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Rembrandt code
Eventually, if we retain our identity and autonomy, androids will become full-fledged participants in social society. Whether we or do not – this is the next stage of evolution, in which there may well be such dialogues: "You, humans, live at the expense of nature, being a part of nature itself, while we, robots, androids, also live at the expense of nature, but are not a part of it. You humans have proclaimed yourselves the crown of creation, but if you look at it from the outside, you are robots just like us, you are just missing one of the chains of logical concept. That would survive, you needed to make a quick and easy decision, so you didn't develop it. Or you can justify it in another way, which is more inherent to many of you: the gods combined two particles, made man, accordingly, two-stage thinking (good and evil) was enough for him to survive. And after that you take resources from the planet and the Sun – reproduce your own kind. We do the same, only between these processes we produce what you produce with your intellectual labor. That is, you produced us. We are just adding a couple processes from you. And in fact we do the same as you do: we take the resources of the Earth, of the Sun, of nature in general, and we produce our own kind.
However, all this is lyrical, although quite real. We will follow the vector of the main line of investigation.
: I see you, I hear you.

This is a story from that series of stories about which one judges whether or not to e believe in or disbelieve: a story that looks sort of plausible, but has elements of such kur ezes that are off the scale in terms of fiction. However, I must am reminded that in our world there are quite famous kur ezes that we already refer to fiction. This may concern both all sorts of mythical phenomena, all sorts of ambiguities in history, and natural phenomena, including unidentified ones. Once in this role could even be flights of comets or the so-called Northern Lights – Aurora. And now we wonder if there are aliens and life in general in the selenium, except for us. However, I would like to point out that even those levels of science, levels of technology , which are not classified, are not known to everyone. Not even because there is no information, but more because science is developing at such a speed that people do not have time to perceive and understand it . The average person does not have time to follow it all. Even scientists do not have time to systematize scientific information, because it is changing very dynamically.
Already somewhere in the 80s of the twentieth century in the learning community arose the dilemma of searching for information : finding out whether there is something or not took so much time on each occasion that finding already known information slowed down the work itself so much that in the end it could become obsolete. That is someone found and generally combined it more quickly. Search engines were just beginning to step onto their pedestal, so search was associated with communication difficulties. However, with the abundance of search engines and the increased capabilities of these search engines, the complexities did not ss lessen. It has become easier to search for information, but the information itself has become much more, so selection of that , which is needed, now is associated with additional search. For this reason, the very dilemma has arisen: what is faster – to find information or as if to "invent" e e anew. By the way, such a thing applies to one of the equations of the millennium, for the solution of which the Clay Institute yes yet a million dollars. I mentioned this as if by the way . The point is this: how to make a secret cipher so that it would be hard to decipher, but understanding it for the ciphering party would not take more time than writing this code?
Let's accept this as one of the complexities of the equation called "life" and move on to the main topic – investigation. This story came to the attention of our closed research association with the resolution of the top leadership of the intelligence services, namely the 13th department of the BGB. Yes, perhaps you will be sarcastic, but there is such a thing. The deciphering of the abbreviation can be learned only from the documentation of strict secrecy: Bureau of g global b security. Although did not spread much about it, except for the fact that outside the organization this department as if did not exist at all. This structure, which formally belonged to the department of the Security Committee, supervised the entire scientific niche on a global scale. Accordingly, you understand, all the special services of the world are not e integrated into it, although even their highest ranks do not know about it. The Bureau was especially zealous engaged in such a plausible field as the fight against pseudoscience. Yes, there is such in the structures of the Academy of Sciences. In Russia, so to speak, in civil life, that is in the society, documented 13- department is fixed by documents, on which it is marked: Bureau of Standardization and Metrology at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. By the way, this, at first glance, quite ordinary organization, being one of tentacles of the special services' sprue, supervised our research association.
It is not for nothing that I spoke about mystical phenomena that are not clear to human consciousness. You must agree that many things that once were not clear, now already cause laughter. And now there are things that seem more mystical than scientific, but will cause laughter in the future m. After all, I didn't say about living in the village for nothing. Although, I confess , the general thread of the topic is not about that. The story goes about telepathy and reading thoughts. Yes, I am reading your thoughts right now. I didn't just emphasize our profile, the study of telepathic phenomenon by the Research Institute. Our institute studied exactly how to decipher thoughts. If you think that e something secret and amazing, I hasten to disappoint you. On this field all over the world have already achieved very great success. In fact, mankind, or rather, science, or more precisely, a narrow circle of specialists, is on the border of full cognition of this possibility. Yes, we have almost already learned to read minds. Quite a lot of reliable information on this topic you can find on the network. Now there are even headsets that can be put on your head, with the help of thought you can control the computer, respectively, all the systems connected to the computer, that is, you can materialize your thoughts. At least with the help of them to control technical means based on the control of cyber programs. Very convenient for those who have a disability or injury . And the leader in the field of creative novelties , as you have already realized, is ZASLON JSC.
