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The Universe of Nothing II (collection)

Тимур Агаев
The Universe of Nothing II (collection)
Meeting with magicians
Where Altus decides to help them, despite the Council of Mages ' strict ban on contact with other worlds…
The Land of Magicians… a wonderful world that has everything you can wish for. People make up legends about this world, write books, but no one has ever been here before. Only orcs, in search of a Great Magician, sometimes find portals and make their way to these Lands.
There are only Orcs in theUniverse who live on the Land of Orcs, and Ludi who live on the Land of Humans.
The Human land is almost completely destroyed. People – once a very developedcivilization with modern weapons, who lived in large modern cities and megacities. But the human civilization finally fell because of the warriors and their cruelty, and the mountainsof Oda turned into ruins. Now they roam their ruined lands in search of food and hope, like spirits.
Orcs are very hardworking creatures, live in villages, sometimes study human technology (one of the technologies they have studied and improved: the Arcadia automaton), and often fight people for power and land. People who are in search of new lands that have not been destroyed or burned to the ground are invading foreign Lands…
But this is about the Universe of Everything… What the emptiness of the universe hides behind Nothing, no one knows yet. Few people know about its existence, but it exists sooner or later… However, today the story is about magicians.
In the dense forests of the Land of Magi, where ancient trees stretch their branches high into the sky, hiding under the cover of eternal shadow, a young magician named Althus made hisе daily journey. His footsteps were light, as if he was gliding on the ground without touchingе its surface. Every day, he explored the boundaries of his world, trying to understand the nature of the magical barriers that protected their land from outside influence.
This time, however, something was different. Althus felt as if the very ground beneath his feet was vibrating with a hidden tension. Who could it be? He paused, listening to the world around him, trying to catch the source of this strange sensation.
And that's when he heard them.Sweats, soft voices coming from somewhere far away. They sounded uncertain, anxious, as if they belonged to someone who had long since lost all hope. Althus quickened his pace, heading in the direction the sounds were coming from.
A few minutes later, he came to a small clearingеsurrounded by tall trees. There were people huddled together. They lookedеexhausted, their clothes torn and dirty, their faces covered in dust. They werebraves from the Land of Men, wandererswho had left their native lands in search of salvation.
Altus froze, realizingthegravity of the situation. Contact with the inhabitants of other worlds was strictly forbidden bytheCouncil of Magi. Any interference could upset the delicate balance that had been maintained by generations of mages. But looking at these poor people, Althus felt that he could not leave them without help.

Madness and power
As Althus approached the group of refugees, they met him with wary glances. Despite the fact that their world was destroyed by wars and brutality, peopleе still retained the remnants of distrust for everything new and unknown. They wanted to be saved, but they were contradictory by nature.
They looked at the young mage suspiciously, especially when they noticed that he was festooned with strange devices that resembled modern technology.
People at first thought he was a charlatan and did not believe that they were on another land, the Land of Magicians. People asked him how he could think of himself as a magician when he was covered in technology. The magician explained that these technologies do not work due to the work of any mechanisms, but with the help of magic and Great Forces (he did not explain the differences between magic and great forces).
– You're saying we're in the Land of the Magi?" one of the men asked, frowning skeptically. – You look more like an engineer than a magician." How can we believe you?
Althus smiled, understanding their doubts. He knew that the inhabitants of the Land of Men were used to relying on machinery and technology, and the idea of magic might seem absurd to them.
– You're right, I do use some devices, " he said, holding up a hand that glittered with a metal bracelet. – But these things don't workеby mechanical processes, but by magic and great powers. Everythingеyou see around you is created here by magic.
People looked at each other,е ещstill doubtful. One woman, holding a small childеin her arms, asked cautiously:
"If it's true… Then why don't you just show us some magic? So that we вам can believe you and see for sure…
Althus nodded, knowing that a demonstration would be the best way to convince them. He raised his hands and began chanting a spell slowly. A ball of light appeared in the air above his palms, gradually increasing in size until it became a small blue dragonfloating above the clearing.
The refugees gasped as they stepped back. Rebyenok in the woman's arms laughed softly as he held out his hands to the dragon. People looked at Althus with both admiration and fear.
As soon as the humans realized that they had stepped out of their territory, their eyes were filled with both hope and fear – what if the mages didn't accept them now? Although Altus ' kindness certainly calmed them down.
People said that they originally wanted to go to the Land of the Orcs. Altus said that they were lucky to have fallen into the hands of the magicians-on the Land of the Orcs, they would simply have been killed. Those, for some reason, laughed… This seemed strange to Althus, but there was no explanation for this reaction…
History of the Land of Magicians
Which tells about the history of magic,е its sources and possibilities.
"Magic is not just a power that can be used at will," he said. "It requires respect and understanding. We magicians learn to control our abilities so that we don't harm ourselves or others. At least as long as possible, of course… all civilizations strive to preserve their lands… Kind of.
They came to a villageеsurrounded by high walls decorated with magical symbols. The gate opened of its own accord as Althus castеa short spell. The village was quiet and peaceful inside. The houses were built of wood and stone. After another spell, the houses grew up and the village looked like a metropolis.
"The people live hereт мо," Althus continued. —we try to maintain order and harmony by using magic only where necessary. Our elders, members of the Council of Magicians, make sure that no one abuses their powers.
– So you have rules governing the use of magic?"
Althus nodded.
– Violation ofthese rules is strictly punishable. The Mage Council can even strip a mage of their abilities if they become a threat to others. In extreme cases, if a mage refuses to obey,they can be killed.
These words caused a wave of protests among the refugees.еThey realized that this world, although it may seem beautiful, has itsеown hard laws. But Althus continued to tell them, trying to calm them down.
– Don't be afraid. Most magicians use their powers for good. We treat diseases, create and protect our land. However, I still don't know what the elders will say if they find out that you are not magicians, but humans… Maybe I can convince them to accept you into our world.
Altus calmed her down a little. But he was excited, too, and scared. Even though he knew he couldn't do anything else. Or was he just thinking that way to at least justify his stupid act to himself?
– What if we want to go home?" To the Land of Men?
Oh, how Althus wished this was possible…
– Return is not possible… I can't bring people back from the Land of Magicians.
The refugees pondered his words. They could see that Altus genuinely wanted to help them, and they knew they had no other choice. The Human land was destroyed, and returning there would only mean more suffering. Perhaps the Land of Magicians would truly be a new beginning for them.
Magic in the Land of Magicians had deep roots going back to ancient history. Legends said that the first magicians appeared thousands of years ago, when the world was young and full of mysterious powers: magic and Great Powers.
The sources of magiwere diverse. Theydrew strength from nature: trees, rivers, mountains, and even starsе. But at the same time, magicians loved nature and reverently treated it, because they knew that their strength depended on it. But there were also dark magicians that Althus decided not to talk about ahead of time. Dark magicians turned to dark spirits or to dark spells written in ancient books and scrolls. Who wrote them down and who created these scrolls and works – was, unfortunately, unknown. But just the fact that the paper was created from felled trees terrified Light Mages and Grand Mages alike.
The Council of Magicians strictly controlled the use of magic.еSome rules have been established to determine which spells are allowed and which are not. For example, it was forbidden to use magic to kill or harm another creature unless absolutely necessary. Violation of these rules was subject to severe punishment, including the deprivation of magical abilities.
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