Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame
Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame

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Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame

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Even if it was natural – it wasn't Ruthra who was ordering them, it worked. The tricky scientist could have made sure they didn't know about the most intimate part of the experiment. Ruthra walked over and kicked the rig in which his body lay with fury. The machine shook slightly, and the man lying in it spoke without opening his eyes.

– Well, well, well, I'd ask you.

It was said in the style of his fellow scientist, with a smile and a joking tone, but emphasizing his importance.

– Come on, get up, there's a prize waiting for you, maybe even a Nobel Prize. You've succeeded, so you can return my body, otherwise there will be no one to defend the project in front of the council.

– I don't need that. I have my personality written down and I can be you from time to time and when I need to be me.

The tone was slightly haughty and the words spoken were arrogant.

Rutra was almost insulted by this.

– What does it mean to think?

– And there you go.

He climbed out of the rig and looked in the mirror.

– We're in virtual reality, so don't get too excited. I saw the timer, if they don't force you back, you have 20 minutes to enjoy being commander.

– And you're okay, keeping in shape. Or is that done by technology, too? There's no way around it, it's the chip stimulating your muscles.

– Tell me what you're up to. Let's just say the surprise didn't work out.

– What's the surprise, honored scientist? The only surprise is in the alteration of memory. I admit, although you know it yourself, it can be influenced, to put it mildly, edited.

– What are you talking about? We worked together on this technology.

– It's not that important right now.

– Exactly. Why would you do that in virtual reality?

Rutra pointed at himself.

– You hopefully haven't forgotten, there is a board meeting scheduled for today.

– И?

– What do you say in there?

– Enough with the clowning around. This is virtual reality. We weren't wearing helmets or sensors.

– And they were taken beforehand. That's my technology.

– I almost believe it. About 18 minutes to go. Keep going.

– Okay, okay, let's just get out of here. If we're in the virtual, it doesn't matter. We'll wake up wherever we are. In the meantime, I'll give you, I mean, like me, access to the information that you, well, again, like, instead of me, should present to the council.

– Please remember the chain of command. Friendship is friendship, but we're not drinking buddies.

– That's exactly what I'm telling you, let's go.

– All right, let's see what song you're gonna sing next. I don't want our friendship to end.

– That's later, now let's go. If you think we're in the virtual, then let's continue the experiment. Let's go.

– All right, let's go.

They went to the upper level, walked to the scientists' block, and approached the office.

– Let's make a deal like this: so that we don't confuse employees, coworkers, and understand each other better, you call me Big Boss and I'll call you Big Date.

– All right, Big Boss, can't wait for the time to run out.

– Yes, Big Data. Stand in front of the scanner, the lock is set to my body.

– What do you want in there?

– I need to access the information through the chip. It's still in the brain.

The scanner clicked, the door moved aside, and they entered. The scientist's colleagues followed them like an entourage, or perhaps an escort.

– Dear Big-data, I turn on the link, make contact between the chip and the system, remove the password, and you already know everything I knew. I mean… It's really confusing.

He laughed.

– Come on, smile, smile. Make me feel like a big important boss too. No, not a boss, but part of the power of the world. How did you get into this system, anyway? It's not the billionaires who are the rulers of the souls of men, it's some dark personalities.

– I'll ask you to be careful where you turn. There are billionaires out there, and there are people like you. The first one to conceive is the one with the power over everyone.

– Uh-oh. That's an interesting thought. I'll say – and my idea is not a bad one.

– It'll be over soon.

– Soon. Maybe I'll like it… and leave it at that.

– The timer's a stubborn thing, and Irene can see everything.

– Don't forget that timers are made by people, programmed by people, and yes Irene was created by people like us.

– Stop fantasizing. What's next?

– Open in your memory, recall my speech, the arguments about convincing the council in the reality of the program of transmigration of consciousness, the existence of parallel worlds and the possibility of instilling consciousness from here into a person there.