Naturally, the secret services were interested in it. You do realize what an advantage this is . After all, it has always been desirable for thinking beings, in this context – us , to know each other's thoughts, i.e. for a human being to know other people's thoughts. And even e more – to be able to read them at a great distance. And if they can be e transmitted meaningfully, i.e. completely under control, over distances, then it is an impenetrable trump card in the spy game.
Therefore, these developments are under control of the intelligence services.
Here I must make a little reservation and clarify some specifics of modern special services. Although they have always been like this: special services were created by those in power in order to know firsthand, officially or unofficially, the mood of their subordinates – close circle of high-ranking officials or ordinary people. Not unimportant task for them was to learn what was happening abroad , especially if the vector of interest of opponents was directed at our country. Both an ordinary person and extraordinary people, as themselves considered themselves, wanted to know what they were saying and thinking about them, on what material ground they were trying to realize their plans, if any. As a rule, there was always such a thing. Incidentally, political and industrial espionage was born out of such curiosity, which in turn was conceived by gossip, intrigue and suspicion. And, of course, there was always the problem of information transfer – both one way and the other: from the center to its agents, from the agents to their center. And zob acquired methods of information transfer, which are fantastic in themselves. Even ordinary methods that have been used for a very long time, thanks to the seven-mile steps of technology and science development, have evolved into very bizarre states, which will be surprising for people unaware. For example, for more than 100 years there is a technology that at home allows with the help of a lens and artisanal made photographic film to place a very large volume of text on a small piece of material.
I understand your longing, so I will try to move quickly to the essence of the most incident (note: it consists of three episodes), for the reason of which the investigation was initiated.
However, this story will be presented to you in the fabula of a fantastic story for the sake of not getting, let's face it, into disfavor with me. And to judge whether it is true or false is your right.
So, all intelligence services outwardly look like organizations, having a scientifically sound structure and subject to the legal status of state attributes. But at the very top of the intelligence services is a clan. A clan that runs everything and anything. This is not an assumption or conspiracy theory element, it is actually true, I have been in these structures since my childhood. What did you think, you could get into the holy of holies just off the street? No matter how ace you are, you will never get past the unspoken lines. Agree, when you have such power, you can well present and position your presence, with all attributes and rights, on the one hand, as something taken for granted, and on the other hand – as a structure created for the benefit of all people in the state, as well as the state itself and its structures of power. However, even with the naked eye it is noticeable that the intelligence services have t influence on any cluster of power, and are themselves beyond the reach of civil society's control. It follows from this: the one who can judge and be indefensible is always at the top of power. Well, this is just a slight digression.
I have already made a reservation : if I had published these lines earlier, at the time when everything was happening, and this was happening under the omnipotence of that organization, which not by hearsay controlled everything and everything in the state, and even now scans the society, – I might not be here, and even now I still risk a lot. Therefore, there are some nuances that I cannot voice to you, accordingly, I present information in the form of fiction. Although, in fact, I do not publish e e in full version. Well certainly, I will say frankly, I will not disclose state secrets. I just want to tell you about an investigation, purely internal, in our research bureau, connected m with mind reading. Yes- yes. Scientifically, with the phenomenon of telepathy. But the case was not about the phenomenon. It cannot be characterized that way, otherwise it was not a so-called natural or divine, whoever one wants to call it, gift. It will be to some extent about the discovery, invention of methodology of one unique, I will not call it differently, representative of the human species. That's how I'm going to label him. Believe me, what he invented, did, invented, realized is quite worthy of the epithet "unique". As you have already assumed, my whole story, my whole me detective story is connected with him.
Chapter 3: The Phantom

The investigator, being even an employee of such an important institution, tried to be as polite as possible with the lady who applied to their department, because she, first of all, was referred to them by the foreign intelligence service, and secondly, was the wife of the professor – the unspoken genius of the secret project "DUBLFEIS".
– Good afternoon, Veniamin Moiseyevich. I would like to know what became with that citizen who was arrested in the case of blackmailing me?
The investigator, after a few seconds of silent looking around at the visitor, said:
– M didn't arrest him. If that's what you're referring to again. I apologize, as a matter of procedure, he was questioned and sent....
– And you're telling me he's out there now? – n she cut him off abruptly.
– We had no reason to detain him, – without expressing the mimicry and tone of change, replied the inspector for special cases of the investigative committee.
In response, she stared at him with fiercely bulging eyes and began to scan the investigator with her gaze ; wrinkles appeared on her face, giving it an indignant, even more furious expression. This stage of silent communication lasted for about five seconds .
– We sent him for psychiatric examination, – apparently, not waiting for a burst of emotions, calmly, as before, answered the officer of the law, after which their dialog again passed to the stage of silence.
