Apis Mellifica; or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
Apis Mellifica; or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent

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Apis Mellifica; or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent

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C. W. Wolf

Apis Mellifica; or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent


Every physician who has spent years of an active life in prescribing for large numbers of patients, is morally bound to publish his experience to the world, provided he is satisfied, in his interior conscience, that such a publication might be useful to the general interests of humanity.

In offering the following essay to my readers, I simply desire to fulfil an obligation recognised as valid by the inner sense. This essay contains every thing that an experience of forty years in the conscientious and philanthropic exercise of my profession has sanctioned and confirmed as truth. Nor have I adopted a single fact, suggested by my own observation, as correct, without contrasting it with the most approved records of medicine. To every true friend of man, and more particularly to every physician who considers the business of healing disease as the highest office of medical art, I offer this essay for further trial and examination. May the statements expressed in it either be confirmed or else corrected and improved by those who excel in more thorough knowledge and ability.

The Author.

Berlin, Oct., 1857.


"The bee helps to heal all thy internal and external maladies, and is the best little friend whom man possesses in this world."—More in Cotton's Book of the Bee, p. 138.

Since Hahnemann's successful attempt to develop the medicinal nature of Aconite, no other discovery has been made in the domain of practical medicine, as comprehensive and universally useful as the discovery of the medicinal virtues of the poison of the bee. It is of the utmost importance to the interests of humanity to become as intimately acquainted with the efficacy of this poison as possible. It is the object of these papers to contribute my mite to this work.

As soon as Dr. Hering had published the provings of the bee poison, in his "American Provings," I at once submitted them to the test of experience in an extensive practice. I prepared the drug which I used for this purpose, by pouring half an ounce of alcohol on five living bees, and shaking them during the space of eight days, three times a-day, with one hundred vigorous strokes of the arm. From this preparation, which I used as the mother-tincture, I obtained attenuations up to the thirties centesimal scale. So far, the effects which I have obtained with this preparation, have been uniformly satisfactory. It has seemed to me that the lower potencies lose in power as they are kept for a longer period; hence, I consider it safer to prepare them fresh every year. As a general rule, I have found either the third or the thirtieth potency, sufficient.

Day after day I have obtained more satisfactory results, and now I look upon Apis mellifica as the greatest polychrest, next to Aconite, which we possess.

The introduction of this poison to the medical profession, will be looked upon as the most brilliant merit of one of the most deserving apostles of homœopathy, and will secure immortality to the honored name of Constantine Hering. The following statements will show how far this faith of a grateful heart is founded upon facts:

Apis mellifica is the most satisfactory remedy for acute hydrocephalus of children.

The more acute and dangerous the attack, the more readily will it yield to the action of Apis. Sudden convulsions, followed by general fever, loss of consciousness, delirium, sopor while the child is lying in bed, interrupted more or less by sudden cries; boring of the head into the pillow, with copious sweat about the head, having the odor of musk; inability to hold the head erect; squinting of one or both eyes; dilatation of the pupils; gritting of the teeth; protrusion of the tongue; desire to vomit; nausea, retching and vomiting; collapse of the abdominal walls; scanty urine, which is sometimes milky; costiveness; trembling of the limbs; occasional twitching of the limbs on one side of the body, and apparent paralysis of those of the other side; painful turning inwards of the big toes, extorting cries from the patient; accelerated pulse, which soon becomes slower, irregular, intermittent and rather hard; these symptoms inform us that life is in danger, the more so the more numerous they are grouped together.