– I hope you get cured. Your past programs have been a success after all.

– Tell me, you didn't believe it, did you? All of you – the council, other colleagues and staff, no one.

– In rapid cloning?

– Yeah. (chuckles)

– Who'd believe you could make a human being like a crystal in a test tube?

– That's right. It worked.

– Right. That's why you're in complete control.

– And then why not put someone else's mind into that body?

– What do you mean? You mean the Super Spy program?

– Yeah. You build a body, take out the personality you want, put in your mind, and presto! – you're ready to be president.

– People like you, trust someone like that, leave them unchecked – that way you'll replace everyone with yourself.

– Why, just like that, we are the rulers of the world.

– Yeah. And they're fools, that's why they're rulers over such… and more. We've forgotten what you're up to, buddy. I did it back in my last Super Spy program. Chipping and mind transference. You weren't the first to think of it. And in case you haven't forgotten, I've developed many important programs with you.

– Yes, yes, I remember everything, Your Excellency. Just the scientific basis, all the little things on which the technology is based, have been developed and realized through experiments by our scientific community.

– Okay, what's next? What else is in the program?

– Nothing in the program. Just life as usual. What was on the schedule? Council presentation coming up.

– Oh, those minutes would be up by now. How much time is left?

– Buddy.

He smiled.

– It's kind of unusual to have a dialog. We're not in virtual reality. I'm being honest with you. Yeah, it's an experiment, I didn't mean to do anything wrong. Although I had it all figured out, I suspect the system had more than that. I mean, you can't hide from Irene. She could have known what we were up to, for all I know. It doesn't matter, though, because I'm not going to take over by switching identities. I want to prove to the council that my program is real.

– I almost believed it. What's next? The clock is ticking.

– Let them tick, it won't make a difference. We're not in a virtual reality.

– What's next?

– Let's go to the council.

– И?

– And you will defend the project," Ruthra in the professor's body laughed now.

– Okay, I'm gonna go with your bullshit. It's like it all hits you in the brain when you remove the password.

They got out and went to the council chamber. It was impossible for anyone to get in. A system of pass scanners checked everything down to the DNA code. Big Data was identified as a scientist, Big Boss as the real Rutra. Only the certainty that they were in virtual reality helped Rutra keep his cool.

– I wonder when you thought of that. I mean, the board isn't really aware of your proposal. Why do you have to present it in this scenario? And more importantly, how do you want to use it in reality? Because you're about to find out the council's reaction to the way we introduce ourselves. And I'm not gonna tell you I'm not really a scientist. I won't tell you about the switch. Then what? I mean, that's obviously what you're counting on, isn't it?

– I'm counting on it, I'm confessing it, and it's going to work out the way I planned.

– Let's see. What's the real thing? What's the point? There, in reality, no one will give you an endorsement just for praise in the virtual, even if you convince the council here. In fact, I've already convinced them… Oh, I get it. Since the weighty word on the council is mine and the responsibility for projects with risk is mine – you want to use my body to make an endorsement. It's ingenious, but it's also primitive. It's not a big deal. You'll test everyone's reaction, and maybe not even everyone… I'm sure many will remain silent.

– I'll tell you all about it later. Let's go in.

– Not yet. You took a body, but you don't know the life of that body. They're still waiting for you, or rather for me, in the lobby, with questions and suggestions. So don't embarrass me. I didn't download the chip with the information. Heh-heh," he teased Big Boss.