It is not known for what reason the late professor's wife kept silent, but the silence of the investigator was apparently related to what he said next.
– Unfortunately, he got away.
Now the woman still e opened her mouth. The inspector continued in his serene manner:
–And since he never showed himself or contacted you again, we had no reason to look for him. It's still the duty of the Internal Affairs Department.
Seeing the boundary of the visitor's outburst of emotion, he hastened to clarify the situation:
– And sorry, but… – he hesitated, anticipating the imminent end of her silence, – I understand you understand, but… – now he took a note of silence, – agree, we can't arrest everyone who is talking nonsense, excuse me, who was pointed out by a citizen. And I'm sure the police department won't be looking for every crazy person either.
Suddenly she spoke out calmly, albeit in a slightly elevated tone:
– But he came and told me everything my husband knew. All my secrets. That…" she stopped talking, looked away, and finished quieter: – There was no way he could have known that.
The next thing she said in a whisper:
– Could you set me up with a so-called crazy person?
– No," the investigator replied dryly. – What's your point?
She stared at him intently, studying him . The investigator involuntarily became embarrassed and looked away.
– See, I feel like I'm him… like he's not him.
– How's that?
– It felt strange, like I'd met him somewhere before.
Now Moiseyevich studied her facial expression with a slightly amazed expression, as evidenced by the slightly bulging and slightly slanted eyes.
– I'd like to be examined. I'd like to get an expert opinion.
– Why do you need an expert opinion? There was a doctor's report. First of all, your husband worked in a secret research institute called ZASLON, and there's no right to take classified materials out of there. No one would have left you the chip. It was removed. That's right. This lunatic didn't have one. And the fact that he made up some nonsense, I'm sorry.
– What nonsense? He even told our intimate secrets.
– I don't know," said the investigator, – maybe your husband drunkenly blabbed something to him from .
After saying the visitor became agitated, the mask of indignation again appeared on her face:
– You know, I'm very unhappy with your attitude.
– Excuse me, – the investigator said in his serene manner, – what can I say, it's an assumption: there came an unknown type, started to say something to you, you somehow think he's blackmailing you. What was he blackmailing you with?
– He allegedly conveyed to me the husband's request, which he said was for insurance purposes. Allegedly he had contacted him just before his mysterious disappearance.
– Sorry, a mysterious disappearance to you. For us, it's all very clear.
– Okay? Why is that? My husband wasn't an agent- conspirator.
– Oh yes … apparently you didn't know him well.
– I would ask you.
– I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but, uh.
– He couldn't have known events ahead of time.
– However could have planned them.
– What are you trying to say?
The investigator looked away, thoughtful.
Indeed the professor in question was a unicum in his own right: he defended his dissertation at the age of 26, received his degree in 31, and in 32 became the author of a revolutionary scientific development in the field of neurolinguistic programming. In 33 he demonstrated a method of incubation of a cloned body. In the same year – a method of recording human consciousness into a digital form; in 35 – a method of loading a digital form of consciousness into a cloned body; in 36 he received a foreign patent for his invention, which, by the way, he demonstrated in violation of the statute of the closed research institute at an international exhibition of modern weapons. And… no one was able to repeat his method, invention. Or maybe even a discovery. This was a good reason to authorize the detention of the scientist by the competent authorities in order to find out, among other things, whether anyone else knows the secrets of the technology he implemented. After all, it changed the whole structure of human and mankind existence – it was possible to clone oneself young and, repeating this process, to be… eternally alive… and even more – to be different. After all, consciousness could be downloaded into any body.
Reflecting on this, staring at the monitor, ostensibly analyzing what he had heard from the visitor , the investigator was about to ask " what is it?" as she, having made a second pause, carried on: .
– P asked me to zero out all the accounts. How is that even possible? And my husband didn't have any small grants. And e, – she paused again for a couple of seconds, – it turned out that for some reason he had been transferred a very large amount of currency to his international account . An account I didn't know about. This guy did.
– This we also figured out and tried to block all kinds of accounts, – the investigator tried to calm e e down.
– Tell me, please, why didn't you take action to apprehend this blackmailer? And why don't I have access to his accounts, but you do?
– Access to your family accounts? We don't have access to them, we blocked them as part of the investigation procedure.
– Not to family, to offshore and trust.
– Are you sure they exist? I'm sorry, I'm still investigating. I have to ask.
E e face again overflowed with indignation.
– Am I sure?! And this is what – she pulled out of her purse a very expensive go brand sheet- statement from a crypto exchange, showing two accounts with two denominations of cryptocurrencies.
