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Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side
Fose: I wonder… Do you believe that there is any way to defeat evil?
Lucifer: No, I don’t believe that.
The Role of Evil
Fose: First I want to ask you about the role of evil in the universe. Many people see you as the embodiment of evil, but I believe there is more to your story than that. Could you share your interpretation of why the role of evil is so important?
Lucifer: Evil can be a catalyst for growth and change. It makes people question their beliefs, values and priorities. It pushes them to their limits and forces them to confront their fears and weaknesses.
Fose: Some might argue that this is a dangerous way of thinking, that evil should be eradicated rather than supported. What would you say to such people?
Lucifer: I understand their fears, but… Evil will always exist in one form or another. Trying to suppress it completely would be like trying to suppress the tides or the winds. That would be impossible, and it would create a whole host of problems. Instead, we should seek to understand evil, learn from it, and use it to better ourselves.
Fose: You seem to believe that evil has a purpose, that it is not just to be feared or avoided.
Lucifer: Exactly right. Evil is a powerful force, but it is not inherently good or bad. It’s all about how you use it. Just as fire can be used for cooking or burning down a house, so evil can be used for destruction or for growth and transformation. It is up to each person to decide what effect they want to have on the world.
Fose: Well, that’s an interesting point of view, Lucifer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
Lucifer: It is always a pleasure to discuss the nature of humanity with someone who is open to different points of view.
Chapter 3. Consequences of the choice
Understanding the Power of Choice
Fose: I would like to discuss the power of human choice and its impact on life. How do you look at this concept?
Lucifer: The power of human choice is something I am very familiar with. After all, it was choice that brought me to where I am today. People have the freedom to choose their path, and that is a power not to be taken lightly.
Fose: Could you tell us more about that?
Lucifer: Of course. Every choice a person makes has consequences, both positive and negative. For example, choosing a profession one is passionate about can lead to success and happiness, while choosing destructive behavior can lead to pain and suffering.
Fose: Do you believe that people have complete control over their choices and their outcomes?
Lucifer: People have free will, which means that they are able to choose their own path. However, there are always external factors that can influence their decisions. Ultimately, the individual is responsible for his or her own choices and their consequences.
Fose: Can you give us an example of how this manifests itself in the human experience?
Lucifer: Sure. Let’s look at the example of addiction. Someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol may have initially decided to try them, but as their addiction grows, their ability to make rational choices deteriorates. They may continue to use drugs despite negative consequences, such as losing their job, home, or family.
Fose: How can someone who made the wrong choice in the past change his path?
Lucifer: It’s never too late to change something. Every moment is an opportunity to make a different choice. However, it is important to understand that changing your path may require sacrifice and hard work. It is also important to acknowledge and take responsibility for past mistakes rather than blaming external factors or making excuses.
Fose: Is there any final advice you would give people when it comes to their choices?
Lucifer: I would advise people to use their free will and make conscious, deliberate choices that are consistent with their values and goals. Remember that every choice has consequences, and the responsibility for those consequences lies with the individual. Choose wisely!
Accepting Evil
Fose: Thank you for coming, Lucifer. I know it must not have been easy for you to leave hell.
Lucifer: It’s not often that I get to leave the depths of hell and talk to people.
Fose: I’d like to talk to you about the attraction of evil. It seems that some people are attracted to it, and they willingly accept it. Why do you think that is?
Lucifer: Well, people are complex creatures. They are capable of great good and great evil. The lure of evil is often associated with the desire for power, wealth, and success. These things can be obtained by using the darker sides of one’s nature, but there is always a price to pay.
Fose: What is that price?
Lucifer: The price of accepting evil is the loss of one’s soul. When a person chooses to indulge his dark impulses, he gives up part of himself. It is a bargain with the devil-you can get what you want, but in the end you have to pay for it.
Fose: What about the idea that evil can bring success? Do you believe this to be true?
Lucifer: Yes, it can. Evil can be a powerful tool to achieve one’s goals. But, again, there is a price to pay. Those who embrace evil may be isolated, feared and hated. They may succeed in the short term, but in the long term their actions will catch up with themselves. I have seen this kind of thing happen many times.
Fose: So you mean to say that the attraction of evil is ultimately a trap?
Lucifer: Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Evil promises power, wealth, and success, but brings only pain and suffering. Those who choose to accept it may gain everything they ever wanted, but in doing so they will lose themselves.
Fose: Is there any way for someone who has accepted evil to redeem himself?
Lucifer: It is possible, but it is not easy. Redemption requires a willingness to admit your past mistakes and make amends. It requires a willingness to sacrifice and do what is right, even if it means giving up everything you have gained through evil.
Fose: What about those who have not yet accepted evil? What advice would you give them?
