The Mirror Of Literature, Amusement, And Instruction. Volume 17, No. 496, June 27, 1831
The Mirror Of Literature, Amusement, And Instruction. Volume 17, No. 496, June 27, 1831полная версия

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The Mirror Of Literature, Amusement, And Instruction. Volume 17, No. 496, June 27, 1831

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Lord Brougham was born in 1779, and is, consequently, in his fifty-second year.



COSMOPOLITE, THE, 282-299-405


FINE ARTS, 158-265-278-300-363



MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, 104-140-154-206-246-292-367-372-424

NATURALIST, THE, 22-46, 70, 116-250-348-387-406-423

NOTES OF A READER, 13-23-105-118-133-158-171-219-261-314-328-361-389-408

NOVELIST, THE, 71-228-323-420

OLD POETS, 103-284




SELECTOR, AND NOTICES OF NEW WORKS, 26-42-55-73-125-149-164-189-203-213-234-247-279-301-307-325-365-382-393-411-425


SPIRIT OF DISCOVERY, 52-182-255-294-312-351-368-375-428

SPIRIT OF THE PUBLIC JOURNALS, 10-20-36-56-77-108-122-137-155-169-184-198-217-236-251-267-285-297-316-332-349-364-379-397-409-430

SKETCH BOOK, 52-101-183-215-293-343

TOPOGRAPHER, THE, 5-18-61-153-201-310-414

Abernethy, the late Mr., 397

Academy, The Silent, 4

Actor, How to roast, 287

Ada, Lines to, 374

Addison, Death of, 419

Æolian Harp, Sonnet to, 404

Æolophon, the, 52

Al Amin at Chess, 36

Album, Character of a good one, 355

Albion, Origin of, 306

Alison, Archibald, his Autograph, 145

Ambiton, Simple, 340

Ampthill House described, 353

America, First English Colony in, 55

Anatomical Subjects, 432

Anatomy of Society, 249

Ancestry, 224-425

André, Major, Account of, 184

Anglo-Saxon History, 301

Anson, Lord, 144

Antiquarian Scraps, 99

Apsley House, Origin of, 192

Arcana of Science for 1831, 312

Arch Poetry, 79

Architecture of Birds, 279

Ariosto, Relics of, 193

Arquà, Petrarch's House at, 1

Arun, Sonnet to the, 227

Arundel House, Strand, 67

Ascot-place Grotto, 225

Atherton, a Tale, 393

Auberge on the Grimsel, 41

Autocrat's Prayer, the, 236

Autographs of Eminent Persons, 145-264

Bacchanalian Song, 122

Bad Company, 13

Bail, Origin of, 61

Baillie, Joanna, her Autograph, 145

Bald Eagle, the, 387-406

Ballot, the Greek, 19

Bampton Lectures, White's, 426

Bankrupts in 1829, 24

Bathos and Pathos, 31

Battle of the Cats, 251

Batty's, Colonel, Views of Edinburgh, 300

Beauty and Slander, by Harrington, 103

Beer Houses, Number of, 263

Beggar Woman of Locarno, 293

Billington, Mrs., 364

Birds, Architecture of, 279

Changing colour, 250

Economy of, 105

Birth-day Prayer, 319

Black Books, Ancient, 227

Blackwood's Christmas Carol, 22

Blue Beard, the Original, 391

Blunders, Ludicrous, 272

Boi, the Syracusan at Chess, 36

Bonaparte and the Koran, 379

Bondsman's Feast, a tale, 126

Boroughs, Three, 369

Borrowing Days, the, 213

Bostock, Dr., his improvements in Ink, 182

Boy, Story of a, 70

Bramber, Borough of, 369

Bray Church described, 209

Brighton, 14