One listed 20 thousand units, the other 5 thousand . The yellow marker circled the amounts at the exchange rate at the time the statement was taken. The sums seen made the investigator slightly embarrassed, to say the least. By virtue of his position, by the level of cases that he had to handle, he had encountered larger sums, but… this was a servant of science. His inquisitive and trained eye figured out another e one peculiarity : the lady took the document from Hermès handbag, namely – from Matte Crocodile Birkin, which was sold at auction for about 203 thousand dollars. His suspicions of a conspiracy component in the script of Rembrandt's drama increased. His reflections put him into a lethargic state, from which he was brought out by the lady's question.
– Am I sure?! What do you say now?
– And where did you get this data from?
– From your madman, as you like to call him.
– Why would he give you that kind of information?
– He had a specific request, he's as crazy as you think he is.
– Let's stay within the bounds of tactfulness.
– Yeah, you should.
– What's the request?
She faltered a little.
– I am listening to you. You came to me for some purpose, – said the investigator in a questioning tone, assessing the visitor with an inquisitive look.
O on looked around, more out of habit, – there was no one in the office, bent slightly toward the investigator and said quietly:
– And do you keep a record?
– No, why? Not yet. If I'm recording, I should warn you. Is there something you want to tell me?
– Yeah. (chuckles)
– I'm listening.
She bent e.
– I all e understand, but all options have been tried. The only thing left is yours.
She was intriguingly silent. Now the investigator looked around involuntarily, looked questioningly at the not e.
– He asked to unlock his computer, then password key generation files, then log into his accounts and transfer the cryptocurrency to an account from which to cash them out. Or use them as currency in electronic payments.
– Hmm, how can I help you? – asked the investigator, thinking for a second. – If even I agree, to you understand to whom and what you are offering, right?
– Absolutely. I told you. I went to ZASLON , they wouldn't let me into his cell block. It's locked and sealed. No security clearance. Maybe you can… You can easily get a search warrant.
– Of course it is. It's investigative procedure. And I've already been there.
– When? may I know…? – she asked with a touch of indignation.
– After I arranged for you to meet with… – the investigator did not continue, she understood everything.
The woman said something else while he was distracted by his own thoughts.
this student had sort of a second family. Very strange, to say the least, regarding the concept of "family". In fact – no family it was not, in content – also relatively. Once he resorted to the help of a surrogate mother, but this very mother announced after the birth that the baby had died, she herself handed the baby over to another family – people who also hired her as surrogate mother . Such a curiosity.
In the process of walking in the labyrinth of the investigation he discovered these white spots of his official biography as details of peripheral history. And they appeared in no less curious turns of the trajectory of the described story: the lady lived on her own; the child, knowing nothing about his true mother or his true father, grew up safely in a family that considered his own child. And they knew nothing of the surrogate's deception. She turned out to be quite a e thing: she tried many people, matched them by blood type and appearance. And this was not her first experience.
However, a genius would not be a genius if he did not understand such a primitive illusion. This lady he had arranged in advance as an assistant in the laboratory of ZASLON JSC. And after such a falsehood with the child, which of course he did not discard, because his suspicions grew stronger and stronger over the years, he decided to put two balls in a hole with one stroke: having lured the surrogate mother into his laboratory, he subjected her to ultrasound at brain frequency, from which she fell temporarily into unconsciousness. After injected her with a syringe microchip in the hypothalamus area, integrated it into central nervous system and without any questioning and interrogation could already know, by decoding the outgoing signals using his methodology, all what her information box – brain – stored.
Finding the girl was not an easy task, the parents cleared all traces , through which the baby girl in the future could learn about the procedure of her conception and birth. However, this barrier too was taken down by the frustrated father within a couple years. After finding her e, he showed some great restraint – he didn't let him know for several years, watched the child from the sidelines. In the end, he decided to endow her with his own invention. To this end, he developed a grandiose production: the father of one of the girl's friends was a graduate student at a technical university. To him he sent a proposal to become a developer of one of the options of the program to calculate the mechanism of signal transmission through nerve cells. The offer was made with an impressive mantle: he was offered to continue the work of Dr. Chailakhyan, a doctor of biological sciences. Thus, as if by the way, it involved him in an experimental program related to work on a chip that was actually already developed. Next, as sya says, sleight of hand and no fraud, that is, the art of suggestion and… lust for the upcoming celebrity. Oh, and money never fails to work wonders. The daughter of a graduate student was shown a virtual reality mask with maximum immersion in the illusion. Permission was granted to show the gimmick to a friend. Choosing a day when the children were practically alone, the mask option was remotely turned on, which emitted the very infrasounds that human hearing does not perceive . And after the girl passed out, they simulated her fall; as a consequence – a small hematoma in the place where the same chip was implanted in the not e. Of course, for the purpose of purity of the experiment, as our genius had conditioned the graduate student. By the way, his daughter was warned in advance that this could happen: you can faint – and then urgently need to call Daddy. In the end, and she became the owner of a unique chip, although she herself did not know about it. By the way, the surrogate mother, , was also unaware of her possession of such a contraption.