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English grammar with Kudjo. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Part 1
a had
b was having
c is having
6 Kudjo *****,***** and ***** away.
a came /was looking around/ran
b was coming/was looking around/ran
c came/looked around/ran
7 Kudjo ***** with a bulldog when somebody splashed water over them.
a was fighting
b fought
c is fighting
8 Kudjo ***** on the window sill to enjoy the blizzard outside.
a lies
b is lying
c lied
9 Kudjo ***** about his birthday and was very surprised to see a cake with 8 candles.
a wasn’t remembering
b doesn’t remember
c didn’t remember
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple и Past Continuous:
1 Когда Куджо очень голодный, он вылизывает свою миску до блеска.
2 Когда Куджо был маленький, он часто играл с большими собаками в догонялки.
3 Куджо не любит грязь и лужи, потому что ненавидит мыть лапы после прогулки.
4 Вчера в это время Куджо лежал на диване и слушал классическую музыку.
5 Он проснулся, потянулся и посмотрел на меня.
6 Начался дождь в то время, когда мы гуляли вдоль реки.
7 Почему он идет так медленно? – Потому что он не хочет идти домой сейчас.
8 Пока Куджо гулял, я сидела на скамейке и читала книгу.
9 Что Куджо делал, когда ты вернулся домой? – Он лежал перед дверью и ждал.
Unit 6
Past Simple and Past Continuous, Used to
Основная разница между этими двумя временами заключается в том, что одно из них завершенное Past Simple и отвечает на вопрос что сделал, а другое несовершенное Past Continuous и может отвечать на вопрос что делал.
В одном предложении Past Continuous выражает длительный процесс, который был прерван действием в Past Simple.
Например, When we were playing football, Kudjo caught the ball and bit it through.
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Continuous или Past Simple:
1 At 8 o’clock last night Kudjo /watch/ a new Xmas comedy Dog Home Alone.
2 Kudjo /eat/ his breakfast when a fly /land/ on his food.
3 While I /read/ a new book, Kudjo /lie/ next to me and /listen/.
4 When he /run/ after a badger-dog, he /see/ a beautiful bull terrier.
5 Kudjo /lie/ next to the fire-place when I /come/ in.
6 Kudjo /have/ his birthday party when two other dogs /come/ to him.
7 After the walk he /take/ a shower and /go/ to bed.
8 The dogs /bark/ so loudly that all the cats /wake/ up.
9 We /stroll/ in the center when we /meet/ a horse.
10 When he /stand/ near the fountain, Kudjo /see/ a frog.

Поставьте глагол в форму Past Continuous или Past Simple, обращая внимание на то, как меняется форма глагола в ответе в зависимости от вопроса:
1 What were the dogs doing when I called you? – They /eat/.
2 What did they do when I called you? – They /stop/ eating.
3 Where was Kudjo running when I saw him? – He /run/ to the pet shop.
4 What did Kudjo do when I saw him? – He /run/ into the shop.
5 What was Kudjo doing when you came in? – He /lie/ in my bed.
6 What did Kudjo do when you came in? – He /jump/ off the bed immediately.
7 Where were the dogs going when a cat met them? – They /go/ to the cafe.
8 Where did the dogs go when a cat met them? – They /run/ after the cat
9 What were you doing when Kudjo woke up? – I /have/ my morning coffee.
10 What did you do when Kudjo woke up? – I /go/ for a walk with him.
Придумайте что произошло, когда Куджо остался один дома, и закончите предложения:
1 Kudjo was looking for something tasty when…
2 Kudjo was trying to reach the shelf with treats when…
3 Kudjo was playing computer games when…
4 Kudjo was listening to an audiobook when…
5 Kudjo was rollerblading around the flat when…
6 Kudjo was trying to catch a fly when…
7 Kudjo was lighting candles when…
8 Kudjo was playing with his ball when…
9 Kudjo was barking and whimpering when…
10 Kudjo was waiting for me to come when…
Поставьте нужный глагол в правильной форме Past Continuous или Past Simple: learn (2), play, slip, get, leave, bump (2), begin, chase, find, run
1 Kudjo ***** on the ice while he was crossing the street.
2 It ***** to rain when we were wandering around.
3 Kudjo ***** hide-and-seek with himself when I found him under the table.
4 What happened while Kudjo ***** a rat last night?
5 The rat ***** into a cat and the cat ***** into Kudjo.
6 While we were walking in the park, Kudjo ***** a huge bone.
7 While I ***** Doggish, Kudjo ***** English.
8 As soon as it ***** dark, we decided to return home.
9 A cat ***** away when it saw Kudjo coming up.
10 Just as we ***** home, Kudjo remembered to take the key.
Не забудьте о глаголах состояния, которые не используются в форме Continuous. Это правило касается и Past Continuous и эти глаголы мы ставим в форму Past Simple, даже если очень хочется показать процесс:
appear (= казаться), believe, belong, cost, look (= выглядеть), forget, hate, have (=обладать), know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, realize, remember, see (=видеть, понимать), seem, smell (= пахнуть), sound, suppose, taste (= быть на вкус), think (= по мнению), understand, want, etc.
Переведите эти глаголы и напишите рядом форму, в которой они могут использоваться- Simple (S) или Continuous (C):
For example,
видеть – see -S
1 знать —
2 сидеть —
3 нюхать —
4 понимать —
5 стоять —
6 хотеть —
7 смотреть-
8 помнить —
9 пить —
10 ненавидеть —
Поставьте глагол в правильное время Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous:
1 Kudjo /stand/ on the top of the mountain when he /see/ an eagle.