Bristol Channel, Voyage up, 61

Britannia, Origin of, 276

British Institution, the, 158

Brougham, Lord, his Autograph, 145

Bruce at Turnbury, 16

Bull-baiting in Suffolk, 246

at Great Grimsby, 104

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, 10

Burial in the Desert, 169

Burning Alive, 133

Burns, the Poet, 134

Byron, Lord, Moore's Life of,

Augusta, Lines to, 81

Character of, 14, 109

Clare, Lord, 93

Detached Thoughts, 92

and Sir H. Davy, 91

Diary of, 93

and the Greeks, 95

and Guiccioli, 86

Journal in Switzerland, 26

Memoirs of, 91

Parsimony of, 90

Portrait of, 96

and Lady Byron, 29

Letters to Mr. Moore, 84, 91

Letter to Mr. Murray, 43

Poetical Gems by, 44

and Porson, 86

Prophecy of, 31

and Pope, 92

at Pisa, 93

and Shelley, 28

Sensibility of, 81

at Venice, 82, 83, 84

with Mr. Moore, 89

Execution at, 86

Palace at, 113

Visit to Arquà, 1

Cabinet Atlas, the, 330

Calculating Notes—Paganini, 364

Calendar, Antiquities of, 23

of the Church of England, 314

Cambrian Superstitions, 206

Canning, Mr., Character of, 118

Canterbury, Lines on viewing, 180

Care, by Constable, 285

Castellan's Sermon on Francis I., 304

Cats, Battle of the, 251

Chair of Ariosto, 193

Chalmers, Thomas, his Autograph, 145

Charles I., Epitaph on, 192

Charlotte, Princess, the late, 358

Charter of William I., 112

Charming Fellow, 432

Chemistry, Popular, 173

, Wonders of, 55

Cheroot, the, 69

Cheshire Enchanter, the, 98

Chess, Anecdotes of, 36

Chestnuts in Florence, 144

Chichester Cross described, 17

Childe Harold at Venice, 114

Chinese Ingenuity, 303

Cholera Morbus, the, 389

Christian's Magazine, the, 378

Christianity, Influence of, 302

Christmas Carol, 22

Christmas Tree in Germany, 154

Cigar-smoking, Effects of, 349

Clarence, Duke of, Origin of, 68

Clonmel, the late Lord, 351

Coach-company, a Sketch, 52

Coals, Mechanical Power of, 45, 55

Cobblers' Arms, Origin of, 372

Cockcrow, Origin of, 24

Cockfighting, Origin of, 23

Coinage, the New, 356

Combustion, Phenomena of, 175

Comets and Women, 192

Companion to the Almanac, 24

Compunctious Visitings, 352

Cooling Wine, Mistake in, 294

Copper Works in Wales, 5

Corfe Castle and Edward II., 291

described, 242

Corfe Castle, Visit to, 260

Costa Ferme, Scene on, 56

County Collections, 18

Covent Garden and Strand Crosses, 66

Cowley's House at Chertsey, 168

Cowslips, a Sonnet, 387

Cream, Why on Milk, 295

Croesus, a Sketch, 373

Cross the Prompter, 239

Cross-dialling, 393

Crotchet Castle, Letters from, 234

Cruelty to Animals, 172

Crystallization, Phenomena of, 174

Cunningham, Allan, 135

, his Autograph, 145

Cuttle Fish, the, 423

Czartoryski, Character of, 425

Damned Author, 328

Dancing Fish, 29

Davy, the late Sir Humphry, 63

Dawlish's Hole, an incident, 101

Day, Ancient Divisions of, 61

Dead Hand, the, 63

Death, Reflections on, 314

Death-beds of Great Men, 419

Devil among the Printers, 112

Dialling, 392

Dignified Reproof, 431

Dirge, 58, 140

Disagreeables, 430

