I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire
I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

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I am Dracula. An interview with the greatest vampire

Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2023
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I am Dracula

An interview with the greatest vampire

Boris Borisovich Shabrin

© Boris Borisovich Shabrin, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-9470-3

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Dracula’s infamous reputation

Are you tired of mundane book reviews that fail to challenge your intellect and leave you feeling unfulfilled? Look no further! Fose, the infamous black magician, has a riveting tale to tell about his encounter with none other than Vlad Tepes, aka Dracula, the vampire tyrant.

Let’s start with a brief introduction to Dracula, shall we? He’s infamous for his blood-sucking tendencies and his iron-fisted rule over his subjects. He’s so feared that even centuries after his death, his legend lives on, striking terror into the hearts of all who hear his name. But what could bring such a notorious figure to Russia? And why, of all people, would he choose to sit down for an interview with Fosé, the enigmatic black magician?

These are questions that will leave you scratching your head and questioning the very fabric of reality. But fear not, my dear reader, for Fose has all the answers!

In his typical sarcastic style, Fosé regales us with a tale filled with metaphors that are sure to leave your mind reeling. Was Dracula seeking redemption, or was he simply bored of his eternal existence and seeking a new challenge? Did Fosé summon him with a flick of his wand, or did Dracula seek him out on his own accord? The answers may surprise you, but one thing’s for certain – this is not your typical book review.

But don’t take my word for it. Dive headfirst into Fosé’s tale and experience the bewilderment for yourself. From one single woman in her 50s who has been burned by love to another, trust me when I say that this is the escape you’ve been looking for. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and let Fosé take you on a journey that you won’t soon forget.

Elena Zakotnova, 54 years old.

Editor-in-Chief at Nita Kroato Altys

Instead of a preface

This book is a historical document – the most complete manuscript of the life and deeds of Dracula (Vlad Tepes) ever written. The magician Fose is famous for his ability to interview the most famous mythological creatures. This time he will conduct for you a live interview with Dracula (Vlad the Impaler, an ancient vampire from Romania), who arrived in Russia yesterday on his vampire business.

The magician Fose met Vlad Tepes at a mysterious abode, where the ancient vampire decided to accept an interview. Dracula, dressed in a black cloak and with a mysterious gleam in his eyes, sat in a chair opposite the magician.

PART 1: The Arrival of Vlad Tepes to Russia

– What brought you to Russia, and how do you feel about the country?

– What are the cultural differences between Russia and Romania?

Preface to Vlad the Impaler’s Visit to Russia

Fose: Can you tell us a little bit about your background, and how you came to be known as Dracula?

Dracula: My background is one of great mystery and intrigue. I was born into a noble family in Transylvania in the 15th century, and was known by many names throughout my life. It was my military campaigns against the Ottoman Turks that earned me the nickname Vlad the Impaler, due to my fondness for impaling my enemies on wooden stakes. However, it was the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker that solidified my legacy as a legendary vampire.

Fose: So, Dracula, it’s great to have you here in Russia. Can you tell us why you’re here?

Dracula: Well, Fose, I must say it’s a pleasure to be here. As for why I’m here, there are many reasons. I could say I’m on a diplomatic mission, but that might not be entirely accurate. You see, I’m something of a traveler at heart. I love to see new places, meet new people, and learn about new cultures.

Fose: That’s fascinating. How did you travel to Russia? Did you fly or take a more… unconventional route?

Dracula: Ah, well, you know how it is. When you’re immortal, you tend to get a little restless. So, I decided to take a more… scenic route, shall we say. I traveled through the forests of Romania and crossed the Carpathian Mountains. Then, I made my way across the Black Sea and into Russia. It was quite a journey, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Fose: And where are you now? Are you staying in Moscow or traveling around the country?

Dracula: Actually, I’m in St. Petersburg at the moment. It’s a beautiful city, full of history and culture. I’ve been spending my days exploring the museums and art galleries, and my nights… well, let’s just say I’ve been enjoying the local nightlife.

