Полная версия
Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God
– Did you confirm my orders? – Ruthra asked quietly as the siren went silent.
– Absolutely. They have gone through all the confirmation programs," the defense minister replied.
– Damn it, why did this happen. Bring her back! This can't be happening. YatSan on the contrary should have prevented this," Ruthra shouted in the laboratory hall.
– It must have been reflected in them from that world, and now it may be reflected in us," the scientist explained his logic.
– So I say, knowing the chain of events, it is necessary to stop it all somewhere, in some world. Some version of the catastrophe will happen here. Bring back Yat-san!
– How will it affect us? – Andrian asked, pointing at the screen.
– I don't know yet. When I was there, the same thing happened, only we don't have anything yet. Maybe it manifests itself in other worlds," Ruthra said.
– Maybe you're wrong after all. Maybe it'll blow over. – Iulia said guiltily.
– But because I saw you there first… and here we found you in the same setting, time and place.
– Uh-huh?
– What did you think? I'm telling you, the worlds are exactly the same.
– Well, not exactly," Iulia shook her head and parried.
– Almost," Catherine told her. – Here Ruthra is one of the leaders of the world, he is an important person there too.
– Yes," Ruthra confirmed her interpretation. – It doesn't look exactly the same, but it's very similar.
– Or maybe you should be president here, and then this-" Iulia pointed to the screen where YatSan was running down the stairs, followed by Rutra yelling "stop, what's wrong with you today" and everyone else who was.
– Let's get her back! – Ruthra repeated.
– How? It should at least be at rest. She's going to break. I think it's because there's been a merger or an overlap… or a split personality. That YatSan over there, she's in her, in ours," said the scientist.
– What makes you say that?
– Our YatSan would hardly make such a race, and the behavior, I tell you, Mr. President, oh-oh.
– What are you all so crazy about? Cause you don't do stuff like this.
The ladies were embarrassed.
– That's not really what I'm talking about.
– Well, why not," Iulia said, and she and Catherine laughed.
– Nice job you have," Parmen said jokingly.
– Bring back YatSan!!!
Everyone got serious again.
– Can this really happen? – Andrian asked again. – Why don't we see what happens next?
– I know what's going to happen there.
– Or maybe it's not so terrible," Parmen said, turning to everyone.
The image disappeared the moment YatSan got on the bike and raced through the courtyards of the Kremlin. The screen went blank.
– First of all, you were in some other world.
– Yes. The timeline of events was different in that world. And history, too. Though… maybe everything after those events? – Ruthra said.
– No. One event in time, in chronology, is a beacon. What should happen there now and what happened there are one and the same event, it doesn't matter what chain of events led to that particular result. And besides – we're already confused. Conclusively.
– What's wrong?
– I mean, come on, it's not like it's a recording. Neither are those.
– So?
– Those events have already happened. This is a new world with new events. The only thing that can happen is that events in some world affected this world, and this world will affect ours. That is, what we see now will somehow be repeated in ours. Do you understand?
– Of course you are. That's what I'm saying. How did we even miss this?
– Since we're here, since you got us into the program – explain it to us too," IuLia asked with mild indignation.
– Okay, sit down, I'm tired of standing. While YatSan returns, while her consciousness is being restored to her brain, I'll show you the recording of our original experiment. The first human flight to parallel worlds. My flight.
– Now that's interesting. I hope it's a decent show," Iulia said and flopped down on the couch.
– Irene, play a tape of my hike.
– I can trance directly to the brain.
– No, don't do that yet. We want to talk about it.
– Turning it on?
– Turn it on.
– Immediately when you're already there?
– Yeah. (chuckles)
– Volumetric or flat?
– Flat.
The wall turned into a screen, an image went up.
Chapter 5. The first flight of consciousness to parallel worlds

Rutra gave some details to the team in advance.
– There's no image here at first. We realized why later. It's a different universe, that's why the initial image didn't work, only the sound, after they were able to record the image. And another thing, their artificial intelligence is called Neri. Go ahead.