Disappearance, Extraordinary, 304

Ditty by Queen Elizabeth, 117

Doncaster, Christ Church, 49

Dot-and-carry-one-town, letters from, 236

Dramatic Annual, the, 328

Dream Girl, the, a Tale, 189

Dreams by Whispering, 226

Duel, the, a Serious Ballad, 8

Duelling Customs, 135

Duelling in France, 286

Dunmow Flitch, Applicants for, 212

Dunwich, Borough of, 369

Dunstan's, St., Fleet-street, 99

Dyers, the two, 48

Early Rising, 36

Echoes, Remarkable, 221

Ei, the Word, 418

Electioneering Advice, 352

Electricity, Phenomena of, 175

Elfin Triumphant Song, 217

Elizabeth, Queen, her Portrait, 237

Elizabeth, Queen, her Prayer Book, 379

Elizabeth, Princess' Cottage at Windsor, 97

Emperor's Rout, the, 43

Enghien, (Due d'), murder of, 35

English Language, the, 240

Epigrams and Puns, 64

Epitaphs, 31, 48, 64, 208, 220, 223, 224, 240, 256, 320, 361, 400, 416

Equivoque, Royal, 158

Esterhazy, Young Princess, 63

Ettrick Shepherd, the, 134

Executions, Public, 133

Exeter Hall, Strand, 401

Fairy Favours, a Sketch, 183, 215

Fairy Song, 226

Fairies, city of, 215

Fairy Rings, 207

Fame, Lines on, 285

Family Poetry, 297

Fanny, Lines to, 196

Farewell to Spain, 419

Fasting, Lines on, 256

Fatherland, from the German, 149

Ferrand at Chess, 36

Festivals, Games and Amusements, 106

Finsbury in 1282, 164

Fitzherbert, Mrs., and George IV., 159

Flint Castle described, 136

Flowers in a room in Sickness, 156

Fountain Clocks, Construction of, 294

Four-and-twenty Fiddlers, Song, 210

France, Character of, 315

France, Kings of, 128

Freemasonry in England, 365

French and English, a Ballad, 7

French Gentleman's Letter, 6

Poetry for children, 391

Friend, the Last, 111

Frogmore, Hermitage at, 417

Frogs of Aristophanes, Scene from, 218

Funeral at Sea, 307

Gad's Hill Robbery, 431

Gambler, a Princely One, 192

Gambling of Henry IV., 223

Gamester's Daughter, the, 228

Genlis, the late Madame, 156

George III., Private Memoirs of, 159

George IV.'s Gateway at Windsor Castle, 273

"God Save the King" in Italy, 135

Goes of Liquor, Origin of, 24

Golden Bodkin, a Tale, 322

Goodall, the Musician, 239

Gower, Lord Levison, his Autograph, 145

Gower, in Wales, described, 152, 311

Grant, Mrs., her Autograph, 145

Greek Ballot, 19

Grief, Lines on, 285

Grimsel, Auberge on the, 41

Groat, Origin of, 336

Grotto at Ascot Place, 225

Halcyon Days, 48, 68, 147, 197

Hall, Basil, his Autograph, 145

Haller, Death of, 420

Hanging Committee, 328

Hardham's 37, 32

Harpe, de la, Death of, 420

Haunted House, by Mrs. Hemans, 239

Hawkins, Sir John, Death of, 419

's History of Music, 297

Hawk, Tame, Anecdotes of, 70

Haydon's Picture of Napoleon, 278

Haydon, R.B., his Autograph, 264

Heat, Phenomena of, 174

Heiress of Bruges, Scene from, 75

"Help Yourself," 315

Hemans, Mrs., her Autograph, 145

Henry VII., Wealth of, 427

Herons and Heronries, 281

Hervey, Death of, 419

Hippodrome Games, 292

Hobart Town, Panorama of, 265

Holborn, Ancient Topography of, 162

Holland, Lord, his Seat at Ampthill, 353