Fose: Sounds like you’re having a great time. Do you have any plans to visit other parts of Russia while you’re here?

Dracula: Absolutely. I’ve heard there are some incredible sights to see in Siberia, and I’d love to visit the Kamchatka Peninsula. Of course, I’ll have to make my way back to Romania at some point, but for now, I’m just enjoying the journey.

Vlad Tepes’s Relationship with Russia

Fose: Dracula, it’s been said that you have a complicated history with Russia. Can you tell us about your relationship with the country and its people?

Dracula: Ah, yes, Russia. It’s a country that has both fascinated and confounded me over the centuries. My interactions with Russian leaders have been… let’s just say, interesting. I’ve met with tsars and emperors, and even had a run-in with Ivan the Terrible. But despite our differences, there’s always been a certain respect between us.

Fose: And what about the Russian people? Have you had a chance to interact with them?

Dracula: Oh, yes. The Russian people are a resilient and hardy bunch. They’ve endured countless wars, invasions, and revolutions, and yet they still manage to maintain their unique culture and identity. I’ve always been impressed by their love of literature, music, and art. It’s a country that has produced some of the greatest artists and thinkers in history.

Fose: That’s very interesting. What are your impressions of Russia today?

Dracula: Well, I have to say, I’m quite impressed. The country has undergone a lot of changes over the past few centuries, but it still retains its unique character. I’ve been particularly impressed by the modernization efforts in places like Moscow and St. Petersburg. And of course, the people are as resilient as ever.

Cultural differences with Russia

Fose: Mr. Dracula, I’m curious about your thoughts on cultural differences between Romania and Russia. As someone who has lived for centuries, you must have had the opportunity to experience various cultures and societies. Can you share with us some of your observations?

Dracula: Ah, yes, cultural differences. They are indeed quite intriguing. As for Romania and Russia, well, both countries have a rich history and culture. However, the differences are quite apparent. For instance, the language, the food, the music, the art, and the people themselves are all distinct.

Fose: Can you elaborate on some of those differences?

Dracula: Certainly. For example, the Russian language has its own unique grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. The same goes for Romanian. As for food, Russian cuisine tends to be more hearty and filling, while Romanian cuisine has more of a Mediterranean influence. In terms of music, traditional Russian folk songs have a different melody and rhythm compared to Romanian folk songs.

Fose: That’s very interesting. What about the people themselves? Do you find any significant differences between Russians and Romanians?

Dracula: Well, I think people are people, no matter where you go. However, there are certainly some cultural differences that can shape the way people think and behave. Russians, for instance, tend to be more reserved and introspective, while Romanians are generally more outgoing and expressive. But, of course, there are always exceptions to these generalizations.

Fose: Have you had the chance to visit any other countries during your long life? If so, how did they compare to Romania and Russia?

Dracula: Oh, yes, I have visited many countries over the centuries. Each place has its own unique culture and customs. Some are similar to Romania, while others are more similar to Russia. But regardless of the differences, I always find something interesting and captivating about each place I visit. That’s the beauty of traveling and experiencing different cultures. It opens your eyes to new perspectives and ways of life.

Fose: Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Mr. Dracula. It’s been fascinating to hear your thoughts on cultural differences. Do you have any plans to visit other parts of Russia while you’re here?

Dracula: Yes, I’m quite looking forward to exploring more of this vast and fascinating country. I have always been intrigued by Russia’s rich history and culture, and I’m excited to experience more of it firsthand.

PART 2: Dracula’s Private Life

– Can you tell us a bit about your early life and upbringing in Wallachia?

– How did you become a vampire, and how has that affected your life?

Chapter 1. Youth and upbringing

Early life and upbringing

Birthplace and Family Background

Fose: Can you tell us where you were born?

Dracula: Ah, my birthplace. A question often asked but seldom truly understood. I was born in Transylvania, a land where the misty mountains stand tall and the forests whisper secrets. A place where the rivers flow with a crimson hue and the moon casts its eerie light upon the earth. It was a place of wonder and magic, a place where my soul could truly thrive.