In comparing with these symptoms the following symptoms from Hering's American Provings, Part I., 3d Num., p. 294: "40, 41, muttering during sleep; muttering and delirium during sleep; 83, 84, he had lost all consciousness of the things around him; he sank into a state of insensibility; 140, 144, sense of weight and fulness in the fore part of the head; heaviness and fulness in the vertex; dull pain in the occiput, aggravated by shaking the head; pressure, fulness and heaviness in the occiput; 170, her whole brain feels tired, as if gone to sleep; tingling; she experiences the same sensation in both arms, especially in the left, and from the left knee down to the foot; 175, 176, sensation as if the head were too large; swelling of the head; 391, when biting the teeth together, swallowing; after gaping or at other times, a sort of gritting the teeth; only a single, involuntary jerk frequently repeated; 501, nausea and vomiting; 506, nausea, as if one would vomit, with fainting; 512, vomiting of the ingesta; 619, retention of stool; 640, retention of urine; 665, scanty and dark-colored urine; 980, 984, 985, trembling, convulsions, starting during sleep as if in affright; 1020, sudden weakness, compelling him to lie down; he lost all recollection; 1032, great desire for sleep, he felt extremely drowsy." If we compare these effects of Apis to the above-mentioned symptoms of hydrocephalus, we shall find the homœopathicity of Apis to this disease more than superficially indicated. If we consider, moreover, that the known effects of Apis show that it possesses the power of exciting inflammatory irritation and œdematous swellings, we are justified, by our law of similarity, in expecting curative results from the use of Apis in all such diseases.

The experiments which I have instituted for the last four years, have convinced me of the correctness of this observation. Whenever I had an opportunity of giving Apis at the commencement of the diseases, it would produce within twelve to twenty-four hours quiet sleep; general perspiration, affording relief; the feverish and nervous symptoms, together with the delirium, would disappear from hour to hour, and on waking, the little patient's consciousness was lucid, the appetite good and recovery fully established. This is a triumph of art which inspires us with admiration for our science. Less surprising, but equally certain, is the relief, if Apis is given after the disease has lasted for some time. In such a case, the medicine first excites a combat between the morbific force and the conservative reaction. The greater the hostile force, the longer the struggle between momentary improvement and aggravation of the symptoms; it may sometimes continue for one, two, or three days. It is not until now, that a progressive and permanent improvement sets in. The desire to vomit is gone; the twitching, trembling, and the struggle, generally diminish from hour to hour; consciousness returns; the squinting and the dilatation of the pupils abate; gritting of the teeth and protrusion of the tongue cease; the position and movements of the head and limbs become more natural; the pulse becomes more regular; its slowness yields to a more normal frequency; the feverish heat terminates in sweat which affords great relief, and the retention of stool and urine is succeeded by a more copious action of both the bowels and bladder. The natural appetite returns; the reproductive process is restored; sleep is quiet and refreshing, and recovery is perfectly established in an incredibly short period. A cure of this kind generally requires five, seven, eleven, and fourteen days. This result is so favorable, that those who have not witnessed it, or who are too ignorant and egotistical to investigate the facts, may reject it as incredible.

Such brilliant results are obtained by means of a single drop of Apis, third attenuation. I mix a drop with seven tablespoonfuls of water, and give a dessert-spoonful every hour, or every two or three hours; the more acute the attack, the more frequently the dose is repeated; this method generally suffices to effect a cure more or less rapidly. As long as the improvement progresses satisfactorily, all we have to do is to let the medicine act without interfering. If the improvement is arrested, or the patient gets worse, which sometimes happens in the more intense grades of this malady, the best course is to give a globule of Apis 30, and to watch the result for some twenty-four hours. After the lapse of this period the improvement will either have resumed its course, or else it will continue unsatisfactory. In the latter case we should give another dose of the above-mentioned solution of Apis 3. Not unfrequently I have met with patients upon whom Apis acts too powerfully, causing pains in the bowels, interminable diarrhœa, of a dysenteric character, extreme prostration and a sense of fainting. In such cases the tumultuous action of Apis is mitigated, and the continued use of this drug, rendered possible by giving Apis in alternation with Aconite in water, every hour or two hours.

Except such cases, I have never been obliged to resort to other accessory means.

Apis is no less efficacious against the higher grades of ophthalmia.

It is particularly rheumatic, catarrhal, erysipelatous, and œdematous ophthalmia, which is most rapidly, easily, and safely cured by Apis, no matter what part of the eye may be the seat of the disease.

