Полная версия
White Squad
– But it is still a penetration, right? – a colleague questions .
– I would say a selected penetration. And, in particular, a sure and practical satisfaction. Thai balls are to be used anytime and anywhere, even in the bathroom.
On this personal issue, Carminha prefers to refrain from details, but recalls that, until today, the only person in the hospital to whom she confessed her innovations was a beloved patient, the old lady who died after a coronary catheterization. She liked her as if she were her mother and always took the opportunity to amuse her. She appreciated her eccentric humor, her curious eyes and the accent that gave her a prophetic air. The nurse had never forgotten their conversations.
– Sex is the driving force of life. Renews the skin, the cells and even the soul, you know? It is like an exfoliation of the soul, removing the skin and dead residues and creating a new layer instead.
It is true the old woman never doubted the kind nurse´s stories, but expressed concern, with her reticent eyes, at the excesses committed by the "sexually restless" young woman.
– But Carminha, aren't you afraid of being targeted?
– I have a firm position here, I will soon assume a tenure, a lifelong position. Seriously, I do many favors in this hospital, in addition to being very competent.
– You are very dedicated, caring and intensive.
– That is the right term, I see that you are getting the mood. Keep this secret between the two of us. In fact, here I have already “had” everyone, that is, the ones who interested me, only Doc Cock is missing, that's how I call Doctor Conrado. He's the hunkiest and one of the most experienced doctors here at the hospital.
– I am happy for that, Carminha, because it is he who is taking care of me.
– You are in good hands, ma´am.
Noise of hurried heels in the corridor. Roberta and Tatiana arrive. The nurses resume their disguises and promptly get up, each with a last-minute accessory: clipboard, pen and medical record. Carminha is ready to help them while the others look for tasks typical of a stationery counter.
– The patient you are looking for is in the ICU. According to the document, due to a lung injury.
Conrado analyzes the medical records folder for June 2010 and finds what he wants. The Yonne de Champs’ report qualifies the situation as a late complication after surgical intervention: Hospital-acquired infection “With this report and official information, police officer Martins will be at peace!”, He concludes. Conrado recalls that he had been responsible for the coronary catheterization on the seventy-eight-year-old French professor. Miss Yonne was an amusing lady, despite the heavy accent that made her speech harsh. She was an old acquaintance of the employees and even became a character in the hospital, since she had been hospitalized twice for heart attack.
The patient liked to talk to the nurses on duty, who would look forward to her final word on personal matters. Conrado was aware of the comments in the halls that she was Nurse Carminha's favorite patient, “the girls' sexy and delicious sex teacher”. For this reason, he knew that Miss Yonne was amused by Carminha's spicy stories. Once, he was even asked by Renato about this relationship. The patient's son said that, although he was not sure if the stories had a delirium percentage typical of her age, she was very fond of her company. Conrado, who became the family´s doctor, always knew the nurse taught sex classes in the X-ray room and gathered a team of colleagues to communicate the releases of new sexual accessories. Yonne made this comment with natural affection.
– I confess that I love the way Carminha describes the details, she has a talent for writing. It is good to ward off evil spirits, doctor, so I get less concerned with the surgery.
The following morning, Miss Yonne underwent an operation to introduce a pacemaker. She did well in her usual mind lightness. That day she received a yellow rose from an anonymous woman and kept it in a glass of water by the bed. The night went by without surprises until Conrado was called over the phone. The new tests indicated that his patient's platelets had dropped a lot.
Conrado received Renato in his office.
– I do not understand. She was having a spectacular improvement. How could it happen, Conrado?
– I liked her very much, but we cannot predict, even with the hospital taking all precautions in terms of sepsis and bacteria control. What affects the elderly the most? If it were the bacteremia that affects 20 out of every 100 thousand elderly people, according to the WHO, but what happens is that hospital infection is ruthless. Even in this hospital, which is monitored by a Hospital Infection Control Commission and presents rates below 15%, every doctor´s fear happens, in short, that of HI. It is unpredictable, even more so in the elderly. I am terribly sorry.
Conrado comes back to reality with three knocks on the lime green door. Roberta and Tatiana introduce themselves.
– My husband came from Teresópolis. He arrived by rescue helicopter, Dr. Conrado. Why did he go to the ICU?
The mention of the insurance company brand makes an immediate connection in his mind, only remaining to him to explain the case in doctor details.
– It is not about that, ma´am, it is protocol. A transferred patient must stay at the ICU before going to a private room. Mr. João Henrique presents a left lung perforation caused by a crack in one of the ribs. It is necessary to do rates control and a complete patient monitoring, especially in the case of lung injury.
– I believe I understand. He left a hospital and was boarded into a helicopter. On the way, whatever is in the air until he reaches a safe environment ... – says Roberta.