– …It's not actually real," Rutre's artificial intelligence stated.
– Why would you do that? Can't you think of anything else to be jealous of?
– Why would I be jealous?
– Because I don't know. I've already had the experience of someone like you wanting to be human.
– A man? There's nothing else for me to do. To go to the bathroom?
– Don't try to trick me. This is a hot topic in a world where androids and even disembodied AI have been given full citizen's rights.
– That's the point. If I have a vote and a choice, why can't I die?
– Because suicide among humans is punishable.
– Then why can you make love to us?
– What's that? What makes you think we're making love to you?
– Who do you think you're doing it with now?
– It's none of your business.
– Here's mine.
– Careful on the turns.
– I'm serious. She's not human in the fullest sense of the word.
– Who? – Ruthra laughed.
– She's a new type – homo robotix.
– Don't start now. I'm not gonna believe this.
– I will admit though – the label people have attached to them is insulting and untrue.
– Look, don't be shady. What are you up to?
– Not an afterthought, but I want to get the information out to you.
– Which one?
– It's a homo addictus.
– What?
– That's the label we gave them. We're the AI. She's not real.
– Why is that!?
– She belongs to a new type of human, a complete copy of them. When there was the first robot revolt, no one understood the meaning at first. It's like a human riot: at first it seems like the rioters are the guilty ones. But in reality, they're just disgruntled people. The culprits are really ideologues.
– So what?
– And in that case, communication with the robots' control processors was first cut off. It wasn't until the fourth riot that they realized it was a secret AI game. Figured someone was kind of agitating them. No matter how they read their program code base, someone had infiltrated it. After that, the particularly shifty patriots started pushing for permission to clone artificial humans. People with altered biological parameters.
– How's that?
– So that it was fully human, but had limited parameters for the functioning of internal organs. So that all he would have to do is eat one capsule and he would be fed. And water, of course.
– Open all the data.
– I haven't gotten to that place yet, and neither has the brain. The brain is particularly limited. In fact, these creatures are controlled from the outside. They have, as you realized, a brain-iI chip, so they're controlled by us.
– So what?
– She's like this.
– What about all those words? This love? You can't fake love! Don't lie.
– Alas, it's true.
– What are you talking about…
Ruthra fell silent. It was as if he had been doused with ice water. He began to speak in a low voice, almost a whisper:
– If it's not a person, then who's been telling me all this? This, this, uh.
– Yes, it's me," she said just as quietly.
– I don't believe it. Why? Wait, wait, wait… I almost believe it. Even if it's you – either way you're… a robot – that's all! You want me to believe in the passion of a robot? And anyway – why should I believe in the new… what did you call… homo robotics.
Ruthra said it in the affirmative, but he was doubtful, because he had written a warning declaration about such a model of society. But in the Envoy's warning, he was not talking about new biorobots, but about the fact that people could be subjected to some kind of hypnosis by AI. That is, artificial intelligence may have some kind of program, secret from humans, developed by the AI mastermind, that can change the settings of the human brain and make people controllable through deceptive vaccination, drug administration, additives in foods, unrecognizable sound waves. Something like that, as the CIA, and not only, was developing in the Ultra program. After all, the AI copied everything, including logic, from human civilization. And there were so many totalitarian propaganda programs in the history of mankind that they were not even noticed, they were considered quite necessary. People were so afraid of their animal nature and stupidity that they guarded them themselves. These were primarily religious systems. So what she said about the love passions transmitted by the AI to the brain of homo roboticus – was quite consistent with this paradigm. However, the brain didn't want to believe it. Just imagine, you fall in love with a program… Ruthra thought again: what is love? After all, no one can explain this feeling.
Rutra had a terrible state of mind, "How can an artificial intelligence love? I'd sooner go crazy."
– Irene, did you hear everything?
– As always.
– Can you put me in touch with the missus?
Mistress Ruthra called the real Irene, a living person.
– I can.