The symptoms 188-307 distinctly point to the curative virtues of Apis in ophthalmia: "Sensitiveness to light, with headache, redness of the eyes; he keeps his eyes closed, light is intolerable, the eyes are painful and feel sore and irritated if he uses them; weakness of sight, with feeling of fullness in the eyes; twitching of the left eyeball; feeling of heaviness in the eyelids and eyes; aching, sore-pressing, tensive, shooting, boring, stinging, burning pains in and around the eyes, and above the eyes in the forehead; redness of the eyes and lids; secretion of mucus and agglutination of the lids; the lids are swollen, dark-red, everted; the conjunctiva is reddened, full of dark blood-vessels which gradually lose themselves in the cornea; the cornea is obscured, smoky, showing a few little ulcers here and there; profuse lachrymation; stinging itching in the left eye, in the lids and around the eye; sensation of a quantity of mucus in the left eye; sensation of a foreign little body in the eye; soreness of the canthi; styes; œdema of the lids; erysipelatous inflammation of the lids."

I have found the correctness of these observations uniformly confirmed by the most satisfactory cures of such affections. I use the medicine in the same manner as for acute hydrocephalus. In some cases I found the eye so sensitive to the action of Apis, that an exceedingly violent aggravation of the inflammatory symptoms ensued, which might have proved dangerous to the preservation of such a delicate organ as the eye. Inasmuch as it is impossible to determine beforehand the degree of sensitiveness, I obviate all danger by exhibiting Apis in alternation with Aconite in the manner indicated for hydrocephalus. By means of this alternate exhibition of two drugs, we not only prevent every aggravating primary effect, but we at the same time act in accordance with the important law, that, in order to secure the effective and undisturbed repetition of a drug, we have first to interrupt its action by some appropriate intermediate remedy. All repetitions should cease as soon as a general improvement sets in; if the medicine is continued beyond the point where the organism is saturated with the drug, it acts as a hostile agent, not as a curative remedy. This important point is known by the fact, that the improvement which had already commenced, seems to remain stationary; the patient experiences a distressing urging to stool, a burning diarrhœa sets in, and a disproportionate feeling of malaise develops itself. Under these circumstances, a globule of Apis 30 will quiet the patient, and the action of the drug will achieve the cure without any further difficulty, and without much loss of time, unless psora, sycosis, syphilis, or vaccine-virus prevail in the organism, or sulphur, iodine or mercury had been previously given in large doses. In the presence of such complications Apis will prove ineffectual until they have been removed by some specific antidote. After having made a most careful diagnosis, a single dose of the highest potency of the specific remedy be given, and be allowed to act as long as a trace of improvement is still perceptible. As soon as the improvement ceases, or an aggravation of the symptoms sets in, Apis is in its place and will act most satisfactorily. We then give Apis 3 in water, as mentioned above, with the most satisfactory success.

Apis is the most appropriate remedy for inflammation of the tongue, mouth, and throat.

The following symptoms may be looked upon as striking curative indications: 378-380, 383, 384, 399, 400, 405, 406, 409, 410, 413, 419, 436, 437, 439, 443, 444, 449, 455, 458, 459, 463, 470, 471: "Burning of the lips; the upper lip is swollen to such a degree that the inside seems turned outside; swelling of the lips and tongue; swelling of the upper lip, it becomes hot and red, almost brown; dark streaks along the vermilion border, particularly on the upper lip, rough, cracked, peeling off; violent pains spreading through the gums, the gums bleed readily; the tongue feels as if burnt; tongue and palate are sore; raw feeling, burning, blisters along the margin of the tongue, very painful, stinging; at the tip of the tongue a row of small vesicles which cause a pain as if sore and raw; dry tongue; the inner cheeks look red and fiery, with painful sensitiveness; inflammation of the tongue; inflammation and swelling of the palate; burning, stinging sensation in the mouth and throat; pressure in the fauces as of a foreign body; ptyalism; copious accumulation of a soapy mucus in the mouth and throat; dryness and heat in the throat; inability to swallow a drop, with swelling of the tongue; sensation of gnawing and contraction in the throat, increasing after four hours so as to render deglutition difficult; sensation of fulness, constriction and suffocation in the throat; deglutition painful and impeded, stinging pains during deglutition; swelling and redness of the tonsils, impeding deglutition; angina faucium; chilliness followed by heat; violent pain in the temples; redness and swelling of the tonsils; uvula and fauces, painful and impeded deglutition, and stinging pains when attempting to swallow."

