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Binary code Mystery number two
– …The Pale Horse of Death, symbols of the coming New World Order. The New World Order and the hoax of 2028. I will try to explain to you what in reality is behind this date, why it was chosen by secret manipulators, and also, what the whole world can expect in connection with the events of 2028. The 2028 issue is real and is, in fact, one global propaganda campaign, one of the important steps of the globalist elite to create a world government. You'll understand why the date of February 29, 2028, which has been being trashed for several years in a row in movies, in the press, on various conspiracy or eschatological sites, in reality has little to do with predictions, it has completely different roots. You will learn about all this in the very near future. Today we will tell you about the main places of occult power on the planet, directly related to the preparation of those events that may occur after February 29, 2028. All over the world, for the last 30 years, a large number of "prophetic" artifacts have appeared, foreshadowing the coming of the New World Order. And the greatest number of these artifacts are located in the United States of America: because it is this country is chosen by the "world behind the scenes" as the carrier of the embryo of globalism. And it is her people are destined to become the first victim after this embryo "hatches" into the light. Many people wonder why they do it, why they create monuments and cover various objects with their symbols, for what purpose they create leaks that allow people to foresee their dark plans? The answer is simple: they want to give people the impression that what is happening is inevitable. I think it's no accident that the customers made the runways in the shape of a Nazi swastika. The new airport has fewer runways than Stapleton, fewer airlocks, and is located far from the city, which begs the questions: was the construction of Denver's new airport intended to hide something else? I can confirm that over the past 20 years, the US government has been actively building underground shelters. The largest one is under the airport.
– Allow me, one moment," interrupted one of his listeners, a short, stout man, of advanced age. – If you are building an underground shelter instead of the announced object, you can't hide it. There will be a lot of equipment, which can not go unnoticed. Right? Or did we misunderstand?
The one to whom the question was directed, apparently trying to figure out who "we" was, looked around at his neighbors, then, scratching his chin with his thumb, replied:
– Everything can be veiled if you build under existing structures that are 4-5 square miles. If you are building a huge airport – it would be very easy to build a shelter underneath it.
The "servant" of science kept up:
– Maybe it's for national security? After all, we know that the NORAD and CMOC underground bases 120 miles from the airport are connected to it by an underground tunnel.
– Yes, it is. What's not clear is whether it's the pale horse of the Apocalypse or the Trojan horse of the New World Order?
– What does that mean? Do you mean the horse sculpture? – followed a new question from the same as the previous one.
– Yes. Don't you agree, isn't it suspicious, doesn't it beg the question – why so much mystification for a place that shouldn't be particularly conspicuous? Do you know what the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this horrible (at least for an airport) piece of work? The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse, the fourth horse in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, whose name is Death. This, I remind you, if anyone doesn't know, is from the Gospel, Revelation 6:7-8. The horse from Denver has glowing eyes at night. Even today, a huge number of Americans are unwilling to turn on their brains. A closer look reveals that this horse of the Apocalypse is only one element of the strange and frightening occult entourage that literally permeates the giant building complex of the Denver airport. Meanwhile, it is known that under the airport is a huge underground complex. There were occasional whispers in the hall, but no one asked questions, and many made notes. The discipline of the academia was also peculiar. Ruthra, though reluctant, had to maintain that discipline in this situation, in fact – he wanted to leave this meeting. He was nervous after such a long "journey" that he would have to waste his time watching a curious scene in which the learned people, among whom there were many doctors of science, took a mystical interpretation of existence seriously. For the sake of decency he had to listen to all this, and little by little Rutra began to realize that he was mistaken. As he listened to the subject, as he put the facts together, he became convinced that these distinguished gentlemen, devoted to science, had not lost their empirical logic, and that the subject they were discussing was on such a complex scientific level that it seemed fantastic, even though it was the most complex of all. The meaning of the information conveyed by someone to the society was not in the final perception by this society of mystical symbolism, but in the logic and worldview of the broadcasters themselves.
"The speaker" continued to shower the audience with very pithy assumptions and "decipherments" of the facts given.
– Separate contractors were hired to build each part of the complex. This was done to conceal the second (and main) purpose of the project. The $2 billion worth of granite used in the finishing was imported from all parts of the world. The most interesting thing about it all is the shocking murals, mysterious signs and inscriptions in known and unknown languages on the walls, floor, and strange artifacts located inside and outside. The Denver airport was built for the New World Order. The MAD is to serve as the headquarters of the New World Order, as well as an underground refuge for the elite, a military base, and a giant concentration death camp. The airport is one of the symbols of the coming world order, which will happen after the world's elite commit mass genocide on the planet, reducing the world's population to 500 million people. Unexplained signs and symbols on the floor and walls of the structure confuse visitors. For example, on the most prominent place in the main hall of the airport, which, by the way, like the meeting halls in Masonic lodges is called Great Hall, there is something that looks like a control panel of a futuristic star ship of aliens from a distant planet, at a closer look it turns out to be a memorial plaque, however, also very strange.