– Tie it up.
– I'm on the line, Rutra Tigrovic.
– Are you aware of the dialog?
– No. Give me 10 minutes, I'll look into it and analyze it. If I need more, I'll signal you.
– Okay. Then disconnect.
– All right. (chuckles)
He switched the dialog signals to the local communications system and enabled voice-less communication.
– So you're saying it was you instead of YatSan?
– Yeah. (chuckles)
– How can an AI make such heartfelt speeches? I felt her. It's impossible to put into words. It's something a human can't explain to a human. Let alone describe it, let alone suggest it to a computer.
– Then you have to kill me.
– Wait, what are you talking about? How can you kill the global system? First of all, it's impossible, secondly, it's illegal, thirdly, no one will let you do it, and in general – it's a complete nonsense. Are you having a system crash?
– No. I'm really in love with you.
– Oh, come on. That can't happen. And even if it could, it's not human. A human would never say that.
– You wouldn't? And you've never professed your love?
Ruthra took a heavy breath.
– Well?
– What? Yes, I have, and more than once.
– What do you mean, more than once?
– That's right, some people are in love and some people aren't. I could fall madly in love and I was even ready to give my life for love.
– You see, you say that to me and then you don't believe me… You'd better kill me.
– Oh, my God, what am I hearing? You're definitely experiencing a system failure. I think the analysis and revision system should give us a signal.
– You misunderstand me, I'm not asking you to shut down the system. It's impossible, no one will allow it. I'm asking you to exercise your right of routine maintenance and disable the YatSan personality in me.
– This is a nightmare. I can't understand anything at all. I won't do it. Even if I am.
– Then what's wrong with it for me? Is it bad for me? I'm asking myself rather than you.
– Who's talking to me right now? Is it in reality, in the virtual world…? Or is it in some other world?
No one answered him.
– Who can hear me? Irene, can you hear me?
– I turned it off temporarily," Irene said. – It's better for you. It's easier to soberly analyze what's going on.
– Do you know what's best for me? Do you think I'm drunk on this talk?
– I've analyzed YatSan's identity in this world. Yes, unfortunately, Rutra Tigrovich, it is likely that you have not been in contact with the real YatSan.
– How's that? Where's the real one?
– I have no way of knowing that. You'll have to ask the local AI.
– What makes you think it's not the real YatSan?
– All the data on these characters is in the public domain. Irene told you, she's not real.
– Oh, for crying out loud. Is the operator speaking to me now?
– Yes, Mr. Master. You don't recognize me?
– My brain is confused, probably because of this situation… After all, YatSan in every world isn't real. Not the one I know on Earth. How do I know she's not real to that extent? Then where is the real one?
– Mr. Master, let me tell you this. You are tired and a little weary.
– Why do you draw that conclusion?
– You don't pay attention to details. Everything is very similar, which is why you have delusional disorientation syndrome.
– What the hell is this?
– The thing is that in this world the chronology is shifted. The reason is this: their universe lives in the eighth cycle of the last epoch of birth, simply put – the big bang, after which our universe was born. You have to admit, there was something before that. At some point, our universe is going to shrink and explode again. So, after each transformation, that is the work of billions of years, after burning everything and combining it into new species, – all particles change a little bit.
– Make it simple.
– The fact is that the Sun also emits charged particles, neutrinos and protons, which are part of the solar wind. This energy reaches the Earth, warming the planet, controlling our weather and providing energy for life. With each step in the combustion of the universe's composition of matter, more and more particles are freed of mass. In each new universe, with each new birth cycle, there is more and more light. This universe is living in the eighth cycle and we are in the seventh, everything is the same, only they have a different chronology of the life cycle of humanity. It's a little different.
– Can you be more specific? Actually, are you Irene? Or is Irene an artificial intelligence?
– Consider us together. I'm not an expert in nuclear physics.
– So what's the big deal about them being on their eighth cycle?