The meeting was set for the morning. Rutra had not, of course, prepared the speech, had no final position, much less a decision, but was still more inclined to approve the program than to reject it. Responsibility was responsibility, what had he to fear? In case of failure his personal projects would be rejected? So in this project, the subsequent use and the ideas themselves had been suggested by him. Ruthra had even envisioned the scenario, knowing the methods and mannerisms of his learned associate. Everything would be exactly in the perspective that was commonplace to him, however, that was the peculiar aura of this place, of this world. For example, the scientists would propose to implement some fantastic program, perhaps with the help of the "idea generator" installation they had created, to enter the alpha resonance frequency of the brain of a scientific specialist who was working on the cloning project, and "give birth" in his brain to the solution of a complex problem of changing DNA to adapt animals to the atmosphere of Mars. All such things were realistic for them. Ruthra had speculated how things would be, only speculation – for that's what speculation is for, it doesn't have to be a pattern. This time things weren't going according to plan. Besides, the personalities weren't the same now. They'd approach Rutra with questions, and what would Big Boss say? The only thing that comforted him was that this was a virtual world, and the session was still about six minutes away.

In the hall, a specialist in the study of the microcosm and the effect on matter of massless particles approached Rutra, that is, his body, which contained the "luminary of science," even before the meeting began, and, taking him by the shoulder in a friendly manner, said conspiratorially quietly, almost in a whisper:

– I have something to tell you that will make you more surprised than ever.

– Yeah? Even that happens? – Big Boss said with irony.

– Imagine that," replied the minister of science. – Believe me, it will change your perception of reality.

– I dunno, if it still has room to flip, flip it, however, I think it will remain unshakable.

– You'd better be prepared.

– All right. (Sighs) Let's get on with it.

– So, before, well, as is our custom," the doctor smiled, "you should listen to the information. So that your consciousness can be prepared for the load it will take, and your logic can digest what is coming.

– That's kind of what we're here for. I'm all ears.

– No, no, no. Of course, general information first, because this will be a collegial decision. I gave you the general tone of the conversation from the beginning, because your opinion will determine how seriously they will take what I have to say.

Rutra, though not real, understood the scientist's cunning. Everyone knew about Rutra's supervision and support of scientific projects; he really delved into them, actively participated and proposed progressive ideas.

– All right, I promise to give you the floor. You will definitely propose your project. But please, you understand, the main agenda is for another program. If you want, you can give me the details later, preferably with evidence. And I'll gather the new council afterwards. If, of course, the proposed by you has a place in the overall strategic paradigm of the system.

– Oh yes, I'll be sure to introduce you to everything.

"So much for the second stratagem," thought Big-data. It turns out that if in his body he could not find out the secrets of the competing groups, for this he would have to cooperate with them, offering something of his own, then this way he could find out all the plans and programs, the levels of success achieved by all the scientific groups.

Rutra was right. The rest of their dialog made a lot of things clear.

– Tentatively, judging by the mysteriousness of your tone, you have succeeded, I can tell you. I, knowing your fraternity and your experiments on digitizing human consciousness and its further existence inside a supercomputer, am even afraid to think what else you will propose.

It's clear," thought Ruthra in the scientist's body, "this is a direct competitor, his developments are very much needed. Apparently, there were already rumors in the scientific community that the luminary of science wanted to get his project promoted and thus bury all such projects, of course, if the idea was approved. Which was most likely with Rutra's involvement. Big-data decided to listen to their dialog, making an indifferent disinterested look.

– Isn't that bad. You can be in different guises and talk to yourself.

– All right, all right, stop. You know how that turned out.

– I'm sorry, that wasn't with you.

– Do you remember when the computer fell in love with a bunch of girls by pretending to be a famous athlete?

– Yes. That incident was the fault of this man… whatever you call him. I don't know him personally.

– Paris.

– Yeah, that guy, Paris. But he wasn't a big-time athlete.

– Even so. It's a nightmare. Imagine what could be done with this method. What if he talks to his family or business, pretending to be the real him, and then makes you believe that it's the right thing to do? He'd find arguments, examples. After all, how he beautifully falsified and even created some facts. The complete falsification of the broadcasting of international competitions is worth it.

– Well you don't have to, especially for young people, believe everything that comes at you from the net so unquestioningly.

– Oh, my God, I don't know who I'm hearing this from.