The speaker showed a picture on the interactive whiteboard.
– Look, here's the top of the plaque in Denver. What is surprising is the inscription on the plaque, signed by something called the New World Airport Commission.
He showed another picture.
– At the bottom you can see the inscription – New World Airport Construction Commission. The granite floor of the airport is also strewn with many strange symbols. One in particular caught our attention: a plaque bearing the letters AU and AG; some believe these letters simply mean gold and silver. Maybe, but one of the sponsors of the new airport is Nobel laureate in medicine Baruch Samuel Bloomberg, who discovered a deadly new disease called Australian Antigen. You've probably guessed by now that it's also called AU AG. Coincidence? Maybe, but we have to accept one more coincidence: this plaque is placed on the floor directly across from a mural on the wall called "Genocide."
He showed another picture on the interactive whiteboard. The one called the "Genocide" mural.
– The floor contains copper inlays depicting obscure artifacts… Mont Blanc (France) is the place where the Templars signed their charter. Their annals tell of this event in the following words, "They came together to form the New World Order" Again and again we have before us another curious connection leading to the New World Order that every leading politician and media outlet talks about. One of these murals contains an unmistakable allusion to the Mayan calendar, which supposedly foretold this world's demise in December 2012. And according to a system of calculations that only the initiated know about, the date of February 29, 2028 is obtained. The next fresco depicts a happy mankind after the catastrophe, apparently those 500 million people who will be allowed to live. On it we also see a strange figure, with a halo surrounded by sitting children. It is worth noting that the number of people in the group surrounding the "saint" is 12, which refers us to the Gospel story of the Last Supper. If you ask me what it looks like, I'll tell you – zombified by a mental control program, although the strange halo around the head of the male figure and the unusual plant in front of him suggests some future cult that will be practiced by those left alive after a global holocaust. Note the allegorical depiction of the guillotine. In the next fresco we can clearly see the blade of the guillotine, and under it a butterfly, and not a simple butterfly, but a monarch butterfly, which probably reminds us of how the guillotine was an instrument of mass executions and terror during the French Revolution. After all, the first person to be executed by guillotine was precisely a monarch – King Louis XVI of France. Interestingly, "Monarch" is the name of a secret program of mental control, developed by the U.S. intelligence services after World War II on the basis of data collected by the Nazis in the death camps, involving war criminals who escaped the Nuremberg Tribunal. Let me remind you that MK ULTRA project is the code name of the secret program of the American CIA, which had the purpose of searching and studying the means of mind manipulation, for example, for recruiting agents or for extracting information during interrogations, in particular – by means of using various psychotropic chemicals capable of influencing human consciousness. As one of the offshoots of MK Ultra and Artichoke, aimed at destroying the personality of agents, some refer to Project Monarch. The most brutal and secretive part of Project MK ULTRA.
The speaker was silent for a moment and then continued:
– The symbolism of the airport can be discussed endlessly; the only thing that is undeniable is the fact that this structure is literally permeated with mystery and mysticism, and there is a mysterious object under the airport building itself.
And now about the reduction of the earth's population to 500 million people. This is evidenced by another mysterious artifact of the New World Order: the so-called "modern Stonehenge" (or monument in Georgia) – this mysterious complex erected by the Freemasons in the late 1980s. The customer was supposedly multi-billionaire Ted Turner. So, it contains a message in English, Russian, Chinese, Greek, Arabic, the meaning of which is that it is necessary to maintain the "population" of people on the planet up to 500 million people. This monument echoes the Denver airport artifacts, according to which it is clear how it is possible to achieve this "good goal", especially given the fact that today the world's population is approaching 8 billion.
Denver was chosen because of its central location and because it is connected by hundreds of miles of tunnels that lead to a giant underground city for the elite and government officials. It's also not uninteresting to learn that in 2005, the CIA moved the headquarters of its domestic operations division from its Langley headquarters to Denver, and the FBI moved its international and domestic counterterrorism forces there as well. This definitely adds some extra intrigue to the case.
Ruthra listened and thought that he had discovered a lot of things, but not what they said, but what came out of it. In fact, everything was true. The other thing was who and how they interpreted it all. He knew about the airport, its secret facilities, and the transfer of US intelligence services there. What's the R.O.S.? This is the American RCD. There are scientists here, too. The puzzle was coming together. The first thing Hent said was about a mafia of scientists, the second was who Alikhanov and these were. Although they may have been talking nonsense, it was the nonsense that gave them something to think about. Genius and madness – that's what distinguished a real genius from an ordinary person.
– What do you think? Do you ever have discussions like this? – Pete asked Rutra.