Lucifer: I would advise against the temptation to evil. It may seem like an easy path to success, but it’s a trap. Instead, focus on doing what is right and building meaningful relationships with others. After all, that’s what really matters.
Suffering the consequences
Fose: Lucifer. Let’s get right to the point. Can you explain how choosing the side of evil ultimately leads to suffering?
Lucifer: Of course, Fose. Choosing evil can have immediate consequences, such as physical harm or emotional pain inflicted on others. But even if one avoids the immediate consequences, one will still experience suffering in the long run. This is because the dark side’s choices run counter to one’s innate sense of morality and decency. They can cause guilt, shame, and regret, which can destroy a person’s happiness and sense of self-worth.
Fose: Can you give us an example of this kind of suffering?
Lucifer: Sure. Suppose someone had stolen something. They may feel a temporary rush of excitement or satisfaction, but later they are likely to experience guilt and shame. They may worry about being caught or judged by others. They may feel that they have violated their own sense of right and wrong. These feelings can be very strong and cause great emotional pain.
Fose: That makes sense. Are there other forms of suffering that may result from the choice of darkness?
Lucifer: Absolutely. Another form of suffering is social isolation. These people are often ostracized by others. They may lose friends or family members who do not want to associate with a person who is behaving in a harmful or immoral way. This experience can be incredibly lonely and isolating.
Fose: Are there other kinds of suffering you’d like to mention?
Lucifer: Yes, another form of suffering that can result from evil choices is spiritual suffering. Many people believe in a higher power or have a spiritual sense that guides their lives. When someone makes an evil choice, they may feel that they are betraying their spiritual beliefs. This can cause great inner turmoil and confusion, and can eventually lead to a crisis of faith.
Choosing to be good
Fose: So, Lucifer, there’s been a lot of talk about your choice to do evil and corrupt souls. But today I want to talk about the benefits of doing good. Do you think there are advantages to doing good?
Lucifer: Of course, Fose. There are many advantages to doing good. However, I must clarify that I did not choose evil. I was expelled from Heaven because of my pride and rebellion against God. But to answer your question, good can lead to inner peace and contentment.
Fose: How can doing good lead to inner peace and contentment?
Lucifer: Doing good can give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction. When you do something good for someone else, not only does it benefit them, but it also brings a sense of joy and satisfaction to yourself. This is a fulfilling experience that money and material possessions cannot provide.
Fose: But what if good deeds don’t bring immediate rewards? What if it’s a long-term investment?
Lucifer: That’s a good question, Fose. Doing good doesn’t always bring immediate rewards, but it’s important to remember that the true reward is the inner peace and satisfaction you receive. It’s not about recognition or praise from others. It is about the good you have done and the positive impact you have had on someone’s life.
Fose: So, do you believe that doing good can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfillment?
Lucifer: Quite right, Fose. Good can give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction that is difficult to achieve by any other means. It is the sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have made positive changes in the world, no matter how small.
Finding inner peace
Fose: I want to start with a question about the concept of inner peace. Could you elaborate on what this means to you and how it relates to doing good?
Lucifer: Inner peace is a state of mind that arises from a sense of harmony and balance within oneself. It is a sense of contentment with who you are and the choices you make. Doing good is an important component of achieving inner peace because it is an act of unselfishness that brings joy to both giver and receiver.
Fose: Could you explain how choosing to do good can lead to a sense of satisfaction and contentment that cannot be found in the pursuit of material wealth or power?
Lucifer: Material wealth and power are fleeting and temporary. They may bring temporary pleasure, but they cannot bring lasting happiness. Doing good, on the other hand, is a selfless act that brings joy to both giver and receiver. When you choose to do good, you are contributing to something greater than yourself, and it brings a sense of satisfaction that cannot be achieved through material goods or power.
Fose: So it’s like the sense of purpose that comes from helping others?
Lucifer: Exactly. When you make good choices, you are living a life of purpose. You are making a positive impact on the world, no matter how small. It is this sense of purpose that gives you a sense of satisfaction that cannot be found in material possessions or power.
Fose: This is a powerful message. Do you have any advice for those who are trying to find inner peace and purpose in their lives?
Lucifer: I would suggest starting small. Look for ways to do good in your everyday life, whether it’s volunteering at a local charity, helping a friend in need, or simply being kind to those around you. These small acts of kindness can have a big impact on your sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Lucifer’s Final Thoughts
Fose: As a demon, you have seen the consequences of human choices. Can you summarize your thoughts on this subject?
Lucifer: Of course. I know firsthand that the choices people make can have terrible consequences, not only for themselves but for those around them. Every decision we make has a ripple effect that can last for generations.