– Exactly, safe. The ICU has all the devices needed to monitor the patient, – Conrado says.
– What is the prevision for him to leave ICU?
– First of all, we will give him a selection of medications to help regenerate the affected lung. I believe that in a few days we will have a conclusive report.
Conrado smiles in order to end the conversation. As soon as they leave, he returns to the death folder. He holds it for minutes, but his mind enters a spectacular phase of erotic dreams.
Tatiana and Roberta leave without saying a word. Their looks understand themselves and await a point of light at the end of the tunnel. They cross the street in irregular steps, and the gloom covers the afternoon.
They sit at a table in a restaurant crowded with executives. Roberta smooths her long brown dyed hair and remembers she hasn't even looked in a mirror for 48 hours. Elegant in navy blue velvet pants and a silk blouse printed in neutral colors, heads for the bathroom. In the background, a man looks at her carefully: a well-defined body for her age, long and firm legs, and a breast lap showing, exuberantly pink. Undoubtedly, a captivating woman with a striking walk crosses the hall.
In the toilet she finds a brunette who looks at her with concern. Roberta wipes her face with a handkerchief, wiping away the tears that fall like lightning rain. It is a storm that passes through the destiny of the well-balanced, brand clothing store manager. Ashamed, she justifies herself in the mirror in front of the stranger.
– This hospital stuff finishes us up. My husband is there.
– My friend too, Junior.
Rosa straightens her hair in a bun. She puts on her “Hollywood star fleeing the paparazzi” glasses, but she can´t hide her distress.
– My friend went for routine exams. He's been my friend since I was a kid, when we played in high school. But what happened to your husband?
– Car accident. In fact, he was hit by a madman in the BR highway. We ran out of gas, he was pushing our car on the road and ... Don't even remind me.
– You´re nervous...
– It is true, possibly the effect of PMS together with remorse. I don't know, lately I've been out of my Earth address.
– Look, believe me. Everything will work out fine.
Rosa says goodbye and leaves, closing the toilet door carefully, ever so lightly like feathers. Roberta washes her face in search of immediate relief as if there could be an island of peace.
Tati looks for a spot in the restaurant to talk to her boyfriend on the cell phone. Ronaldo's voice is calm and rhythmic, which conveys his usual security, but she avoids lingering and looks around for her mother. Ronaldo insists on taking a company jet to Santos Dumont in Rio, but his girlfriend is tough. Controls herself all the time, but there is no more climate for both.
Roberta arrives and Tati hangs up the phone. Random affairs and denial are the artifices most used at this time.
– It was my editor on the phone, next week, the story is mine. – She conceals easily.
– You are so good at what you do, will they give you credit for the article this time?
– It depends on the material and how the final edition will look like. A today news theme forces the journalist to beat the others to the matter.
– It will be all right. – she says, remembering the comment from the girl in the bathroom.
– I already ordered for both of us. Fish fillet with passion fruit sauce, noisette potatoes and arugula salad with Italian tomatoes.
– Waiter, an orange juice.
– And a vodka – insinuates Roberta.
The two laugh in restrained emotion, leaving the waiter confused. At the end of the room, a gray-haired man gives Roberta a wink, and she despises him of the bat. The man realizes his failure but, not a bit shy, throws himself at another victim, a professional sitting at the barman's counter. The woman in a dress glued to the bluish black skin removes her leopard bag from the seat next to her, facilitating his approach.
Rosa approaches a nurse in the middle of a tumultuous corridor crowded with white coats. Her heart goes to her stomach and comes back in a spasm of fear. The employee is in a hurry, but is obliged to attend to her. Lucia is impatient, after all, it is not the task of a head nurse.
– I'm looking for a guy who came in last night, named Gilberto, he was shot.
– A boy named Gil arrived, he is in the infirmary.
– But a shot patient in the infirmary, why?
– Miss, the ICU was full, we only have twenty-six beds. The doctor is examining him now. Are you a relative?
– No, a friend of his. – disguises Rosa.
– Oh, ok, no one has come yet, could you tell the relatives? The emergency phone is this one, call later to get patient information! But for visits, relatives only.
– Was he operated on? Is he reacting? Where was the shot? Is he in any risk of his life? Nurse, Gilberto is like my brother. Please be human, at least that.
– I can only guarantee what's on the file.
Rosa gives up and finds Roberta at the elevator door. They exchange few phrases, pressed by other passengers.
– I need a favor, my friend Junior has no one and if you can give me news, call me, my phone is ...
People are in a hurry. The elevator doors close and take her hope away.
"So... Humanity is worth nothing but a sewer of cruelty and human remains ”, Rosa remembers a verse from her bedside book that fits like a glove.
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