Полная версия
Conflicts in the family
You don't need to kill the good in a friend and trim their wings just because it's a fairly simple activity in terms of energy costs. For this reason, actions that require less effort are performed more often, even if they are negative. A person always wants to fill the void, so he tries to fill it with actions that in turn can affect the other negatively.
Breaking dishes is always easier than making it, creating it. If you want to throw out your emotions on your husband or spouse, it is better to go out into the yard and take a walk, you do not need to respond to the emotional claims of one spouse or spouse, because evil can only give rise to evil. Emotions are always bad, and the worst thing is that they can trigger a violent response in words or even physically.
We must remember that moral violence is the same as violence, and it is not necessary to use it. Words can kill, words can save. Choose the second option.
Different views
People are all different, so different that even with the maximum similarity of two twins, you will not find identical twins in character. And, growing up in the same family, eating the same mother's pies, different children from the same family come to the first grade. If, of course, metaphysically they could be connected, or rather synchronized, so that they arrived at the same time, then the differences will be enormous.
What should I do if this is the case, and what should I do to find a consensus? We need to talk, we need to communicate, because the value of a person, or rather society, and in this case of spouses is that they should complement each other, the shortcomings of one should cover the other, and vice versa. Otherwise, the competition on the topic of who will throw the slippers further often leads to negative consequences.
Different life priorities that can change a person so much that they become a different person. An idea rules the world, so an idea rules a person. If there are no common interests between husband and wife, then you need to look for them. It is generally accepted that a person is always the same as he was twenty years ago.
I will upset you, we change every minute, and more often every day we are different, and sitting on the same bench after lunch in the park, you will come up with different thoughts. And why? Because you have become different, and thoughts are just what drives you.
All the instincts to eat, drink, sleep, and make love-they come and go, although in terms of strength they predominate, because they are controlled by the ancient human brain, bypassing consciousness.
But these instincts just as easily disappear when a person reaches or receives them, and then a person begins to be guided by his inner worldview, his inner attitudes. They just define a good person and a bad one.
I do not want to be scattered in the process of reasoning about the nature of conflict among spouses, because there are different views, but I need to say very important information that the core of a person, its beginnings, they are often unchanged and can only change in stressful situations, such as war, death, illness, bankruptcy, and so on.
Therefore, when choosing a spouse, try to look deep into who they are in fact. If you choose him or her just because you feel good with him or her today, then tomorrow will be tomorrow, and new challenges can change a person beyond recognition, you have no idea.
You wonder why people become criminals if they all went to nurseries and ate the same applesauce when they were kids. In fact, all crimes are a collective product of our society. Because society has allowed it, because the criminal grows up in this society.
As one character in the movie "The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins" used to say, "Your problem is that you haven't met a good person along the way."
It is not necessary to sprinkle ashes on your head, but it is necessary to think about the fact that a loved one will do this or that, depending on what the other is doing. Every action has a consequence, and even inaction has an effect, so choose your words and actions carefully in each other's company.
If we look at different political, religious, metaphysical or some other issues, then, of course, this makes us even more different, which can lead to conflicts, and regular ones at that.
There is nothing worse than conflicts that eat away at your inner strength.
But, as you know, political views are extremely difficult to change, sometimes impossible, so initially you should know each other, who is your ideal or at least what life principles you adhere to. Believe me, this is more important than the fact that you liked the dress given to you yesterday. The dress will wear out, get frayed, and get thrown away, but the idea won't.
Bad habits of the husband
A person attracts bad things to himself better than good things, such is the nature of a person. But everyone knows the existence of useful habits, but it is not customary to talk about them, and therefore they remain out of fashion.
Bad habits of men they differ from the bad habits of women, firstly, because the needs are different. If you have noticed, we have divided the chapter concerning the family into two sub-chapters, where the husband and wife are considered separately.
It is important to understand that the bad habits of men in the modern world do not differ much from the bad habits of women, so the dilemma that requires separation in gender needs, and the realities that have blurred these habits, make you analyze the whole spectrum twice, but with a different view of what is happening.
As you know, different events look completely different from different angles of view.
Smoking occupies a huge number of percentages of those who are addicted to this harmful, absolutely harmful addiction.
Regarding the family budget, this is quite a big damage, so the indignation of the wife is quite justified, and secondhand smoke can kill and kills. You can search for the number of deaths from lung and laryngeal cancer per year in the world yourself, so we will not indicate this here, because the book is intended as a recommendation, not a static one. But the number of deaths from this addiction is huge, killing more than all wars. If you try to understand the meaning of the word "harmful", you will understand that it is formed from the word "ruin".
Alcohol is actually no less terrible means of killing the population, namely killing, because there is no safe dose of alcohol, and it affects the entire body, including not only fertility, but also inheritance on a fairly large scale.
I come from the last century, so I have an idea of what happened in the nineties and what is happening now. If you tell everything on the pages of this book, it will go to the section of criminology and narcology.
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