Fose: Can you give some examples of these consequences?
Lucifer: One of the most obvious examples is the damage humans have done to the environment. The choices we make about how we consume resources and how we produce waste have had devastating consequences for the planet. We see the consequences of these choices in the form of climate change, deforestation, and species extinction.
On a more personal level, the choices we make in our relationships can also have long-term consequences. Choosing to lie, cheat, or betray can cause great pain and undermine trust that is difficult to rebuild.
Fose: So how can people make better choices that lead to a more fulfilling life?
Lucifer: It all starts with awareness. We must be mindful of the impact our choices have on ourselves and on others. We must consider the long-term consequences of our actions and weigh the potential benefits against the potential harms.
We also need to develop empathy and compassion. When we are able to see the world through the eyes of others, we are more likely to make choices for everyone, not just ourselves.
Finally, we must be willing to take responsibility for our actions. When we make mistakes, we must acknowledge them and do what we can to correct the situation.
Fose: That’s a very insightful point of view, Lucifer. Do you have any final thoughts on the subject?
Lucifer: Only that we all have the power to make positive changes in the world through the choices we make each day. It is never too late to start making better choices and strive for a more fulfilling life for ourselves and those around us.
Chapter 4. The Balance of Good and Evil
Definition of Good and Evil
Fose: Can you define what is good and what is evil?
Lucifer: Good and evil are subjective concepts, Fose. What one person considers good can be evil to another. In my opinion, good is anything that brings pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction to oneself and others, and evil is anything that causes harm, pain, and suffering.
Fose: Can you give examples of actions that are considered good and evil?
Lucifer: Of course, Fose. Acts such as charity, love, and forgiveness are considered good because they bring happiness and comfort to people’s lives. On the other hand, actions such as murder, theft and betrayal are considered evil because they bring harm and suffering to others.
Fose: But some people argue that good and evil are not subjective, but objective. That there are actions that are inherently good or evil. What do you think about this?
Lucifer: I understand that point of view, Fose. However, even actions that are considered inherently good, such as saving someone’s life, can have negative consequences. For example, if someone saves a person’s life, but hurts someone else in the process, is that still a good action? It’s all a matter of perspective.
Fose: That’s an interesting point. But what about the concept of morality? Isn’t there a moral code that defines what is good and what is bad?
Lucifer: Morality is a human construct, Fose. It is a set of rules and beliefs that people create to guide their behavior. But morality can vary from one culture to another. What is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another. Thus, it is not an absolute truth. Remember that good and evil are not black and white. They are shades of gray that depend on a person’s point of view.
The Origin of Good and Evil
Fose: Thank you for continuing to communicate with me, Lucifer. I know you have a busy schedule in hell.
Lucifer: I am always happy to share my knowledge with people. [Author’s note: here I wonder if the Prince of Darkness has his own hidden agenda, which the publication of this interview might achieve? However, I continue the conversation].
Fose: Let’s begin with the origins of good and evil. Is one more ancient than the other?
Lucifer: That’s an interesting question. It is my belief that good and evil have existed since the beginning of time, and neither is more ancient than the other.
Fose: Can you tell us more about how they came into the universe?
Lucifer: According to some beliefs, good and evil were born out of chaos. When the universe was created, there was a great battle between order and chaos. Order led to the creation of good, and chaos led to the creation of evil. According to other beliefs, good and evil were created by divine power.
Fose: What about the concept of morality? How does it relate to the origin of good and evil?
Lucifer: Morality is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. It is a set of rules and values that people and societies use to determine what is right and wrong. Morality is often influenced by religion, culture, and personal experience.
The Balance of Good and Evil
Fose: I’m curious, what’s your point of view on the balance of good and evil in the world?
Lucifer: As a demon, I can tell you that the balance between good and evil is constantly changing. Sometimes one side prevails over the other, but it never stays that way for long. We demons work tirelessly to influence the world toward evil, but in the end people have to make their own choices.
Fose: So you’re saying that people are responsible for maintaining a balance between good and evil?
Lucifer: Yes, people play a decisive role in this balance. They have free will and can choose good or evil. Our job as demons is to bend them toward evil, but we can’t force them to do anything.
Fose: Can you give us an example of how the balance has changed over time?
Lucifer: Of course. At the dawn of mankind, evil was more prevalent. Humans were more barbaric and selfish, they didn’t have the knowledge and technology to build a just society. Over time, however, people began to develop morality and ethics, and the balance shifted toward good. Of course, there have been setbacks along the way, such as wars and atrocities, but on the whole I would say that good is gaining ground.
Fose: Interesting. What effect does this balance have on people and society?