Fose: Fascinating. And can you tell us a little bit about your family’s social status?

Dracula: My family – a proud and noble lineage, stretching back through the ages. We were not mere mortals, but rather a breed of our own. The nobility of our blood was matched only by the darkness of our hearts, and we ruled with an iron fist over our lands.

Fose: And were there any notable ancestors or family members?

Dracula: Indeed, there were many. My father, Vlad II Dracul, was a formidable warrior and a skilled tactician. His brother, Mircea, was a great prince of Wallachia, and his son, also named Vlad, would later become known as the Impaler, a title that would strike fear into the hearts of all who heard it.

But it was not just my immediate family that was notable. Throughout the generations, our bloodline had produced many great leaders and warriors, each leaving their mark upon the world in their own unique way. The story of my family is a long and complex one, filled with both triumph and tragedy. But it is a story that I am proud to be a part of, and one that I will continue to carry with me for all eternity.


Fose: As a legendary vampire, I’m sure our audience is dying to know more about your personal life. Can you tell us about your academic background? Where did you study and what subjects did you excel in?

Dracula: My dear Fose, academic achievements have always been a trivial matter for me. As an immortal being, time has little meaning, and my pursuits are not bound by the constraints of formal education. However, I have dabbled in the studies of the occult and esoteric knowledge. The intricacies of ancient languages and the symbolism within them have always fascinated me. Alchemy and the arcane arts have also been areas of interest.

Fose: That’s quite fascinating, Dracula. Do you think your studies in the occult and esoteric knowledge have influenced your reign as a vampire?

Dracula: Without a doubt, Fose. My knowledge in the dark arts has allowed me to maintain my power and reign for centuries. The ability to manipulate and control the elements, as well as the minds of others, has been instrumental in my survival. My knowledge in alchemy has allowed me to create powerful elixirs that have kept me alive and strengthened my powers.

Fose: Can you tell us about any setbacks you may have encountered in your studies?

Dracula: As an immortal being, setbacks are merely temporary inconveniences. However, there have been instances where my thirst for knowledge has led me down dark paths. I have dabbled in practices that many would consider taboo, and the consequences have not always been pleasant. But in the end, these setbacks have only strengthened my resolve and furthered my understanding of the darkness that lies within all beings. Remember, the secrets of the universe are waiting to be unlocked by those who dare to seek them out.

Notable Events and Influences

Fose: I have a question about your childhood. Could you tell us about any significant historical or cultural events that occurred during that time?

Dracula: A time long past, yet still so vivid in my mind. The events of that time were both fascinating and horrifying, a true reflection of the complex nature of the world. The Ottoman Empire was expanding its influence into Europe, and the threat of invasion was ever-present. As a child, I witnessed the atrocities committed by the Ottomans and their allies, and it left a deep impression on me.

Fose: That sounds quite distressing. Were there any individuals who had a particular impact on you during your childhood?

Dracula: Indeed there were. My father, Vlad II, was a nobleman and warrior who fought tirelessly against the Ottomans. He instilled in me a strong sense of duty and honor, and taught me the art of war. But it was my tutor, a man by the name of Ion Thocia, who had the greatest impact on me. He was a scholar and a philosopher, and he taught me about the world beyond the walls of my castle. His teachings opened my mind to new ideas and perspectives, and he inspired me to become a lifelong learner.

Fose: That’s quite interesting. Did you have any other influences that shaped your worldview?

Dracula: Yes, I did. As a young man, I traveled to the court of the Ottoman sultan, where I was exposed to the splendor and sophistication of their culture. It was a revelation to me, and it challenged many of the assumptions I had about the world. I also had the opportunity to study under the great humanist scholar, Georgius Gemistus Plethon, who taught me about the ancient Greek philosophers and their ideas about ethics and morality.

Fose: It sounds like you had a very unique upbringing, with a variety of different influences.