Holyrood, Ancient Palace of, 161

Homer, Controversy respecting, 118

Homeric Poems, Origin of, 119

Hope, Sonnet to, 342

Hope, Thomas, Esq., Memoir of, 121

Hour of Phantasy, the, 212

House of Commons, 197-258

Hood's Comic Annual for 1831, 7

Hunt, Leigh, his Autograph, 264

, Mr., M.P. for Preston, 217

Hunting Customs, 261

Huntingdon Jury, Remarkable, 399

Hustings, Origin of, 352

Hydrometer, Domestic use of, 351

Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, 294

Ice lighter than Water, 351

Indians, Traditions of the, 55

Industry, Fruits of, 390

Infantry at Mess, 8

Ink, Black-writing, Improved, 182-246

Inkstand of Ariosto, 193

Inn Rhymes, 208

Irving, Washington, his Autograph, 145

Italian at the King's Theatre, 297

Jeffrey, F., his Autograph, 145

Jerdan, Mr., his Autograph, 145

Jews, the, before their dispersion, 247

John, King, at Chess, 36

Johnson, Dr., Posthumous Ode by, 160

Jones, John, Poetry by, 108-172

Joseph II., Emperor of Germany, 378

Katerfelto, Who was he? 69-131-192

Kenilworth, Ballet of, 315

Kennett, Alderman, 223

Kicking the World, 329

Kilcolman Castle described, 233

King (William IV.) Old plan for capturing, 379

King's Secret, the, 330

Kiss, a Literary one, 224

Knave, Origin of, 191

Knowledge for the People, 23-105-173-261

Laconics, from "Maxwell," 13

Ladies in Parliament, 256

Last Sounds of Battle, 162

Latimer, Death of, 419

Law, Familiar, 314

Law and Lawyers, 133

Lawrence, the late Sir Thomas, 358

Laying a Ghost, 219

Leander, Female, 319

Legacy, a curious one, 16

Legacy of the Sword, 197

L'Envoy, a Poem, 137

Lengthening of the Days, 48

Letter of a Country Squire, 319

Letter-Bell, the, by Hazlitt, 186

Liberalism and Music, 120

Life, a Journey, 203

Voyage, 204

Lincoln, Grosthead, Bishop of, 379

Lines from the Spanish, 252

on viewing St. Leonard's, 396

Rural, 404

by Colbourne, 307

written in a Churchyard, 291

Lithography Ink, 267

Locke's Birthplace, 290, 307

Death of, 419

Long, St. John, 59

London Lyrics, 335

in the Seventh Century, 302

Longevity, 320

Love of Pleasure, 249

by Shakspeare, 103

Lines on, by Watson, 284

Louis XI. and the Virgin Mary, 303

Loyal Bequest, 303

Luxury, Laws for prohibiting, 191

Lydford, Ancient Borough of, 245

Lyttleton, Lord, Death of, 410

Macaw of a Lady of Quality, Memoirs of, 316, 332

Mackenzie, Henry, his Autograph, 264

Death of, 79

Magna Charta Island, 50

Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, 205-213

Marriage Fees, 154

Mavrovitch, the Pole, a tale, 198

Maureen, a ballad, 169

May, Old lines on, 320

Mechanics, Phenomena of, 361

Melancholy, by Drayton, 103

Melancthon, Death of, 420

Memory, Power of, 119

Mercantile Life, 13

Metropolitan Magazine, 316

Middle Life, 13

Milk, Preparations of, in Tartary, 140

Miser's Grave, the, 410

Mocha and its Coffee, 257

Monmouthshire, Notes in, 201

Montgomery, R., his Autograph, 264

Monument, the London, 167

Moore's Life of Byron, vol. ii. 14-81 to 96 (see Byron)