They smiled and walked to the conference room and sat down at the table. Already seated, Big-boss nodded to Big-data. The room was full and buzzed like a beehive. Everyone was interested in the topic; both management and scientists had come. The final preparations were underway.

The big boss, who to everyone was Rutra, suggested wearing special masks. All those participating in the discussion, realizing the upcoming presentation methodology, put on without question. After the equipment was checked, i.e. a powerful beam of light flashed in front of their eyes in the mask, after which the surrounding reality completely changed, space disappeared, everything became white light, as if nothing, not even the wearer of the helmet, existed – the invisible presenter announced the beginning of the meeting. The essence of what was going on in the virtual reality helmet was a special special effect: one could be directly in the place, in the process that was being discussed. If the story was about some terrain – the surroundings became exactly the same as what was being talked about. If the story was about space, then, for example, solar flares were drawn directly in front of your eyes, you could be in the boiling atmosphere of Venus, watch the flight of everything that was "swallowed" by a black hole, as well as look at the nucleus of an atom, "dig" into the stomach of a shark, and so on.

For the time being, the "surroundings" were just a white background. Then, from afar, the "celebrant" appeared – a scientist, whom his colleagues called "Mr. Brain" and "the luminary of science," or rather, his body, because Rutra was inside, calling him a magician and sorcerer, to which the scientist smiled modestly. So, this magician and sorcerer, and in fact Rutra, having entered the role, in his style began the narration. Knowing the scientist's manners, the audience was prepared to hear a report on the theory of the universe and everything related to it. Ruthra checked the time. The chipped didn't need to look at their watches to do this. They "saw" the time inside themselves. At an internal signal, which was the thought itself, the time appeared in their minds like an exact memory. So, there was less than a minute left to exit the virtual reality. Ruthra decided to start cryptically, to make one last check before exiting.

– You know, I'm going to tell you something you won't believe, and you'll be wrong. And what I'm going to tell you is this: you don't exist. Soon I will show you this tape, and you will realize that this moment does not exist in the real world.

Then he was silent, waiting for the time to expire. The assembled people, all of whom were periodically tested in the virtual world, knew when and under what conditions they would approve what Rutra was now proclaiming. The expressions on their faces showed incomprehension. Finally the time was up. Ruthra expected a repetition of the process that usually accompanies the exit from virtual reality – "darkening" of consciousness, disappearance of visible things, completely white light in the eyes, a second blackout of senses and mind, and then a "miraculous" appearance in a new place, or rather, in the virtual reality installation. Time expired, Ruthra waited, but there was no change. "What is it? – He thought to himself. – Didn't the timer go off… It couldn't be. Irene was supposed to be in control." There was a nervous silence in the room – there was an explanation to be made.

– So tell us why," the head of the world information services control interrupted the silence.

Rutra had been on friendly enough terms with him, and they occasionally played chess in the evenings, but this played a cruel trick. He forgot his present appearance and began to speak to him as Rutra.

– I will. I'll be blunt. Soon we'll all be watching the meeting on tape. The point is, it's not real. I know what you're thinking right now. I'm sorry if I'm patronizing myself, but I'm speaking as a professional. I, unlike you, intuitively understand the state in virtual and real reality. You can't understand it. For you, what's happening now and your condition are real. This is actually an experiment. The scientific community presenting the project and I conceived it. Let me explain. You have all been in virtual reality and you know what a double feeling you get after leaving it. Naturally, initially everything that happens seems natural to you. Naturally, you don't believe it's virtual reality. Well, what can I tell you about it… You yourself have tried many times to understand – and still do not understand. It's not that important. I conceived this project myself. Or rather, the idea part of it, I took a very active part in its development. Of course, the academic community, namely, the block that directly initiated the meeting, hoped for me as the head of the Council of Masters, counted on me to promote the project.