Dracula: Yes, indeed. It was a time of great change and upheaval in Europe, and I was fortunate enough to witness and participate in some of the most important events of the era. The lessons I learned during my childhood and adolescence have stayed with me throughout my long life, and have shaped me into the person I am today.

Personality Traits and Beliefs

Fose: Let’s start with your temperament. How would you describe it?

Dracula: My temperament? Well, let me tell you, my dear magician, it is not something easily defined. I am an immortal being, and my experiences throughout the centuries have shaped my temperament in unique ways. I have witnessed countless wars, witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, and seen the darkest depths of humanity. All of these experiences have left their mark on me, and it is difficult to pin down a single temperament that describes me.

Fose: That’s certainly intriguing. Let’s delve deeper into your beliefs about morality and justice. What do those concepts mean to you?

Dracula: Morality and justice, yes. These are concepts that have been debated for centuries. For me, morality is not just a set of rules to follow. It is a way of life. As a vampire, I have the power to do whatever I want, but I choose to live by a strict code of ethics. I only feed on those who deserve it, those who have committed crimes against society or humanity. As for justice, I believe it should be swift and severe. Those who break the law should face the consequences, no matter who they are.

Fose: That’s an interesting perspective. Let’s move on to your attitudes towards power and authority. How do you view those concepts?

Dracula: Power is a double-edged sword. It can be used for good or evil, and it is up to the wielder to decide which path to take. As for authority, I believe it should be earned, not given. Those who hold positions of authority should be just and fair, and they should always put the needs of their people first. Life is a precious gift, and it should be cherished.

Injuries and losses in childhood

Dracula’s Father’s Death

Fose: Can you tell us about your father’s death and how it impacted your life?

Dracula: It was a dark and somber time. The weight of his absence still haunts me to this day. You see, my father was a great leader, a true inspiration. His death left a gaping hole in my heart that I fear can never be filled.

The days following his passing were filled with despair and sorrow. The weight of my grief was overwhelming, crushing. I felt as though I had lost a part of myself, a vital piece that could never be recovered. It was as if the very fabric of my being had been torn apart, leaving me adrift in a sea of darkness and uncertainty.

In the wake of his death, I found myself struggling to come to terms with my own mortality. The realization that death could strike at any moment, snatching away everything I held dear, was a bitter pill to swallow. I was consumed with a sense of dread, a gnawing fear that clung to me like a shadow.

My father’s death had also left a power vacuum that threatened to tear apart our kingdom. Rival factions vied for control, each eager to seize the reins of power and claim the throne for themselves. It was a time of turmoil and unrest, a time when the very foundations of our society were shaken to their core.

Despite my grief and despair, I knew that I had to step up and take on the mantle of leadership. I had to be strong, for myself and for my people. But the weight of my father’s legacy was a heavy burden to bear, a constant reminder of all that I had lost.

In many ways, my father’s death was a turning point in my life. It marked the beginning of a new era, one filled with uncertainty and struggle. But it also forced me to confront my own mortality, to come to terms with the fleeting nature of life. And for that, I am grateful, even as I mourn the loss of my beloved father.

Dracula as a Hostage

Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your time as a hostage and how it impacted you emotionally?

Dracula: The memories of those times still haunt me to this day. As a young boy, I was taken captive by the Ottoman Empire and held as a prisoner for many years. The emotional scars from that experience have never truly healed.

Fose: How did being a hostage affect you?

Dracula: It changed me. It made me wary, cautious, and mistrustful of others. I learned to rely on myself and my instincts to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world. The experience made me cold, calculating, and ruthless, as I realized the only way to ensure my survival was to take matters into my own hands.

Fose: Do you regret anything from that time?

Dracula: Regret? No. But the pain and trauma of those years still linger within me. The memories of the torture and abuse I endured have left me with a sense of despair and hopelessness that I cannot shake. I am cursed to carry the weight of those experiences with me forever.

Fose: How do you cope with those feelings?