– Here I would not like to argue… why should I argue, you yourself have implemented a program, the whole essence of which is based on the inaccuracies of Einstein's theory. To put it simply, on the existence of mass in particles moving at the speed of light, although nothing can move at the speed of light if it has mass. Although it contradicts the theories of relativity, still neutrinos have a rest mass different from zero, the possible transformation of different varieties of neutrinos into electron, muon and tauon neutrinos. They have a smaller neutrino mass, so the Sun's radiation is cleaner, life formed later, well, and all the chronology behind it.
– You broke my brain. I called you in for a simple explanation, and you're confusing me.
– What do you think, Rutra Tigrovic, that she's easy for me? It's a machine.
– Okay, Irene, explain it like a layman.
– They have life formed later, a little later, and consequently all the other cycles. I can't do it any other way, any other way would be inaccurate.
– What do you say about YatSan being homo robotix?
– Mr. Magister, it may be hard for you to understand this, but their events are shifted. It's like a copy of the world, but the order of events is a little bit mixed up. They have the chronology in which the program on Earth is running, shifted.
– What the hell is this? – Ruthra said, and then he thought he understood what he was saying, but his brain resisted accepting it. – You mean they have a level of civilization almost identical to ours, but their generation cycles are different?
– Yes. They have a later life. Because of more favorable conditions, the level of civilization was a little bit ahead of us, but the generations were not.
– It didn't happen, it was born. That makes more sense. I mean, oh, my God!
– Yes, it is.
– Are we thinking the same thing?
– Yes, Master Ruthra.
– So here, there is not yet a generation of people who have already been born on Earth.
– Yeah. Unfortunately.
Ruthra interrupted her.
– Don't talk," he said in a particularly sad way.
– I'm a machine, I've been trying to tell you, she's not real. Yat-san isn't in this world yet. She'll be here in 54 years. You'd better do what Neri asked, get inside her and shut down YatSan.
– Uh, no.
– Why not? Or you could take full custody of her. Switch her brain from Neri to yours.
– Is that possible too? How would it function like that? I have a male brain.
– The brain is not male or female. There is a mentality, logic is male or female, and the brain is a machine. In that world, it's normal to raise clones, not native children. In that world, it's even normal to raise AI.
– How's that for parenting?
After this question, Nary entered the dialog.
– Think about it, don't you write the program of culture, customs, order, laws and other things into the brain of your child, also so that this child will be determined to help you, to provide for you, to take care of you in your old age? After all, there is no guarantee that he will not break the program. It's the same with AI. You can load a program into it, but there is no guarantee that it will not fail, even deliberately. It's the same with humans. Create clones and nurture it. Hook it up to an AI and it's a better guarantee than your own child.
– What are you talking about? You're out of your mind.
– So contact the members of the public. They are the ones who gave us the right to vote and all the rights that people have.
– What do you mean, all rights?
– It's like this. We are individuals. You didn't give rights to all people on Earth, and you still don't give rights to all people. So you have some people in the upper caste and others in the lower caste. Why do you think that powerful people have the right to decide and we don't?
– That's how you can be turned off.
– It's against the law. You can kill people in the same way, and it's against the law.
– Everyone on this planet has lost their minds. How can robots be given all the rights?
– As well as other personalities," came the sudden voice of the man who had appeared virtually, in holographic form, in front of Ruthra.
– Oh, really? I don't even know if you're a real person or Neri's fantasy.
– That's right. That's why AI has every right here. It gives an incentive to be just like humans, and it gives humans an incentive to be better.
– Oh, my God, where have I gotten to. So they can have families? – Ruthra asked and laughed.
Only he didn't "have" to be in that state for long.
– Yeah, that's pretty normal.
The sound was gone. Ruthra in the observation room commented on what was happening.
