луна рассказала о том, что она увидела в зеркале.
(продолжение следует)
Unit 7
The Future Perfect Tense
Будущее совершенное время
We use the future perfect simple to talk about actions that will be completed at a particular time in the future, often with by + a time expression (then, ten thirty, next week, this time next year).
We form the future perfect simple with will + have + V3
By ten thirty Kudjo will have finished the race.
We usually use the short form of will (’ll) or will not (won’t) after a pronoun.
They’ll have finished the race by ten thirty.
They won’t have come back by then.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect :
1 In two days Kudjo /finish/ reading the book.
2 By Monday Kudjo /learn/ twenty new Cattish words.
3 By the end of the day Kudjo /eat/ a bag of treats.
4 Kudjo /have/ a few nice dreams by the time I wake him up.
5 Kudjo and Luna /be/ friends for two years by June.
6 He /take/ me for a walk by lunchtime.
7 Kudjo /not return/ home by noon.
8 Kudjo /make/ friends with this bull by the end of the summer?
9 They /collect/ and /hide/ all the toys by then.
10 What he /do/ by the time I wake up in the morning?
11 Kudjo /drink/ all the bottled water by night and I’ll have to buy a lot more.
Find the proper verb and put it into the correct Future Perfect form:
Do you know what will have happened by the time Kudjo is twenty? What do you think will have come true? Put T (true) or F (false):
1 He /have/ a great-grandchild, who he’ll love a lot.
2 He /become/ a famous actor and played in eleven films.
3 He /fly/ to the planet of Dragons to meet Dradjo.
4 He /become/ serious and calm.
5 He /stop/ eating so many treats.
6 He /fight/ with hundreds of dogs.

7 He /move/ to the country because of the hustle and bustle of city life.
8 He /invent/ special healthy food for dogs, which will help them live far longer.
9 He /put/ on a lot of weight.
10 His red fur /turn/ grey.
11 He /write/ a hundred books about his adventures.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect, Present Perfect or Past Perfect tenses:
1 What a strange sound! you /hear/ anything?
2 When I walked into the room I saw that Kudjo /not tidy/ up yet.
3 By the time I finish my work, he /wake/up.
4 The dogs /become/ close friends in a couple of days, I’m sure.
5 He /learn/ to wait for me patiently by the age of four months.
6 He just /come/ home from a walk and is hot and thirsty.
7 How many audiobooks he /listen/ to before he learnt to read?
8 How long Kudjo /love/ reading?
9 he /read/ this book by the weekend? I’d like to borrow it.
10 He /not start/ eating before I come back.
11 They /turn/ the house upside down by the end of the party.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous:
Kudjo’s dreams about next summer
1 This time in June I /not breathe/ bad city air, I /enjoy/fresh air in the country.
2 By the beginning of the summer we /leave/ the city for the country.
3 All summer days I /kid/ around, /go/ home and /leave/ home whenever I want.
4 I /chase/ cockerels and bulls from morning to evening.
5 I /swim/ in ponds, lakes and bogs.
6 By the end of the summer I /catch/ all the frogs in our pool.
7 I /protect/ our huge territory from cat trespassers.
8 I /become/ bigger and stronger, my claws and fangs /become/ sharper by the end of the summer.
9 I /eat/ grilled meat and fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
10 By the end of my summer vacation I /find/ all the toys that I hid last summer.
11 I /become/ friends with all the horses in the village by the time I leave for the city.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct future form and say if you believe it or not:
The future as Kudjo sees it:
1 In twenty five years’ time people and their dogs /travel/ to other planets on a holiday.
2 By the end of this century robots /replace/ people but won’t have replaced dogs.
3 In seventy years’ time dogs /control/ all animals.
4 By the end of the century cats /become/ dogs’ pets.
5 In five years’ time dogs /eat/ only raw meat and fish as much as they wish while people /eat/ dried food.
6 In forty years’ time all people /speak/ the Doggish language.
7 By the beginning of the next century dogs /become/ the presidents of all countries.
8 By next year dogs /start/ getting some pocket money for toys and treats.
9 By 2050 dogs /have/ robot servants.
10 In ten years’ time there will be no zoos and all animals /live/ in the wild.
11 By 3000 the planet Earth /turn/ into the planet of Dogs.
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of Continuous and Perfect Tenses and guess the last word of the sentence:
1 Next weekend Kudjo /spend/ as usual: he /sleep/, /read/, /walk/ and *****.