Dracula: Coping? There is no coping with such emotions. I have simply learned to channel them into my actions, using the pain and anguish to fuel my desire for revenge and justice. It is the only way I can find any semblance of peace in this life.

Fose: What do you think about the idea of forgiveness?

Dracula: Forgiveness? It is a luxury I cannot afford. The world is a cruel and unforgiving place, and I must be as ruthless as it is if I am to survive. To forgive those who have wronged me would be to admit weakness, and weakness is a death sentence in this world.

Fose: Is there anything you would like to say to those who held you hostage?

Dracula: Only this: you will pay for what you did to me. Your crimes against me will not go unpunished. I will have my revenge, and it will be swift and merciless.

Dracula’s Childhood Traumas

Fose: Dracula, let’s delve deeper into your past. Did you experience any childhood traumas, such as abuse, neglect, or other significant events?

Dracula: My past. Such a murky and hazy memory. Childhood traumas, you say? (pauses) Well, it depends on what you mean by trauma. Is it the relentless taunting and jeering from my peers, who called me a devil child? Or perhaps the endless nights of loneliness, where I yearned for the love and affection of a family? (sighs)

Fose: It sounds like you’ve had a difficult childhood. Can you elaborate on some specific events that have impacted you?

Dracula: (leans back in his chair) Specific events, you say? Let me see. (pauses) There was that time when I witnessed my father impale prisoners on stakes. I was only a boy, but the screams still echo in my mind. And then there was the day my mother died, giving birth to my younger brother. I felt like I had lost a part of myself. (pauses again) But perhaps the most significant event was when I was taken away from my home and sent to live with the Ottomans. I was just a bargaining chip in a political game. (shakes his head) Childhood traumas indeed.

Fose: That’s heartbreaking. How did you cope with these traumas?

Dracula: (chuckles bitterly) Coping? I didn’t cope. I embraced them. I used the pain and suffering to fuel my rage and thirst for vengeance. I became the monster they all feared. And you know what? It felt good. (narrows his eyes) But don’t mistake my actions for weakness. I am not a victim. I am a survivor. (pauses) And I will do whatever it takes to protect what is mine.

Fose: It’s clear that your past has shaped you into the formidable being you are today.

Dracula: (smirks) Formidable? You haven’t seen anything yet. But I suppose my past has given me a certain edge.

Dracula’s Relationship with his Mother

Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your relationship with your mother and how it impacted your emotional development?

Dracula: My mother, the woman who gave birth to me, was a complex figure. She was strong-willed, sharp-tongued, and fiercely protective of her children. She instilled in me a sense of loyalty and duty, but also a deep fear of disappointing her.

As a child, I yearned for her affection, but it was always just out of reach. She was often distant and cold, too consumed by her own political ambitions to pay attention to her son’s emotional needs. I felt like I was always on the periphery of her life, never fully accepted or understood.

I remember once, when I was a young boy, I fell ill with a fever. My mother refused to come to my bedside, too busy with her own affairs. I felt so alone and abandoned, like I didn’t matter to her at all. It was a turning point for me, a moment when I realized that I couldn’t rely on her for comfort or support.

As I grew older, my mother’s influence over me waned, replaced by my own sense of duty and obligation. I became consumed by my role as a leader, my need to protect my people from external threats. I built walls around my heart, shutting out all emotion and vulnerability.

But despite my efforts to distance myself from my past, the wounds inflicted by my mother’s neglect still festered. I carried a sense of longing and resentment with me, a deep-seated bitterness that fueled my actions.

And now, as I stand here before you, immortal and alone, I can’t help but wonder if things could have been different if my mother had loved me just a little bit more. If she had shown me the affection and attention that every child craves, maybe I wouldn’t be so consumed by darkness and despair. But it’s too late for that now, too late to change the past. All I can do is live with the scars she left behind, a constant reminder of what could have been.

Dracula’s Childhood Influences on his Personality

Fose: Dracula, can you tell us about your childhood experiences and how they influenced your personality and actions as an adult?

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