The more frequently we make use of Apis in the treatment of these very common forms of angina, and of the inflammation of the salivary glands, which are so closely connected with the other parts of the throat, the more we become convinced by the most striking success, that this drug is by far the speediest, safest and easiest remedy which we possess for the treatment of these exceedingly common and yet so very distressing affections. Not only in common affections of this sort, but also in the most acute and dangerous forms of angina faucium, will Apis be found efficient; even where these affections are hereditary, or have become habitual, and generally terminate in suppuration, Apis will still afford help. In these affections likewise Apis acts most promptly and efficiently, if given in alternation with Aconite, both remedies in the third dilution, a few drops dissolved in twelve tablespoonfuls of water, in alternate hourly doses. After taking a few doses, the patient begins to feel relieved, enjoys a quiet sleep, and the resolution of the inflammation takes place, accompanied by the breaking out of a general perspiration. If there should be a natural tendency to suppuration, this treatment will hasten it from hour to hour, and after the pus is discharged, a cure will soon be accomplished. In the most inveterate cases, which had been previously treated in a different manner, the same curative process takes place gradually; first one outbreak of the disease is hushed; next, if another portion of the throat becomes inflamed, this inflammation is controlled, and this proceeding is continued with an increasingly rapid success and a continued abatement of all sufferings, until, finally, a perfect recovery is obtained, even under these disadvantageous circumstances.

Apis is not sufficient to prevent the recurrence of such inflammatory attacks; this object has to be accomplished by means of the appropriate antidotal specific.

Apis becomes an exceedingly useful remedy in consequence of the specific power which it possesses over the whole internal mucous membrane and its appendages.

It is particularly the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal upon which Apis has a striking influence. It excites an inflammatory irritation, which not only disturbs the secretion of mucus, but also disintegrates the intestinal juices so essential to the process of sanguification, thus disqualifying the blood from properly contributing to the reproduction of the nervous tissue. By thus altering the blood and nerves, these two principal vehicles of vitality, it develops a group of symptoms which is exceedingly similar to our abdominal typhus that seems to have become stationary among us for the last twenty years. This similarity, in its totality, results from the following symptoms contained in the "American Provings."