– Discussions about what?
– For example, the Ramenki-43 facility.
Ruthra thought he had misheard, though he knew for sure he hadn't.
– What?
– This is what you think is the Metro 2 facility.
Rutra didn't give the appearance of being surprised, on the contrary, he started to play along.
– What's so amazing about it?
– How's that? It was built to be a disaster shelter, too.
Ruthra thought to himself: "You should know what Metro-3 and Polygon are."
– Maybe. I don't care much about that, more about why I'm here.
– Okay, what about the training?
– Are you serious about this?
– Very much so. I'll introduce you to other groups outside our facility, you'll learn a lot. Then your doubts will be dispelled.
Ruthra looked at him thoughtfully, and thought about the fact that there was no hiding the truth in the bag. If there were real preparations for what Yarovitovich was planning, then there were real preparations in other directions as well. The scale was large, and it was impossible to hide it.
– Get us more information about the Ramenki-43 facility. We need it to analyze what is happening.
– There's nothing to find out. You think I'm an ordinary employee of a research institute? The Ramenki-43 facility is not a big secret for the scientific community.
– Then what is it?
– Is it that important?
– We wonder if preparations are underway there for the long stay of large masses of people.
– Of course you can arrange it there. In general, you decide for yourself. Ramenki-43 (or Metro-2) has always been surrounded by a huge number of legends. There are myths about secret objects, huge "metro-rats", about mutants, and even about the portal to a parallel dimension. About what is in the tunnels underground in Moscow, reliably know only a limited number of people. So, the underground city under Ramenki exists, its capacity is 12-15 thousand people who can live there for about 30 years.
– Oh! And you say, 'It's no great secret,'" exclaimed Peter.
That's what Ruthra began to call him, conveniently enough.
– Z0 years is such a power," the American could not calm down from the excitement.
Ruthra, on the other hand, looked at him ironically, surprised, smiled slightly, and continued the story.
– The Ramenki-43 facility is located at a depth of 180-200 meters. In "Metro-2" the whole system is single-track, there are ventilation shafts from the tunnels. The only used gateway of transition from the regular subway to "Metro-2" is at the metro station "Sportivnaya". This is not a big secret, at least not now, because Oleg Gordievsky, a former colonel of the USSR KGB who escaped to the UK in 1985, called Metro-2 the main secret of the KGB, which has not been revealed until now. According to him, there are whole cities and a network of communications underground that will never be shown to anyone. I assure you there is nothing like that, at least not that I know of, although I have often been there.
– Is there any preparation going on there? – Pyotr persisted.
– Listen, Pyotr, I hope you don't take offense that I call you by your Russian name.
– Oh, no, my new friend.
– Then listen to me as a friend. Even though you have Russian roots, you know Russia very poorly.
– Why?
– That's because there are always preparations going on. Russia is always in war mode. Well, to tell you the truth, I expected more from your center. I need to know which receiving and transmitting stations you can use in a critical moment. And I need their parameters too.
– I'll show you everything.
– If you'd be so kind, I'll give you so much information that you'll think this whole thing is child's play. You know what "baby talk" means?
– Yes, I understood your expression," Peter said quietly and guiltily.
He then took Rutra to all the departments the guest wanted to see, showed him the secret plan of the complex, the working and mothballed part, and the EO compartment, which was full of long-lasting food.
– Do you think it's for nothing? – The scientist asked Rutru, which puzzled him, even made him a little nervous.
Trying not to show his bewilderment over why this question was being asked of him, Rutra tried to answer the "educated layman."
– Anything can happen. Back when I was in the service, back in '91, I witnessed how meat labeled "1960" was used for food. So there's nothing surprising about stockpiling. Why don't you tell me where I can find the subject of my interest?
– I understood from the inquiry that there was a precedent of interference on dual frequencies, the source of which could not be determined. According to the intelligence – it seems to be on the territory of the USA, but according to the military – all deny their involvement, as proof they allowed to create a joint commission of inquiry, in which we, people of science, must first make a joint analysis.
– Almost there. I need to report back: is this possible or is it an unidentified failure of the receiving system?
– I understand the collision of the American and Russian satellites was because of this.
– I too think an unknown signal changed his course.
Rutra was lying, it wasn't true, but the reason was very reliable.
– If you can, get permission to search Raven Rock," Peter suggested.
– Thanks, I'll give it a try. If you're all set, let me go.
– No, you can't do that. You've been here all day, you need to rest, you need to eat.
"That wouldn't be bad," Ruthra thought. He had forgotten that he hadn't eaten.
– Eating is fine, but I'll rest at the hotel.
They went to the cafeteria for a snack, then over a cup of coffee Peter talked about the oligarchs who don't think about the development of basic science, about the government that goes along with them, that no one takes a possible nuclear catastrophe seriously. "Just like in Russia," Rutra thought, thanked him, and headed back.