More-ish Melody, 111

Morland, the Painter, 167

Moriscoe Girl, Sacrifice of, 75

Moth, Last words of, 111

Mount St. Michael described, 129-164-181-

Munchausens, the Two, 409

Muse in Livery, 172

Musical Literature in North America, 77

Napoleon, Picture of, 278

National Debt, the, 352

Nature Reviving, Stanzas, 115

Necromancer, by Mrs. Hemans, 110

Newspaper Duties, 25

Niger, the River, 368-428

Niobe, Lines on, 130

Normandy, Mount St. Michael, 129-164

Oaths, Royal, 368

Oberlin, J.F., Anecdote of, 219

Octogenarian Reminiscences, 239

Oculist, the Unsuccessful, 336

Orange, Prince of, 208

Osmyn and Zambri, a tale, 420

Osprey, the, 280

Ostrich, the, 423

Oysters, to open, when stale, 304

Paganini, the Violinist, 344-432

Paley, his Sermons, 203

"Palmam qui meruit ferat," 9

Pancras, Ancient State of, 227

Pandora's Box, 128

Paper, Extraordinarily long, 191

Paris, Boulevards of, 412

Bridges of, 412

City of, 411

Streets of, 413

Parliaments, Ancient, 244-287-339

of Batts, 272

the new one dished, 400

Origin of, 197-258-339

Early, Reform of, 413

Wages to Members, 418

Parliamentary Scraps, 404

Parr, Old, and Old People, 285

Parrots, Anecdotes of, 116

Patriotism, 208

Paul and Virginia, Tomb of, 281

Paul's Cross described, 373

Paul Pry, Origin of, 169

Peerage of Great Britain, 386

Penitent's Return, the, 40

Penn, Death of, 419

Pennant, Origin of the, 144

Penny, History of the, 60

Peter the Great, Statue of, 296-342

Petrarch's House at Arquà, 1

and Dante, 35

Physics, Wonders of, 45

Picking your way, 9

Picture, Curious Anecdote of, 80

Pigs and Countryman, 9

Pilgrim's Progress, the, 10

Pitcairn's Island, Natives of, 375

Pitt Diamond, the, 224

Planting in Germany, 220

Ploughing with Dogs, 372

Pluralities, 352

Poems by a King of Persia, 357

Poet, an uneducated one, 108

Poland, History of, 425

Epitome of, 211-277-325

Polish Patriot's Appeal, 116

Revolution, Rise of, 321

Political Changes, 287

Political Economists, 118

Porter, Jane, her Autograph, 145

Porters, Antiquity of, 144

Posterity, by Fitzjeffrey, 104

Posthumous Honours, 240

Preston, Lancaster, 32

Princes, Lines on, 284

Prisons in the Tower, 318

Professional People, 13

Proof, a convincing one, 144

Prophecy, Ancient, 31

Proverbs, a Lyric, 335

Public Amusements, 133

Punch and Judy, a Tale, 265

Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, 73

Raining Trees, 46

Raleigh, Death of, 419

Ransoms, Account of, 147-340

Recollections of a Wanderer, 101

Reflection, Benefits of, 295

Reform Bill, the, 208

Rhine, Lines on the, 131

Rich and Poor, 134

Richelieu, Death of, 190

Rides, Long, 181

Riding, Unparalleled, 160

Robber turned Bishop, 379

Rode, the Violinist, 120

Romance of History, 125

Rosedale Abbey, Lines to, 210

Royal Academy, the, 363

Russian Burial Ground, 424

St. George, Origin of, 23

St. George's Chapel, Windsor, 305

Hospital, 321

St. John Long, Mr., 155

St. New Year's Day, 154

St. Paul's Cathedral, Interior of, 190

Salt among the Greeks, 228

Sanctuaries, Origin of, 303

Sandy Harg, a Ballad, 271

Sarum, Old, Borough of, 369

Savings Banks, 263

Saxon Beauty, 192

Schoolmaster Abroad, 220

Science, Progress of, 120

Scott, Michael, the Wizard, 382

Scott, Sir Walter, Portrait of, 20

Scott and Cooper, the Novelists, 314

Scraps, Amusing, 288

Sea Serpent, the, 30

Sea-side Time-killer, 330

Selden, John, 15

Self-advancement, Hints for, 404

Sermons, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 303

Shadows, Property of, 45

Shaftesbury, Water at, 367

Shakspeare, Botany of, 423

Shakspearean Procession, 330

Shaving, Dexterous, 80

Shelley, P.B., his Autograph, 145

Shelley and Byron, 28

Shetland Isles, Climate of the, 304

Ship-building, 175

Ship-launch—Reform, 336

Shirt without a Seam, 384

Shuter the Actor, Burial of, 352

Siamese Twins, the, 352