"398: troublesome pains in the gums. 400: the gums bleed readily. 402: bitterish taste in the back part of the tongue and in the throat. 405: tongue as if burnt. 406: tongue and palate feel sore. 411: a number of vesicles and small, sore, somewhat red spots at the tip of the tongue and along the left margin of the tongue. 413: dry tongue, the inner cheeks look red, fiery, are painfully sensitive. 416: burning from the tongue down the œsophagus, as far as the stomach, eructations every four or five minutes, with flow of tasteless water in the mouth; eructations became worse after drinking water, she almost felt as if choked. 420: swelling of the tongue, the tongue is dry, shining, yellowish. 421: tenacious saliva adhering to the tongue. 424: tongue dry and white. 427: feeling of dryness in the mouth and throat. 441: fetid breath, with gastritis. 445: quantity of thick, tenacious mucus deep in the throat, obliging him to hawk. 447: tenacious, frothy saliva. 450: dryness in the throat, without thirst. 452: loathing, as if out of the throat. 459: sense of fulness, constriction and choking in the throat. 474: loss of taste. 475: complete loss of appetite. 488: no thirst, with heat. 492: very thirsty when waking at night, after diarrhœa. 495: eructations tasting of white of eggs. 501: nausea and vomiting. 504: fainting sort of nausea from the short ribs across the whole abdomen. 512: vomiting of the ingesta. 513: vomiting of bile. 516: vomiting and diarrhœa. 517: nausea, vomiting of the ingesta, and diarrhœa; repeated vomiting, first of bile, afterwards a thin, watery fluid, having a very bitter taste, with violent pains across the abdomen. 518 to 525: oppression, pressing, creeping, drawing and gnawing, pricking, soreness, heat and burning in the stomach. 528: painful sensitiveness in the pit of the stomach, with burning, like heartburn, with bilious diarrhœa, rather greenish, and almost painless. 530: violent pain and sensitiveness in the region of the stomach and epigastrium, with vomiting, coated tongue, fetid breath, costiveness, and sleep disturbed by muttering and dreams, with frequent, wiry pulse. 533: sense of numbness under the right ribs. 532: sense of compression, squeezing, bruising, under the ribs, worse on the left side. 535: violent burning pains under the short ribs on both sides, worst and most permanent on the left side, where the pain is felt for weeks, preventing sleep. 543: rumbling in the abdomen, with violent urging to stool. 545: nausea in the abdomen, has to lie down. 546: weight in the abdomen. 547: dull pain in the bowels. 552: occasional attacks of colic, with a feverish, tremulous sensation. 553: violent, cutting pains in the abdomen. 555: slowly pulsating, boring pain above the left crest of the ilium, relieved by eructations. 556: pain in the abdomen, from the hips to the umbilical region. 560: soreness and pressure in the lower abdomen. 563: feeling of soreness, burning and numbness below and on the side of the right hip, deep-seated. 566: the inner abdomen feels sore and as if excoriated, painful when pressed upon. 567: feeling as if the bowels had been squeezed, with tenesmus during stool. 576: fulness and sense of distension in the abdomen, as if bloated. 589: frequent urging to stool, with pain in the anus on account of the frequent pressing. 590: violent tenesmus. 593: several thin, yellow evacuations, accompanied by excessive prostration; the stools set in at every motion of the body, as if the anus were wide open. 598: copious discharges of dark brown, green and whitish excrements. 599: dysenteric stools. 608: blood and mucus with stool. 611 and 612: painful and also painless diarrhœa, especially in the morning. 617: retention of stool for one week. 646: disagreeable sensation in the bladder, with pressing downwards in the region of the sphincter, and frequent urging, so that he voids urine frequently in the day-time, and ten or twelve times at night; burning and cutting during urination. 668: the urine is dark colored. 730: hoarseness and distress of breathing. 733: roughness and sensitiveness in the larynx. 738: violent cough, especially after lying down and sleeping. 754: hurried and difficult breathing, with heat and headache. 803: sense of soreness, lameness, bruised and contusive feeling in the chest. 812: trembling and pressure in the chest, with embarrassed breathing. 818: pulse scarcely perceptible. 822: pulse accelerated. 833: swelling of the cervical glands on the injured side. 968: extreme sensitiveness of the whole body to contact, every hair is painful when touched. 971: excessive nervousness. 979: general lassitude, with trembling. 994: in the afternoon he becomes extremely restless and exhausted. 1011: paroxysms of great weakness. 1021: sudden weakness, he had to lie down, and lost his senses. 1025: complete loss of recollection, with vomiting, desire for sleep and rest, slow beating of the heart and scarcely perceptible pulse. 1032: excessive drowsiness. 1039: starting during sleep, as if in affright, with some cough. 1046: sleeplessness. 1047: restless sleep, frequent waking and constant dreaming. 1064: chattering during sleep (in the case of a child). 1081: chilly every afternoon at three or four o'clock, she feels a shivering, worse during warmth; chilly creepings across the back, the hands feel numb; an hour after, feverish heat, with rough cough, hot cheeks and hands, no thirst; these symptoms pass off gradually, but she feels heavy and prostrated. 1089: chill after a heat of thirty-six hours. 1090: sudden chilliness, afterwards heat and sweat. 1124: alternate sweat and dry skin. 1198: thick urticaria, itching a great deal (very soon). 1224: swelling and erysipelatous redness. 54: unable to concentrate his thoughts. 57: dulness of the head, it feels compressed. 62: vertigo and weakness. 79: dizziness."

Whosoever compares the totality of these effects of Apis to the symptoms of the prevailing abdominal typhus, will admit that Apis is homœopathic to this disease. He will even admit that this homœopathicity of Apis to abdominal typhus extends to the minute particulars of the disease in their totality. Even the course which Apis pursues, in developing its effects in the organism, is similar to the progressive development of typhus. Any one who has witnessed, as I have, the course which this disease pursues, will admit that mucous membrane of the alimentary canal is first affected by the disease, in the same manner as Apis affects it; that this irritation of the mucous membrane is followed by gastric catarrhal symptoms, which are speedily succeeded by symptoms of disintegration of the animal fluids and typhoid phenomena; that the gastric irritation is generally characterized by boils, urticaria, erysipelas of the skin, and the nervous irritation by symptoms of abdominal typhus; that the internal and external development of the disease is determined by a striking sympathetic derangement of the organic functions of the liver, and still more of the spleen, and likewise by a more striking prominence of the intermittent type of the fever; and that all these varied disturbances finally culminate in abdominal typhus.

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