2 Kudjo hardly ever /stay/ alone. He /need/ to know I am next to him even when he /sleep/.
3 Last morning he /wake/ up very early, /run/ around the flat, /rattle/ his empty bowl and /sit/ down in front of my bed.
4 This time yesterday Kudjo /sleep/ and /have/ sweet dreams.
5 Kudjo /learn/ the Cattish language now.
6 Kudjo occasionally /eat/ raw meat and he /enjoy/ it.
7 Kudjo /dig/ a deep pit when somebody /bite/ on the nose.
8 Kudjo /see/ a new French bulldog and /come/ up to say hello.
9 Kudjo /watch/ a cartoon about cats when the light /go/ off. It /make/ him furious.
10 Stop barking! You always /bark/ at our neighbor’s dog!
В английском языке есть оборот used to, который обозначает постоянное и регулярное действие или состояние в прошлом. Глагол в такой форме выполняет функцию глагола в Past Simple, но отличается тем, что подчеркивает то, что это действие относилось к прошлому и сейчас все по-другому: When he was little, he used to destroy all his toys. Now he takes care of them.
Кстати, оборот used to не используется для цепочки действий и для действия, которое произошло только один раз, в отличии от глагола в Past Simple.
Перефразируйте слова Куджо, используя оборот used to:
For example,
We are not friends with Chilly anymore. – We used to be friends when we were puppies.

1 I don’t eat carrots anymore.
2 I don’t taste everything I see anymore.
3 I don’t sleep in my mum’s bed anymore.
4 I don’t tear sheets anymore.
5 I don’t chase cats anymore.
6 I don’t whimper anymore.
7 I don’t lick everyone that I meet anymore.
8 I don’t steal mittens and gloves anymore.
9 I don’t like fireworks anymore.
10 I don’t smile all the time anymore.
Отрицательная и вопросительная формы оборота used to строятся точно так же, как и для глагола в Past Simple при помощи вспомогательного глагола did:
He used to smile a lot.
Did he use to smile much?
He didn’t use to smile much.
Напишите что вы раньше делали/не делали, используя глаголы-подсказки и оборот used to:
For example,
I used to eat a lot of ice-cream, but now I don’t mind.
I didn’t use to like soup, but now I do like it.
1 eat
2 like
3 go
4 watch
5 listen to
6 hate
7 have
8 spend
9 use
10 play
Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to в воспоминаниях Куджо:

I /run/ and /jump/ a lot when I was a little puppy. I /have/ too long legs and every time I /fall/ down when I /run/ very fast. But I never /whimper/. I /have/ a friend named Chilly. We /do/ everything together. We even /eat/ and /sleep/ together. But once we /have/ a row and /stop/ being friends forever. How it /happen/? Well, we /have/ fun in our yard when suddenly that beautiful Malinois /run/ up to us and… it was the end of our friendship. We /become/ rivals as soon as we /see/ her. Of course, she /choose/ me, which /make/ me happy and proud. But I /lose/ my best friend, which /make/ me feel upset.
Поставьте к каждому маркеру соответствующее время или несколько времен Present Simple (PS), Present Continuous (PC), Past Simple (Past S), Past Continuous (Past C):
1 at 2 pm yesterday
2 always
3 ago
4 while
5 at the moment
6 usually
7 now
8 occasionally
9 often
10 in 2023
Отметьте правильный вариант:
1 Kudjo ***** clumsy when he was a little puppy.
a used to be
b was being
c is
2 Kudjo ***** over a fence when he got stuck there.
a jumped
b was jumping
c used to jump
3 Kudjo ***** when he was left alone.
a whimpers
b used to whimper
c is whimpering
4 Kudjo ***** a lot of stray dogs in the center of the city.
a use to meet
b met
c was meeting
5 Kudjo ***** to play frisbee.
a is wanting
b used to want
c wants
6 Kudjo *****when he hurt his paws.
a wasn’t crying
b didn’t cry
c didn’t used to cry
7 What ***** on Sundays when Kudjo was little?
a were you doing
b do you do
c did you use to do
8 Where ***** when Kudjo was little?
a do you live
b were you living
c did you use to live
9 While I ***** online meeting, Kudjo was making faces behind me.
a had
b was having
c used to have
10 Kudjo ***** his eyes and ears when fireworks went off.
a is closing
b was closing
c closed
Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to:
1 Куджо никогда не боялся фейерверков в детстве, но сейчас очень боится.
2 Вчера в это время мы шли по зимнему лесу, когда вдруг увидели лося.
3 Пока я работала, Куджо сидел рядом и ждал.
4 Раньше мы часто ходили гулять на Красную площадь, но сейчас мы живем далеко от центра.
5 Время от времени Куджо становится очень упрямым и делает странные вещи.
6 Он сейчас сидит перед своей миской и с нетерпением ждет ужина.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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