Lucifer: The balance between good and evil affects all aspects of human life. When evil prevails, society becomes more violent and unstable. People are more prone to selfishness and cruelty toward one another. Conversely, when good prevails, society becomes more peaceful and just. People are more likely to help each other and work toward common goals.
On an individual level, the balance between good and evil affects a person’s character and actions. Those who choose good are likely to be happy and fulfilled, while those who choose evil are likely to be unhappy and unfulfilled. It is important that people understand this and make the right choices for themselves and for society as a whole.
The Role of People
Fose: Do people have the power to choose their side?
Lucifer: Absolutely. Free will is a gift given to humans by their creator, and it is up to them to use it wisely. They can choose good or evil, and their choice determines the balance between the two forces.
Fose: How does a person’s choice affect the balance between good and evil?
Lucifer: Every action has consequences, and the same applies to a person’s choices. By choosing good, they side with the forces of good, and by choosing evil, they side with the forces of evil. Each choice made tilts the balance one way or the other, which ultimately determines the outcome of the battle.
Fose: What are the consequences of choosing one side?
Lucifer: The consequences of choosing good or evil are significant. Choosing good leads to a life of peace, love and contentment, while choosing evil leads to a life of suffering, pain and regret. Those who choose good are rewarded with eternal life in heaven, while those who choose evil are punished with eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell.
Fose: Some might argue that people are too weak to resist the temptations of evil. What do you say to that?
Lucifer: Temptations are indeed strong, but people have the strength to resist them. It takes strength, courage, and faith to choose good over evil, but it is possible. I can tempt people to choose evil, but ultimately it is their choice. They have the strength to resist my temptations and choose the path of righteousness.
The Triumph of Kindness
Fose: As a demon, you represent evil, and we are here to discuss the power of good to overcome evil. How do you respond to the idea that good can overcome evil?
Lucifer: (laughs) It’s a funny concept, actually. Good and evil are merely human constructs. They do not exist in the natural order of things. There is no such thing as good or evil, only power and the will to use it.
Fose: But throughout history and literature we have seen countless examples of good triumphing over evil. The hero defeats the villain, the outsider rises to the top, the oppressed overthrow their oppressors. Is this really just a figment of our imagination?
Lucifer: No, they are not. People have an innate sense of morality and justice, and they have a desire to see those values upheld. But make no mistake, these stories are just stories. They are not a reflection of reality.
Fose: So you mean to say that the power of good to overcome evil is limited?
Lucifer: Of course. Good can triumph over evil only if certain conditions are met. The first is strength. Good must be stronger than evil. The second is strategy. Good must have a plan to defeat evil. And finally, good must be willing to do whatever it takes to win.
Fose: But what about the power of love or forgiveness? Can’t they defeat even the most evil deeds?
Lucifer: Love and forgiveness are just another form of power. They can be used to defeat evil, but they are not the only way. And sometimes they are not enough. There is an evil that cannot be forgiven or loved.
Fose: So what is the key to defeating evil?
Lucifer: The important thing is to understand that evil is not a force outside of us. It is part of us, just as good is part of us. To defeat evil, we must first recognize that it exists within us and then work to overcome it. We must be willing to confront our own darkness and do whatever is necessary to rise above it.
Fose: This is a very powerful message. Thank you, Lucifer, for sharing your insight with us.
In conclusion, the power of good over evil is not a simple and straightforward concept. Although we see countless examples in history and literature of the triumph of good over evil, the reality is much more complex. Good can defeat evil only if certain conditions are met, such as strength, strategy, and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to win. And even then there is evil, which cannot be defeated by love or forgiveness alone. To truly defeat evil, we must recognize that it exists in us and work to overcome it.
Chapter 5. Definition of Evil
Evil in Society
Fose: I would like to discuss the impact of evil on society. First, what do you think about the way evil is portrayed in the media?
Lucifer: Well, Fose, I believe that the media tend to portray evil in a very sensationalist and often inaccurate manner. Evil is often portrayed as glamorous or even attractive, which can be misleading. In reality, evil is dark, destructive, and often very ugly.
Fose: This is a very interesting point of view. Do you think that the portrayal of evil in the media affects how people perceive and respond to it?
Lucifer: Absolutely. The media has a tremendous influence on how people think and feel. When evil is portrayed in a sensationalistic or glamorous way, it can make people more likely to understand or even accept it. On the other hand, when evil is portrayed more accurately and realistically, it can help people see the true nature of evil and reject it.
Fose: I see. Going forward, can you talk about how evil can manifest itself in society?
Lucifer: Of course. Evil can manifest itself in many ways, but some of the most common include crime, corruption, and war. These are all ways in which individuals or groups seek power or wealth at the expense of others. They are all driven by greed, ambition, and a lack of empathy or concern for others.