Ruthra noticed the thoughtfulness and wariness with which the people regarded everything. Not only could you read it on their faces, you could literally feel their emotional state. For some reason, only one person was laughing… "Damn it," Ruthra said to himself. He was the one laughing. Or rather, Big Boss was laughing. Ruthra looked at him furiously. He realized that the trickster had somehow changed the time on the timer. Looking around, Ruthra instantly realized that his speech was illogical, if not comical. He was saying what he wanted to say, but it was not what he wanted to say, because his body was different. He had to explain it somehow.

– Wait a minute, I get it. It's not me talking, I mean, I'm… You'll see. We're conducting an experiment. In addition to being in a virtual world, you're listening to a non-scientist. That is, as if you're listening to a "luminary of science", but actually it's me, the head of the Council of Masters Rutra Tigrovich Paschov.

Everyone looked at Big-daddy in amazement, and Big-boss, clapping his hands, said:

– Well, you know, with all due respect, colleague, I think you are misrepresenting your experiments… or achievements, I don't know what to call it. And I'll tell you, even though you consider this reality to be virtual, I'd like to point out some rules of protocol. You know my name well, so it would be nice if you would call yourself by your first name on the board as well. The fact that you are a "luminary of science", the fact that everyone calls you that and it has already taken root – no one is against it, but still this is not even an international seminar of the scientific community.

– Look, I'd ask you to stop this charade. First, let me know what time you set the timer for. Because we should be back to reality by now. Secondly, you know for a fact that my name is what I said it was, and I and a few members of the council know what your name is, a secret scientist, and what documents and appearance you go out into the world with. So, since you have been provided with such a level of secrecy and identity protection, kindly stop breaking comedy and tell the council about the essence of your experiment. An ingenious experiment, no doubt, I'm not disputing that.

– I'll tell you this: to hear such a thing from an eminent doctor and then entrust him with programs crucial for mankind is not only risky, but also inappropriate. Do you want to tell me who's in my body? It's not me.

– Look, what's going on? – the chairman of the council, who in real life was the head of the UN's top supervisory board, intervened in their dialog.

– And here's what's going on," Big-data made his trademark gesture, raising the index finger of his left hand. – Our esteemed scientist, "luminary of science", who, by the way, called himself that initially, offered me to conduct an experiment. The essence of the experiment is as follows: he and I enter virtual reality, where I must be him, and he me. We check the possibility of this, as they say, just in case. That's why it's an experiment. But this trickster, I will not hesitate to say so, was up to something, I realized it later… But first of all, why I did not give it all so much importance and why I agreed to come to the meeting in his image. The thing is that he needed to be in my body at our meeting. His goal is to use me to get you to approve the project. The project, which, as I now realized before the meeting, he stole partly from my ideas and partly from the developments of a rival group. He needs all of this to get funding and later world fame after we declassify it. That's the way it is. I'll even say more: the proposed technology is revolutionary. With its help, you can seize power better than with the program "Super Spy". After all, according to the rules of our organization – to control and maintain power, we voluntarily constantly hold sessions in virtual reality. So he wants to enter the body of everyone he wants, as he does now, and then make a decision on behalf of the person he wants to become. As now he wants to express support and approval of the presented project on my behalf.

– Can I stop you? We've heard a lot more than that, but this is beyond comprehension. We understand you're conducting an experiment, or rather, it's a kind of defense of the project, a way to show the council its… I don't even know what to call it. Mr. Master Paschow, can you reveal the details of the project?

– Project details? It goes like this. I myself do not quite understand what the "luminary of science" seeks, apparently, this is part of his plan to discredit the one who put forward the idea, developed the theory and proposed the method, the way of scientific research, that is me. Most likely the answer is in the proof from the contrary. Exactly as he said, only in reverse. Indeed we entered virtual reality, only we had already come out into reality, and there was no transfer of one personality into another.

– That's a lie! – Big-data shouted. – He's playing around. He doesn't realize that we'll come out of virtual reality and everyone will know what's going on. In principle, though, the experiment went great. I agree with that. But, buddy, it's time to come clean. All we have to do is ask the board if they approve of the methodology.

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