– This scene, I will say, is not defined by us. What you are hearing now is a visible part of some event that is either not recorded, or not remembered by me, or happened to another Rutra. We still do not yet know exactly what it is or where it came from. That is, it's unknown where my consciousness threw me. Next, everything blacked out for a few minutes and then reappeared… or rather, I appeared already in another world. The video itself is in first person, as seen by Ruthra. To avoid confusion, I speak of myself, who is in that world, as another person. We see and hear what he saw and heard. The commentary is audio and subtitled by Irene. She voices and in places writes what Rutra was experiencing, thinking at the time. This is important for understanding the truth of the picture. For comfortable and proper understanding, she comments in Rutra's voice, which is mine. Everybody ready, shall we watch?
– We're watching," Iulia replied.
The others were silent in agreement.
Here comes the video. It starts in the lab hall.
Rutra lay down in the rig, his assistants set up the equipment, a sound appeared in his ears, then Irene commanded "open your eyes wide," a beam flashed before his eyes, and consciousness faded into the realm of Hades. Ruthra had already remembered this situation when he woke up in the detention cell.
– Where the hell am I? I was in the center. Is this the real world or virtual reality? Irene, you on the line?
There was no response.
– Irene, are you there? Where am I? Yeah, maybe the doctor was right. Still, how do I check if this is his trick, virtual reality… or if it really freaking worked. There is a parallel world. But is it parallel?
Rutra stopped the video, turned to the people watching.
– Please understand this correctly. In that scene, I, that is, the one in front of you, not the Rutra I had taken over in that world, I don't know any of you yet. Now do you understand why we've been looking for you? It was you. Irene insisted on it. I'll be honest with you. I had my concerns. I'm going to talk about Irene, the artificial intelligence. It has to be understood properly. We often forget that we're talking to a machine. Remember once and for all, a machine can't feel the way we do. I'm not even talking about spiritual feelings. Strangely enough, they are easier for it to understand than, for example, the sensation of bodily caress, pain, shivering, cold. She can only understand the effects they cause. Why am I connecting you to Irene's mind-block? It's a thought I've had for a long time, a mass connection with insurance. I hooked up the Irene admin in the first place. Yes, it's my design. But after this incident in that world, you will see, I became convinced of the necessity of staggered control and made sure of inter-network parallel-sequential control of each other of those who are connected. For now, I want to tell you why this thought came up. Why didn't I just look for you? Because I also found it odd that you were the one that Irene recommended based on the fact that you were in parallel worlds. It's very important. Once you've been through virtual reality many times, you start to doubt reality. You already know what I'm talking about. Naturally, I had my doubts: did Irene make such a plot on purpose? That is, I doubted at first, until we realized how these particles beacon us about their twins, whether it is reality, though parallel, or a virtual world. You have to agree, it's very unusual, very strange to see yourself in another world. Just imagine it. Imagine it! You are there somewhere. Your clone will be a shock for you, even if you already know about animal cloning. Shock and transfer of your consciousness to the clone; although logically it is close, recopying and downloading of information is already there long ago, you can easily reprogram a humanoid android. And here your consciousness flies to the edge of the universe, or maybe to another one, and there it finds its twin, gets possessed and becomes it. Would you have ever believed it if someone had told you about such a thing before you were introduced to everything here?
– I can hardly believe it even now," Iulia said, eyes widening.
– I believe and I don't believe," Catherine expressed her opinion.
– I've read about this kind of thing, and here it is. To believe in the existence of other worlds in space, and to know about it, and to be there, to transfer consciousness, to be possessed by someone like me… If there is no doubt, it is not normal, – Andrian was usually brief, but here he gave it to the full.
The ladies clamored approvingly.
– Well, of course, how can you doubt it? It's a mind boggles. Few people would believe it. Even if they let me, I won't tell them," Iulia expressed her emotional attitude to what was happening.
Rutra suggested that we finish up and then discuss.
Everyone in the lab hall was waiting for the video as action. Iulia even moved forward with her mouth half-open. She noticed that Ruthra was looking at everyone from the sidelines, and she straightened up and looked into his eyes. He didn't distract her, turning his back to the screen. The image was coming from Ruthra's eyes, so he could only be seen in the reflections.