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Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z.
2. Tranquillize, assuage, calm, still, quiet, lull, smooth, compose, moderate, hush, quell, lay, allay, soften, soothe, mollify.
Pacing, n. Pace, amble.
Pack, n. 1. Bundle, package, budget, parcel, packet, bale.
2. Burden, load.
3. Collection, assemblage, assortment.
4. Gang, crew, set, knot, band, clan, company, bevy, lot, squad.
Pack, v. a. Compress (into a bundle), put together (in close order).
Package, n. Bundle, budget, parcel, pack, bale, packet.
Packet, n. 1. Package (small).
2. Vessel (for freight and passengers between stated ports).
Packfong, n. [Written also Pakfong.] German silver, white copper.
Pack off, [Active.] Despatch, send off, send away.
Pack off, [Neuter.] Depart, go, start, set out, set off, be off, get off.
Pact, n. Compact, contract, agreement, bargain, covenant, stipulation, convention, concordant.
Pad, n. 1. Cushion.
2. Horse (for the saddle), saddle-horse.
Padisha, n. 1. Shah (of Persia).
2. Sultan (of Turkey), grand-seignor, Turkish emperor.
Pæan, n. Triumphal song.
Pagan, n. Heathen, gentile, idolater.
Pagan, a. Heathenish, heathen.
Paganism, n. Heathenism.
Page, n. Boy-servant (attending a royal or noble personage or a legislature), serving-boy.
Pageant, n. Spectacle, show, display, parade.
Pageantry, n. Show, display, parade, pomp, state, splendor, magnificence, flourish, showing off.
Pain, n. 1. Penalty, punishment.
2. Suffering, distress, ache, pang, torment, torture, anguish, agony, throe, twinge.
3. Uneasiness, disquietude, anxiety, solicitude, care, grief, sorrow, bitterness, affliction, woe, heartache.
Pain, v. a. 1. Torment, torture, rack, agonize, distress, hurt.
2. Disquiet, trouble, afflict, grieve, aggrieve, displease, annoy, plague, bore, harass, vex, worry, tease, chafe, fret, incommode.
Painful, a. 1. Tormenting, torturing, agonizing, racking, distressing, distressful, excruciating.
2. Grievous, afflicting, afflictive, disquieting, troublesome, displeasing, provoking, annoying, vexatious, unpleasant, disagreeable.
3. Toilsome, arduous, difficult, hard, severe.
Pains, n. [Used in the singular number by the best writers.] Labor, care, trouble, toilsome effort.
Painstaking, a. Laborious, sedulous, diligent, industrious, careful, plodding, assiduous, strenuous, hard-working, persevering, sparing no pains.
Painstaking, n. Labor, industry, assiduity, diligence, perseverance, careful toil, conscientious exertion.
Paint, v. a. 1. Represent (by colors).
2. Color (with a pigment), coat with paint.
3. Depict, delineate, describe, sketch, portray, pencil, set forth.
Paint, n. Pigment, coloring matter.
Painting, n. Picture (in colors).
Pair, n. Two (of the same kind or suited to each other), couple, brace, span.
Pair, v. a. & n. Couple.
Pakfong, n. [Written also Packfong.] German silver, white copper.
Palace, n. Stately mansion.
Palatable, a. Savory, delicious, nice, luscious, delicate.
Palate, n. Roof of the mouth.
Palatial, a. Stately, magnificent.
Palaver, n. Twaddle, chatter, balderdash, rigmarole, gibberish, stuff, trash, fudge, nonsense, platitude, moonshine, wish-wash, flummery, jargon, senseless prate, frothy discourse, idle talk.
Pale, a. 1. Pallid, wan, ashy, whitish, colorless, cadaverous, not ruddy.
2. Dim, sombre.
Pale, n. 1. Picket, stake.
2. Enclosure, circuit.
Palfrey, n. Saddle-horse.
Paling, n. Fence (made of pales).
Palingenesia, n. [Gr.] Palengenesis, palengenesy, regeneration, second birth, new birth.
Palengenesis, n. Palingenesia.
Palengenesy, n. Palingenesia.
Palinode, n. Recantation.
Pall, n. Cloak (of state), mantle.
Pall, v. a. 1. Make vapid or insipid.
2. Satiate, cloy, surfeit, sate, glut, gorge, fill to repletion.
Pall, v. n. Become insipid, grow tasteless.
Palladium, n. Bulwark, safeguard, security.
Palliate, v. a. 1. Extenuate, excuse, gloss, apologize for.
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