2 Now he /lie/ with his eyes open, /think/ of eating something yummy or /do/ something *****.
3 Kudjo /do/ that jigsaw puzzle for two hours when I /trip/ over that picture and *****.
4 Kudjo /try/ to understand the neighbour’s cat but he couldn’t get her *****.
5 He /play/ with his new toy since the morning and /wake/ up *****.
6 By September they /know/ each other for two *****.
7 This time yesterday Kudjo /wait/ for his friend to come, but she didn’t, which /break/ his *****.
8 By tomorrow he /watch/ all the episodes of this new series about alien *****.
9 Kudjo /look/ for a hidden treat for long before I /show/ him the secret *****.
10 Don’t take any notice of him, he /kid/ around at the *****.
11 He /make/ friends with a new pretty terrier *****.
Finish the sentences using the Future Perfect or Future Continuous:
1 By the age of ten Kudjo will ….
2 In ten days Kudjo will ….
3 By the time I come home, Kudjo will ….
4 By the end of the week Kudjo will ….
5 At 7 am tomorrow Kudjo will ….
6 On his next birthday Kudjo will ….
7 By 2030 Kudjo will ….
8 By the summer Kudjo will ….
9 By the time the guests arrive, Kudjo will ….
10 This time next week Kudjo will ….
11 By the beginning of May Kudjo will ….
Change the sentences by giving more details and using the tense in brackets:
For example,
Kudjo doesn’t eat vegetables. (Present Perfect) – Kudjo has never eaten vegetables because he thinks they are disgusting.
1 Kudjo usually licks his paws. (Present Continuous)
2 Kudjo always sleeps fast. (Past Continuous)
3 Kudjo often listens to radio programs. (Future Continuous)
4 Kudjo is waiting for his pet Dradjo to come back. (Present Perfect Continuous)

5 Kudjo asks for treats occasionally. (used to)
6 Kudjo never bites puppies. (Present Perfect)
7 Kudjo makes up funny stories. (Future Perfect)
8 Kudjo hardly ever fights with other dogs. (Past Perfect)
9 Kudjo hides his favourite toys. (Past Perfect Continuous)
10 Kudjo usually lies on the sofa (Past Simple)
11 Kudjo always gives his right paw to people in a lift. (Future Simple)
Fill the gaps in the story with missing words:
Before I tell you what Luna saw in that *****, I need to reveal the biggest ***** of her family, the story about her great-great-great-great granny, a real skeleton in a cupboard. But you must ***** not to tell anybody about it.
Once upon a ***** there was an old lady dog who lived on her own in a foggy part of Dogmoor in England. She had been ***** alone in a very secluded spot for fifteen years, ever since her ***** died in a mysterious accident. This old lady dog stopped seeing her family after that death and only what she ***** doing was her passion for jigsaw *****. Every night she used to ***** at her old dining ***** and work over a current ***** puzzle until it finished, then she started a ***** one.
However, there was a night, a windy, ***** winter night when she had run out of jigsaw puzzles. She was extremely ***** as she had nothing to do (this was in the days before TV and the Internet). She was thinking of going to ***** earlier than usual when she heard a *****, as if something had fallen onto her front door *****.
(to be continued)
Find and correct mistakes in 10 sentences:
1 By the time everybody wakes up, Kudjo has already made breakfast.
2 Nobody believe that he can cook well and he enjoys doing it.
3 He had scrambled eggs, cutted tomatoes and grated cheese before everybody woke up.
4 He has been cooking for twenty minutes before he realised that he had run out of coffee.
5 It was a disaster. He has never had breakfast without a cup of coffee before!
6 He rushed to the shop to buy it but forgot that he is frying eggs.
7 When he returned he had found the kitchen full of yellow smoke and the smell of burning eggs.
8 It was clear that he burnt the eggs black. It was an even worse disaster as he couldn’t make new eggs because he had used the last ones he had.
9 He didn’t rush to the shop again.
10 When everyone got up, the aroma of coffee greeted them and they had seen a delicious breakfast of cornflakes.
11 This time tomorrow he will making breakfast again.
Kudjo is texting a message to Chilly. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past, present and future tenses:
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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