He was met in the airport dungeons and escorted to a rest area. He contacted Hent and told him what he had been offered to look for at Raven Rock. The status and clearance level of the man who'd suggested it determined the importance of his words, just as it made it clear that he probably had good reason to pretend to be a naive idealist.
In the morning, the authorization was approved, and Rutra traveled in the capsule to the site. The capsule traveled as usual at "crazy" speed, stopping and turning around several times. Ruthra could hardly stand it, it was a long and exhausting journey, and finally he reached Raven Rock. There he was met, also by the military.
This complex, located on the border of Pennsylvania and Maryland, has many names, such as The Rock, SiteRT, NMCC-R, ANMCC, AJCC. The popular nickname is "the spare Pentagon." The fact is that SiteRT must accommodate all 3,000 employees of the "pentagon" in case of danger.
The Rock houses DISA's (Defense Information Systems Agency) computer operations center and the operations centers of the major branches of the Army, Air Force, and Navy. The complex is also used as an alternate government bunker. It was a more serious organization, only the resolution of a very powerful top-secret department, with the strange acronym WWW, allowed Rutra to check all the bays he wanted. The military had the same attitude everywhere, in Russia and in the United States. They perceived very negatively the presence of an outsider on their territory, especially a person unknown to the structures.
No one was available for a heart-to-heart talk, as at NORAD. The complex is inaccessible to the public, and the security level is so high that conspiracy theorists speculate about other purposes for the facility. A popular rumor among them is that a 157 kilometer long tunnel leads from Site R to the Pentagon. If they knew where the tunnels stretch to and for what distances. Rutra had traveled through one of them and was now wondering how to survive the even greater distance to Area-51.
Since according to the legend Rutra was a scientist, a double agent, who was supposed to "find out" weaknesses in the Pentagon's technology regarding Russian developments, he had access everywhere. There was a certain power component in his face, because they themselves told in detail, with the provision of documents, all the possibilities of technology. The instruction "from above" was clearly given – to provide all the data according to the subject of the search.
The officer accompanying him, who was reserved and frankly stated that he did not trust anyone from the USSR and its allies, answered questions in detail and provided access to departments of interest. While showing and telling, as a "true American military man," he constantly emphasized that U.S. weapons were superior to Russian weapons and the technology was the best in the world.
– I understand, but at the moment I'm interested in more scientific terms," Rutra tried to dissuade him. – I get money for this from your management. I assure you, Russia is not dormant, it has a lot of interesting things to offer.
The officer took this statement almost as a personal insult. He straightened up and replied with a haughty look:
– The U.S. military expects to maintain its technological advantage over Russia and China through developments in robotics and artificial intelligence systems. For example, your Armata tank is planned to become unmanned in the future.
Rutra did not want to enter into any more controversy because he knew where the "wind was blowing from," as the officer later confirmed.
– The First Deputy Defense Minister is in charge of promoting such projects in the Pentagon. He has repeatedly expressed concern about high-tech developments by Russia and China. In his opinion, the Russian army is "preparing to fight on a robotic battlefield." "We must improve our strategic decisions in an era of competition between major powers," he told us on a personal visit to the complex.
All this was proudly "reported" by a military man.
– We are ruling out the creation of "killer robots" for the time being. Autonomous weapons can be used only for defense purposes: for example, a missile battery can react to incoming missiles by itself. At the same time, we are focusing on creating systems that will allow the military to make faster and more accurate decisions. In particular, the Pentagon is planning to strengthen a supercomputer that could analyze gigabytes of data and record not only the movement of enemy forces, even a soldier or a ballistic missile, but also receive, process, modify and send back a remote control signal. We need that to reorient the missile's course. This is much simpler and more reliable than developing an echeloned missile defense system, with a lot of political scandals, with location on the territory of other countries and no guaranteed effectiveness.
– You know, I've always been surprised by the arrogant arrogance of your military and politicians, but now I am very grateful.
– Why?
– I will tell you this if you explain to me how you are going to decode the code of the missile's control cipher at a distance where you intend to place the receiving and transmitting device? Otherwise, with all due respect, I perceive your story as another praise of yourself, not personally, but in general, as the armed forces.
– I told you, we will upgrade the supercomputer and link it to the Livermore and Oak Ridge. They'll run simultaneously in parallel and serial mode. In any encryption code there is a limit to the sequence, if you make it extremely "heavy", then you yourself will not be able to operate the missile quickly. We are interested in the first few minutes, otherwise there is no point, because beyond that they will be out of your territory. Although, in principle, we are also considering the second phase of flight, in order to redirect them on a different course. The most important thing for us is that they do not fly towards the United States. It will not be a big deal if they explode in the air over deserted or sparsely populated areas of the globe.