Siddons, the late Mrs., 408

Silent Academy, the, 4

Silk Manufacture, 208

Shower Bath, the, 176

Slave Ship, a Galley Yarn, 253

Slavery, Ancient, in England, 163

Slaughtering, Polite, 56

Sleeper, Extraordinary, 159

Sleeping in Church, 143

Smith, Horace, 106

Snow-white Virgin, the, 122-170

Soap and Candle Duties, 25-263

Sodor and Man, Bishop of, 378

Somerset Custom, 142

Song, a new one, 181

Songs, 245-246

Sonnet to the Arun, 227

Cowslips, 387

an Æolian Harp, 404

M***, 181

Hope, 342

Soul, the, from Drayton, 285

Sound, Phenomena of, 221

South Sea Islander, Taste of, 191

Southwark, Old House in, 337

Spanish Diligence plundered, 149

Spectator Newspaper, 112

Spenser, Epitaph on, 432

, the Poet, Residence of, 233

Sports and Pastimes, Origin of, 261

Spring, Lines on, by Lord Surrey, 285

Squall at Sea, 128

Stanzas, 156

Steam, a Poem, 173

Steam-Coaches, Effect of, 391

Stebbing's Lives of the Italian Poets, 194

Steel dearer than Gold, 191

Sterne's Eliza, 275

Epitaph on, 256

Portrait of, 211

Stockbrokers, 13

Stoke Pogis, Revolution at, 7-58

Stonehenge, 301

Storace, Old, 239

Strand Cross and Covent Garden, 65

Stuart, Dugald, his Autograph, 145

Summary of 1830—*327

Sunday Amusements, 134

Sunday Library, the, 203

Sunset Thoughts, 322

Superstitions, Coincident popular, 282-299

Superstitions, English, 98

, Popular, 355-402

Supplies for a War, 384

Swan River Colony, 178

Swansea Bay described, 310

Sustillo, the Caterpillar, 348

Swimming, Facility of, 294

, in Sea and River Water, 351

Talleyrand, his Autograph, 264

Tam O'Shanter, Memoir of, 99

Tamerlane at Chess, 36

Tawy, Vale of, in Wales, 5

Tempe, Vale of, 288

Tennant, W., his Autograph, 145

Tenure, Singular, 372

Theatres, Modern, 288

Thickness, Miss, Epitaph on, 223

Thomas, Bishop, his Marriage, 192

Thurlow, Lord, 176

Tillotson, Death of, 419

Timepiece, Human, 47

Time's Telescope for 1831, 173

Time, Use of, 48

Tintern Abbey and the Wye, 202

Toggenburg, Knight of, a Ballad, 291

Tower of London, 176

Townson, Dr., his Sermons, 204

Tree, Description of a beautiful one, 348

Trial by Battle, 329

Trinity Term ends, 367

Truth, Lines on, 218

Turkish Cemetery, Night in, 71

Turkish Musical Gusto, 120

Twenty Years, by T.H. Bayly, 332

Tylwyth Teg's Dance, 207

Understanding, by Spenser, 285

United States of America, Music in, 78

Unwelcome Truth, 13

Valentine's Day, Origin of, 223

Venetian History, Sketches of, 205

Venice, Byron's Palace at, 113

Ventriloquism Explained, 254

Vernal Stanzas, 402

Vestris, Madame, Lines on, 144

Vicar of Bray, Origin of, 209

Victory of the Cid, 51

Vincennes, Castle of,

Virginia Water, Boat-house at, 385

Visit to Arquà, Recent, 3

Voltaire and the King of Prussia, 240

Vote for £1,000, 336

Waldbach, Epitaph at, 220

Wales, South, Travelling Notes in, 5-61-152-310-414

Walker, Wonderful Robert, 73

Walsingham, Lady of, 386

War, by Gascoigne, 104

Warriston, Laird of, murdered by his Wife, 220

Watchmaker, Epitaph on, 224

Water-King's Bride, the, 51

Waterloo—Forget-me-not, 432

Waterloo Sword, 432

Watts, Alaric A., his Autograph, 264

Waves, Deceptive Appearance of, 294

Weather Glasses, Absurdity of, 295

Weather at Paris, 263

Weber and Der Frieschütz, 137

Welsh Pedigree, 272

Wendover, Ancient Borough of, 292

Wheatley, Mayor of Coventry, 379

White-hart Silver, Origin of, 154

Whitsuntide in Gloucester, 154

Why and Because, the Plain, 23-105-173-261-361

Wills of Shakspeare, Bonaparte, and Milton, 402

Wilson's Ornithology, 387-

Professor, his Autograph, 145

Window the cause of a War, 15

Windsor Castle, 273

Windsor Castle, Tapestry, 387

St. George's Chapel at, 305

Princess Elizabeth's Cottage at, 97

Wish, the Last, 68

Wit and Jokes, 16

Lines on, 152-284

in Season, 249

Witenagemotes, 272

Wolsey, Cardinal, 336-420

Woman, Compliment to, 51

Word, a puzzling one, 245

Wordsworth, W., his Autograph, 145

Worse and Worse, 160

Wrington, the Birthplace of Locke, 289

Writing Ink, 182-246

Wye, Banks of the, 202

Yes, we shall meet again, 68



Petrarch's House, at Arquà.

Infantry at Mess.

A Divided Duty.

Picking your Way.

Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat.

Chichester Cross.

Castle of Vincennes.

Auberge on the Grimsel.

Christ Church, Doncaster.

Strand Cross, Covent Garden, &c. 1547.

Strand from Arundel House, 1700.

Princess Elizabeth's Cottage, Windsor.

Byron's Palace at Venice.

Mount St. Michael, Normandy.

Flint Castle.


Holyrood, Ancient Palace of.

Cowley's House at Chertsey.

Swan River.

Ariosto, Relics of.

Bray Church.

Grotto at Ascot Place.

Kilcolman Castle.

Corfe Castle.



Windsor Castle—George the Fourth's Gateway.

Locke's Birthplace.

Peter the Great, Statue of.

St. George's Chapel, Windsor.

St. George's Hospital.

Dramatic Annual,—Seven Cuts from.

Old House, Southwark.

Ampthill House.

Boroughs—Dunwich, Sarum, Bramber.

Boat House at Virginia Water.


Exeter Hall, Strand.

Hermitage at Frogmore.

Russian Burial-Ground.


We are aware of having already quoted these particulars, from the Spectator newspaper, at page 412 of the Mirror, vol. xvi. but their repetition here is essential to the completeness of the present Memoir. Of Lord Brougham's family, in connexion with Brougham Castle, in Westmoreland, there were many conflicting statements at the period of his lordship's elevation to the peerage towards the close of last year. The Chancellor is said to have had a latent claim as heir-general to the Barony of Vaux, (whose arms are to be seen on the tower of Brougham Castle,) and hence his creation by that title. Some exclusive information, obligingly furnished, (at the Chancellor's request, in reply to our application) by a relative of his lordship, will also be found at length in the Mirror, vol. xvi. but for the reader's convenience we quote its substance: "Before the time of the Norman Conquest, the manor and lordship of Brougham (then called Burgham) were held by the Saxon family of de Burgham, from whom the Lord Chancellor is lineally descended. After the Conquest, William the Norman granted to Robert de Veteripont, or Vipont, extensive rights and territories in Westmoreland; and among others, some oppressive rights of seigniory over the manor of Brougham, then held by Walter de Burgham. To relieve the estate of such services, Gilbert de Burgham, in the reign of King John, agreed to give up absolutely one-third part of his estate to Robert de Veteripont, and also the advowson of the rectory of Brougham. This third comprises the land upon which the castle is built, and the estate afterwards given by Anne Countess of Pembroke, (heiress of Veteripont,) to the Hospital of Poor Widows at Appleby. Brougham Castle, if not built, was much extended by Veteripont; and afterwards still more enlarged by Roger Clifford, who succeeded, by marriage, to the Veteripont possessions. The manor house, about three quarters of a mile from the castle, continued in the Brougham family; and part of it, especially the gateway, is supposed to be of Saxon architecture: at all events, it is the earliest Norman. The chapel is also old, except the roof, which was renewed in the year 1659. In the year 1607, Thomas Brougham, then Lord of the Manor of Brougham, died without issue male, and the estate was sold to one Bird, who was steward of the Clifford family; the heir male of the Brougham family then residing at Scales Hall, in Cumberland. About 1680, John Brougham of Scales, re-purchased the estate and manor of Brougham from Bird's grandson and entailed it on his nephew, from whom it passed by succession to the Lord Chancellor."

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